6. Tổng Hợp Đề Thi Nói Chuyên 2022-2023

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NĂM HỌC 2022-2023

Môn: Tiếng Anh (chuyên)


TOPIC 01: Vietnam is facing many environmental problems, among which are air pollution,
water pollution and deforestation.
Give a talk about ONE of the three problems above.
You may talk about:
- causes of the problem.
- its effects.
- possible solutions to the problem.

Today, I stand before you to shed light on a critical issue that is casting a dark shadow over the
beautiful landscapes of Vietnam – air pollution. While this Southeast Asian nation has made
tremendous strides in economic development and social progress, the burgeoning problem of air
pollution threatens to undermine the well-being of its people and the environment.
Air pollution in Vietnam is primarily attributed to industrial activities, vehicle emissions, and the
burning of fossil fuels. The consequences of this pervasive issue are far-reaching, impacting not only
human health but also the delicate balance of ecosystems and the quality of life for future
First and foremost, let us delve into the impact of air pollution on human health. The pollutants
released into the air, such as particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide
(SO2), pose serious health risks. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants has been linked to
respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and even premature death. Children, the elderly, and
those with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable.
Moreover, air pollution doesn't stop at affecting human health; it also takes a toll on the
environment. Acid rain, a consequence of air pollution, damages soil quality, harms aquatic
ecosystems, and threatens biodiversity. Deforestation and loss of vegetation exacerbate the problem
by reducing the natural capacity of ecosystems to absorb and filter pollutants.
So, what can be done to address this pressing issue? Firstly, we must advocate for and implement
stringent regulations on industrial emissions and vehicular standards. Transitioning to cleaner and
more sustainable energy sources, such as renewables, can significantly reduce the carbon footprint.
Public awareness campaigns and education on the consequences of air pollution are crucial in
fostering a sense of responsibility among citizens.
Community involvement and engagement are equally important. Encouraging the adoption of eco-
friendly practices at both individual and community levels can contribute to mitigating air pollution.
Planting trees, promoting green spaces, and investing in public transportation are effective measures
that can collectively make a substantial impact.
In conclusion, the battle against air pollution in Vietnam requires a collaborative effort from
government bodies, industries, communities, and individuals. By taking decisive action today, we
can pave the way for a cleaner and healthier environment for ourselves and for future generations.
Let us stand together in the fight against air pollution, ensuring that the skies over Vietnam remain
clear and the air remains pure. Thank you.
TOPIC 02: Energy resources (water, oil, coal, gas, etc.) are running out so it is necessary that we
should save energy.
What can we do to save energy?
You may talk about:
- actions of individuals.
- community’s actions.
- government’s actions.
Today, I stand before you to address a matter of utmost urgency and collective responsibility — the
depletion of our vital energy resources. As we witness the dwindling availability of water, oil, coal,
gas, and more, it becomes imperative for us to reflect on our individual, community, and
governmental roles in saving energy and securing a sustainable future for generations to come.
Individual Actions:
1. Conscious Consumption:
 Be mindful of our daily energy consumption. Turn off lights, appliances, and electronic
devices when not in use.
 Opt for energy-efficient appliances and lighting to reduce our individual carbon footprint.
2. Smart Energy Practices:
 Embrace smart home technologies to automate energy-saving practices, such as
programmable thermostats and smart lighting systems.
 Unplug chargers and electronic devices when they are not actively in use, as they continue to
draw energy even in standby mode.
3. Conservation Habits:
 Practice the three Rs — reduce, reuse, and recycle. Minimize waste to decrease the energy
required for production and disposal.
 Invest in proper insulation and weatherization of homes to reduce the need for excessive
heating or cooling.
Community Actions:
1. Education and Awareness:
 Organize community awareness programs, workshops, and campaigns to educate residents
about the impact of individual actions on energy usage.
 Foster a sense of responsibility within the community by promoting energy-saving habits and
2. Shared Initiatives:
 Encourage shared transportation options such as carpooling, biking, and walking to reduce
the overall energy demand for commuting.
 Support local energy initiatives, such as community solar projects or wind farms, to
transition towards renewable energy sources.
3. Green Spaces and Sustainability:
 Promote the creation of community gardens and green spaces. Trees and vegetation
contribute to natural cooling, reducing the need for energy-intensive air conditioning.
 Explore waste-to-energy programs that convert organic waste into energy, fostering a
circular economy.
Government Actions:
1. Regulatory Measures:
 Enforce and update energy efficiency standards for appliances, vehicles, and industrial
processes to ensure the adoption of cleaner technologies.
 Implement strict regulations on emissions from industries and power plants to reduce
environmental impact.
2. Incentives for Renewable Energy:
 Provide financial incentives and subsidies for the development and adoption of renewable
energy sources. Stimulate investment in clean energy technologies.
3. Investment in Infrastructure:
 Invest in energy-efficient public transportation systems and infrastructure, including electric
vehicle charging stations and improved public transit options.
 Develop and enforce policies that encourage responsible energy use across various sectors.
In conclusion, the task of saving energy and preserving our precious resources is a shared
responsibility that extends from individual actions to community initiatives and governmental
policies. By collectively adopting these measures, we can contribute to a more sustainable, resilient
future for our planet. Let us unite in this crucial endeavor and be the stewards of a world that thrives
on the responsible and sustainable use of its finite energy resources. Thank you.

TOPIC 03: Vietnam has many celebrations during a year.

Talk about the one that you like most.
You may talk about:
- what it is.
- what you usually do on that occasion.
- why you like it most.
Today, I am delighted to share with you the beauty and significance of a celebration that holds a
special place in the hearts of many in Vietnam - the Tet, or the Vietnamese New Year.
What Tet is:
Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, is an enchanting celebration deeply rooted in tradition and cultural
symbolism. It marks the beginning of spring, usually falling between late January and early
February based on the lunar calendar. Tet is a time when the Vietnamese people come together to
honor their past, celebrate the present, and embrace the future with hope and optimism.
What I Usually Do on Tet:
1. Family Reunions: The heart of Tet lies in family reunions. On this joyous occasion, families
make a concerted effort to gather, bridging distances and sharing the warmth of togetherness.
2. Traditional Customs: The days leading up to Tet are filled with preparations. Homes are
meticulously cleaned, adorned with vibrant decorations, and fragrant peach blossoms or
kumquat trees, symbolizing prosperity and good luck.
3. Special Foods: Tet brings forth a feast of special foods, each laden with symbolic meaning.
The making and sharing of Banh Chung, a square sticky rice cake, is a cherished tradition
symbolizing the Earth.
4. Lunar New Year's Eve: The eve of Tet holds a magical ambiance. Families come together
for a festive meal, sharing laughter and stories. As the clock strikes midnight, the night sky
lights up with colorful fireworks, symbolizing the casting away of the old year and the
welcoming of the new.
Why I Like Tet the Most:
1. Cultural Richness: Tet is a tapestry of cultural richness, a time when age-old customs and
rituals are upheld with great reverence. The traditions passed down through generations
connect us to our roots, fostering a sense of identity and continuity.
2. Spirit of Togetherness: The emphasis on family during Tet resonates deeply with me. The
act of coming together, sharing meals, and exchanging well-wishes creates a profound sense
of unity and love that transcends the daily hustle and bustle.
3. Symbolism of Renewal: Tet signifies not just the turning of a calendar page but a rebirth of
hope and aspirations. The symbolism of the festival, with its focus on new beginnings,
inspires a positive outlook and a sense of rejuvenation.
4. Joyous Atmosphere: The vibrant and joyous atmosphere that permeates the air during Tet is
truly infectious. From the bustling markets to the laughter-filled family gatherings, Tet
brings with it an unparalleled sense of merriment and camaraderie.
In conclusion, Tet is more than a celebration; it is a cultural treasure, a tapestry woven with threads
of tradition, family, and hope. The joy it brings, the customs it upholds, and the optimism it instills
make Tet a celebration that resonates deeply within my heart. Let us continue to embrace and
cherish the beauty of Tet, fostering a sense of unity and celebration in our communities. Thank you.

TOPIC 04: Recently, teenagers’ health has been significantly affected by their bad eating habits.
Suggest some good eating habits for them to follow in order to be healthier.
You may talk about:
- common bad eating habits of teenagers
- good eating habits to follow and how to maintain them
- any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Today, I would like to address a growing concern that has been affecting the health of many
teenagers - their eating habits. In an age where fast food and convenience often take precedence, it's
crucial for teenagers to adopt good eating habits to ensure not just physical well-being but also long-
term health. Let's delve into some common bad eating habits and explore ways to foster healthier
Common Bad Eating Habits of Teenagers:
1. Excessive Junk Food Consumption: Fast food, sugary snacks, and sodas have become
staples in many teenagers' diets, leading to a lack of essential nutrients and an excess of
unhealthy ones.
2. Skipping Meals: With busy schedules and commitments, teenagers often skip meals,
compromising their nutritional intake and affecting their energy levels.
3. Inadequate Water Intake: Dehydration is a common issue among teenagers who may opt
for sugary beverages instead of water, impacting not only their hydration but also overall
Good Eating Habits to Follow and How to Maintain Them:
1. Balanced Meals:
 Prioritize a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins,
whole grains, and dairy or dairy alternatives.
 Aim for colorful meals; different colors often indicate a diverse range of nutrients.
2. Regular and Nutrient-Rich Snacking:
 Instead of reaching for chips or candies, opt for healthier snacks like fresh fruit,
yogurt, nuts, or whole-grain crackers.
 Prepare snack portions in advance to avoid impulsively grabbing unhealthy options.
3. Hydration:
 Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day. Carry a reusable water bottle
to make it convenient to stay hydrated.
 Limit sugary drinks and caffeinated beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration.
4. Meal Planning:
 Take time to plan meals and snacks for the week. This not only ensures a balanced
diet but also prevents resorting to unhealthy last-minute choices.
5. Mindful Eating:
 Avoid distractions while eating, such as watching TV or using smartphones. Eating
mindfully promotes better digestion and helps prevent overeating.
6. Regular Meals:
 Make an effort to have regular meals, including breakfast. Skipping meals can lead to
fatigue and poor concentration.
Relevant Examples:
I've come across numerous success stories where teenagers have transformed their eating habits
positively. For instance, incorporating simple yet nutritious recipes into their daily routines, such as
smoothie bowls with a variety of fruits and nuts, or choosing whole-grain options instead of refined
I've also witnessed the positive impact of community initiatives and educational programs that
empower teenagers with the knowledge and skills to make healthier food choices. These programs
often provide practical cooking demonstrations, nutrition workshops, and promote the joy of
preparing meals using fresh, wholesome ingredients.
In Conclusion:
In fostering healthier eating habits, let us encourage our teenagers to view food not just as fuel but as
a source of nourishment for their growing bodies and minds. By making informed choices and
adopting positive eating habits, they can pave the way for a healthier and more fulfilling future.
Together, as a community, let's support and guide our teenagers toward choices that nourish their
bodies and contribute to a lifetime of well-being. Thank you.
Question 05: If you had a chance, what country (or province in Vietnam) would you like to visit
on this summer holiday?
You may talk about:
- the country (or province in Vietnam) you want to visit
- why you like to visit that country/ province (places of interest/ tourist attractions, culture, customs,
As we stand on the threshold of the upcoming summer holiday, the allure of distant lands and new
experiences beckons. If I were to express a desire to visit a country this summer, it would
undoubtedly be the enchanting province of Hoi An in Vietnam.
Hoi An - A Jewel in Vietnam's Cultural Tapestry:
Why Hoi An?
Hoi An, situated in the Quang Nam Province of Vietnam, is a destination that encapsulates the
essence of the country's rich history, vibrant culture, and picturesque landscapes. There are several
reasons why I am drawn to this captivating province.
Cultural Riches:
Hoi An, with its well-preserved Ancient Town, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that transports
visitors back in time. The town is adorned with charming traditional architecture, ancient temples,
and historic houses that reflect the diverse influences of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese cultures.
Timeless Beauty:
The architecture of Hoi An is a stunning blend of different eras, featuring wooden shop-houses,
tiled-roof buildings, and colorful lanterns adorning the streets. The town comes alive in the evenings
with thousands of lanterns illuminating the streets and the Thu Bon River, creating a magical and
romantic atmosphere.
Culinary Delights:
Hoi An is renowned for its delectable cuisine, which is a harmonious fusion of flavors from various
regions. From the iconic Cao Lau noodles to the mouth-watering Banh Mi, the culinary journey in
Hoi An promises to be a treat for the taste buds.
Artisanal Crafts:
The province is known for its skilled artisans, particularly in traditional crafts such as lantern
making, silk weaving, and pottery. Visiting the local workshops provides a glimpse into the
meticulous craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations.
Hospitable Locals:
The warmth and friendliness of the locals in Hoi An contribute significantly to its charm. Engaging
with the community allows for a more immersive experience, providing insights into the daily lives
and traditions of the people.
Closing Thoughts:
In conclusion, the allure of Hoi An lies not just in its breathtaking landscapes and architectural
wonders but also in the palpable sense of history and cultural richness that permeates the air. As we
embark on the journey of exploration, let us keep in mind that travel is not just about visiting places;
it's about embracing new cultures, understanding diverse perspectives, and creating memories that
last a lifetime.
Whether it's the lantern-lit evenings, the tantalizing flavors of local cuisine, or the immersive
cultural experiences, Hoi An stands as a testament to the diverse and captivating tapestry that
Vietnam has to offer. So, as the summer holiday approaches, I invite you to consider the wonders of
Hoi An and embark on a journey that promises not just relaxation but a deep appreciation for the
cultural treasures that make our world so beautifully diverse. Thank you.

TOPIC 06: Each student has his/her own ways of learning English.
What have you done to improve one (or more) of your English skill(s)?
You may:
- talk about one (or more) English skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing)
- include your own experience/ methods/ suggestions/ etc.
Today, I am eager to share with you my personal journey in enhancing my English skills, focusing
particularly on the art of speaking. English, as a global language, offers a myriad of opportunities for
communication, and honing one's speaking skills is crucial for effective interaction and expression.
My Focus on Improving Speaking Skills:
Why Speaking Skills Matter:
Effective communication is not just about having a robust vocabulary or grammatical precision; it's
about the ability to articulate thoughts, engage in conversations, and convey ideas with clarity.
Hence, I recognized the significance of refining my speaking skills to navigate various linguistic
My Experience:
1. Engaging in Conversations:
 Actively participating in conversations, whether in person or online, has been
fundamental. Engaging in discussions with native speakers and fellow learners
provided me with exposure to diverse accents, expressions, and vocabulary.
2. Language Exchange Programs:
 Participating in language exchange programs has been an invaluable experience.
Connecting with native English speakers who were eager to learn my native language
allowed for a reciprocal exchange of linguistic knowledge.
3. Utilizing Language Learning Apps:
 Leveraging language learning apps that focus on speaking exercises and
pronunciation has been a helpful addition to my routine. These apps often provide
interactive exercises and feedback, enhancing my spoken language skills.
Methods and Suggestions:
1. Regular Practice:
 Consistency is key. Regular, daily practice has proven to be more beneficial than
sporadic, intensive study sessions. Short, focused practice sessions contribute
significantly to improvement.
2. Feedback Seeking:
 Seeking feedback from teachers, language partners, or even online language
communities has been instrumental. Constructive criticism allows for targeted
improvement and a deeper understanding of areas that need focus.
3. Immersive Learning:
 Immerse yourself in the language. Watching English movies, TV shows, or listening
to podcasts can expose you to different accents, colloquial expressions, and various
communication styles.
Closing Thoughts:
In conclusion, the journey to improve one's English-speaking skills is a dynamic and rewarding
endeavor. It's not just about following a set curriculum but embracing a holistic approach that
involves active engagement, regular practice, and a willingness to learn from diverse sources.
As we embark on our individual language learning journeys, let us remember that progress is a
gradual process, and each step taken brings us closer to mastery. The ability to communicate
effectively in English opens doors to new opportunities, enriches cultural understanding, and fosters
connections across borders.
So, let us be fearless in our pursuit of language proficiency, knowing that every word spoken is a
step forward in our journey of learning and growth. Thank you.

TOPIC 07: Traditionally, in a family men were breadwinners (who went out to work) while
women were housewives. Nowadays, both men and women are working parents and share the
household chores.
Do you think this is a positive change? Why/ Why not?
You may:
- state your opinion (Is this a positive change?).
- give the reasons for your answer.
- include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Today, I would like to address a significant societal shift that has redefined traditional family roles:
the evolution from the notion of men solely being breadwinners and women confined to
homemaking, to a contemporary paradigm where both men and women actively participate in the
workforce and share household responsibilities. In my perspective, this transformation is undeniably
a positive change, fostering equality, shared responsibilities, and stronger familial bonds.
Is this a Positive Change?
Reasons for My Answer:
1. Equality and Gender Inclusivity:
 Embracing the idea that both men and women can contribute to both the professional and
domestic spheres promotes equality. It dismantles outdated gender stereotypes and fosters an
environment where skills, ambitions, and aspirations are not bound by traditional
2. Shared Responsibilities:
 The shift toward dual-income households and shared responsibilities ensures a fair
distribution of the burdens and joys of daily life. Both partners have the opportunity to
pursue their careers and personal interests while actively contributing to the well-being of the
3. Economic Empowerment:
 The participation of women in the workforce contributes not only to the financial stability of
the family but also to the economic empowerment of women. This empowerment brings
about a positive ripple effect, influencing societal attitudes and expectations.
4. Role Modeling for Children:
 Children raised in an environment where both parents share responsibilities witness firsthand
the principles of equality and cooperation. This, in turn, nurtures a generation that is more
likely to embrace and propagate these values in their own lives.
5. Flexibility and Adaptability:
 Modern life is dynamic and often unpredictable. Families benefit from the flexibility and
adaptability that come with shared responsibilities. Both partners can navigate challenges
and changes more effectively when they are actively involved in all aspects of family life.
Relevant Examples:
In numerous societies across the globe, we see inspiring examples of couples who have embraced
this change and are thriving as a result. Shared responsibilities not only strengthen the bond between
partners but also contribute to the personal growth and fulfillment of each individual within the
family unit.
In my knowledge base, I've encountered stories of couples who, by redefining traditional roles, have
created environments where both partners can pursue their passions, achieve professional success,
and raise well-rounded, empathetic children.
Closing Thoughts:
In conclusion, the shift from traditional family roles to a more egalitarian model, where both men
and women contribute to both work and home life, is a positive and transformative change. It aligns
with the principles of equality, shared responsibilities, and adaptability, fostering healthier, more
resilient families and contributing to the broader narrative of societal progress.
As we continue on this journey of societal evolution, let us celebrate and encourage the diversity of
family structures and roles, recognizing that the strength of a family lies not in conformity to
tradition but in its ability to adapt, support, and nurture the well-being of each member. Thank you.

TOPIC 08: Imagine you were doing your dream job.

Talk about your own targets for the job and things you would be doing to meet those targets.
(targets for the job: what you try to achieve/get when you are doing your job)
You may talk about:
- what your dream job is.
- your targets for the job when you’re doing it.
- things you do to meet your own targets (when you are doing the job).
In the ethereal skies of my dreams, I find myself living out my passion as a flight attendant, ensuring
the safety, comfort, and delightful experience of those aboard the aircraft. This dream job is not just
about traversing the globe; it's about creating an atmosphere of warmth, efficiency, and care at
30,000 feet above, turning each flight into a memorable journey.
My Dream Job:
In my dream job, I work as a flight attendant for a prestigious international airline. Beyond the
glamour associated with the role, I see it as an opportunity to be a crucial link in the travel
experience, transforming flights into seamless and enjoyable adventures.
Targets for the Job:
1. Passenger Safety and Comfort:
 My primary target is to ensure the safety and well-being of passengers. This involves not
only responding to emergencies with precision but also creating an environment where
passengers feel secure and comfortable throughout the journey.
2. Exemplary Customer Service:
 Exemplary customer service is a constant target. I aim to go beyond the expectations of
passengers, providing not only efficient service but also warm and personalized interactions
that leave a positive and lasting impression.
3. Efficient Cabin Operations:
 Ensuring the smooth operation of the cabin is crucial. My target is to contribute to the
efficiency of the flight by coordinating with the cabin crew, communicating effectively with
the cockpit, and handling logistics seamlessly.
4. Positive Brand Representation:
 As a representative of the airline, my target is to embody the brand values and contribute to a
positive brand image. I aim to create an experience that reflects the airline's commitment to
excellence and customer satisfaction.
Things I Do to Meet My Targets:
1. Rigorous Safety Training:
 Safety is non-negotiable. I undergo rigorous safety training to ensure that I am well-prepared
to handle emergencies, operate safety equipment, and guide passengers in evacuation
procedures with calm and efficiency.
2. Customer Service Training:
 Exceptional customer service requires training and dedication. I continuously invest in
improving my customer service skills, learning to anticipate passenger needs, and handling
diverse situations with grace and professionalism.
3. Effective Communication:
 Communication is key in aviation. I prioritize effective communication with both passengers
and the cabin crew, ensuring that information is conveyed accurately and promptly,
contributing to a smooth and well-coordinated flight experience.
4. Cultural Sensitivity:
 Recognizing the diversity of passengers, I make an effort to be culturally sensitive and
aware. This includes understanding different cultural norms, customs, and preferences to
ensure that every passenger feels respected and valued.
5. Personal Wellness:
 Maintaining personal wellness is crucial in a profession that involves irregular schedules and
long flights. I prioritize adequate rest, a balanced diet, and regular exercise to ensure that I
am physically and mentally prepared for the demands of the job.
Closing Thoughts:
In conclusion, my dream job as a flight attendant is not just about serving in the air; it's about
creating an experience that transcends the journey itself. By setting targets that prioritize safety,
customer service excellence, efficient cabin operations, and positive brand representation, I aspire to
contribute to a world where air travel is not just a means of transportation but a delightful and
memorable adventure.
As we soar through the skies together, let us remember that each flight is an opportunity to connect,
create joy, and contribute to the collective experience of exploration and discovery. Thank you for
flying with us.

TOPIC 09: Nowadays, living conditions have been improved a lot so teenagers do not have to
worry about their quality of life. However, they are still under a lot of stress and pressure.
What are the reasons behind this? Suggest some possible solutions.
You may talk about:
- reasons why teenagers are under stress and pressure.
- some possible solutions.
- relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience (if any).
Today, I'd like to address a concern that transcends the apparent comforts of modern living – the
escalating stress and pressure faced by teenagers in our society. While it's true that advancements
have improved living conditions, our adolescents find themselves navigating a complex web of
challenges that impede their well-being. Let's delve into the reasons behind this issue and explore
some possible solutions.
Reasons Behind Teenage Stress and Pressure:
1. Academic Burden:
 The relentless pursuit of academic excellence often places an overwhelming burden on
teenagers. Pressure to excel in exams, secure a spot in prestigious institutions, and meet
parental expectations can lead to excessive stress.
2. Social Media Influence:
 The pervasive influence of social media exacerbates societal pressures. Teenagers, constantly
exposed to curated versions of others' lives, may develop unrealistic expectations, fostering
feelings of inadequacy and a fear of missing out (FOMO).
3. Peer Pressure:
 The desire to conform to societal norms and peer expectations can be immense. Whether it's
conforming to appearance standards or succumbing to unhealthy behaviors, peer pressure
adds an additional layer of stress.
4. Uncertain Future:
 The uncertainty surrounding the future, including career choices and societal expectations,
can induce anxiety. Teenagers often grapple with the pressure of making life-altering
decisions at a young age.
Possible Solutions:
1. Promote Mental Health Education:
 Integrate mental health education into the curriculum, fostering awareness and providing
coping mechanisms for stress. Normalizing discussions about mental health reduces stigma
and encourages seeking help when needed.
2. Encourage Balanced Lifestyles:
 Advocate for a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes not only academic achievement but also
physical activity, hobbies, and social interactions. Encouraging teenagers to find a healthy
equilibrium promotes overall well-being.
3. Social Media Literacy Programs:
 Implement programs that enhance social media literacy, teaching teenagers to discern
between reality and the curated images presented online. This empowers them to develop a
healthier relationship with social media.
4. Supportive School Environments:
 Foster supportive school environments that prioritize student well-being. Establish
counseling services, peer support groups, and mentorship programs to provide a safety net
for teenagers facing challenges.
Relevant Examples:
In my own experience, I've witnessed the positive impact of schools that prioritize mental health.
Institutions that integrate mindfulness practices, mental health awareness campaigns, and support
services create an environment where students feel heard and understood.
Moreover, community-driven initiatives that involve parents, teachers, and mental health
professionals working collaboratively have proven effective. By fostering open communication
channels, we can address the root causes of stress and pressure, providing a comprehensive support
system for teenagers.
Closing Thoughts:
In conclusion, while the quality of life for teenagers has improved, the invisible weight of stress and
pressure persists. By acknowledging the multifaceted nature of the problem and implementing
solutions that prioritize mental health, balanced lifestyles, and supportive environments, we can pave
the way for a generation that not only thrives academically but also enjoys the journey of self-
discovery without the burden of excessive stress.
Let us work together to create a society where our teenagers can blossom into resilient, well-rounded
individuals, ready to face the challenges of the future with confidence and grace. Thank you.

TOPIC 10: The Internet has played a more and more important role in human life. However, it
has recently been filled with fake news.
Give a talk about this issue and suggest some possible solutions.
You may talk about:
- reasons why people spread fake news.
- negative impacts of fake news on people.
- some solutions in order to reduce the spread of fake news.
Today, let us address a pressing concern that has surfaced with the rise of the digital age – the
proliferation of fake news on the internet. While the internet has undoubtedly revolutionized the way
we access information, the recent surge in misinformation threatens the very foundation of an
informed and discerning society. Let's delve into the reasons behind the spread of fake news,
understand its negative impacts, and explore potential solutions to mitigate this growing issue.
Reasons Behind the Spread of Fake News:
1. Misinformation for Personal Gain:
 Some individuals and entities intentionally spread fake news to achieve personal, political, or
financial gains. Fabricated stories can be used to manipulate public opinion, advance specific
agendas, or even generate revenue through clickbait.
2. Lack of Media Literacy:
 A significant portion of the population lacks the necessary media literacy skills to critically
evaluate information. In an era where anyone can be a content creator, consumers may
struggle to distinguish between reliable sources and misinformation.
3. Confirmation Bias:
 Social media algorithms often contribute to the spread of fake news by reinforcing users'
existing beliefs. People tend to share information that aligns with their views, creating echo
chambers that perpetuate misinformation.
Negative Impacts of Fake News:
1. Undermining Trust in Information Sources:
 The prevalence of fake news erodes trust in traditional and online information sources. When
individuals cannot differentiate between credible and false information, the very fabric of an
informed society begins to unravel.
2. Social Division and Polarization:
 Fake news has the power to fuel social division and political polarization. Manipulative
narratives can sow discord, leading to a fractured society where misinformation becomes a
barrier to constructive dialogue.
3. Public Safety Concerns:
 In certain situations, fake news can have severe consequences for public safety. From health
misinformation during a pandemic to false reports triggering panic, the repercussions of
unchecked fake news can be far-reaching.
Possible Solutions to Reduce the Spread of Fake News:
1. Media Literacy Education:
 Implement comprehensive media literacy education programs in schools and communities.
Equip individuals with the skills to critically evaluate information, identify reliable sources,
and discern between fact and fiction.
2. Transparency and Accountability:
 Advocate for transparency and accountability in online platforms. Encourage social media
companies to implement measures that clearly label misinformation, disclose the sources of
information, and penalize purveyors of fake news.
3. Fact-Checking Initiatives:
 Support and promote fact-checking organizations that actively verify information and
debunk falsehoods. Collaborate with these organizations to disseminate accurate information
and counteract the spread of fake news.
4. Promote Responsible Sharing:
 Encourage responsible sharing habits among internet users. Promote a culture of verifying
information before sharing it, emphasizing the importance of accuracy over the speed of
Closing Thoughts:
In conclusion, as we navigate the vast landscape of the internet, it is imperative that we confront the
menace of fake news with urgency and determination. By addressing the root causes, promoting
media literacy, and holding platforms accountable, we can foster an online environment where
accurate information prevails, and trust is restored in the digital age.
Let us work together to create a future where the internet, a remarkable tool for knowledge and
connectivity, serves as a beacon of truth rather than a breeding ground for misinformation. Thank

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