WGC ConflictPeace GO VocabChart Final Form

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Conflict and Peace

Graphic Organizer

Fill out the Vocabulary chart below for the vocabulary term border.

Under the “Definition” section, look up the word or term in the dictionary and record the dictionary definition in the
appropriate space. Then, write your own personal definition for the word or term.

Under the “Sentences” section, write the sentence from the Core Interactive Text (CIT) that includes the word or term. Be
sure to include the first instance—or first sentence—in which the word or term is used. Then, create your own personal
sentence that includes the word or term.

Under the “Examples” section, create a drawing that represents the word or term. Another option is to provide a written
example of the word, such as a written description or explanation of the word in the context of a certain situation.

Under the “Related” section, think of words that are related to the key word or term and write down those words. For
example, if sports is the key term, you might include the following related words: basketball, soccer, baseball, and

Under the “Word Parts” section, identify the different word parts that make up the word or term. For example, the word
cultural comes from the word culture. Culture, then, would be a word part for cultural.

Finally, under the “Outside of School” section, consider how the word or term would be used in a real-life situation. Write
about who might use this word outside of school, and how a person would use it.

Discovery Education Techbook © Discovery Communications, LLC 1

Conflict and Peace
Graphic Organizer

Definition Examples (drawn or written):

- Personal:

- Dictionary:


Sentences Border Related: Word Parts:

- Teacher/Book:

- Personal:

Outside of School (Who would use the word? How would he or she use it?):

Discovery Education Techbook © Discovery Communications, LLC 2

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