Full DMAIC Audit

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Full Audit/Coach for DMAIC Team

PLANT: Team Leader:

Audit Date: 12/5/2023 Planned Steps D D D M A A A A A I C C
Actual Steps Target score

Target Max WEEKS

Items Criteria Score score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
D Documentation of team members on a form
Are team members listed and published?
on the FI Project Board (1)

Have team members all been assigned roles Documentation of Team member
within the team (including deputy leader and responsibilities on the team form and 100
board owner) ? evidence of responsibilities exercised (1)

Team meeting schedule documented and

Is the meeting schedule clear and have team
evidence of at least 4 team meetings with
members been made available to attend and
signatures of participants - 90% attendance
participate ?

A specific problem statement: What specific

Is it clear why this loss was targeted (with a loss was selected(1), Why this project was
Problem clear link to the important KPI) recorded on selected (1), what success will mean to the
the team charter ? bottom line of the plant(1), Time frame of
Have we captured the loss with pictures of Picture evidence of problem at the location
what it looks like and where it happens ? of the source of the loss(1)

Is the historical data (timeframe and actual A chart of the specific data during a clearly
value) clearly shown and is data available so defined time frame that will be used to create
we can set a target based on best previous a reliable baseline for determining the results
performance ? of project actions(1)
On the chart with the Basline data there is a
Is the performance indicator's target forecast\target section with the $ value of the
(timeframe and value) clearly shown? targeted reduction and the time frame of the
project is defined in the horizontal axis(1)

There is a Deployment plan defining weekly

Route and Master Plan Is the project plan updated and used? activity to reach the above stated target(1) 80
and is up to date(1)
M Is there a page to explain the stratification of Pareto analysis of losses/wastes/costs that
data down to the loss we are focusing on steered the team to the selected loss
(pareto) ? project(1)

Pareto Has the pareto chart indicating the strategy

of which loss mode(s) are to be attacked, The pareto(s) define a specific mode to be
been completed ? Do measures of the key targeted, the data is reliable, data points
Measure issues from pareto exist? Are the measures defined(1)

The chart is up to date through the current

Is the trend chart kept up to date ?
KPI Trends or spikes(up or down) are
Are key upward and downward trends 70
highlighted(2) explanation on the chart in
labelled with a call-out to explain the trend ?
Available score

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Target Max WEEKS

Items Criteria Score score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Has the loss phenomena being defined with Loss/Waste has been defined through
drawings and simple laws/parameters to physical laws or diagrams (Process flows
explain how it occurs (where applicable) ? etc) to show how it occurs (1)
Have 'input measures' that influence the Pressures, Temperatures, settings, etc. that
Phenomena phenomena been set up ? affect outcome defined(1)

Are daily meetings occurring to review the

Evidence of daily meetings of SOME team
previous 24 hour performance and ensure
members, action registers and tasks
anomalies to standards are all correctly
completed in a timely manner(1)
captured ?
A 4M Analysis (Fishbone) has been
Has root cause analysis been completed on
completed with 5 Why Analysis of the most
the losses ?
important legs(1)

Has the correct approach for analysis (5

The analysis has been performed properly;
why, PM analysis, mapping) been applied ?
Root Cause Analysis evidence of deep thought and team
(use the check column to eliminate possible
causes) 90

Are the root causes clearly defined and do Countermeasures are possible for correction
they 'prompt' a countermeasure ? or improvement of the process(1)

Are corrective actions clearly visible with Corrective actions have been documented
target completion dates ? and time stamped for completion(1)

Is there person assigned responsibility for Individuals assigned to corrective action

every action? completion(1)

Are the majority of the actions completed on Corrective actions have been completed
target? during targetted time frame(1)

Are preventive actions clearly visible with Preventive measures have been defined and 80
target completion dates ? time stamped for completion(1)

Is there person assigned responsibility for Individuals assigned to preventive measure

every action? completion(1)

Are the majority of the actions completed as Preventive actions have been completed
targeted? during targeted time frame(1)

Was the countermeasure ladder used to Training(1), OPL's used(1), Audits used(1),
Improve ensure that we have defined the best and Error proofing used(1), Automation\
most permanent countermeasures Elimination(1)

For each main action have we captured the Actions captured in OPL format(1),
Standards improvement in a OPL ? organized for retrievel(1)
A Sign-Off process utilized for 70
Is there a training matrix for the OPLs/ documentaion of training(1), Training
procedures used and is there a plan of Process documented(1), Evidence of
training affected personnel? understanding the training; associate
interviews, etc.(1)


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Target Max WEEKS
Items Criteria Score score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Is the trend of the performance indicator Positive trend toward goal(5), improvements
positive and the link from main on chart documented in words and linked to
improvement actions implemented to results actions taken(1 point for each action taken 30

achieved clear on the KPI chart with a call showing improvement in performance up to 100
Results out ? 10)

Has the team achieved its goal or made 2 pts for each 10% improvement to goal
substantial progress toward the goal? achieved(10), Achieved Goal(5)
Available score - - - - - - - - - - - -
Have we linked the improvement to a
system that will check that ensures the new Controls have been documented in the
standard will be followed - e.g. PM system(1), Evidence of systematic checks(1)
system/layered audit

Control Clearly defined trigger points\ranges(1),

Have we agreed clear trigger points for documented on Control form(2), corrective 20
reaction if the measure goes out of control ? actions for trigger exception(1), Preventive
actions for trigger exception(1) 90

Clearly defined trigger actions(1), personal

responsibility assigned for actions(1),
Is it clear who does what in the event of a
evidence of corrective action for trigger
trigger being breached ?
exception(1), evidence of preventive action
for trigger exception(1)

Trigger Management Corrective actions documented(1),

Is the corrective and preventive action
Implemented(1), Preventive measures
recorded and implemented successfully ?
documented(1), Implemented(1)

Replication matrix with 10

IS there a plan for replication of the main Countermeasures,OPL's, SOP's listed(1),
countermeasures to other areas where they Replication matrix color-coded to Std 80
may apply (machines/'M's etc.) format(1), Evidence of actual replication
taking place(1)
Training matrix standard format(1), training
Is there a training matrix for the
subjects (opl's, etc.) listed(1), Process in
countermeasures and is there a plan of
place(1), evidence of training actually
training affected personnel?
Available score 0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Is the DMAIC method well understood by Completed each step of the DMAIC process
group members? (1 pt per section D,M,A,I,C)

Can a group member explain the activity Each team member explains sections of the
People board? board without assistance(1 pt per member)
Involvement -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Are meetings well organized and is Agenda for meeting(1), Agenda followed 70
attendance at expected levels? and documented(1), Consistent meetings(1)
Available score 0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Target 0 10 16 32 40 51 51 54 54 72 85 100 106 Check

Milliken & Company Confidential 12/05/2023 Page 3

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