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Sap No sty Language in context in re) ent X futul Present Continuous (pres' ener, wanda. Read it and decide iy, 1. Inthe comic strip below. Zoe talks Pane ‘ne answers iN YOUT Notebog, * : i statements are T (True) or F (False) ae rT oon INULE, BETHANY 1S as Because 1M uns 8 208 NOT INVITED. ery f THIS FEW. (Gry | a) Bethany is probably one of Zoe's classmates. s-comingiédcaiataansn | b)_ A boy-girl party is a party for boys and girls. crises: plural de crisis (crise) keep: permanecer c) Zoe is going to Bethany’s party. luck: sorte i il oto boy-girlparties. Party: festa 4d) Wanda thinks Zoe will never goto boy-gil p PETIT on ' Read again: “Bethany is having a boy-girl party , this Friday,” and answer the questions below in your notebook. i a) A forma verbal destacada esté | Simple Present (I do). IL. no Present Continuous (!. am doing). ») A forma verbal refere-se a um fato: I. que esté ocorrendo no momento da fala I. que ainda vai ocorrer. Based on what you have observed, com 7 7 | answers in your notebook. mete the explanation. write down WY Além de ser utilizado com referé s Ncia também pode sereferrafatos ¢. Geraime tes oo resente, o Present oxi para 0 @ préximo, por isso é eralmente, Mbinagdes ou Pl ane - ele expressa combi fagdes ou planes next week, tonight, etc. Exemplos: “Be Are you working tomorrow? i is/ner future plans and write 4. Join up a classmate. Ask questions about his/her a down in your notebook his/her answers using the Present Continuous. Look at the example, thie afternoon? tonight? What doit ane tomorrow? next weekend? Be going to: future 5. Read again one of the iar ry entries from Text 2, on page 34, and answer the questions in your notebook. “T-] How am | ever going to get over him?! It hurts to know he has a girlfriend! My heart hurts. 1 [eel lke 'm dying! What am I going to do? No one will ever be able to fl this void in my heart, ur a) Levando em conta o resto do texto, que resposta vocé daria a islat4c4664e707 |. Relax. You are going to get overt in a week. | You're right. You are never going to get over Aaron Carter. ») Por esses exemy los, voc8 deduz que a expressao be going to é empregada com referénci |. 20 passado, Il. a0 presente, I. a0 futuro, 6. Complete the explanation in your notebook. Aexpressao be going planos @: 'm going to the movies. What are you going to do now? | think it isn’t going to rain today. ‘e pode ser usada para expressar intengbes, previsbes ou | Nalinguagem informal, € muito comu fo ida rt m que euse a forma contraida gana no luge de gi. exemplo,o titulo destas canes “a por | {TSS tpmabeme’ do gupo “NSYNC (ts going to be me, | 77Teime what ae goma do now’ oats tne (Tell me what we're going to do now) ELE the one written by Anne Fran jiary of alltime 'S expressions a Zt aries stoan complet etext with the words ie inyour Tatebene ah is iene about that book. Write down the eee - (Nazis tegoing to (ae) women realy acing to zi 3 te concentration story 's going fo girl The Diary of Anne Frank: Introduction Welcome to one ofthe most famous andinfiential books ever published, It’s written by an icon and hero of the 20th century ~ one of the most influential @ of all time. The author fiteen-yearod named Anne Frank The book? Her ay ‘Yup. Tiss easily the most famous dary ever kept. This diary isthe @ of Anne ~ a young Jewish gt and aspiring writer in hiding from the @. When her familys hiding pace (the Seoret Annex) as raided, Anne and her family were imprisoned in @ camps] Fair warning: this book wll bing you to tears. I keep you up at right. tl give you al th feelings possible~you @ laugh at Anne's biting wit and then be furious that her life was cut short by Nazism. You @ feel her claustrophobia, her hope, and her fear.) Oh yeah. And you lke Anne I's impossible not to, ‘valable at>. Accessed an De. ‘Suppressions for pedagogical purposes mare wi Glossy biting wit: humor deido Eien tae ea ee claustrophobia: claustrofobia, meio fazor uma vista vival a anexo secret (‘the Secret, incémodo gerado por lugares fechados Annex’), 0 esconderio onde Anne, sua familia @ outras hope: eee ‘Pessoas viveram durante @ ocupacao nazista na Holanda. ‘Jewish: do judaismo, ou relacionado a ‘© enderego do site & (acesso em: essa religiéo ‘24 pu. 2018) as informagbes estdo disponiveis em varios idiomas, raided: invadido indus tle pri i In your notebook, answer the questions about the text you just read. 2) Qual é 0 objetivo desse texto? |. Resumir o diério de Anne Frank de forma objetiva II. Apresentar a obra e estimular o leitor a Ié-la, ©) Nese texto, @ expressdo be going to ¢ utlizada para expressar: |. intengées. Il. previsdes. MM, planos. )_Discuta com o professor e os colegas: por que 0 uso da expressa ing to, 62" ‘Pressa0 be going to. a finalidade que vocs identificou, ¢ importante para oe ue nce s objetivos? gue 0 texto alcar —d

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