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Unit 2


Saddle- a leather seat on the back of an animal

Stirrup- a metal loop attached to either side of the horse’s saddle for placing one’s feet when riding

Bit-a piece of metal that is held in the horse’s mouth and is used to control the horse when riding

Bridle-a set of straps that is put around a horse’s head and mouth so that the animal can be controlled

Carousel-a large circular machine with seats often in the shape of animals or cars where people sit and
go round and round for fun

Roller coaster-a small railway at a fun fair that goes up and down steep slopes fast which people ride for
pleasure or excitement

Big wheel-a very large upright wheel at a fun fair with carriages around the edge of it people can ride in

Water slide-a structure that has a steep slope with running water in it which leads to a pool

Chat show-a television show in which people talk in a friendly way about different topics

Whisk-a kitchen tool used for beating eggs or cream

Grater-a kitchen tool which has a rough surface for cutting food into very small pieces

Colander-a container in the shape of a bowl with holes in it for washing and draining food in

On balance-having taken everything into account

Sb’s cup of tea -what sb likes or is interested in

Embroidery -decorating fabric with threads of various colours

Audible-loud enough to be heard

Raucous-of a sound-loud, rough and rather unpleasant

Mild (of weather) -pleasant because is neither cold or hot

Agreeable-nice, pleasant

Disconcerting-making somebody feel anxious, confused or embarrassed

Distressing-causing sorrow and suffering

Harrowing-extremely upsetting or disturbing

Undemanding-not requiring too much work or thinking



Drained-very tired

Shanty town-slums, a collection of rough huts which poor people live in

Be up to doing something-to be mentally and physically able to do something

Strenuous-involving a lot of energy and effort


Snorkeling-swimming under water with a tube one can breathe air through

Off limits-out of bonds


To bring the house down-to make the audience clap, laugh or cheer loudly for a long time because they
liked the performance

To read sb like a book-to understand easily what sb is planning or thinking

To face the music-to put oneself in a position where one will be criticized or punished for something that
have done

To let one s hair down-to relax completely and enjoy oneself

Off the beaten track-not visited or inhabited by many people

On a shoe string budget- having very little money to spend

On the house-offered by the bar or restaurant-free of charge

On the edge of one s seat-very interested in what is happening or going to happen

To paint the town red-to go out and enjoy oneself

To read between the lines-to understand what sb really means or what is really happening

Phrasal verbs

To put up-to construct, to assemble

To put off-to postpone

To put sb through sth-to cause sb experience sth unpleasant

To put sb down-to criticize sb in front of other people or make them appear foolish, to humiliate

To put up with-to tolerate

To put aside-to save

Put sth back-to return sth to its place

To set in sth unpleasant -to develop

Set sb back -to cost

Set off -to start a journey

Expressions with at

To be at a loss-not to know what to do in a particular situation

At odds with sb-disagreeing and quarrelling with sb

At a standstill-completely stopped

At a glance-immediately-without having to think too much

At a loose end-not having anything in particular to do

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