206 معد الحكيمي

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Maad Alhakimi

Head of Financing Control & Quality

Department ( Microfinance Sector)

maad171717@gmail.com +967 771208011 Sana'a , Yemen facebook.com/Maad.Alhakimi


Head of Financing Control & Quality Department Confidant Problem Solving Emotional Intelligence
Alkuraimi Islamic Microfinance Bank
06/2021 - Present Sana'a Organization Teamwork work under pressure
Microfinance Bank
Work to reduce the percentage of those who withdraw from
microfinance Improving the procedures for granting funds. Work
to reduce the time for disbursing applications for all departments
Visiting the field to examine samples of the various types of
financing files, by correcting deviations, if any, and circulating them
to everyone to avoid recurrence, and to take the necessary TRAINING COURSES
measures to reduce violations Attending all committees to decide
on financing exceeding 10 million in small and medium +
Training in solar power
agricultural finance. Attending the decision committees and the
periodic evaluation to measure the efficiency of the heads of the
field decision committees in terms of managing the decision The comprehensive session in the manufacture of microfinance
committees and making decisions. Quarterly analysis of the
microfinance sector portfolio. Analysis of funding requests, speed Internal audit in microfinance institutions
of response to requests submitted, and status of undisbursed
requests. Measuring quality and preparing monthly quality
reports. Updating and developing financing studies (micro + small Stress Tests for Microfinance Institutions
and medium + rural) in proportion to each of the various financing
products and adapting them to suit the banking system. Microfinance products development
Reviewing any new products proposed by the departments to avoid
any shortcomings in some aspects, reduce risks and enhance quality
Risks in microfinance institutions

Deputy HEAD OF SME Training in Microfinance enterprises

Alkuraimi Islamic Microfinance Bank
07/2019 - 06/2021 Sana'a IFC training courses
Microfinance Bank 1.Surviving Today to Thrive Tomorrow; 2. Access Finance During Crises; 3.
Achievements/Tasks Adjusting Your Business Plan During Crisis; 4. Communicating with
Stakeholders. 5. Doing Biz Online
Operations Management, day by day in the (SME unit). • Ensure that
SME financing risks have been reducing them properly. • Ensure
quality of analysis, and overseeing the daily activities and tasks for Diploma in English from India
the loan officers. • Progress reports on a regular basis to the
Department of Finance about the funding SMEs risk status. • English language communication skills course from India
Urbanization and the vets and distributes procedures and
operations of the bank financing activities. • In conjunction with the
Certificate of proficiency in the English language from the
Department of Finance to update the procedures and operations
Sana'a of University
funding. • Scrutinize the quality of new candidates to work as loan
officer and selects and trains and monitors before the start of
work. • Delinquent or defaulted in payment or customers who are
under the legal procedures review. LANGUAGES
Arabic English
Native or Bilingual Proficiency Professional Working Proficiency

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SME finance officer
Alkuraimi Islamic Microfinance Bank
09/2018 - 07/2019 Sana'a
Microfinance Bank
Identifying the needs of Small and medium Enterprise clients (SME).
• Provide the best advice for SME clients. • Evaluating financing SME
client’s risk.

Finance specialist
Alkuraimi Islamic Microfinance Bank
08/2018 - 10/2019 Sana'a
Microfinance Bank
Identifying the needs of Very Small Enterprise clients (VSE). •
Provide the best advice for VSEclients. • Evaluating financing
VSEclient’s risk.

Account Manager
Al- Yarmook Trading
01/2017 - 06/2018
Preparing reports, auditing, and financial auditTasks


Certified Expert in Microfinance

Frankfurt School of Finance in Germany
07/2022 - 03/2023

Master's Business Administration

Yemeni Academy for Postgraduate Studies
11/2021 - 02/2023 Sana'a

Bachelor's Degree in Accounting

Sana'a Universite
01/2011 - 07/2014 Sana'a

High school
School of Science and Technology
01/2019 - 01/2010 Sana'a

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