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Week 01/11/2023

Wednesday 01/11

- Class
- Record yourself saying all the new words we saw during the class and send it to me.
I will correct you.

- Les
- Film jezelf terwijl je alle nieuwe woorden zegt die we tijdens de les hebben gezien en
stuur het naar mij. Ik zal je corrigeren.


Thursday 02/11

- Spell the words and read the exercises while recording yourself. Send the video to
me. I will correct you.

- Spel de woorden en film jezelf terwijl je de oefening leest. Stuur de video naar mij. Ik
zal je corrigeren.

1. Newspaper
2. Keys
3. Laptop
4. Toothbrush
5. Charger
6. Glasses
7. Coins
8. Passport
9. Batteries
10. Return


Friday 03/11

- Make the exercise. Pick the correct option. Read the exercises while recording
yourself. Send the video to me. I will correct you.

- Maak de oefening. Kies de juiste optie. Film jezelf terwijl je de oefening leest. Stuur
de video naar mij. Ik zal je corrigeren.

1. This is Ana and David. Ana is having a chicken sandwich. It is

____(hers/her/their) sandwich.
2. This is Ana and David. David is having a coffee. It is _____
(his/your/their) coffee.
3. This is not my bag. Is it ____ (your/yours/her)?
4. This is Anita’s mobile phone. It is ____ (her/his/hers).
5. This is not Adam’s pen. It is ___ (my/mine/her).
6. This is Ana and Adam’s house. It is ___ (ours/theirs/our).


My book - mine
Your book - yours
His book - his
Her book - hers
Our book - ours
Your book - yours
Their book - theirs


Saturday 04/11

- Watch this video. Write down the new vocabulary and read the words and
conversations while recording yourself. Send the video to me. I will correct you.

- Bekijk deze video. Schrijf de nieuwe woordenschat op en lees de woorden en

conversaties terwijl je jezelf opneemt. Stuur de video naar mij. Ik zal je corrigeren.


Sunday 05/11

- Do the quiz. .

- Maak de quiz.


Monday 06/11

- Practise the following questions and answers. Record yourself while reading. Send
the video to me. I will correct you.

- Oefen de volgende vragen en antwoorden. Film jezelf terwijl je leest. Stuur de video
naar mij. Ik zal je corrigeren.

The weekend


How was your weekend? Hoe was je weekend?

Good, thank you. And yours? Goed, dankje. En het jouwe?

What did you do? Wat heb je gedaan?

I cooked. Ik heb gekookt.

I cleaned. Ik heb gekuist.

I walked. Ik heb gewandeld.

I cycled. Ik heb gefietst.

I ate nice food. Ik heb lekker eten gegeten.


Tuesday 07/11

- Look at the homework of this week. Do you understand everything? .

- Bekijk het huiswerk van deze week. Begrijp je alles?



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