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One very useful interaction for language development is an interview. An interview allows you to conduct a person-
to-person discusión through the carefully structured use of questions and answers. In an interview an interviewer
asks questions about a specific. A well-constructed interview can reveal the interviewee´s thoughts and feelings on
important issues. Some interviews, such as a job or college interview can be very formal. Other interviews, such as
an interview with an artist, are much more relaxed and personal.

A famous psychologist, who is an expert in learning difficulties, and violence in students as well as problems
due to dysfunctional families is visiting your school. You want to interview him/her, either for your school
newspaper or your own personal blog. You have the following 35 questions, but now you need to categorize
them. With a partner read the questions and put them into these six categories.
Routines Recreation Important celebrations Interests

Write four- five questions you would like to ask him/her in an interview to display how you can respect and
accept yourselves and your pairs so you can live in harmony at your school. (60-80 words).

1.Do you know their whole names? Birthdates? 19.Are there any physical characteristics that run in your
2.Did your parents talk about any of their ancestors family?
when you were growing up? 20.Were there any illnesses in your family?
3.Did anyone who wasn't related to you live with you 21.Do any illnesses run in the family?
when you were a child? 22.Did your family have any traditions?
4.How many siblings did you have? What were their 23.Can you remember any stories that were told to you
names and ages? as a child (fictional, folklore, or real life)?
5.What were your siblings like? 24.What events stand out to you from your childhood?
6.Did you have any pets? 25.What inventions or developments changed your life,
7.What was your house or apartment like? How many and how?
rooms were in it? 26.What were your parents’ occupations?
10.What kind of games did you play? 27.Where did your parents work?
11.What was your favorite toy? 28.Did anyone in your family play a musical instrument?
12.What did you do for fun? 29.What was your favorite song?
13.Did your family ever take trips or go on vacations? 30.What were your family's favorite meals? Are there any
14.Do you speak any foreign languages? special family recipes?
15.Did you have family reunions? 31.Did you eat or avoid eating some foods on certain
16.Who were your friends when you were growing up? occasions?
17.Can you tell me about some close friends of the 32.Have you ever been married? If so, to whom? When?
family? 33.Who participated in your wedding?
18.Can you describe the personalities of your family 34.How many children do you have?
members? 35.What stories did you tell your children when they
were growing up?

Colegio de Alto Rendimiento – Piura. Diploma Programme: English B – Higher Level Mgtr. Kathy Vega

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