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Human ralationship is a connection between 2 or more people. We can talk about relatiions
between people, groups of people, organizations and countries.

A few types of relationships.

1.) The relationship between men and women - The relationship between men and women
in general has changed over years. Women were not treated equally to men in the past.
They didn’t have equal rights. In the past women stayed at home and looked after children.
They didn’t have a job and couldn’t vote. Today women have better jobs and better
educational opportunities.

2.) The relationship between a man and a woman - Girls and boys like to go out together.
The boy usually asks the girl out: we say that they go on a date. If they don’t understand
each other and argue a lot, they break up/split up. If their relationship lasts and they get to
know each other, they can fall in love and have a romantic relationship. Later they get
engaged and they get married. When they get married, they become a husband and a wife.
Some couples have problems in the marriage. for example: They don’t understand each
other. They argue a lot (because of money, they don’t like their new relatives and so on)...

3. Friendship – when we make friends, we usually try to find people who have similar
hobbies and attitudes towards life as we do. A friendship between a man and a woman can
sometimes change into love. I think that friendship is very important in our life. Most people
have a best friend.
A best friend is someone who:
- is always here for you when you need him
- he always helps you when you have problems
- he always finds time to listen to you
- he doesn’t envy when you are happy and successful
- he helps you when other people disappoint you and let you down
- he can also forgive and forget when you disappoint him

4. Relationships between neighbours - People have different relationships with their

neighbours: Some people get on well with their neighbours. They help each other when
they need help, they visit each other and they are good friends....
Some neighbours have a neutral relationships. They don’t see each other very often, they
only say hello to each other when they meet...
Some neighbours have a bad relationship. They don’t like each other

5. Relationships between the older generation /grandparents/ and the younger

generation /grandchildren/ -
Sometimes there are generation problems between the younger generation and the older
generation. Older people usually don’t understand young people. I have a good relationship
with my grandparents. I often visit them. We usually talk about my school and television
programs. We often discuss the television news.
I also have a good relationship with my parents. I can tell them about my problems and they
always listen to me and help me. With my father we usually discuss football and hockey.

a character – povaha

reliable – spoľahlivý
understanding – chápavý
responsible – zodpovedný
fair – férový
trust – dôvera
loyal - lojálny
warm-hearted – dobrosrdečný
helpful – nápomocný
sincere – úprimný
polite – slušný
kind – milý
to have a sense of humour – mať zmysel pre humor
friendly – priateľský
sociable – spoločenský
hospitable – pohostinný
generous – štedrý
hard-working – usilovný
practical – praktický
sensible – rozumný
talkactive – ukecaný
honest – čestný

envious – závistlivý
envy – závidieť
to be fond of gossip – byť klebetný
hypocrite – pokrytecký
stubborn – tvrdohlavý
suspicious – podozieravý
quarrelsome – hádavý
greedy – chamtivý
coward – zbabelý
mean – lakomý
selfish – sebecký
jealous – žiarlivý
rude – drzý

human relationships – ľudské vzťahy
formal relationships – formálne vzťahy
informal relationships – neformálne vzťahy
diplomatic relationship – diplomatické vzťahy
public relationships – verejné vzťahy
personal relationship – osobný vzťah
have a good relationship with somebody – mať s niekým dobrý vzťah
a friendship – priateľstvo
be friendly / unfriendly towards somebody – byť k niekomu priateľský / nepriateľský
get to know somebody – spoznať niekoho
make friends – nájsť si priateľov
true friends – praví priatelia
A friend in need is friend indeed. – V núdzi poznáš priateľa.
mutual - vzájomný
treat people – zaobchádzať s ľuďmi
get on well with somebody – dobre s niekým vychádzať
romantic relationship – romantický vzťah
fancy – mať o niekoho záujem
fall in love with somebody– zamilovať sa do niekoho, zaľúbiť sa
ask somebdy out – pozvať niekoho von
go out with somebody – ísť s niekým von
be dating – randiť
a date – rande
get engaged – zasnúbiť sa
get married – zosobášiť sa => oženiť sa / vydať sa
couple – dvojica, pár /manželský, partnerský.../
husband – manžel
wife – manželka
mother-in-law – svokra
father-in-law – svokor
brother-in-law – švagor
sister-in-law - švagriná
have an affair / romance – mať pomer
have a flirt – flirtovať
break up / split up – rozísť sa
divorce – rozvod
get a divorce – rozviesť sa
prejudice – predsudok
intolereance – netolerancia
open-minded person – človek otvorený novým názorom, nezaujatý človek, názorovo
narrow-minded person – zaujatý človek /nemá rád nové myšlienky, názory .../
similar – podobný
argue – hádať sa
last – trvať, pretrvať
attitude – postoj
towards – k
disappoint – sklamať
let somebody down – zradiť niekoho, sklamať (He let me down. = Sklamal ma.)
forgive – odpustiť
forget - zabudnúť
in general – vo všeobecnosti
change – zmeniť
treat somebody equally – zaobchádzať s niekým rovnako
in the past – v minulosti
equal rights – rovnaké práva
stay – zostať
look after – starať sa o niekoho
vote – voliť
opportunity – príležitosť
still – ešte stále
power – moc
get – dostať
a leading position – vedúca pozícia
a company – organizácia, spoločnosť
race – rasa
religion – náboženstvo
social group – sociálna skupina
minority – menšina
Gypsies – Cigáni, Rómovia
skin - pokožka
society – spoločnosť
disabled people – invalidní ľudia
nowadays – teraz, v dnešnej dobe
a scientist – vedec
lecture – prednášať
move – hýbať sa
wheelchair – invalidný vozík
participate – zúčastniť sa
relationship – vzťah
important – dôležitý
human life – ľudský život
kind – druh
make friends – spriateliť sa
try – pokúsiť sa, skúsiť
similar – podobný
attitudes towards life – postoje k životu
change – zmeniť sa
it is true – je to pravda
need – potrebovať
envy – závidieť
disappoint – sklamať
let down – zradiť
forgive – odpustiť
forget – zabudnúť
chat – debatovať, kecať
neighbours – susedia
each other – navzájom, jeden druhému /They help each other when they need help. –
Pomáhajú si navzájom, keď potrebujú pomoc./
say hello – pozdraviť /niekoho/
argue – hádať sa /They argue, usually because of land, garden.. – Hádajú sa, zvyčajne kvôli
pôde, záhrade…/
happen – stať sa
difference – rozdiel
loud music – hlasná hudba
disabled people – invalidní ľudia
prejudices – predsudky
towards – k
in the past – v minulosti
nowadays – v súčasnosti
look after – starať sa
a scientist – vedec
he lectures at the Oxford University – prednáša na univerzite v Oxforde
move – hýbať sa
wheelchair – invalidný vozík
artist – umelec
actor – herec
participate – zúčastniť sa
I have never helped to any disabled person because I have never had an opportunity. =
Nikdy som nepomohol invalidnému človeku, pretože som nikdy nemal príležitosť.
ask for help – požiadať o pomoc
I am sorry for homeless people – je mi ľúto bezdomovcov
they have nowhere to live – nemajú kde bývať
This magazine is sold by homeless people and it gives them a chance to earn some money
for better life. = Tento časopis je predávaný bezdomovcami a dáva im šancu zarobiť si
peniaze na lepší život.
understand – rozumieť
discuss – diskutovať o...

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