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We can describe vowels by referring to the part of the tongue which is at

the highest point in the mouth. If the front of the tounge is at the highest
point near the hard palate, we have a.......... vowel
2. If the back of the tongue is at the highest point near the soft palate, we
have a.......... vowel
3. Vowels which are produced between the postitions for a front and back
vowel are called……… vowels
4. One element in the description of vowels is the part of the tongue which is
at the highest point in the mouth. A second element is the......... to which
that part is raised
5. If the tongue is placed as low as possible in the mouth, the vowel which
results in an........... vowel
6. If the tongue is raised as high as possible in the mouth, without touching
the roof of the mouth, the vowel which results is a........... vowel
7. The vowel /i:/ in /fi:d/ and /u:/ in /fu:/ are both......... and the vowel /a:/
in /fa:/ is an.......... vowel
8. The position of the lips also has an effect on vowel quality. If the lips are
drawn together so that the opening between them is round, we have a........
vowel. And if the lips are not drawn together the vowel is......... vowel
9. According to the length vowels may be......... or..........
10. A combination of vowels pronounced within one syllable is called
11. If the organs of speech start in the position for one vowel and then
immediately glide to the position of another, the result is a............
12. Dipthongs are represented by two symbols in phonemic transcription, the
first symbol shows the position of the organs of speech at the.......... of the
glide, and the second shows their approximate position at the........ of the
13. Labio-dental consonants are articulated by......... lip against the..........
14. Alveolar consonants are articulated by the tip of the tongue agaisnt
15. Consonants that have alveolar articulation together with a simultaneous
raising of the main body of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth are
called....... consonants
16.An afficative is a combination of a.......... consonant with an immediately
following........ sound
17. Semi-vowels are............ sounds in the production of which the organs of
speech start at or near a........ and immediately move away to some
other........ sound
18. ............ are the sounds produced when the air stream is completely
stopped for a moment, after which it is allowed to rush out of the mouth
with an explosive sound
19. ............. are sounds articulated in the glottis
20. ............... are the sounds formed by the tip of the tongue firmly pressed
against the teethridge or the teeth so that the air can escape at one or both
sides of the tongue.
21. .................... is a result of an assimilations which took place at an earlier
stage in the history of the language
22. ................ takes place when used to is pronounced as /ju:ste/
23. ................ takes place when the articulation of the assimilated consonant
fully coincides with that of the assimilating one
24. ................. takes place when the sound that comes first affects the sound
that comes after it
25. .................. two adjacent consonants influence each other
26. ................ is the modification in the articulation of a consonant under the
influence of a neighboring consonant
27. ................. can be pronounced in their strong forms and their weak forms
28. ................. a consonant influences a vowel or a vowel influences a
consonant is
29. ........... have their strong forms when they are in final positions in the
30. ............... pronounced as /f,,mjelerei/ is a case of intrusive r

Bảng đáp án

1. High-front
2. High-back
3. Central
4. Height
5. Open
6. Close
7. Close/ open
8. Rounded/ spread
9. Short/ long
10. Dipthong
11. Dipthong
12. Beginning/ end
13. Lower/ upper teeth
14. Teethridge
15. Palato-alveolars
16. Plosive/ fricative
17. Gliding/ close vowel/ voiced
18. Plosives
19. Glottals
20. Laterals
21. Historical assimilation
22. Contextual assimilation
23.Complete assimilation
24. Progressive assimilation
25. In double assimilation
26. Assimilation
27.Grammatical words
28. In accommondation
29. Prepositions
30. Formula A

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