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Name: Ashly Yarleny Ramos

Teacher: Eneris Elizabeth Diaz Carrera


Subject: Social Studies

Course: 12th

Division: A

Delivery date: 2-17-23

 At present, one of the events that will remain in history has been triggered, the war between
Russia and Ukraine, it is regrettable to see how so many people including children have to flee
desperately to be able to save their lives and others die in the attempt, this work aims to
investigate this terrible moment for both countries.

1-Why did it start?

There is no definitive ceasefire on the horizon for Russia that will end the war in Ukraine that
began with the invasion of Russian troops on February 24. Despite the fact that Moscow and
Kiev have agreed to open humanitarian corridors in cities such as the capital, Kiev, Mariupol,
Kharkov or Sumy, the siege of Vladimir Putin continues to try to gain territory from the
neighboring country and dominate a greater number of areas with the aim of subverting the
intentions of Volodimir Zelenski's Executive to join the European Union and integrate into
NATO's military alliance.
2-When did it start?
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an ongoing large-scale war episode that began on February
24, 2022 and is part of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in 2014 after the Euromaidan
events at the end of the previous year.

3- What has happened?

"80,000 crimes committed by Russian invaders have been recorded and more than 9,000
civilians have been killed, including 453 children," Yermak said at the World Economic Forum,
held in Davos (Switzerland). According to Ukraine, Moscow fired 70 missiles at energy facilities
and at least 11 people were killed throughout the country.

4- How many people have migrate to other countries?

The war in Ukraine has already led more than a million civilians to flee their country, the United
Nations Refugee Office (UNHCR) reported.
Ukrainians, and many foreigners who were in the country, are crossing to neighboring nations
such as Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova.
Smaller groups have gone to Russia and Belarus.
"In just seven days, a million people have fled Ukraine, uprooted by this meaningless war.
5- What countries have received most of them?
Poland, Europe, Germany, United Kingdom, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia among others.

 In my opinion I disagree about that war, in my opinion wars are the most unnecessary
and only the brute force of the man who is not able to engage in a coherent conversation
with the other government is brought to light, and they are not able to fulfill what they
commonly say in their political campaigns, the typical phrase of "taking care of citizens."

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