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Cox 212


(Including comrnunity Health Nursing, Environmental Hygiene,
Health Education, communication skills and Nutrition).
(Tlur : 9-00 a.ra. ro 12-00 Noorq)
(Torar, Manxs - 75)
1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat iriumber in ENGLISH.
2' Please note that the question paper set in ENGTISH version is final for any
doubt in IVIARA'THI Paper.

u- 1. (A) Select the most appropriate answer from the following:- (05)
(1) The daily requirement of iron for the pregnant woman
is.................. .

(a) 25mg. (b) 30mg. (c) 35mg. (d) 40mg"

(2) The calcium is necessary for.........
(o) Iron metabolism (b) CHD metabolism
(c) Wound healing (d) Bones and teeth.
(3) The WHO day is celebrated every year on
(o) 8th March {b) TthApril
(c) 12th May (d) 1lth July.
(4) The effective method of Health Education is .................. .
(o) Group discussion (b) Lecture
(c) Exhibition (d) One way.
(5) Schooi health services come under .................... service.
(a) ANC (6) PNC
(c) MCH (d) Family Welfare.
(B) Match the following r- (05)
A' Group ' B' Group
(1) Tuberculosis day (*) 0.R.S.
(2) Vaccine (b) Potency of poiio vaccine
(3) Soyabean (c) 24th March every year
(4) V. V. M. (d) 40 percent ofprotein
(5) Diarrhoea (e) Six Killer diseases.
(C) State True or False:- (05)
(1) Poliomyelitis is notgradicated from India. :

(2) Colostrum means baby's first immunization.

(3) Copper'T'380A works for Ten years.
($ 1st booster dose of D.P.T. vaccine is given at the age of 1st year.
(5) 1 gram protein gives 9 calories.
212 2 Marks
( l5)
2. Write short notes on (an}r three) :-
-{o) Cold chain.
(b) WHO daY theme of 2013'
(c) Principles of Health Education'
\d) Noise Pollution'
(e) Ventilation'
3. (A) De{ine the foilowing (any five) :-
(i) Health (,,) DOTS

(iil) Communication (iu) Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY)

(u) Fomites (ul) Infant MortalitY rate'
(B) State the difference between (any two) :-
-{l) Hosfital and Community Heaith Nursing'
{il) Shailow well and deeP well'
(iii) Slow sand frlter and rapid sand filter'
4. Answer the following questions:-
(a) Write the functions of vit''A''
(b) what is Malnutrition ? write the signs and symptoms of Malnutrition'
(c) Explain the preventive measures for the Malnutriti'on'
..(o) What are the functions of primary health centre ?
(bJ Write the immunization schedule programme'
Mrs' Naina's family'
5. During your Rural Health experience you have visited
pregnant' Her
she has one daughter age tll, Years. she is 4 months
and earning Rs. 1500' Answer the following questions:-
(a) List the health problems in the family'
- (b) How will you manage the fever and diarrhoea ?
tion to her familY ?
(d) Write the advantages of copper 'T' 3B0A'

questions :-
are planning for home visit' Answer the following
--(a) What are the purposes of home visiting ?
.----- (b)
What are the principles of home visiting ?
.{c) What are the steps of home visiting ?
centre' (05)
dd) List the names of records maintained in the Primary Heaith
rr6r{rq qM sRqq, T.rS
gunR-a wFl-rd nffiq o{rft fM
s?,rrT Er{ qften (;rfiq qrzt1-gffi-q) tcrc - u
qnffi+o. srr*t.q qM - q

(6-qFr& qtrr.r, Ea€rrgn.dd-d E:rq"fl.{, tdQr q-qbei-{,

grya q;gffia)"
XE-{ri, fani@ q q-;T ?oe3
(a-d : H-m'd t-oo fr gffi e?-oo)
(q*T TUI te'J)
e. Bffi fff-orlcqiqr oilTm F-qiE. g,qcff={u+ frilsT.
?. T{rd} qrq-&o. rirqiaqr$-a ergs"firtTfr €q"ft qrq-fiE' ePqq"B-iFr 3ifr.{ il$-f,.
q. (er) ergm q?Tfq Frqqc qrw X"f cffir ;-- ("'r)

(q) ,r$cq ffi E1IET* fiR-{ rgq """" 311t.

* trrd-fq
(er) (c) 3" ffifq
(m) a'r trrdrq (s) so Pffifq.
(r) """""' qr& dRr+rq ET slgsf, qso en*
(sT) Ert-6 qtrTqzrq (e) orffiz qqTqqu
(o) wre-q qfr EM (e) eG q qro.
(e) "" EI ft-q-s qr.TfrE ertt-{q ftrT ra%n qraan qr-ai.
(er) c rrd (e) $ qfun (o) qr t (s) tr gd.
(s) ' fr sflltrq ftTerqr-* qRqmflqf, qgo enB.
(er) ugo-a-af (e) q-qeqrc (zF.) Nceh (s) soe-rt.
(.1) <rrdq t-sT """"' 'itffi +&.
(e+) q.q1.{ft (c) fl.q.rft. (o) qt.S\q.. (e) fW Q-asrq.

(q) qt-wr ErrdT:- ("q)

tgI'.rd t E' .rd
(r) en<)w ft-t (er) er).erx.rr1.
(l) e-ql (e) ffier-r s+fld ryqot
(3) rffi+ (o) lx qrd er{ff
(u) dd.s1 ' (s) uo r+b' ll&{
(9) eftr*nt (g) er<"frqa qE-t eTIuIr{.
(o) rerefto frsni TdF' et qglqr t ft-rr ,- ("q)
(q) qn-orqn <tro{qen-EndTi ft{an srd nr$.
(r) q-rtqr m-m-gutt-rl qrdri qffi orflor"i erqi *aqero.
(a) oifr 34"g fr q" q{ zFI-iTrqEfrE-*d mrq o-Ed.
(t) qBcql fug'ft E-{fi-qi gi=q e}'q EI qqrar q qq{rr*fr 'tq"rff,
(r) qf nq Yidlwrfi 3 ffi-q ftF-drd'.
ts"q_gt ra,
Cox 212 4 1.r
?. FJqi ltrtr (<;')r1,u'g', *c) ,-- (9,J)
(sr) fQmnrud)
(e) -srTfldm GTTqtr-q f?c r"cst Efs-qrfl{
(o) snsnq flreroTrfl il.i
(s) tz;'ne-Uu*
($) sTTfiq{
3. (ot) qqrdff, iqrcqT fuer (olur.qrg vs) :- ("'J)
(c) Glrrtq
(t) et-e-qr
(3) rg{or<
(u) v-+-.11 v5ter ut-wr
('J) 'dq€c-$
(q) eiaSe1<r
(e) srtp w€ a-Rl (zptol+fr qlq):- (q")
(r) r.rrne-u sM q qt'+rRrfr erct'q cM
(q) B-erd ft-Sc q {st-o. kS{
(i ) w\ 6s fuce-< q tft-e qs fQrtar.
' ssrfr({ grn'fr sot fuu
(or) 'ei' ffi
mrd ftET.
- ("s)
(e) gvlwt .Eq-S 6-rq ? Bt1ffi ffi q aer) ftra. (.4)
(o) gdqnT Efo. i-$ r€rI{ +Tq sfrtiqrcrm Bq"Tq d fu6T. ("'1)
(et) merfuo srrqt{q ffi ffi or-S ere ? ("q)
(q) arfrmrqrd *a.m-"ro fr-a. ("q)
(m) esn$-{q fi-no cffiad TftmT ft6r ? ("q)
,J. cFftoT er*gE-qia.fd g€ qfl. q-rmr riizcrT B-seTs +c kft. eri=T.r qo/. qsffi
gd=ft ent q .qr .T<tw (y otri) strid. ei* Td,ft ,n ni q erfM
qqr en*. {f}. qq-{ri qe :M erc{T FTS eloo qs q.B;ql-dt ffino,
rqr#d ,Yi"izft a-at ft"sT .
(eT) ggqT@'I rlq{qifr qr*- m-{r.
.n ('r)
(c) {n ;Tq*iraIt 5-ffiqi frTq q eift.{{r{r{.r& .rlq sqqf{ o-Era ? ("u)
(o) qi. ;rq-+r qiqr y-c]-tr qt-rs {{c-eiT a.m ? a-tia g'gsTqTrff or-q arri)-al ("q)
T{ffiT qTFI.
(s) oifr trcog d e-rq wrqi sf,r*a A ftrET. ("r)
g€ qerq s{ qRTq"Treff reo1_r mufuo sx-$.c *.-flf, qfr dr+fr enB. arnq
{6t_8:ft irq-rfr a-ftf, srr6ra, rur*f, qe-{i* rra-t fuai ,
(ei) fr$fitster ffTq z - ("i)
(e) ,IE+iefr ad mrq ? (.r)
(m) .;atdlar qTrFrri qlq ? ("s)
(e) Nvfrq; srr+.q &-rro mMt'rsr ir-fr a-qq, qTdrfl euffi 6a. *o. ("q)

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