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Document Development Exposition: Workplace Correspondence

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

For my planning, I looked at the example that was provided and followed that guideline strictly.
Looking back, I should’ve done better with being freer with the format, but it was helpful to have a
format to follow, considering I don’t typically write professional emails. The planning sheet was
mostly put right into the final document, which lessened the workload later on.

First Draft (for peer editing)

I got helpful feedback from peers, mostly including comments about purpose and audience. The
comments were helpful because I went back to make small changes such as structure, and formality.

Second Draft (for your packet)

The second draft has simple changes such as adding more detail and bulk of the email. I had to work
on describing the observations I made. I found it kind of difficult because I didn’t know how to
format my observations, but I further developed the format in the final draft for the portfolio.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

The feedback was very helpful because I wasn’t sure how to document my observations. Reading the
comments gave me a guide on how to be more professional and clearer with my results. For the
highlighted phrases, I edited to make it clearer, and just used simpler or less words. I also changed
the signature block to a different color then the rest of the text to make it stand out. All these
recommendations I never would’ve thought of.

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