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4, ABC = ABAE 5. ZACB = ZAEB 6. The points A,B, C and Bare | 6. The segment ap B at b0 other poingtO!hdy side of the ling a ein uy ‘Ona LL Sn Example 32. In the adjoining figure, chords AB and CD of gg hy meet infemally at P. Given that AP = 3.em, AB = 9 qa tle cP = 24cm and y (@ Prove that triangles ACP and DBP are similar, (i) Find PD. area of AACP ‘area of ADBP concyclic. (ii) Find Solution. (j) In AACP and ADBP, CAP = ZBDP (0s in same ZAPC = ZDPB Semen oy a AACP ~ ADBP (wen 7 (AA. axi me (i As ADBP ~ AACP, om of a, = DP=75an (ii) As the ratio of area of two similar triangles i gles is equal to the rat any two corresponding sides, ana 1o the rao of essay area of AACP _ AP? _/ AP)? sestabar “BF” (br) (we (oy Wel find the value of «in each ofthe fl Fs (usin following figures (usi sing, ince, ow ° @ ce {p given below, AD IBC. If ZACB = 35, Find the measurement of gh te fue 5 Opec Ap , a vee fi eo or be it is given that O is the centre of the citcle and 130°. Fin : ssoc= A 5 fos ( c > av ane (Inthe figure () given below, calculate the values of x and y. (i) Inthe figure (i) given below, O is the centre ofthe circle. Calculate the values of randy, Gy Y Y | ow fa os A,B, N are points o, Jf, Na ci ven below, Mr a citgy, iver ° and ZYNB = 29° cle. 50° anc 20°, fing ay wre () NYB = @ Ae ep ct at YA an & "A is the centre of the ‘ angle oe {ip given below O's © citcle, 1p KAgy the 8 (oy fn the OF 0°, find iit) ZOAB 1 a a (iy ZOBC a omy @ zac . A (i gure (given below, Oi the centre of the circle and cpa _ 5 6 oo athe figure 0 BN io w/the value of ZPQB. ley My the figure (i) given below, AB is a diameter of the circle yy () In the figure ros Given that ZECD = ZEDC = 32%, calculate a ( CBF (i) ZCOR f E LX» LA & : 4 co io) 7 @) Inthe figure (given below, AB is a diameter of the circle APBR APQ andy are straight lines,ZA = 35°, 2Q = 25°. Find : @ 2RB (i) 2BR (ii) ZBPR. ©) nthe figure (i) given below, itis given that ZABC = 40° and AD ia diameter of the circle, Calculate ZDAC. (i) Understanding I¢sp2 Mathemar.. _<¢ B and CD pass throu, find the number of se Figs below, straight lines cio. If ZOCE = 40° and ZAOD = 759, (i) ZOBE. spain gue given below, Ts dhe ncente of Ie ncitle of ABC at D. Given that ZABC BD (ii) ABC, AI produced meets th 55° and ZACB = 65, caleulate ZDCL (i) ZBIC. PQ and Rag AD is a @ o tLoisthe crcumcentre of the triangle ABC and D 18 ‘midpoint ofthe base BC. Prove that BOD = ZA. Hint ; ‘80C=22A. AOBD = AOCD (668 rule of congrens) 4 | 2B0D = ZCOD = ZBOC = 2 2B0D S 2ZA=2 0D = ZA= ZB0D. ven below, P ang g re () given beloy are centres of py Vv es ea is a straight line, Calculate the value * ae Citcles intersecting at B 1 (ic iven below, O ig 4 i xe (ii) gi © circumee, 5 OF ye fig hat ZACB = 56°, a) Sentee of tj ene Given (i) Zong, Hlate ty | Ate i . MAC CAB of s & @ A () given below, chord ED ig Parallel to the gi is fe Be cans DEC, ie diameter a ven below, C is a pop inthe igure CH) 8 a B ofthe circle with ge Given ZACB = p*, ZAQB ey it a a parallelogram. 1% terms of p, Calculate p ig a "BIC ABC in which ay CO) t(j Inthe figure () given below, straight ines AB and CD ON acide I 4OCE = 40° and ZAOD - 7, CDE i) ZopR, 0) Inthe figure (i) given below, 1s the toate Of A ABC. AI produced meets the Grumeitle of AABC at D. Given that ‘ABC = 55° and ZACB = 65, caleulate 20D i) ZeBD Gi) ct ey Zac. ass through the centre © find the number of degreesin, ie « tO; . 7 | aoa’ Stumcenie of ‘he triangle ABC and D is mid-point ofthe base BC, Prove ta! | peD= za ‘Hing i 1228. opp = 40¢D (688 ule of eongruency) | q * £BOD = AE = CE and BE = DE. 13. (@ In the figure (given below, AB is a diameter of a * NY and BD are perpendiculars on a line PQ. BD meets ¢ AC = ED. ‘ (H) In the figure (ii) given below, O is the centre of a circle. Cho * © he elamter AB. If ZABC = 25, ealeulate ZCED, FO sb Circle with he citcle a re 0 oy 1K BS ev : 0 @ Hint (@) Join AE, ZAEB = 90°. @ Join OC and OD, ZAOC = ZBOD = 50°. 14, In the adjoining figure, O is the centre of the given circle and OABC is a parallelogram. BC is produced to meet the circle at D. Prove that ZABC = 2ZOAD. Hint ZAQC = 2ZADC } Te ast f (angle at centre = double the angle at the remaining part of the a [ZABC = ZAOC "(opposite angle of parallelogram) and ZOAD = ZADC (tt? | a (@ Im the figure () given below, P is the point of intersection of the cons AQ such that AB = AP. Prove that CP= CQ. © Im the figure (i) given below, AB = AC = CD, ZADC = 38°. Calelate Ors (ii) ZBEC. w ep Understanding ICSE Mathematics — x 6. yen below, CP bi ° eo given belo sects ZACB, Prove that DP bisects ZADB, ~ given below, BD biseels ZABC. Prove that A. HE at BoD ’ , 0 fs y ie =) a ¥ > &e 0 cy 2 ty - Dy © sane ABE : Fa : oh aeure (i) given below, chords AB and CD of a circle int a wee ‘angles ADE and CBE are similar intesect at a - fa auenDC™ 32cm, DE =4cm and AE = 16cm, calculate the length of B. | ie agree below, AB and CD are two intersecting chords of cic @ am wo triangles which are similar. Hence, calculate CP given that AP = 6 cm, Sane, and CD = Hhem FC > PD) | se c (|) . Ke > 0 ‘@ 7 unde fining figure, AE and BC intersect each other at point DE LCDE = 90°, AB = 5 cm, BD = 4m and CD =9 cm, iD. ee (2008) ‘Rint ae oe i | Join AB and CE. In AABD, ZADB = 90%, using 2 | Pythagores theorem, we obtain AD =3 cm. 4 and 5 I supp ~ scDE => SE= : 4 ® (inthe figure () given below, PR is a diameter of the circle, PQ = ie e: den and He = Zea. Coleatate the penimeter of Tie cyclic quate f i il D 1) inthe figure (i) given below, the diagonals of @ cyl unite ee pee} in P and the area of the triangle ‘APB is 24 ca Tf AB =! 'D = 5 cm, calculate the area of ADPC. on a bisector , is th QPX is the bise tor of ZYXx7 iven below, o we the = Xa By 2 XP: XZ oo prove tat iven below, chords BA and DC of a a Circle Mey gy inte ne . (ii) PA x PB = pc ( ZPAD = ZPcB ee @ Hint @ axvQ~ AXPZ. ne av CIRCTES

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