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Final Project: AWS By Antara Prasad 1. Create VPC ( 2, Two subnets - Public ( and Private( 3. Launch 3 EC2 instances 2 for Web Server and 1 For DB server 4, Create Internet gateway ( attach to VPC) 5. Create route table *subnet associate with Public subnet * edit route (igw) 6. Create NAT gateway ( subnet — public ) 7. Create route table *subnet associate with Private subnet * edit route (ngw) 8. Create target group and register targets 9. Create load balancer ( Application load balancer) and create security group 10, Connect web server | and web server 2 after some time (801).png we will get Hello from from web server | 11. Create image from web server 1 ( 800.png) Then Launch templates After this ( 809.png), Create an autoscaling group then we see new instances automatically created (840.png) allocate an elastic IP address. (857.png) 12. Launch VPN Server (819.png) Connection shown (834.png) Then connect Db_server (835.png) https://youtu. be/bMY txsPolag?si=Mb4TecLVDgxUVxEK for installation of MySQL ( MariaDb server ) (839.png) installation completed and databases are created. 13. Set cloudWatch Create alarms ( For CPU>=60 (SCALE OUT ) and For CPU<=40(SCALE IN) *851.png 14, Now create a dynamic scaling policy in Autoscaling, Created (856.png) 15.Increase CPU Utilization by using command Yes> /devinull & top (we will see new instances will be created ). ‘ade name ane description ‘SShmammum dé nameand description Mynutoscale ‘Allocate Elastic adress w= Connect to instance = PCE ee) eee ec] Oeics Howe works| nee image if ‘creat launch template oe Configure group size and scaling policies - optional Create interes gateway Attach to VPC ign-Oc6abse552e508742) create route table Eel subnet associations celitroues Create NAT gateway = at-098470747419e6012 /ST-NAT create route table Eel subnet associations celitroues ae Specity group detais 56-0767852167<050995 - MynewsSecurtyroup . create VPC SSS | vpceea3901911516bce / vPC-ST-AWS — create subnet —

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