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Class: TE

Name of Subject: IIS

Name of Faculty: Mr. Swapnil Bhagat, Mrs. Siddhi Ambre

Sr. Question Marks CO RBT P.I.

No. Level
1 Identify environment characteristics for 2 4 A 2.1.3
Wumpus World problem.
2 Explain the architecture of Knowledge 2 4 U 1.3.1
based agents.
3 Explain first order logic. 2 4 U 1.3.1
4 Analyze the following statement into 2 4 AN 3.1.1
Every tree in which any aquatic bird sleeps
is beside some lake.
John has atleast two friends.
5 Explain the syntax and semantics of first 2 4 U 1.3.1
order logic.
6 Analyze the following statement into 2 4 AN 3.1.1
People try to assassinate rules they are not
loyal to.
If two people are friends then they are not
7 Enlist Types of Reasoning 2 4 R 1.1.1
8 Explain Propositional Logic in AI.Explain 5 4 U 1.3.1
the types of Propositional Logic
9 Describe the properties of knowledge 5 4 U 1.3.1
representation systems
10 State and explain the rules of FOL 5 4 U 1.3.1
Inference for quantifiers
11 Illustrate forward chaining and backward 5 4 U 1.3.1
12 Develop & Describe Bayesian Belief 5 4 A 2.1.3
Network in artificial intelligence.
13 Identify How to solve the problem of 5 4 A 2.1.3
14 What is Resolution? State the Resolution 5 4 R 1.1.1
Inference Rules.
15 Explain Uncertainty and causes of 10 4 U 1.3.1
16 Briefly describe the following knowledge 10 4 A 2.1.3
representation schemes along with their
merits and demerits.
17 Describe the wumpus world according to 10 4 U 1.3.1
the properties of the task environment
18 For the following logical expression , 10 4 AN 3.1.1
construct truth table: (C√ ⌐D)→(D→C)
2.Transform the following into Disjunctive
normal form
⌐ (P→Q) →R

19 Differentiate between propositional and 10 4 A 2.1.3

predicate logic.
20 Compare the difference between 10 4 A 2.1.3
knowledge, belief, hypotheses and data?
21 Explain inference in Bayesian Belief 10 4 U 1.3.1
Network in artificial intelligence.
22 What is a planning in AI? 2 5 R 1.1.1
23 Justify how planning problem is differs 2 5 AN 3.1.1
from search problem?
24 Explain Supervised learning. 2 5 U 1.3.1
25 Explain Unsupervised learning 2 5 U 1.3.1
26 Explain Semi-Supervised learning 2 5 U 1.3.1
27 State the need for an expert system 2 5 A 2.1.3
28 What is a Plan? What is FSSP and BSSP? 2 5 R 1.1.1
29 Explain various methods of learning. 5 5 U 1.3.1
30 Differentiate between traditional systems 5 5 U 1.3.1
and expert systems.
31 Elaborate the need of decision trees. State 5 5 U 1.3.1
its advantages and disadvantages.
32 Explain the architecture of ES 5 5 U 1.3.1
33 Explain partial order planning with the help 5 5 U 1.3.1
of an example
34 What is ILA? State the need of ILA. 5 5 R 1.1.1
35 Explain the decision tree algorithm with the 5 5 U 1.3.1
help of a diagram.
36 Discuss planning as State-Space search 10 5 U 1.3.1
with an example.
37 Classify planning with state space search 10 5 A 2.1.3
38 Hierarchical planning and explain its real 10 5 A 2.1.3
time application.
39 Explain supervised, Unsupervised and 10 5 U 1.3.1
reinforcement learning with example.
40 Explain decision tree learning with 10 5 A 2.1.3
41 What is an expert system? Explain the 10 5 R 1.1.1
phases in building an expert system
42 State and explain various types of planning 10 5 A 2.1.3
43 Enlist participants in the development of 2 6 R 1.1.1
expert system.
44 Justify the need of expert system 2 6 AN 3.1.1
45 Enlist application of NLP. 2 6 R 1.1.1
46 What is artificial Neural Network? 2 6 R 1.1.1
47 What is Natural language processing? 2 6 R 1.1.1
48 Define machine learning. 2 6 U 1.3.1
49 Define deep learning. 2 6 U 1.3.1
50 Differentiate between soft computing and 5 6 AN 3.1.1
hard computing.
51 Explain phases in building expert system. 5 6 U 1.3.1
52 Explain any 5 applications of expert 5 6 U 1.3.1
53 Compare conventional system and expert 5 6 AN 3.1.1
54 Elaborate the concept of Machine learning. 5 6 U 1.3.1
55 Elaborate the concept of deep learning. 5 6 U 1.3.1
56 Elaborate of the concept of Artificial neural 5 6 U 1.3.1
57 Elaborate the capabilities of expert system 10 6 U 1.3.1
58 Identify advantages and limitation of expert 10 6 A 2.1.3
59 Discuss the problems that can be solved by 10 6 U 1.3.1
60 Explain techniques used in NLP 10 6 A 2.1.3
61 Discuss the term, advantages, 10 6 U 1.3.1
disadvantages, and application of artificial
Neural Network.
62 Elaborate the phases in the building of 10 6 A 2.1.3
expert system with the example.
63 Compare the term Soft computing, Machine 10 6 AN 3.1.1
learning, deep learning, artificial neural
network and Natural language processing.

Sr. No. Module Name Hours Weightage(=X/23)

Allotted (X)
4 Knowledge and Reasoning 11
5 Planning and Learning 8
6 Expert Systems and Sub 9
Areas of Intelligent Systems

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