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Monday, February 20, 2023

Delhi 7

8 Monday, February 20, 2023

Editorial Delhi

The curious case of the disqualification of a politician

he instance where the Kerala High conviction) or whether the clock can be rolled of a person “for being chosen as, and for being, a
Court, in January this year, suspended back to the date of conviction and member of either House of Parliament”.

Battle for the Sena the verdict passed by the Kavaratti

District and Sessions Court (in an
disqualification. It interpreted this phrase to mean that whereas
Parliament could specify conditions for
The Thackerays are ceding ground to attempt to murder case) in which the then sitting The specific provisions disqualification, those conditions would apply
Member of Parliament (MP) of Lakshadweep and The provision for disqualification is given in equally to candidates and sitting members.
the Shinde faction Nationalist Congress Party leader Mohammed M.R. Madhavan Article 102 of the Constitution. It specifies that a Therefore, the exception carved out for sitting
Faizal P.P. was sentenced to 10 years in jail, has person shall be disqualified for contesting members was unconstitutional. The judgment

he faction of Maharashtra Chief Minister is President of PRS
Eknath Shinde has, at least for now, won raised an interesting question on his Legislative Research, elections and being a Member of Parliament further cited Article 101 that if a Member of
the battle for the Shiv Sena legacy, with disqualification. The issue is on whether New Delhi under certain conditions. These include holding Parliament was disqualified under Article 102,
the Election Commission of India (ECI) allotting disqualification for conviction is final or whether an office of profit, being of unsound mind or “his seat shall thereupon become vacant”.
the party name and the bow and arrow symbol to it can be revoked. This issue can arise whenever a insolvent, or not being a citizen of India. It also Therefore, the disqualification was automatic and
it. The ECI overruled the plea by the other faction legislator is disqualified. This is not very rare — authorises Parliament to make law determining had immediate effect if the conditions of Article
led by former Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray Samajwadi Party Member of the Assembly conditions of disqualifications. There are 102 were met.
to withhold the decision until the Supreme Court Abdullah Azam Khan was disqualified from the analogous provisions for members of state
of India decides on a set of interlinked questions Uttar Pradesh legislature just a week ago. legislatures. The implications
related to the split in the party, that led to Mr. The Representation of the People Act, 1951 So what happens if the conviction is suspended?
Thackeray losing the CM’s chair to Mr. Shinde in The background provides that a person will be disqualified if Navjot Singh Sidhu was convicted and sentenced
June 2022. ‘The ‘test of majority’ principle ap­ The facts are as follows. Mr. Faizal was convicted convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for to three years imprisonment when he was an MP.
plied by the ECI went in favour of the Shinde by the Kavaratti sessions court on January 11 for two years or more. The person is disqualified for He resigned his seat but wanted to contest the
group which has 40 MLAs and 13 MPs, compared attempt to murder, and sentenced to 10 years the period of imprisonment and a further six election, and appealed for a stay on his
to the 15 MLAs and five MPs on the Thackeray imprisonment. On January 13, the Lok Sabha years. There is an exception for sitting members; conviction. The Supreme Court stayed his
side. The Shinde group represented significantly announced that he was disqualified as an MP with they have been provided a period of three conviction in 2007, which removed the
more voters than the Thackeray faction, among effect from the date of conviction. On January 18, months from the date of conviction to appeal; the disqualification until the appeal was decided.
those who voted for the party in the last elec­ the Election Commission of India (ECI) fixed disqualification will not be applicable until the This decision allowed him to contest the election.
tions, the ECI concluded. The ECI decided not to February 27 as the date for by­election to that appeal is decided. The differential treatment of This issue was also discussed in the Lily
go into the ‘test of party constitution’, a second constituency, with the formal notification to be candidates for elections and sitting members was Thomas judgment (2013). The judgment stated
touchstone applicable in such situations, in an in­ issued on January 31. Mr. Faizal appealed to the challenged under Article 14 (right to equality). A that a disqualified person may obtain a stay on
dictment of Mr. Thackeray, who made changes to Kerala High Court for a stay on his conviction and Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, in his conviction, and cited an earlier 2007
the Sena constitution unilaterally and self­serv­ sentence, which the High Court suspended on 2005 (K. Prabhakaran vs P. Jayarajan), decided judgment that the disqualification would be
ingly. The ECI decision is a setback to Mr. Thacke­ January 25. that the consequences of disqualifying a removed from the date of the stay order.
ray who is struggling hard to retain control of the The High Court said that the consequence of contestant and a sitting member were different. So what happens now? The Lakshadweep seat
party founded by his father in 1966. not suspending the conviction is drastic not just In the latter case, the strength of the party in the was declared vacant but the ECI, after the stay
The Court is scheduled to start hearing on pe­ for Mr. Faizal but also for the nation. The cost of a legislature would change, and could have an order, announced deferring the by­election. The
titions by both camps that claim to be the real parliamentary election would have to be borne adverse impact if a government had a thin Lok Sabha has kept the seat vacant and has not
Shiv Sena, from February 21 onwards. Whichever by the nation and developmental activities in majority. It would also trigger a by­election. yet re­instated the MP. The reason the High Court
faction is accepted to be the real Shiv Sena would Lakshadweep will also stop for a few weeks. The Therefore, it was reasonable to treat the two granted the stay was to avoid an expensive
have the authority to coerce legislators through elected candidate will have just 15 months to categories differently. The Court also considered election. The question is whether the removal of
whips, as in provisions of the anti­defection law. function till the end of the term of the current whether in case of a disqualified candidate who is disqualification can be back dated as if it never
Lok Sabha. Given these exceptional and The issue in the later acquitted, the disqualification would be happened and the election avoided. Or whether
The Shinde faction argues that the Chief Minister
took control of the party following an internal re­ irreversible consequences, it suspended his case of removed with retrospective effect. It stated that the disqualification is removed only from the date
bellion, and as per majority desire; and nobody conviction until disposal of the appeal. politician this could not be done as this would require the of the stay order, and, therefore, the vacated seat
has defected, as is being accused by the Thacke­ Mr. Faizal challenged the ECI’s announcement Mohammed results of the election to be cancelled. Therefore, be filled only through a by­election. This
ray faction. The Court is also examining whether in the Supreme Court of India. On January 30, the Faizal P.P. is the removal of disqualification would be conundrum arises because the Lily Thomas
a presiding officer, whose legitimacy is itself un­ ECI said it was deferring the election. this — is his prospective and for future elections. judgment requires the seat to be vacated
der a cloud, could go on to determine the dis­ The question now is whether Mr. Faizal will In 2013, a two­judge Bench of the Supreme immediately upon disqualification whereas the
automatically resume his membership of the Lok
disqualification Court again considered whether this exception Kerala High Court stay tries to ensure that the MP
qualification of legislators under the anti­defec­ for conviction
tion law. Considering that these questions will be Sabha. The answer lies in deciding whether the was constitutionally invalid (Lily Thomas vs Union retains the seat until the appeal is decided. The
argued in the highest court in the coming week, cancellation of disqualification takes effect from final? Or can it of India). It stated that Article 102 empowers answer will also have implications for similar
the ECI could have waited. It is not likely that the January 25 (when the High Court suspended the be revoked? Parliament to make law regarding disqualification cases in the future.
ECI’s decision on the name and the symbol will
also be raised in court. This legal tussle apart, the
real combat between the two factions is for the
popular base. On this count too Mr. Thackeray
appears to have ceded ground to Mr. Shinde who
is expanding his hold over cadres and networks.
A picture of Islam that is quite different
Evidently, Mr. Shinde’s political alliance with the
Bharatiya Janata Party is more palatable to party

owards the end of 2022, a hugely car from the opposite direction.
workers, who have been fed on high doses of reli­
significant moment in the Whatever the top court’s verdict, in the years other words, the Jamaat accepted the laws of
gious extremism and regional fanaticism over the
post­Independence history of Indian to come, the Jamiat’s petition is likely to play as independent India and was happy to operate
years, than Mr. Thackeray’s opportunistic experi­
Muslims slipped by under the radar. The Jamiat important a role in the annals of within the confines of secular polity principles
ments with the Congress and the Nationalist Con­
Ulama­i­Hind, the oldest Muslim organisation in post­Independence India as the acceptance of framed by B.R. Ambedkar, and conducted
gress Party.
India, with its roots in the national freedom secular democracy by the Jamaat­e­Islami Hind. financial transactions according to the law of the
struggle, filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Ziya Us Salam land. It meant Indianisation of Islam was
India seeking reservation for Dalit Muslims for A gradual change accepted by the body and the goal of establishing
admission to schools, colleges and government The Jamaat was founded in 1941 by Abul Ala Hukumat-e-Ilahiya set aside. The organisation
Aldermen altercation jobs. In a country where demands are
periodically made for reservations on the lines of
Mawdudi with the express purpose of ushering in
a hukumat-e-ilahiya or the Islamic state. Mawdudi
which once limited its in­house discourses to
commentaries on the Koran and Hadith now
By barring L­G’s nominees from voting, caste or region, not many comprehended the believed that the very promulgation of the hosts public discussions on the Union Budget and
top court has scuttled mischief in Delhi significance of this demand. It was the first time Kalima, the first tenet of Islam, made it contemporary events in secular society.
ever that a Muslim body in India was explicitly incumbent upon the believer to strive to establish
admitting to the presence of caste system among an Islamic state or god’s kingdom. He believed in Intertwining of responsibilities

he Supreme Court has rightly shot down
the brazen and legally untenable claim Indian Muslims — Islam, in essence, is a casteless striving for a transformation of India into a Darul Likewise, before the 2019 general election which
that nominated members of the Munici­ faith with an emphasis on egalitarianism. Islam (land of faith), and was fundamentally coincided with the month of Ramzan, the Jamiat
pal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) may be allowed The same is not necessarily true of Indian opposed to secular democracy where all faiths Ulama­i­Hind advised fasting Muslims to first cast
to vote in the election of its Mayor. The Bharatiya Islam; yet, this was the first time that a Muslim were regarded as equal, and the law was made on their vote in the morning before retiring to their
Janata Party (BJP) sought to bend the rules to al­ body made bold to embrace social reality and non­religious lines. In fact, the early rules of the homes for rest and prayer. Responsibilities as an
low the 10 aldermen, nominated by the Lieute­ seek reservations on the lines of caste; Islam and Jamaat made it essential for its members to Indian and a Muslim were intertwined. It brought
nant­Governor, to vote in the election, despite caste did not seem to be an anomaly any more. It oppose any legislative assemblies which made back the words of Hussain Ahmed Madani, a
the law limiting the process to elected Council­ was another step towards Indianisation of the laws not derived from the Shariah. The prominent Jamiat leader, who once told the
lors. That a question concerning a mayoral elec­ religion, and quite contrary to the teachings of pre­Independence Jamaat opposed a secular faithful, “Our religion tells us Adam descended in
tion should engage national attention is due to Prophet Muhammad who, in his last sermon, judiciary and an economic system based on riba India. It was from here that his race spread. It is
the political acrimony between the ruling BJP at emphasised the equality of the human race or interest which is haraam (forbidden) in Islam. necessary for the Muslims to understand that this
the Centre and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), reminding the faithful, “An Arab has no A person who gives and takes interest is said to be country was their old native place.” He could
which runs the elected regime in the National superiority over a non­Arab, a White over Black at war with god and his messenger. However, as have well said this country and its social
Capital Territory of Delhi. The BJP sought to inter­ and vice­versa”. Yet, here was the Jamiat tacitly Mawdudi shifted to Pakistan following India’s practices. Interestingly, at the just concluded
pret the relevant provisions in the Constitution admitting to the ‘superior’ status of ashrafs independence, the Jamaat too turned a new leaf three­day conclave of the Jamiat, Mahmood
and the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act in such (Sheikhs, Syeds and Pathan, etc.) and explicitly and gradually came to not only accept but also Madani made headlines for merely repeating
a way that the specific bar on nominated mem­ seeking the benefit of affirmative action for lower embrace secular polity. The change was gradual, Hussain Ahmed’s words. He said, “India and not
bers voting in “meetings” of the corporation caste Muslims (Ansaris, Saifis, Abbasis, etc.) so well considered and a quiet acceptance of the Arabia is the birthplace of Islam. The first
should not be applied to its first meeting, at that they could climb the social ladder. new reality of the country post­Partition. prophet descended here. India belongs to all of
which the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected. The action may have stemmed from the In 1961, the Jamaat sought the opinion of the us equally. It belongs as much to Narendra Modi
It takes a particularly perverse political imagina­ increased activity in socio­political circles around ulemma on whether the faithful could participate and Mohan Bhagwat as Mahmood.” A day later,
tion to argue that “meetings” do not include the Pasmanda Muslims, but whichever way one looks in democratic elections, and then allowed its his uncle Arshad Madani chipped in with his take
“first meeting”. Three attempts to hold the mayo­ at it, the Jamiat’s petition was an undeniable members to not only vote in general or State on oneness of god, stating, “What Hindus
acceptance of caste among Indian Muslims. Yes, The elections but also contest them, if they so wished. worship as Om, Muslims worship as Allah.”
ral election, following the MCD polls that took
caste among Muslims is not exploitative as in Jamaat­e­Islami The Jamaat, in some pockets, went on to forge Between them, the Jamaat­e­Islami Hind and
place in December 2022, were stalled by clashes
between AAP and BJP councillors over this ques­ pockets of Hindu society — in early January there Hind and the alliances with mainstream secular political Jamiat Ulama­i­Hind, in their different ways, have
tion. The verdict vindicates the position of AAP, was a case of a Dalit man being tortured with Jamiat parties, and often advised Muslims to vote for a managed to present a picture of Islam which is
which has 134 councillors in the 250­member burning logs for visiting a temple in Uttarakhand Ulama­i­Hind particular candidate or party. After initial quite different from the Islam of Arabia, but a
Council, against the BJP’s 104. — but it is almost always present as a mark of are presenting reservations within the organisation on the thriving entity with a uniquely Indian identity. It
It is unfortunate that before the Court, the Lt. identity, and even worn as a badge of honour in subject of voting or contesting elections which has room for caste identities, dialogue with the
themselves in
Governor also took the questionable political many circles. In the years gone by, in many towns derived their rules from the Constitution of India, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, and claims on
of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, it was not unusual to different ways it was no longer considered against Islam to oneness of god, irrespective of differences in
stand that the restriction on the right to vote in
see a poor cyclist, probably hailing from the as entities with participate in a pluralist democracy. religion.
Article 243R(2) of the Constitution and the provi­
so to Section 3(3)(b)(i) of the Act was limited to so­called lower caste, alighting from his vehicle a uniquely Likewise, Muslims were first permitted, then
regular meetings, and not to the first meeting of on seeing a Syed or Pathan coming by his bike or Indian identity encouraged to enter government services. In
the Council. The Court rejected the argument,
noting that the law provides for the nomination
of 10 people “with special knowledge and expe­
rience in municipal administration”, but without LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
any voting right. In keeping with the Court’s or­
der, Lt. Governor V.K. Saxena has now approved No to ‘sealed cover’ confidence in investors. It is for reasons best known to truth brought to light. External Affairs Minister has Justice of India refused to
February 22 as the date for the election of the The emphatic step taken by for the government to it. This hunch was Tharcius S. Fernando, betrayed his own lack of accept “sealed cover”
Mayor, Deputy Mayor and six members of the the Supreme Court of India become not only an honest strengthened further when Chennai confidence in the reports from the Union of
Standing Committee. Last year, Parliament to reject the government’s broker but also appear to the government attempted robustness of India’s India, the controversial
passed a law to merge the three corporations in attempt at “sealed cover” be so in the whole process. the “sealed cover” move. In Soros comment, reactions democracy. The Prime Rafale deal might have
Delhi into a single entity, a decision criticised for jurisprudence is not only a C.G. Kuriakose, being swift to recognise that While a woman Union Minister’s complete silence, been decided differently.
reversing the trend of having compact local bo­ prudent decision but also a Kothamangalam, Kerala transparency will stand Minister’s outburst against both within and outside, S.K. Choudhury,
dies for better delivery of civic services. Delhi’s nod to transparency and martyred, praise must be George Soros for his critical Parliament, and his Bengaluru
lack of statehood is a source of conflict between fair play. The decision will The government’s refusal to heaped on the Supreme comments on the Prime government’s refusal to
the Centre and the elected regime in the capital be whole­heartedly entertain any discussion on Court for rejecting the offer Minister, in the context of even debate the issue only
territory, but the political protagonists should welcomed by right­thinking the Adani issue gave and providing a sense of the Hindenburg Research deepens the suspicion of
not allow Delhi’s administrative structures to be citizens and investors. In the enough room for one to confidence to the public in report, is quite the business group being
plagued by the tussle. The core message from a wake of the meltdown in believe that the government the process. All aspects of understandable, one shielded from the long arm Letters emailed to
Constitution Bench judgment of 2018, that elect­ the Adani Group stocks, the was afraid of any exposure the Hindenburg report must expected a more nuanced of the law. Also, had the letters@thehindu.
ed bodies should not be undermined by unelect­ decision will go a long way of the alleged fraudulent be examined reaction from the External Supreme Court Bench must carry the full postal
ed administrators, is yet to hit home. in instilling much­needed activities of the Adani group dispassionately and the real Affairs Minister. Instead, the headed by the then Chief address and the full name.
Monday, February 20, 2023 9

Why the caste survey in Bihar worries the BJP An effort to go green
Telangana government’s green initiatives help create awareness about the environment

ver since Bihar began its true as Mr. Kumar has always been minimised if the Bharatiya
caste count in January, supported a caste­based census. Janata Party (BJP) had not
questions have been When this issue was being debated vehemently opposed the caste bal organisation. Its members
raised on whether the within the National Democratic census when the issue was STATE OF PLAY include traders of flowers and
exercise is being conducted only Alliance, of which he was then a debated. The BJP’s opposition to ornamental plants. The IAHP
for political gains, given that the part, Mr. Kumar was the this exercise has only led to Serish Nanisetti also gave Hyderabad the
Lok Sabha elections are just 16 dissenting voice. He even urged doubts in the minds of a large award in the ‘Living Green for
Sanjay Kumar
months away, or whether it will the Central government to section of OBCs. They do not Economic Recovery and Inclu­

prove useful for the social and is a Professor at “reconsider” its position against understand why the BJP is so an urban growth and sive Growth’ category. The
economic development of the CSDS. Views are the exercise. staunchly opposed to this expansion of green awards were given based on
Other Backward Classes (OBC). personal While the first phase of the exercise. This has led to cover take place at the statistics filed by city officials
Some people have asked why this survey was completed in January speculation of whether the Central same time? Can new roads be and a field visit to locations
exercise is even needed in Bihar. and we will have to wait until May government wants to hide certain laid in old neighbourhoods with avenue plantations, in­
Let us examine these questions. for the entire exercise to be facts and numbers. without uprooting avenue cluding the 158­km Outer Ring
completed, it cannot be denied It is unclear why the BJP is trees and roadside gardens? advocates are puzzled by the Road that girdles the city.
The need for numbers that this survey will have political opposed to the exercise given that Plenty of examples can be numbers. They say they have Nevertheless, while the
Whatever the motive of the Nitish implications. By conducting this is has made huge inroads into the cited from the country to ar­ seen the steady loss of tree green initiatives have gained
Kumar government, is an survey, the Janata Dal OBC community, especially the gue that this is improbable. cover. Further, reports regu­ recognition, the State faces
Vishakha Nandini
undeniable fact that we need data. (United)­Rashtriya Janata Dal lower OBC voter base, across the However, the Telangana go­ larly cite instances of fully the challenge of encroach­
Without numbers, neither can is a final year law government has sent out a clear country. Evidence from surveys by vernment claims it is not. Over grown trees being cut down ments into forest lands by the
political parties put forth their student at the message that it is interested in Lokniti­Centre for the Study of the past two years, Hydera­ for construction. More than indigenous people. The right
arguments for the need of certain University of addressing the social and Developing Societies shows that bad, which has emerged as a 20 full grown trees were axed for permanent settlement in
policies or quotas convincingly, Petroleum and Energy economic backwardness of the the BJP got 44% of the OBC votes powerhouse of infrastructure on the VST­Indira Park stretch areas that were once consi­
Studies, Dehradun.
nor can the government effectively OBCs. The two parties are sure to in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections growth in Telangana, has won to make way for the elevated dered forest has been a divi­
She was associated
provide support through policies with Lokniti-CSDS as
reap some electoral dividends compared to just 22% in 2009. The multiple awards for being a corridor as part of the Strateg­ sive issue and could impact
and programmes for specific an intern from this, especially since both caste census initiated by the green city with an improving ic Road Development Plan voting patterns. Of the 119 con­
communities. This is why a census have sizeable support among OBC Central government would have forest cover. Speaking on the project in 2022. Over the past stituencies in the State Legisla­
is essential. It is the best way to voters. Through this exercise, the only given positive signals to the floor of the Assembly last few months, the pruning, cut­ ture, nine are reserved for
count the number of people RJD and the JD(U) have provided OBC community. Monday while presenting the ting and translocation of trees Scheduled Tribes. According
belonging to a community and some hope to the OBCs that their Perhaps there are other annual Budget, Finance Minis­ for the Hyderabad E­Prix has to the 2011 Census, STs form
determine their socioeconomic plight can be improved. It would compulsions. The BJP’s central ter T. Harish Rao listed these also illustrated the conflict 9.3% of the State’s population.
status (though this particular The BJP fears not be surprising if parties such as leaders feel that the demand for a awards and achievements. between green initiatives and Recently, a forest official was
survey may not be officially called that there could the Samajwadi Party (SP) and the caste census in the State is an The State government has so­called development. Citi­ killed while trying to mark
a census as the census can only be be a resurgence Biju Janata Dal, which are also attempt to revive Mandal politics. provided impressive numbers zens are campaigning to save boundaries in the forest.
conducted by the Central of Mandal splinter parties of the Janata Dal, Mandal politics gained centrality of tree plantations to show the nearly 900 banyan trees that Speaking on the floor of the
government every 10 years). politics, but fails initiate this process in their States in the mid­1990s, especially in state of the forest. An affores­ are about 100 years old each, Assembly, Chief Minister K.
Some people also wonder if they are in power, or put Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, and tation programme called Te­ on the road to Chevella on the Chandrasekhar Rao promised
to understand
whether there is any logic in pressure on their State brought about a fundamental langana Ku Haritha Hāram outskirts of Hyderabad. distribution of ‘pattas’ (docu­
conducting this exercise when the that the BJP of government to conduct the change in OBC politics. There was (the green garland of Telanga­ Questions have also been ments of ownership of land) to
Central government is averse to it. today is census. a dramatic mobilisation of OBCs. na) is the key green initiative raised about the awards. It is STs. He added a caveat. The
There is no harm — if nothing else, different from The BJP then was struggling to of the Telangana government. the administrators who nomi­ land distribution, he said, is
it will at least put to rest all the the BJP of the The BJP’s opposition build its own narrative until senior With a funding of ₹10,417 crore nate the city for the Arbor Day among the last efforts to regu­
speculation about the share of 1990s The expected gains could have leader L.K. Advani launched his over nine years, the pro­ Foundation’s ‘Tree City of the larise ownership of land and
OBCs in Bihar’s total population. It famous Rath Yatra to counter OBC gramme has covered a vast World’ award by providing a more encroachments into for­
is numbers that give concrete mobilisation. area of land with trees and certification from the Mayor ests will not be allowed.
meaning to vague expressions or However, the BJP leadership plants. The State government on the number of trees. There Will this dual approach of
speculations. When someone says needs to realise that the BJP of allocated ₹1,471 crore to the is no external auditing to esta­ protecting forests and doing
‘young’ or ‘old’, they are not being today is very different from the Forest Department and Ha­ blish the truthfulness of the in­ plantation drives pay divi­
specific. ‘Young’ could mean BJP of the 1990s. Today, even nine ritha Haaram in 2023­24, and formation. When the Mayor dends? It is too early to say.
below 10 years or below 18 years years after assuming power at the ₹198 crore for compensatory was asked about the certifica­ But it is clear that the Telanga­
and ‘old’ could mean above 60 Centre, it has a much broader afforestation. According to Mr. tion, she did not respond. na government, with its initia­
years or above 80 years. Similarly, support base among all the Rao’s budgetary speech last Similarly, in a competition tives, has its eyes set on be­
when the OBC population is communities, including the OBCs, year, the government has re­ involving cities such as Paris, coming a ‘green State’. While
described as ‘very large’, it leads compared to the past. Many OBCs planted 9.65 lakh acres and Bogota, Montreal, and Mexico the counting of trees planted
to disputes about figures. The have deserted parties like the SP developed 109 urban forests. City, Hyderabad emerged the in a park may not be a barom­
census is the only way of arriving and RJD and supported the BJP. A This year, 13 lakh acres of for­ winner and was named eter of change, it is a step in
at a reliable estimate. caste census by the Central est have been “rejuvenated” ‘World Green City’ by the In­ the right direction. It creates
The charge that the timing of government would not damage with a funding of ₹1,500 crore, ternational Association of Hor­ awareness about the environ­
the exercise indicates that it is the nature of the BJP’s support he said. ticulture Producers (IAHP). ment, which was sorely mis­

politically motivated may not be base significantly. However, environmental The IAHP is a 75­year­old glo­ sing until a few years ago.

Income tax ‘raids’ surge amid poor conviction rate F ROM THE ARCHIVE S

The number of search and seizure operations as well as survey actions by the Income Tax Department have swelled in recent years

more than doubled in recent Stolen idols recovered
Chart 2 shows the number of New Delhi, Feb. 19: The Delhi Police have
Vignesh Radhakrishnan search and seizure actions con­ recovered 53 idols stolen by a gang of idol­lifters
ducted by the Income Tax Depart­ operating all over the country and have taken

survey conducted by the ment in two five­year periods — into custody five persons living in Delhi. Among
Income Tax Department in FY11 to FY15 and FY16 to FY20. The these is the 4­foot high idol of Ganesa dating
the BBC’s offices in Delhi chart shows that the number of back to the tenth century A.D., stolen from a
and Mumbai over the last week has search and seizure actions has temple in Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh in 1969.
raised many questions, especially jumped 1.5 times between the two The idol was sold to a private collector living in
since it was done barely a month time­periods. the posh locality of Vasant Vihar in Delhi for a
after the public broadcaster re­ While both these types of ac­ price of Rs. 65,000. It weighs about three
leased a two­part documentary tit­ tions have surged in recent years, quintals. The other idols were stolen from
led ‘India: the Modi Question’. The conviction rates have reduced sig­ temples in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and
government disabled online ac­ nificantly. Table 3 lists the num­ Himachal Pradesh. The police believe that the
cess to the documentary imme­ ber of prosecution cases filed in gang has international contacts and the idols
diately after its release and also court by the Income Tax Depart­ eventually find their way abroad where they
blocked related tweets. ment, the number of persons con­ fetch very high prices. Investigations are in
This is not the first time that the victed, and the number of persons progress and further details relating to the
Income Tax Department has visit­ convicted as a percentage of cases modus operandi of the gang within the country
ed news media houses after publi­ filed in two five­year periods — and abroad have not been disclosed. As many as
cation of critical coverage. Barely a FY11 to FY15 and FY16 to FY20. As 35 idols out of the 53 antiques were sold in Delhi
month after the national editor of the table shows, while the percen­ to private collectors and antique dealers living in
the Dainik Bhaskar Group wrote tage share was low in both pe­ Delhi while the remaining 18 were sold to buyers
an editorial in The New York Times riods, it further declined in the last in Meherauli, near Delhi. Among the other
criticising the government’s “fai­ five years. The rate reduced by 5% antiques is a statue of Ganapathi with 14 arms,
lures and deceptions” during the points from 7.3% to 2.4%. carved in red stone, holding “trishul”, dating
pandemic, Income Tax officials Another factor that can be con­ back to 9th century A.D.
searched over 32 business and re­ sidered is the compounding of cas­
sidential premises connected to es. Compounding is a provision
the Group across nine cities for where the tax defaulter is allowed A HUNDRED YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 20, 1923
“tax evasion.” They visited New- to avoid major legal problems by
slaundry and Bharat Samachar’s paying a monetary fine in certain The Nizam’s birthday
offices in 2021. Both media houses cases. Chart 4 shows the number
published reports critical of the of prosecution cases filed in court Secunderabad, Feb. 13: In the celebration of the
pandemic. by the Income Tax Department Nizam’s birthday a parade was held on Fetteh
While the recent survey has put and the number of cases com­ Maidan yesterday before thousands of
the spotlight on press freedom in pounded in the three­year periods spectators, when the Regular troops, Imperial
particular, there is growing con­ — FY11 to FY13 and FY16 to FY18. Service troops, Goloonda Brigade and Jamiyeth
cern that Income Tax “raids” in The number of cases compounded Nizam Mahbub took part under Major Osman
general are used to intimidate peo­ is half of those initiated in the lat­ Yar Dowlah, A.D.C. Commander, H.E. the
ple who are critical of the Union est three years, while it formed a Nizam’s Regular Force. A royal salute and few de
government. Though the term much higher share of cases initiat­ jois were fired in honour of the occasion. H.E.H.
“raid” has become popular, the In­ ed in the FY11­FY13 period. It must the Nizam was present with the princes, his
come Tax Act does not contain this be noted that cases compounded staff, etc. and was received by the Military. At 11
expression. may also include those initiated in A.M. yesterday H.E.H. the Nizam opened the
The Income Tax Act allows two previous years. Hyderabad Industrial Exhibition at the public
types of operations — search and Chart 5 shows a similar ‘surging gardens in the presence of the premier nobles
seizure actions, and survey ac­ cases­poor convictions’ trend and State officials. His Exalted Highness
tions. The power to conduct a sur­ among cases filed under the Pre­ expressed great satisfaction at the number of
vey, such as the one conducted in vention of Money Laundering Act exhibits and the excellence of the various
the BBC’s offices, comes from Sec­ (PMLA), also an economic offence. industries of the dominions. There are over 10
tion 133A of the Act. Chart 1 shows It shows the number of cases filed stalls which are arranged in beautifully
the number of such surveys con­ under the PMLA. The case count constructed booths and Hyderabad may well be
ducted by the Income Tax Depart­ has increased sharply in recent proud of the Exhibition which attracted large
ment across years for which data years. There were only 23 convic­ crowds and will give people from the districts an
were available. As the chart shows, tions in the 5,422 cases filed until opportunity of visiting. It is to be open for
the number of such surveys has March 2022. several weeks.
Delhi Monday, February 20, 2023
● ●

Text&Context 0
Virat Kohli becomes Banks’ net interest AMCs garner over Maharashtra’s sugar A 27% increase in
fastest to reach 25,000 income soared in the ₹60,000 crore production could fall organ transplant
runs milestone December quarter through new schemes in 2022­23 numbers

25,000 25.5 38 124 15,000

The The percentage by The per cent drop in mutual In lakh tonnes, the The
number which net interest funds' collection through new quantity to which number
of runs income of banks grew fund offerings (NFOs) in 2022 Maharashtra sugar of organ
across formats scored by Virat Kohli in the in the December quarter year­on­year to over 2021, with asset management production may fall in 2022­23 from 137.28 transplants in 2022 according to Union
second test against Australia, making him ₹1.78 lakh crore, driven by a healthy credit companies (AMCs) garnering over ₹62,000 lakh tonnes in 2021­22 due to adverse Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan. There
the sixth and the fastest batter in the world off­take and a higher yield on advances. crore through new schemes. However, climatic conditions in different parts of the was an annual increase of 27% in the
to achieve this feat. The other stalwarts Net interest margin also rose by 17 basis higher number of NFOs were launched in State. Continuous rains rendered the transplant numbers, he said. Mr. Bhushan
include Sachin Tendulkar, Kumar points to 3.28% as banks repriced existing 2022 compared to the preceding year. A ground wet for long periods which also stressed the need for rational use of
Sangakkara, Ricky Ponting, Mahela loans higher at a faster rate, according to total of 228 new schemes were floated last impacted sugarcane cultivation, Sugar the country's technical manpower. PTI
Jayawardene and Jacques Kallis. PTI an analysis by Care Ratings. PTI year. PTI Commissioner Shekhar Gaikwad said. PTI COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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The SC on sealed cover jurisprudence

The “routine” handing over of sealed covers in court by the state, the contents of which are unknown to the other parties, often fighting for life, freedom and personal liberty,
is eroding public confidence in the ‘open court’ principle of justice administration


Krishnadas Rajagopal 쑽
The Chief Justice of India D.Y.
The Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandra­ Chandrachud’s firm refusal of
chud firmly refused the ‘suggestions’ of­ ‘suggestions’ offered by the
fered by the government in a sealed cover government in a sealed cover
on the formation of a proposed committee on the formation of a proposed
to enquire into the Hindenburg report on committee to enquire into the
the Adani Group. This signals the Supreme Hindenburg report on the
Court’s acute awareness of how ‘sealed Adani Group signals the
cover jurisprudence’ has begun to threa­ Supreme Court’s awareness of
ten the very credibility of the judicial insti­ how ‘sealed cover
tution. The decision of the three­judge jurisprudence’ has begun to
Bench led by the CJI to keep the govern­ threaten the credibility of the
ment’s sealed cover at a distance and do judicial institution
“its own thinking”, made it evident that 쑽
the dialogue on sealed covers was no lon­
ger an academic discourse on how to ba­ Sealed cover documents have
lance the right to know and the need to been received in cases such as
the Rafale jets’ purchase deal,
protect national security.
Assam National Register of
The “routine” handing over of sealed
Citizens case, Ayodhya title
covers in court by the state, the contents of dispute, Gujarat Police ‘fake’
which are unknown to the other parties, encounter case, Narendra Modi
often fighting for life and personal liberty, biopic release case etc.
is eroding public confidence in the ‘open
court’ principle of justice administration. ISTOCKPHOTO 쑽
The petitioners are unable to defend them­ The court has said that the
selves, not knowing what they are sup­ BCCI case, have been accepted in sealed vernment should give prior permission to taken away by the state in an “implied burden would lie on the
posed to defend against. Passing on mate­ covers. a person who wants to give evidence “de­ fashion or in a casual and cavalier man­ government to prove that even
rials in a sealed cover to the court compels Sealed cover documents have been re­ rived from unpublished official records re­ ner”. sharing redacted copies of the
judges to accept the state’s version, that ceived by the apex court in cases such as lating to any affairs of state”. The most recent one was in the S.P. Ve­ records would prove
too, in cases in which the government’s the Rafale jets’ purchase deal, Assam Na­ lumani case verdict of May 2022 in which detrimental to national
narrative is under challenge. tional Register of Citizens case, Ayodhya Only in ‘extenuating circumstances’ the Supreme Court criticised the Madras security and public order.
title dispute, Gujarat Police ‘fake’ encoun­ However, the Supreme Court is now wit­ High Court’s decision to permit a report to
A history of sealed covers ter case, Narendra Modi biopic release nessing a turnaround. The court, during remain “shrouded in sealed cover” when
The origins of sealed cover jurisprudence case, in the sexual harassment case con­ the Media One telecast ban hearing, orally the State had not even claimed any specific
can be traced to service or administrative cerning then Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, observed that the government should privilege. Similarly, the court admonished
cases. Official service records and promo­ the electoral bonds case, Bhima Koregaon claim “specific privilege” in an affidavit the Bihar government for attempting to
tion assessments of individual personnel case and the anticipatory bail plea for and explain the “extenuating circumstanc­ give information in sealed cover in the Mu­
were received in sealed cover in order to former union finance minister P. Chidam­ es” to keep documents secret from the zaffarpur shelter case.
avoid harm to the reputation of officers. baram. In these cases, sealed cover had ri­ other party. The court said the burden The Pegasus case judgment saw the
The court continues to receive confidential sen to the status of ‘due procedure’. would lie on the government to prove that court underscore that the “Union of India
documents in sexual assault cases to pro­ Rule 7 of Order XIII of the Supreme even sharing redacted copies of the re­ must necessarily plead and prove the facts
tect the identity of survivors. However, re­ Court Rules, 2013 provides that the Chief cords would prove detrimental to national which indicate that the information sought
cent times have seen the government pro­ Justice or the court can, through a judicial security and public order. The court has must be kept secret as their divulgence
duce myriad documents, ranging from order, direct any document to be kept con­ made it clear that sealed covers could be would affect national security concerns…
status reports to ‘notes’, alleged evidence fidential in a sealed cover if publication of used only in a “small exception” of cases. The state cannot get a free pass every time
collected during investigation into terror the records is “considered to be not in the So far, a tiny clutch of judgments hold the spectre of ‘national security’ is raised.
and money­laundering cases. Even court­ interest of the public”. Section 123 of the that the principles of natural justice and National security cannot be the bugbear
appointed committee reports, as in the Evidence Act of 1872 provides that the go­ the fundamental right to know cannot be that the judiciary shies away from”.

How is India addressing

form of gene therapy and stem cell THE GIST
transplants — both costly and still in
developmental stages. Blood transfusion,
wherein red blood cells are removed from 쑽

sickle cell anaemia?

donated blood and given to a patient, is Finance Minister Nirmala
also a trusted treatment in the absence of Sitharaman announced in the
permanent cures. But challenges include Budget this year that the
a scarcity of donors, fears around safe government will work in
supply of blood, risk of infection etc. “mission mode” to eliminate
What has the Finance Minister announced with respect to eliminating sickle cell disease? Is the genetic blood sickle cell anaemia by 2047.
disorder more common in tribal communities? Is there a cure? What has India done so far?
The Indian Council of Medical Research 쑽
and the National Rural Health Mission in Research and screening
Saumya Kalia vessels because of its shape but sickle red the middle 1940s, doctors found that different States are undertaking outreach programmes have found that
blood cells end up slowing, and even those with sickle red blood cells were programmes for better management and the prevalence of
The story so far: blocking, the blood flow. Moreover, sickle more likely to survive malaria. Those with control of the disease. The Ministry of haemoglobinopathies —
ickle cell anaemia (SCA), a genetic cells die early, resulting in a shortage of the trait in some African countries were Tribal Affairs launched a portal wherein disorders of the blood — is

S blood disorder, found mention in

the Budget this year. Finance
Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that the
red blood cells that deprive the body of
oxygen. These obstructions and shortages
may cause chronic anaemia, pain, fatigue,
found to be potentially resistant to lethal
forms of malaria and had a survival
advantage. The sickle cell trait thus gave
people can register themselves if they
have the disease or the trait, in order to
collate all information related to SCA
more among tribal populations
than non­tribal communities in
government will work in “mission mode” acute chest syndrome, stroke, and a host an evolutionary advantage, offering among tribal groups. In the Budget, the 쑽
to eliminate the condition by 2047. India of other serious health complications. immunity to some people during malaria Union Health Minister said the
is the second­worst affected country in Without treatment, quality of life is epidemics. In India, States and UTs with government plans to distribute “special Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic
disorder, making complete
terms of predicted births with SCA — i.e. compromised and severe cases can tribal populations contribute a significant cards” across tribal areas to people below
“elimination” a challenge that
chances of being born with the condition. become fatal in the initial years of life. malaria case load. Additionally, the the age of 40. “The cards will be divided
requires major scientific
documented prevalence of SCA is higher into different categories based on the breakthrough.
What is sickle cell anaemia? Does SCA only affect some? in communities that practice endogamy, screening results..” The mission will
Haemoglobin which is tasked with Research and screening programmes as the chances of having two parents with receive funding under the National Health
carrying oxygen to all parts of the body, have found that the prevalence of sickle cell trait is higher. Mission. However, Dr. Deepa Bhatt, a
has four protein subunits — two alpha and haemoglobinopathies — disorders of the researcher at J.S.S. Medical College,
two beta. In some people, mutations in blood — is more common among tribal Can it be treated? Mysuru, is skeptical about the impact.
the gene that creates the beta subunits populations than non­tribal communities Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic disorder, “The card system will help you to know
impact the shape of the blood cell and in India. Research has shown that SCA is making complete “elimination” a the status of the patient, but at the same
distorts it to look like a sickle. A round red prevalent in communities residing in challenge that requires major scientific time, my biggest worry is if it will
blood cell can move easily through blood areas where malaria is endemic. Around breakthrough. The only cure comes in the stigmatise the individual.”
Monday, February 20, 2023 11


His new story

does not ring
true to me
I think he made it up as his
previous story was pooh-poohed
by the boss and the supervisor

S. Upendran

What is the meaning of the

expression ‘ring of truth’? (T Ganesh,
The ‘ring’ in this rather informal
expression has nothing to do with the ring
that we wear on the finger or the ear. It
has more to do with sound; like the ring
of a telephone, a doorbell, etc. In this
idiom, it has to do with the sound a coin
makes when it is dropped. When
someone gives you an explanation as to
why he was late, and you respond by
saying, ‘The explanation has a ring of
ISTOCKPHOTO truth’, what you are suggesting is that it
sounds true. The explanation that the

Measuring an electron’s magnetic

person has provided is believable; there is
a semblance of truth in it. Nowadays,
many people have reduced the idiom to
‘rings true’ and ‘does not ring true’.

moment with extreme accuracy I don’t believe her. Her story doesn’t
ring true.
In the past, coins were made of
precious metals like gold, silver, copper,
etc. To determine if a coin was genuine,
In a new study, physicists reported measuring the electron’s magnetic moment to a value which is 2.2 times more accurate than the previous best. people often dropped them on a hard
surface and listened. If there wasn’t a
This, however, has raised some questions about one of physics’s most successful theories — the Standard Model of particle physics proper metallic ring, they knew that the
coin in question was a counterfeit.

Vasudevan Mukunth the most successful theories in the history physical properties of the hardware, thus more strongly, the field will exert a Which is correct: ‘The audience was’
of physics. However, it still can’t explain subtracting the sources of uncertainty greater force on the electron.) or ‘The audience were’? (K.P. Peter,
X. Fan, T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, and G. why the universe has more matter than that could affect the data. As a result, to Two studies published in 2018 and Ernakulam)
Gabrielse, ‘Measurement of the Electron antimatter, what dark matter is, or what quote the physicists writing in their 2020 measured the value of α and Dictionaries give examples of this noun
Magnetic Moment’, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, dark energy is. In one strategy to crack preprint paper, “The most precise reached two distinct answers differing by being followed by both singular and
071801, 13 February 2023 these still­open questions, physicists have prediction of the SM agrees with the most 0.00000016. They should have reached plural verbs. There are many nouns in
tested different SM predictions to higher precise determination of a property of an the same answer since α is a constant. If English which can be followed by a
n an astonishing feat of metrology, and higher limits and checked whether elementary particle” to 1 ppt. this discrepancy is resolved, the

singular verb or a plural one. For
physicists recently reported the predictions agree with the While the result could be good for the physicists’ measurement can test the SM example, nouns like ‘team’, government,
measuring the electron’s magnetic observations. SM, it is also affected by two open prediction to 10 times more precision. ‘jury’, ‘staff’, ‘committee’, etc. can be
moment with a precision of 0.13 So far, they have all agreed. questions. followed by a singular or a plural verb.
parts per trillion (ppt). The resulting Will we ever find evidence of Which verb you choose to use in a
measurement is 2.2 times more accurate How does the electron’s magnetic Implications of the result beyond­SM forces? sentence will depend upon the meaning
than the previous best, recorded 14 years moment matter? First, the electron and the muon are very Physicists will test as many of the SM’s you wish to convey. Take for example, the
ago. More importantly, it’s the most The SM’s most precise prediction is of the similar particles, but the muon is around predictions as they can, to the extent they noun ‘government’. If you think of it as
precise test so far of a theory that has electron’s magnetic moment. Physically, 207 times heavier. Multiple can, to look for a crack in its façade. They one big entity, then you use a singular
both comforted and baffled physicists — the magnetic moment describes how measurements until 2021 have found that already have some leads — the SM says verb. If, on the other hand, you see each
the Standard Model of particle physics — willing an electron is to align itself in the the muon’s magnetic moment disagrees neutrinos should be massless, but they department as being a separate entity,
and therein lies the rub. direction of a magnetic field. with the SM prediction by about aren’t; and of course the muon anomaly. then you use a plural verb. The same is
Mathematically, it’s equal to –µ/µB. Here, 0.00000000251. If this is the handiwork Physicists have also built detectors to true of the noun ‘audience’; if you
The Standard Model µ (pronounced mew) is the electron’s of beyond­SM forces acting on the look for different kinds of hypothetical consider everyone sitting in an
The Standard Model (SM) is the theory magnetic moment (measured in amperes particle, their effects should be visible on dark­matter particles, are combing auditorium as being part of a single unit,
that describes the properties of all sq.metres) and µB is a physical constant the electron’s magnetic moment as well. through astronomical data to make sense then you use a singular verb; otherwise,
subatomic particles, classifies them into called the Bohr magneton. Together,­µ/µB But because the electron is lighter, the of dark energy, and are scrutinising each plural. By the way, both ‘audience’ and
different groups, and determines how is a dimensionless number. effects will be 40,000 times weaker. By other’s calculations. Many of them are ‘audio’ come from the same root word. If
they’re affected by three of the four In the new study, researchers in the achieving such a highly precise result, the also debating whether they need an even you are member of an audience, you have
fundamental forces of nature: U.S. suspended a single electron in a new result suggests that the physicists larger supercollider to succeed the Large come to hear or listen to something.
strong­nuclear force, weak­nuclear force, magnetic field at an ultracold temperature couldn’t find these signs. Hadron Collider. The group that The audience was bored by the speech.
and electromagnetic force (it can’t explain inside a vacuum chamber, and measured Second, a series of mathematical measured the electron’s magnetic
gravity). currents induced in nearby electrodes by calculations connect the data that moment itself has plans to upgrade its What is the meaning of ‘pooh­pooh’?
In the 1960s, physicists used SM to the electron’s movement. They measured physicists record in an experiment and setup and repeat the measurement with (Kamal Laddha, Bengaluru)
predict the existence of a particle called the value of –µ/µB to be 1.00115965218059, the value of the electron’s magnetic the electron’s anti­particle, the positron. The ‘ooh’ in the two words are
the Higgs boson, which was finally within 0.13 ppt. moment. One of these calculations All together, the community hopes that pronounced like the ‘ue’ in ‘blue’, ‘clue’
discovered in 2012. Similarly, the SM has They achieved such a precise result by involves the fine structure constant (α) – a at least one of these efforts, guided by the and ‘glue’. When pronounced, it is the
allowed physicists to successfully predict closely controlling the electric fields that universal constant that specifies the principles they uncover in their second ‘pooh’ that gets the main stress:
the existence and properties of dozens of hold the electron in place, stabilising the strength with which an electron couples theoretical studies, will reveal a glimpse pooh­POOH. When somebody makes a
particles and is considered to be one of magnetic field, and finely adjusting the to the electromagnetic field. (If it couples of a world beyond the Standard Model. suggestion and you pooh­pooh it, what
you are doing is dismissing it. You are of
the opinion that the suggestion is rather
foolish, and therefore, people should not
waste time even considering it. This
Please send in your answers to informal expression carries with it the
THE DAILY QUIZ sense that you have total contempt for the
individual’s suggestion.

On February 20, 125 years ago, the legendary Enzo Ferrari was born. A quiz on the At the meeting, the teacher
pooh-poohed many ideas.
man and the iconic brand that he created
V. V. Ramanan X Questions and Answers to the February 17 edition
QUESTION 5 of the daily quiz: 1. This new lizard species
X Apart from the public’s 67.09% and Pierro discovered in coastal Kerala was named after one of
QUESTION 1 Ferrari’s 10% ownership, which company the world’s most well known broadcasters. Ans:
Ferrari was founded by Enzo in 1939 as the founded by Giovanni Agnelli (of Fiat fame) Sitana attenboroughii; Sir David Attenborough
Auto Avio Costruzioni from the racing owns 22.91% of the iconic car maker? 2. The original presenter of BBC HARDtalk. Ans: Tim
division of which famous automobile X Sebastian
brand? QUESTION 6 3. Modelled on a long running quiz show in the BBC,
X Which F1 legend is the team’s most the Indian version of this show ran for five years. The
QUESTION 2 successful driver with five consecutive winner of the first edition was this individual. Ans:
The 1947 125S is considered the first drivers’ titles and 72 Grands Prix for the Mastermind India; Dayita Datta
Ferrari “civilians” could purchase. How team? 4. The book version of this BBC sitcom was translated
many were manufactured initially? X into Chinese by Cheng Hong whose husband went on
X QUESTION 7 to become the Prime Minister of China. Ans: Yes
QUESTION 3 In which Asian city is the Ferrari World Minister; The husband’s name is Le Keqiang
Connect ‘Cavallino Rampante’ and Count theme park that is said to have the world’s 5. This six member comedy troupe made their debut in
Francesco Baracca to the legend of Ferrari. fastest roller coaster? a BBC show. Ans: Monty Python; Monty Python’s
X X Flying circus was their debut show
QUESTION 4 QUESTION 8 Visual: This police box from a popular science fiction For feedback and suggestions for
Scuderia Ferrari is the oldest surviving and Apart from Modena in the X show serves this function. Ans: TARDIS, time Text & Context, please write to
most successful Formula One team. When Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, which Visual question: travelling space craft
did it start competing and who was its first town close to it is also considered the Identify this Finn, the last Ferrari driver to win a Early Birds: Daksh Yadav| Moumita Roy Basu| V. with the subject ‘Text & Context’
driver to win an F1 race? home of Ferrari? Formula One championship, way back in 2007. AFP Siddhartha| Manish Babal

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