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6 Monday, March 13, 2023

Editorial Delhi

Using Ukraine as a bellwether is a path to tragedy

here is much sound and fury around have come together nor provided Ukraine with all­round containment, encirclement and
Ukraine these days, but it is becoming whatever support it needed to resist Russia’s suppression of China.
Safe harbour at risk difficult to decipher the truth. What is
not disputed is that Ukraine is indeed
invasion of Ukraine.
The convincing demonstration of U.S.
Many of these statements were made on the
sidelines of the National People’s Congress (NPC)
Regulation of Net intermediaries must engaged in a ‘struggle for existence’. superiority over Russian weaponry in regard to held earlier this month, with China’s newly
not involve unreasonable requirements Notwithstanding its heroic struggle, there is a shoulder­fired surface to air missiles, anti­tank appointed Foreign Minister, Qin Gang, openly
slow realisation that the Ukraine war is M.K. Narayanan weapons such as the Javelin, and launchers such accusing the U.S. of attempting to encircle China

n formally outlining the crux of the pro­ approaching a stalemate. In current reckoning, it as HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Mobility through its Indo­Pacific strategy (which,
is a former Director,
posed Digital India Act, 2023, the Minister of would seem that matters can only go downhill Rocket System), has since given the U.S. according to him, was an Asia­ Pacific version of
Intelligence Bureau,
State, IT, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, made a from here as Russia appears intent on employing a former National additional confidence to take on all comers. In NATO) and whose real purpose was to encircle
case for a robust replacement of the IT Act, 2000, enhanced aerial attacks, which includes the latest Security Adviser, and turn, this kind of thinking might well lead them to China.
which is somewhat obsolete now. He ominously hypersonic missiles to subdue Ukraine. a former Governor the next stage of convincing the world that the Chinese criticism tends to be usually obtuse
added a question that the government sought to Consequently, and while applauding the of West Bengal U.S. today can stave­off any challenge to its and seldom direct, but it has been unusually
revisit: “should there be a ‘safe harbour’ at all for heroism of the Ukraine people, serious attempts supremacy. forthright this time, prompting concerns that
all intermediaries?” This acquires significance as are being made across Europe, — this includes The situation is pregnant with many China may be getting ready for a direct
the government has been working towards in­ France, Germany and the United Kingdom — on possibilities. The Ukraine adventure or confrontation with the U.S., so as to effectively
creasing the compliance burden on Internet in­ how to bring about an end to the war. Neither misadventure is, however, helping the U.S. to thwart a U.S. effort to restore its dominant
termediaries, in particular in the IT Rules 2021 side is likely to be able to claim a decisive victory, erase images of its retreat from Afghanistan position in world affairs.
and its later amendments. These Rules them­ and any expectations that Russia can be which had greatly hollowed out the reputation of Adding grist to such concerns is the Chinese
selves had put the onus on social media interme­ compelled to withdraw from areas where it made the U.S. as a world power. This has since fuelled leader Xi Jinping’s call to delegates attending the
diaries to arbitrate on content on their platforms initial gains are considered extremely remote. new ambitions in U.S. and western minds. recent NPC, viz., to maximise its ‘national
with regulations that were weighted in favour of The initial euphoria seems to have been replaced Both the right and wrong lessons could well be strategic capabilities’ in a bid to “systematically
the government of the day, and had invited legal by ‘battle fatigue’, and with the Ukraine imbroglio derived from this. It could encourage a U.S., flush upgrade the country’s overall strength and
appeals as digital news media platforms among beginning to be viewed as a ‘US backed NATO with its recent success in Europe, to believe that safeguard its strategic interests and realise its
others questioned the constitutionality of the proxy war’ against Russia, European leaders are the momentum now lies with it, and that if there strategic objectives”.
Rules. Meanwhile, an amendment in October at present engaged in finding ways and means to is a tide in the affairs of a nation which if While Taiwan may remain the flashpoint in the
2022 provided for government­appointed com­ bring about a ceasefire, than in perpetuating the exploited at the right time can lead to success, Indo­Pacific, further aggravated by the repeated
mittees that will adjudicate on an individual us­ conflict. then this is, perhaps, the best time and visits in recent weeks of top U.S. military leaders
er’s appeals against moderation decisions of opportunity for such experimentation. to Taiwan, newer tensions are adding fresh grist
these intermediaries. In January 2023, the IT Mi­ Impact on Europe Such reasoning could also prove dangerous. to possibilities of a conflict in other regions in the
nistry proposed an amendment on the take Several other reasons can also be adduced for Ukraine and the war in Europe is hardly a Indo­Pacific. U.S. claims in the wake of the
down of social media/news content that has been Europe’s current mind­set. First, notwithstanding laboratory for similar experiments elsewhere. Ukraine conflict, of defeating all­comers, could
marked as “fake” or “false” by the Press Informa­ the generous supply of state­of­the­art weapons U.S. ‘triumphalism’ or what it might have instigate more tensions that lead on to a conflict
tion Bureau or any other government agency. from the United States, Europe is painfully aware achieved in Ukraine without the loss of a single which comes perilously close to an open
These, in sum, had already put the safe harbour that it remains entirely at the mercy of the North American life, as also the demonstration of the confrontation culminating in a war.
protections for intermediaries at much risk. Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the U.S. superiority of its weaponry, could also lead to
Regulation of hate speech and disinformation today. Europe’s defence industry continues to misadventures. China is clearly not Ukraine, or The danger of provoking a world war
on the Internet is a must and intermediaries, in­ remain extremely fragile, and prospects that this for that matter Russia, and Asia is not Europe. All wars start with a misreading, or
cluding digital news media and social media plat­ would change appear remote, thus perpetuating What has taken place in Ukraine and Europe misunderstanding, of the intentions of the other
forms, have an accountable role to play. The IT Europe’s dependence on the U.S. and NATO. cannot be a bellwether for what might happen if side. The U.S.’s success in assisting Ukraine to
Rules’ specifications on giving users prior notice Second, in the realm of economics, Europe is a conflict with China in the Indo­Pacific were to withstand the Russian offensive and, incidentally
before removing content or disabling access, and hurting, and the prospect of a prolonged take place. undermining Russia’s image of being a kind of
for intermediaries to come up with periodic com­ stalemate and a war without end appears highly super power in Europe, appears to be
pliance reports are well taken. Social media inter­ daunting. European leaders, including Germany’s China’s strong stance encouraging the U.S. and certain other western
mediaries should not shut down users’ posts or Chancellor Olaf Scholz, are now engaging in quiet For its part, China is preparing for all powers to redefine the global power equation and
communications except in the interests of public diplomacy to end the war, without making it eventualities. The language being used by China seek a return to the post­1945 period in world
order and to avoid legal consequences. But care appear that Europe has had to make major Ukraine and today is among the harshest and most direct in affairs. After Europe, the target appears to be
should be taken to ensure that requirements on compromises. the war in recent times. Alleging that the U.S. is engaged in China.
intermediaries should not become needlessly What has become all too evident, meanwhile, the suppression and containment of China, it has It would, however, be a gross misreading of the
Europe is
onerous and punitive, which also vitiate the prin­ to not only Europe but also to much of the world warned that “if the US does not hit the brakes and situation if the U.S. were to attempt the
ciple of safe harbour. There is a legitimate con­ hardly a
is that the Ukraine conflict has convincingly continue to speed down the wrong path, no containment of China at this time, flush with its
cern that the government is keener on regulating demonstrated that the U.S. was the true defender
laboratory for amount of guardrails can prevent derailment, success in Europe and provoking retaliation
or taking down critical opinion or dissent in so­ of Europe, and in a manner not seen after World similar leading to conflict and confrontation”. Chinese elsewhere, thus paving the way for a new world
cial media/news platforms than hate speech or War II. Firmly entrenched in the peoples’ psyche experiments President Xi Jinping for his part, has directly conflict. It could turn out to be a tragedy of
disinformation, which in many cases has origi­ is that without the U.S., Europe would neither elsewhere accused the U.S. and western countries of the gigantic proportions.
nated from representatives of the state. Safe har­
bour provisions, in particular Section 230 of the
U.S. Communications Decency Act, 1996, that ex­
plicitly provided immunity to online services
with respect to user­generated content had gone
a long way in catalysing the Net’s development.
While modern regulations to tackle issues related
Adultery as misconduct and judicial musings
to misinformation, problematic content and the
side effects of the new form of the Internet are a

ore than four years ago, the Supreme Consequent to the Joseph Shine case, the and officers at subsidised rates at all locations. A
must, they should still retain first principles of Court of India decriminalised adultery Rajasthan High Court, in Mahesh Chand Sharma section of society may consider drinking alcohol
safe harbour without whittling down their core. in its landmark judgment, Joseph Shine versus State of Rajasthan and Others (2019), set as an immoral act, but this does not authorise the
versus Union of India (September 2018). It held aside the departmental proceedings against the employer to initiate disciplinary action. In other
Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code (on petitioner who was serving as an inspector in the words, some private space is given even to army
adultery) along with Section 198 of the Criminal Rajasthan Police (after having served for 18 years personnel where moral policing is not allowed.
New reality Procedure Code to be unconstitutional on the
premise that these provisions were violative of
R.K. Vij
is a former Special
in the Indian Air Force) and allegedly had illicit
relations with one woman constable and had also A caveat that cannot be overlooked
Saudi Arabia, Iran should be mindful of Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution of India. Director General of ‘begotten a child from illicit relations’. The High Though Article 33 of the Constitution empowers
Aggrieved by the order concerning its Police of Chhattisgarh Court held that no employer can be allowed to do Parliament to restrict the fundamental rights of
pitfalls ahead while seeking a cold peace implementation in the armed forces, the Union of moral policing on its employees which go beyond the members of the armed forces, the caveat of

he Saudi­Iran reconciliation in a China­ India sought clarification from the Court saying the domain of his public life and personal choices ‘so as to ensure the proper discharge of their
brokered agreement reflects the new that any promiscuous or adulterous acts should and selections (to have sexual intercourse) cannot duties and the maintenance of discipline among
reality in West Asia where old rivals are be allowed to be governed by the relevant be a subject matter of departmental proceedings them’ cannot be overlooked. The same principle
warming up to each other and Beijing is increas­ sections of the Army Act, the Air Force Act and under the Service Conduct Rules. will also apply to members of the forces charged
ingly willing to play a bigger role at a time when the Navy Act being special legislations by the More recently, in Maheshbhai Bhurjibhai with the maintenance of public order, i.e., the
the U.S., the region’s traditional great power, is virtue of Article 33 of the Constitution. Under Damor versus State of Gujarat and 3 other(s) police personnel of all States and Union
preoccupied with challenges elsewhere. The en­ Article 33, Parliament has powers to restrict or (2022), the Gujarat High Court quashed and set Territories, intelligence and counter­intelligence
mity between Iran, a Shia­majority theocracy, abrogate the fundamental rights of certain aside the dismissal order of an armed police agencies including their communication sections
and Saudi Arabia, a Sunni­majority absolute mo­ categories of persons, including members of the constable arising from allegations that he had as provided in Article 33 of the Constitution.
narchy, has been one of the dominant drivers of armed forces to ensure the proper discharge of developed illicit relations with a widow which Therefore, neither did the Joseph Shine verdict
conflicts in the region. While the details are yet to their duties and the maintenance of discipline amounted to misconduct. The departmental of 2018 inhibit the parameters of departmental
be unveiled, officials say Iran has agreed to pre­ among them. The Court, recently, without going inquiry revealed that the relations between the proceedings nor has the clarification sought
vent attacks against Saudi Arabia, including those into the nuances of relevant sections of the two were voluntary and mutual, and there was enlarged them. It is true that many acts and
from the Houthi­controlled parts of Yemen, and special legislations (i.e., the Army Act and similar no exploitation of the woman. The Court held omissions which are not necessarily criminal in
both countries would restore full diplomatic rela­ special Acts) said that in Joseph Shine it ‘was not at that in order to prove misconduct, allegations nature may amount to acts unbecoming of a
tions, which were severed in 2016. In recent all concerned with the effect and operation of the must have some nexus, direct or indirect, with government servant. A common thread running
years, West Asia has seen similar realignments. In relevant provisions’ and ‘it is not as if this Court the duties to be performed by the government through all relevant judgments is that if the
2020, the UAE was among the first Arab coun­ approved of adultery’. The Court further added servant. As the alleged act was a private affair, conduct interferes directly or indirectly with the
tries to normalise ties with Israel in a quarter cen­ that it found adultery as a moral (and civil) wrong and not a result of any coercive pressure, the act honest discharge of duties; such conduct may be
tury. The following years saw the Arab world and and a ground for securing dissolution of The point made of the petitioner at the most could be considered considered as unbecoming of a government
Israel, faced with the common Iran challenge, marriage. With these observations, the case was is about as an immoral act; however, to term it as servant. The legislative intent of Article 33 of the
deepening their cooperation, despite Israel’s bru­ disposed of. establishing that misconduct as per Conduct Rules would be too Constitution is also similar. Therefore, the
tal occupation of Palestine territory. As the U.S. an adulterous far­fetched. sacrosanct right to privacy available to the
has deprioritised West Asia — it is now heavily fo­ Issue of discharge of duties act has ‘some A corollary may also be drawn with the members of the armed forces (and the policemen
cused on Ukraine and countering China’s Indo­ The moot question is whether these observations conduct of an army personnel who consumes engaged in the maintenance of public order)
nexus” with the
Pacific influence — its allies in West Asia have by the Court give an impression that the armed alcohol. Unless, the drinking habits or any such cannot be taken away under the guise of the
forces may go ahead with disciplinary action for conduct of the act of an officer affects the discharge of his duties special legislations unless it has some nexus with
started looking out for solutions for what they see
as America’s diminishing security guarantees. the misconduct of adulterous acts (as understood person’s or discipline of the force, no departmental action their duties.
The agreement also marks China’s arrival in in common parlance without reference to Section professional is initiated. It is nobody’s secret that army
West Asia as a power broker. China has been in­ 497 of the IPC) under their special legislations? duties canteens officially provide alcohol to their men The views expressed are personal
volved in multilateral peace talks such as the 2015
Iran nuclear deal (from which the U.S. unilateral­
ly withdrew in 2018), but this is the first time Beij­
ing is using its leverage directly to bring conflict­ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
ing parties to reconciliation. Stability in West
Asia, a major energy source, is essential for Chi­ T.N. Governor and Bill But for it being carried out Continuing shame the moon, why is it taking responsible for this disaster wrapped in plastic
na, which is the world’s largest oil importer. And The central question is online, it cannot deprive the In a country where manual so long to reach our toilets remains unanswered, with parcelling material. The
unlike the U.S., which has hostile ties with Iran, whether the Governor of State legislature from scavenging was banned and sewer pipes?” the local government and plastic is bound to melt and
Beijing enjoys good ties with Tehran and Riyadh, Tamil Nadu, R.N. Ravi, was passing a law on gambling almost three decades ago Ayyasseri Raveendranath, the State administration enter the food. Many face
as a leading oil buyer and trading partner, respec­ justified in sending back the which affects the lives of (1993), it is a no­brainer that Aranmula, Kerala failing miserably to control danger as food safety
tively. This has put China in a unique position to Tamil Nadu Prohibition of several people and brings the inhuman practice is still the fire. personnel and municipal
bring two of the region’s most significant powers Online Gambling and ruin to their families. If this prevalent only because of Toxic air K.A. Solaman, sanitary personnel seem to
closer. Saudi Arabia, which is undergoing rapid Regulation of Online Games logic were to apply, then governmental apathy, The fire at the S.L. Puram, Alappuzha, Kerala be looking the other way.
changes, wants peace in its neighbourhood, Bill, 2022, on March 8, to the many crimes falling under administrative corruption Brahmapuram waste Plastic being used in food
while Iran, which is under the U.S.­imposed sanc­ Legislature on the ground the State list and which are and caste bias (Inside treatment plant in Kochi, Food safety and health packaging must be banned.
tions, wants more diplomatic and economic that since gambling and carried out online would be pages, March 5). The Kerala, is leading to an In today’s busy world Alamuri Sai Dinesh,
openings. If the détente holds, it will have far­ betting are done online, it is offences against which the subhuman act has shifted environmental disaster. The people have to work so Vuyyuru, Andhra Pradesh
reaching implications on regional geopolitics, a cybercrime, and hence a State legislature cannot from village grounds to fire broke out on March 2 hard to make a living that
from peace in Yemen to stability in Lebanon. But matter for Parliament to possibly pass a law. This colourfully painted town and the poisonous air has there is no time for even a
it is too early to say whether peace would hold legislate. will virtually lead to a panchayat toilets. spread 75 kilometres to the well­prepared meal. From a
between the two, given their multilayered enmi­ The legislative powers are breakdown in law and One can echo what an south; the town of cup of tea or coffee to
ty. Saudi Arabia, Iran and China should be mind­ clearly defined and divided. order, which is a State expert on social exclusion Alappuzha reports an air dinner, it has become quite Letters emailed to
ful of the pitfalls ahead and continue to build on Gambling and betting fall subject. lamented with extreme quality index of 300 instead common for people to rely letters@thehindu.
the momentum created now to achieve a cold under item 34 of the State N.G.R. Prasad, consternation: “When of an average of 120. The on hotels. In many hotels, must carry the full postal
peace between the two regional powers. list. Chennai Indian science has touched question of who exactly is one finds hot food being address.
Monday, March 13, 2023 7

Reimagining the urban-rural dichotomy The 2019 coup still haunts Maharashtra
Fadnavis’ remarks have renewed speculation about a backchannel between BJP and NCP

he traditional across the rural­urban continuum areas and urban areas are also
dichotomy of rural and as this has important policy intensifying. In the process, a
urban, and the implications at all levels. The term mixed economy zone of primary February 2015, Prime Minister
accordingly mandated Desakota is an Indonesian usage to and secondary­tertiary sectors has STATE OF PLAY Narendra Modi visited Mr. Pa­
governance structure, seems designate the formation of evolved. war and praised the “Baramati
inadequate to understand and act rural­urban continuum. The rural­urban continuum Shoumojit Banerjee model of development.” Later,
upon poverty, undernourishment, Srikumar In India, Kerala is well known areas also witness changing the then Union Finance Minis­
education, health, environmental Chattopadhyay, for the rural­urban continuum in ecosystems. Agriculturally ter Arun Jaitley and Mr. Fadna­

management or even geographer, was with the coastal plain. This was noted productive lands are being given ike the ghost of Ham­ vis also visited Baramati and
development. For, between the the Centre for Earth even by Moroccan traveller Ibn for other uses. Food security let’s father, the spirit of paid tribute to Mr. Sharad Pa­
two extremes lies an intermediate Science Studies and is Batuta in the 14th century. The zones are being reconfigured. the 2019 government war’s “commitment to
settlement formation where rural now with the Gulati trend further spread over the Areas for pollutant filtering are formation, which rattled Mah­ development.”
and urban functions coexist Institute of Finance lowlands and adjoining midlands declining. There is an increase in arashtra, refuses to rest. Re­ In this light, Mr. Fadnavis’
without distinguishable and Taxation, and highlands. Geographical waste dump, enhanced disaster cently, in an interview to a statements could indicate that
boundaries. Such formations Thiruvananthapuram factors supported by affirmative risk, and elevated vulnerability. news channel, Deputy Chief by him is hard to dismiss as the BJP is open to alternatives
evolve due to interactions of a public policy promoting The access of local people to Minister and BJP leader De­ mere jest. in the near future. It could al­
complex set of geographical, distributive justice and water, food, fuel, fodder and fibre vendra Fadnavis stirred up a Whatever the truth about so be read as a way of keeping
cultural, economic and historical decentralisation have increased from ecosystems is reducing. At hornet’s nest when he stated Mr. Fadnavis’ recent revela­ a check on Eknath Shinde’s
processes. The rural­urban rural­urban linkages and reduced the same time, intermediary that his attempt to form a go­ tions, the BJP’s backroom in­ Sena. In this reading, Mr. Fad­
continuum or urban­rural rural­urban differences in major market institutions are emerging vernment with NCP leader Ajit trigue with the ideologically navis, who was compelled to
continuum has drawn wide parts of Kerala. In recent years, to provide these goods, which has Pawar in November 2019 had opposed NCP originated prior defer the post to Chief Minis­
attention in recent years. Under the rural­urban continuum has significant implications for the the backing of NCP chief Sha­ to the 2014 Maharashtra As­ ter Mr. Shinde following the
this axiom, it is acknowledged that developed in various parts of the local people. There is also rad Pawar. sembly elections. The long­ latter’s coup last year, is an­
the transition from rural to urban country, although the underlying escalation of market value of land, BJP State president Chan­ standing alliances between xious to ensure that Mr.
follows a graded curve of factors propping them up are which further marginalises them. drashekhar Bawankule then the BJP and the Shiv Sena and Shinde does not become more
development, and opportunities different from those noted in Discussions on social and claimed that while Mr. Sharad between the Congress and the popular than him.
for social and economic Kerala. The urban industrial economic development and Pawar was “not averse” to an NCP had broken down then, Furthermore, the NCP’s
development depend on one’s interaction fields in India are environmental issues and their alliance with the BJP after the and all the four parties con­ decision last week to offer un­
location along this curve. spreading by linking rural areas inter­linkages are not complete 2019 Assembly elections, he tested the polls individually. solicited support to the NDPP­
and also small towns around the without acknowledging the did not approve of Mr. Fadna­ While the BJP emerged as the BJP government in Nagaland
Nuanced perspectives mega cities and urban corridors rural­urban continuum. Viewing vis being made Chief Minister single­largest party in the only seems to reinforce the
A 2021 World Bank Policy penetrating rural hinterlands. social and economic in such a scenario. The ques­ State, it failed to secure a sim­ notion that a backchannel
Research Working Paper, transformation through this lens tion is, why has Mr. Fadnavis ple majority. Immediately af­ between the NCP and the BJP
‘Economic and social Collapsing barriers will help identify challenges for chosen this moment — over ter the results, the NCP of­ is operational. This was de­
development along the In 30 years, technology and improving both urban and rural three years after he and Mr. fered unsolicited support to nied by the NCP chief who
urban­rural continuum­New economic globalisation have governance and opportunities for Ajit Pawar were ‘secretly’ the BJP when the Shiv Sena said that his party was back­
opportunities to inform policy,’ increased mobility of resources enhanced access to employment, sworn­in in the presence of dithered on forming a govern­ ing Nagaland’s Neiphiu Rio
advocated adopting the notion of and people, and enhanced inter­ services, institutional resources then Governor Bhagat Singh ment with its saffron partner. and not the BJP.
urban catchment areas delienated and intra­country connectivity. and environmental management. Koshyari — to ruffle feathers? Back then, Mr. Sharad Pawar Whatever be the case, Mr.
along an urban­rural continuum. The extension of transport and The institutional connections The plot thickened when had justified this by saying the Fadnavis and the BJP also hope
Identification of such areas would communication systems, between rural and urban areas Mr. Sharad Pawar, while dis­ NCP was being offered in the to take advantage of the dee­
help understand urban­rural improved access to energy, operate at different levels for missing Mr. Fadnavis’ state­ interest of providing Maha­ pening fault­lines within the
interconnections, which is increased affordability private and various development sectors. The ment as false, said that had the rashtra with a stable govern­ MVA. After the Election Com­
important for making policy public transport as well as key challenge of decision­making morning swearing­in exercise ment. However, the BJP mission of India’s decision to
decisions across development penetration of economic and is to build rural­urban with his nephew not oc­ snubbed the NCP. Uddhav grant the Shiv Sena party name
sectors and for addressing issues other networks into remote areas partnership. To achieve this, a curred, President’s rule would Thackeray’s Shiv Sena then and symbol to the Shinde fac­
related to environment and promote a rural­urban continuum. systems approach is never have been lifted from patched up with the BJP to tion, the greatly weakened
natural resources management. The barriers due to physical recommended where the city and Maharashtra and Uddhav form the government, with Thackeray Sena is fully depen­
This would support geographically distance is melting as increasing the surroundings form a city Thackeray could not have Mr. Fadnavis as Chief Minister. dent on the NCP and the Con­
nuanced perspectives in rural­urban linkages have given region for which a perspective been Chief Minister of the tri­ But the BJP’s relations with gress in the alliance. The NCP
development, required to address rise to diffused network regions. plan is prepared integrating rural partite Maha Vikas Aghadi the Shiv Sena continued to be is undoubtedly the strongest of
increasing spatial inequality. Rural hinterlands are connected to and urban plans within a common (MVA) government. Was he fraught throughout the govern­ the three, with its partners of­
A 2008 report of the Desakota multiple urban centres. The frame. The city and the rural areas hinting that the morning coup ment’s tenure (2014­19). Each ten accusing it of seeking to ex­
Study Team, ‘Re­imagining the movement of goods, people, will finally move towards a had in fact been stage­man­ time when relations between pand at their expense. Mr. Fad­
Rural Urban Continuum,’ was information and finance between post­urban world where the aged? He later commented the two parties hit a new low, navis and Mr. Ajit Pawar, who
based on studies in eight countries sites of production and rural­dichotomy will no longer that his remark about lifting the BJP’s top brass paid ‘non­ is Leader of the Opposition,
The rural-urban
around the world including India. consumption has strengthened exist. It is important that the rural President’s rule had been political’ visits to Mr. Sharad share good relations. Should
It emphasised understanding the continuum has linkages between production and urban linkages are better mapped, “made in jest.” However, given Pawar’s stronghold of Barama­ Mr. Shinde get too big for his
changing relationship between drawn wide labour markets. As the pull factors for which satellite­based Mr. Sharad Pawar’s legendary ti in Pune district. This was boots, Mr. Fadnavis may ‘re­
ecosystems and livelihoods under attention in grow, push factors driving settlement data and its integration reputation for adroit political seen as the BJP’s strategy to cruit’ Mr. Ajit Pawar as his man
diversified economic systems recent years populations out from both rural with Census data may be useful. manoeuvring, any statement keep the Shiv Sena in check. In into the BJP.

Survey debunks Swachh Bharat’s 100% ODF claim FROM THE ARCHIVE S

Over 21% of rural households do not have access to any type of toilet, according to a government survey

ween January 2020 and August Tata Zamindari abolition

DATA POINT 2021, in 21.3% of rural households,
a majority said they had no access Act stayed
Vignesh Radhakrishnan to any type of latrine (own, shared,
public). The MIS survey is the New Delhi, March 12: The Supreme Court to­day
stayed the implementation of the Bihar Land

et another released recent­ fourth in the last five years to de­
ly government survey has bunk the ODF claim. Reforms (Amendment) Act 1972, which seeks to
called into question the Map 1 shows the percentage of abolish Tata’s Zamindari in the township of
Central government’s claim in rural households in which a major­ Jamshedpur. The court passed the interim stay
2019 that all Indian villages are ity of the members reported ac­ order after admitting a writ petition filed jointly
open defecation­free (ODF). Ho­ cess to some type of latrine, as per by Mr. J.R.D. Tata and Mr. Moolgaokar,
wever, four government surveys/ the MIS survey. For instance in Chairman and Vice­Chairman of the Tata Iron
reports released just before or af­ Kerala, 100% said they had access, and Steel Company Limited. The petitioners
ter the announcement, including while in Uttar Pradesh only 74.2% contended that the impugned act, which had
the latest Multiple Indicator Sur­ had such access. been described as an act to abolish “the alleged
vey (MIS), have not only disputed Notably, while the goal of Tata zamindari,” was a hostile and
the ODF status of most States but Swachh Bharat Gramin phase­1 discriminatory legislation directed against the
also shown persisting levels of were yet to be achieved, the go­ petitioner company alone. The petitioners
poor sanitation in many of them. vernment unveiled phase­2, which contended the act was a fraud on the legislative
The three older surveys which extended toilet coverage to power in the garb of land reforms or agrarian
disputed the ODF status were the schools/anganwadis, and said all reforms. It had been passed for a political
National Statistical Office (NSO) villages should have solid/liquid purpose and would cripple a viable national
survey from October 2018, the Na­ waste management systems. The industry. They contended that the properties of
tional Annual Rural Sanitation Sur­ villages which met these criteria the company did not constitute an “estate”
vey (NARSS) of 2019­20, and the were named ODF­plus villages. within the meaning of Article 31 A and that the
National Family Health Survey­5 Due to the clubbing of goals, the amended act could not be described as a law for
(NFHS­5) 2019­21. share of rural households with toi­ agrarian reforms. The act was liable to be struck
For instance, according to data let access (the goal of phase­1) was down for being violative of the fundamental
from the Swachh Bharat Mission, not tracked separately any more. rights guaranteed in Articles 14, 19 (1) (F) and (G)
Gramin (SBMG) portal, villages in Also, phase­1 related indicators and 31 (2) of the Constitution, they submitted.
Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu were removed from the dash­ The writ petitions came up for preliminary
were declared 100% ODF by Oc­ board. Map 2 shows the share of hearing before the constitution bench
tober 2018. However, according to such ODF­plus villages as of April 1, comprising Mr. Justice J.M. Shelat, Mr. Justice
NSO data, only 71% and 62.8% of 2022. Overall in India, only 8% of A.N. Ray, Mr. Justice D.G. Palekar, Mr. Justice S.N.
rural households in Madhya Pra­ villages attained this ODF­plus sta­ Dwivedi and Mr. Justice Y.V. Chandrachud. But
desh and Tamil Nadu, respectively, tus back then. Tamil Nadu’s share Mr. Justice Shelat and Mr. Justice Chandrachud
had access to some form of latrine was over 91%. Interestingly, just a did not participate in the proceedings as, they
(own, shared, public) in the same year ago, according to the MIS sur­ said, they were shareholders of the company.
month. The SBMG data claimed vey, only 72.4% of rural house­ The orders were passed by the remaining three
that in 24 States/UTs, over 99% of holds in Tamil Nadu had access to judges. Mr. N.A. Palkiwala and Mr. T.R.
rural households had individual some form of toilet. Andhyarujina appealed for the petitioners.
household latrine as of March The share of ODF­plus villages
2019, whereas the NARSS data re­ in India improved to 34% as of
corded six months later showed March 12, 2023. The State­wise
that in 24 States/UTs, less than share is shown in Map 3.
90% of the rural households had While the SBMG dashboard A HUNDRED YEARS AGO MARCH 13, 1923
access to their own toilets. Accord­ does not track toilet access sepa­
ing to the SBMG data, 99.4% of ru­ rately, the Swachh Survekshan War memorial
ral households in Gujarat had indi­ Grameen survey (December 2021­
vidual latrines as of March 2019. April 2022) lists the percentage of Lahore, March 12: An impressive ceremony took
However, according to NFHS data, households with access to toilets place in Lahore Cathedral yesterday when the
in the second half of 2019, only (Map 4). It concluded that in 28 screens which had been erected in the
63.3% of the population in rural States, the share of such house­ sanctuary to the memory of the members to the
households in Gujarat used indivi­ holds crossed 90% and India’s av­ S. and T. corps in India and the Punjab.Light
dual toilets. erage was 95%, wildly different Horse who fell in the war 1914/1918 were
According to the MIS released in from the figures of the MIS survey unveiled by His Excellency the Governor of the
March this year, conducted bet­ completed six months earlier. Punjab and dedicated by the Bishop of Lahore.
Delhi Monday, March 13, 2023
● ●

Text&Context 0
In lakh, the number of jobs that are In $ billion, the profits oil The number of arrests In ₹ lakh crore, the In lakh, the number of

1 expected to be impacted due to the

collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, Y
Combinator said in a petition to the U.S.
161 giant Saudi Aramco repor­
ted on Sunday for the year
2022. This is a record result for an energy
100 in Iran over the mystery
poisonings of thou­
sands of schoolgirls. Iran has blamed those
1.03 combined erosion
faced by eight of the
top 10 valued firms in market valuation last
3.73 arms licences in Pun­
jab with Gurdaspur
having the maximum of them, the State as­
government on Sunday. Around 10,000 firm crucial to the kingdom’s economy. It protests, which it commonly labels “riots”, week, with Reliance Industries and ICICI sembly was informed. The State govern­
small businesses that had deposits in the came off the back of energy prices rising on hostile forces abroad linked to its arch­ Bank taking the biggest hit amid an overall ment has cancelled 813 arms licences and
Silicon Valley Bank will fail to make payroll after Russia launched its war on Ukraine, foes the United States, Israel and their al­ weak trend in equities. Barring Bharti Airtel of them, 89 belonged to persons who had a
in the next 30 days. The petition seeks the with sanctions limiting the sale of Mo­ lies. More than 5,000 pupils have been af­ and ITC, eight firms suffered erosion of criminal background. The AAP government
attention of the government to provide re­ scow’s oil and natural gas in Western mar­ fected in poisoning cases in approximately market capitalisation. The market valu­ in November last year had banned public
lief for the immediate impact of the SVB kets. The profits rose by 46.5% when com­ 230 schools across 25 of Iran’s 31 ation of the Reliance Industries plummeted display of songs promoting gun culture. PTI
collapse. PTI pared to the company’s 2021 results. PTI provinces, the latest official tally said. AFP the most by ₹41,878.37 crore. PTI COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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The rise of the ESG regulations

What are environment, social and governance regulations and how do they differ from corporate social responsibility rules? Why are the regulations important for the Indian
economy? Will ESG compliance help Indian companies play a more prominent role in global supply chains?


Mintz Group 쑽
The evolution of ESG laws and
The story so far: regulations is still at a nascent
ver the last decade, regulators and

stage in India, where the focus
corporations around the world is often on providing
have embraced the idea that busi­ protections regarding the
nesses should be measured not just on tra­ environment or workplace
ditional economic metrics such as share­ conditions without also
holder return, but also by their incorporating the controls and
environmental impact, commitment to so­ disclosure that are a hallmark
cial issues and the soundness of their cor­ of contemporary ESG
porate governance and protection of sha­ regulation.
reholder rights. While this development is 쑽
partially due to the belief that companies
have a distinct responsibility as corporate The Securities and Exchange
citizens, the main driver is the realisation Board of India (SEBI),
that environmental, social and governance responding to the increase in
(“ESG”) considerations need to be includ­ ESG investing and the demand
by investors for information on
ed by investors in a company’s risk profile
ESG risks, substantially revised
in order to accurately assess the enterpri­
the annual Business
se. The evolution of ESG laws and regula­ Responsibility and
tions is, however, still at a nascent stage in Sustainability Report (BRSR)
India, where the focus is often on provid­ GETTY IMAGES
required by the 1,000 largest
ing protections regarding the environment listed companies in India.
or workplace conditions without also in­ with annual sales of more than £36 million tially revised the annual Business Respon­ rent challenge than India’s CSR regula­
corporating the controls and disclosure to publish the efforts they have taken to sibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) tions. 쑽
that are a hallmark of contemporary ESG identify and analyse the risks of human required by the 1,000 largest listed compa­ In particular, compliance by Indian Further legislation regarding
regulation. trafficking, child labour and debt bondage nies in India. companies with the ESG regulations of the ESG are likely, given the
in their supply chain; establish internal ac­ SEBI describes the current report for­ U.S., the U.K., the European Union and el­ increased emphasis by the
How ESG differs from CSR? countability procedures; evaluate supplier mat as a “notable departure” from pre­ sewhere will be critical if India is to take Indian government on ESG
India has a robust corporate social respon­ compliance and to train supply chain man­ vious disclosure requirements, which are full advantage of the growing decoupling issues, which can be seen in
sibility (CSR) policy that mandates that agers regarding these issues. aligned with evolving global standards and from China and play a more prominent India’s more active role in
corporations engage in initiatives that con­ place “considerable emphasis on quanti­ role in global supply chains and the global global climate forums.
tribute to the welfare of society. This man­ Why is ESG relevant in India? fiable metrics” to allow companies to en­ marketplace overall.
date was codified into law with the passage India has long had a number of laws and gage meaningfully with stakeholders and As Indian companies look to expand
of the 2014 and 2021 amendments to the bodies regarding environmental, social to enhance investor decision making. Dis­ their ESG risk management, thorough due
Companies Act of 2013. and governance issues, including the Envi­ closures range from greenhouse gas emis­ diligence will play a key role. However, this
The amendments require companies ronment Protection Act of 1986, quasi­jud­ sions to the company’s gender and social requires more than having sub­suppliers
with a net worth of ₹500 crore (approxi­ icial organisations such as the National diversity. fill out a questionnaire. Due diligence that
mately $60 million) or a minimum turnov­ Green Tribunal, a range of labour codes Further legislation regarding ESG are can stand up to scrutiny means going
er of ₹1,000 crore (approximately $120 and laws governing employee engagement likely, given the increased emphasis by the deeper. Depending on the situation, this
million) or a net profit of ₹5 crore (approxi­ and corporate governance practices. The Indian government on ESG issues, which can include looking at company records,
mately $6,05,800) in any given financial penalty for violations can be substantial. can be seen in India’s more active role in interviewing former employees and mak­
year spend at least 2% of their net profit ov­ While these laws and bodies provide global climate forums as well as in specific ing discreet visits to observe operations to
er the preceding three years on CSR important environmental and social safe­ policy developments, such as the announ­ ensure that the measures to comply with
activities. guards, new initiatives in India go further, cement in January by the Reserve Bank of international ESG standards are in effect.
The list of qualifying CSR activities is in­ establishing guidelines that emphasise India that it would be auctioning ₹80 bil­ Companies that wish to maximise their
tentionally broad, ranging from support­ monitoring, quantification and disclosure, lion ($981 million) in green bonds. opportunities in the global economy need
ing the protection of historically impor­ akin to ESG requirements found in other to embrace these new requirements and
tant sites to promoting safe drinking water. parts of the world. What are the implications for Indian adjust their organisations accordingly.
ESG regulations, on the other hand, The Securities and Exchange Board of companies? Mintz Group is a corporate investigation
differ in process and impact. The U.K. India (SEBI), responding to the increase in Compliance with ESG regulations — both firm that gathers information before hiring,
Modern Slavery Act, for example, requires ESG investing and the demand by inves­ originating in India and elsewhere around before transactions, during litigation dis­
companies with business in the U.K. and tors for information on ESG risks, substan­ the world — thus, pose a significantly diffe­ putes and after frauds, all over the world

What is Rajasthan’s Right to

Article 47 (which directs the government THE GIST
to meet the nutrition and health
requirements of the population).

Health Bill?
Why are people opposed to it? The Bill provides rights to
The staunchest resistance to the Bill has patients and healthcare
come from private healthcare providers, providers, places the obligation
owing to the ambiguity around who will on the government to protect
pay for the mandatory free­of­cost these legal rights and
What services will residents be entitled to if passed? Does the Constitution guarantee the right to health? Why emergency treatment. A pamphlet in mandates the setting up of
are private hospitals opposing it? circulation across the States, published by grievance redressal
a “Joint Action Committee”, lists the Bill’s mechanisms.
other alleged shortcomings: that it
Saumya Kalia these legal rights and mandates the government is “obligated” to provide abdicates the State’s responsibility in

setting up of grievance redressal funds, set up institutions and constitute providing health protection and puts a Rajasthan residents will be
The story so far: mechanisms. Rajasthan residents will be grievance redressal systems. larger patient load on the private sector. entitled to free check­ups,
he recently concluded Budget entitled to free check­ups, drugs, Clause 4 mandates that the government After protests, the government has drugs, diagnostics, emergency

T session of the Rajasthan Assembly

revived the debate around the
Right to Health Bill. The legislation, if
diagnostics, emergency transport and
care at all public health institutes, along
with affordable surgeries. The Bill frames
develop a Human Resource Policy for
health ensuring equitable distribution of
doctors, nurses and healthcare workers at
agreed to create a fund to reimburse any
emergency care offered by the private
transport and care at all public
health institutes, along with
affordable surgeries.
passed, will provide mandatory free and medical services as a public service rather all levels of the system across regions. Further, doctors argue the Bill is both 쑽
affordable medical services in hospitals, than a vehicle for making money. If futile and an exercise in over­regulation.
clinics and laboratories — both public and enacted, the Act will have a recurring Does the Constitution guarantee a Clinics and hospitals are required to abide Doctors argue the Bill is both
futile and an exercise in
privately owned. Private hospital doctors annual expenditure of ₹14.5 crore. right to health? by State regulations and norms.
over­regulation. Clinics and
object to the Bill citing it is hastily drafted, Clause 3 of the Bill lays down 20 rights The Indian Constitution does not Health activists and civil society
hospitals are required to abide
ignores ground realities and may tighten a State resident will be entitled to — explicitly talk about a right to health. A members agree the Bill, in its current by State regulations and
norms in an already over­regulated field. including the right to informed consent, “right to health”, in theory, is derived form, is a “diluted” version of the draft norms.
to seek information (in the form of from the right to life and liberty as which activists and Jan Swasthya Abhiyaan
What does the Bill say? medical records and documents) guaranteed under Article 21 of the submitted to the government in 2019.
The Congress­led government tabled the regarding diagnosis and treatment, and to Constitution. Moreover, there’s no mention of a
Right to Healthcare Bill, 2022 in the receive treatment without discrimination Previously, courts have highlighted the designated time frame within which the
Rajasthan State Assembly in September based on caste, class, age, gender, etc. State’s obligation to protect and promote rules must be framed and the Bill loosely
2022. The Bill provides rights to patients Clause 4 of the Bill shifts the burden of the health of citizens, pointing to mentions the term “guarantee” — which
and healthcare providers, places the responsibility in providing adequate Constitutional provisions such as Article makes the actual execution of an Act
obligation on the government to protect medical services to the government. The 38 (promoting the welfare of people) and ambiguous.
Monday, March 13, 2023 9


Now for God’s

sake, will you
please chillax?
People dealing with the security of
high­profile individuals are
schooled to spot potential danger

S. Upendran

“The party is going to start in an hour.

You’re not even dressed. How can you sit
“I have plenty of time for that. Now,
A male hazelnut flower viewed under a fluorescence microscope. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT will you please let me finish…”
“What about the caterer? She’s not
here. What if…”

Scientists devise ‘glowscope’ to bring

“She’ll be here in half an hour. Now for
God’s sake, will you please chillax?”
“Chillax? What does it mean?”
“It’s a combination of two words —

fluorescent microscopy to schools ‘chill’ and ‘relax’. When you ‘chillax’, you
become very calm and relaxed. You stop
worrying about things.”
“In other words, you stop being
nervous about something. That’s what I
Researchers from the Winona State University say a rudimentary fluorescence microscope can cost around $30­$50 (₹2,500­₹4,100) and many need to do now — chillax.”
individuals may not be able to afford this; students in resource­poor labs can use foldscopes and glowscopes to study the microscopic world “Exactly! By the way, the word is
pronounced ‘chi­LAX’. The stress is on
the second syllable. It’s a word that’s
Vasudevan Mukunth abilities, such as epifluorescence and changes to heart rate and rhythmicity in set­up used to obtain these images to be mostly used in informal contexts. When I
confocal laser­scanning microscopes. embryonic zebrafish.” $30­$50: $5­$10 for the “scope frame”, noticed that Ravi was extremely nervous
The story so far: When the fluorophores fluoresce, a Their set­up consists of two plexiglass composed of “plexiglass, wood, nuts, before the interview, I told him to chillax.”
n 2014, a group of scientists at the fluorescent microscope can track them as surfaces, an LED flashlight, three theatre bolts, washers, paper clamps”; $10­$15 for “That’s what we should tell ourselves

I Stanford University released

Foldscope, a handheld microscope
made almost entirely out of paper,
which takes 30 minutes to put together,
and which could capture images of cells.
they move inside the object, revealing the
object’s internal shape and other
characteristics. For example, a
fluorophore called the Hoechst stain
binds to the DNA and is excited by
stage­lighting filters, a clip­on macro lens,
and a smartphone. The smartphone (with
the lens attached) is placed on one
surface that is suspended at a height (say,
a foot above). The second sheet is placed
the clip­on macro lens; $3­$5 for an LED
lamp to generally illuminate the
apparatus and $10­$20 for the LED
flashlight to illuminate the fluorophores;
and less than $1 for the filters.
when driving in this crazy city of ours. We
should take a deep breath and tell
ourselves to chillax.”
“I doubt if it’ll help, though! There are
certain situations when you just can’t
So far, millions of people — especially ultraviolet light. So, a tissue sample below and holds the object. chillax!”
schoolchildren — around the world have collected from a person could be injected In their study, the objects were Is the ‘glowscope’ truly accessible? “Like what happened to you at the
taken images of the microscopic world with the Hoechst stain and placed under a zebrafish embryos in a petri dish, It’s one thing to set up a fluorescence office yesterday?”
with Foldscopes, while dozens of fluorescent microscope. When the sample prepared according to well­established microscope using products purchased on “Office? What are you talking about?”
scientific studies have been conducted is illuminated by ultraviolet light, the stain guidelines to ensure they aren’t harmed. online marketplaces; actually obtaining “Sujatha told me about the big
with the help of this instrument. Its cost? absorbs the light and re­emits it at a They were injected with different all of the materials required is another. argument that you and Ramesh had
₹400. Foldscope democratised the higher wavelength. The microscope will fluorophores depending on which part of Using a ‘glowscope’ still requires access to yesterday. What was it about?”
world’s access to optical microscopy. point out where this is happening: in the the embryos were of interest. The sources fluorophores, suitable biological samples, “News gets around, doesn’t it? How did
Now, researchers at the Winona State nuclei of cells, where DNA is located. This of illumination were also LED flashlights the know­how to combine the two, and Sujatha come to know about it?”
University, Minnesota, have created a way, the nuclei in the tissue can be emitting light of correspondingly different some knowledge of physics to work out “I didn’t ask her. So, tell me what
design for a ‘glowscope’, a device that labelled for further study. wavelengths. which LED flashlight to buy. happened?”
could democratise access to fluorescence Scientists have developed different One of the stage­lighting filters was The foldscope was truly remarkable “I’d requested Ramesh several times
microscopy — at least partly so. fluorophores to identify and study held between the flashlight and the object because all its required components were not to park his office files on my desk. But
different entities, from specific parts of and the other two were held between the simple to understand; preparing a sample he...”
What is fluorescence microscopy? the DNA to protein complexes. On the flip object and the smartphone. The role of for viewing was as simple as placing, say, “Park his files? What are you talking
An optical microscope views an object by side, fluorescence microscopes cost at these filters was to ensure that light of the a cloth fibre on a piece of paper and about it? How can anyone park their
studying how it absorbs, reflects or least a lakh rupee, but often up to crores. right frequency reached the object and inserted that in front of the lens; and files?”
scatters visible light. A fluorescence that fluoresced light of a suitable using a foldscope was as simple as “When you ‘park’ an object
microscope views an object by studying How does the new device improve frequency reached the camera. focusing its lens on the object. The somewhere, you leave it there
how it re­emits light that it has absorbed, access? ‘glowscope’ is not so simple. temporarily.”
i.e. how it fluoresces. This is its basic In the new study, researchers from the What did they observe? However, the fact that a simple “And in the process, you end up
principle. Winona State University have described a With this setup, the researchers were able fluorescent microscope can be set up with annoying a few people!”
The object is illuminated with light of a rudimentary fluorescence microscope to image the creatures’ brain, spinal cord a few thousand rupees means, instead of “I guess you could say that! Though,
specific wavelength. Particles in the that they say can be put together at a cost (using a fluorophore called DsRed), heart being entirely out of reach, researchers not always. Whenever I park my backpack
object absorb this light and re­emit it at a of $30­$50 (₹2,500­₹4,100). Many (mCherry), and head and jaw bones can prepare samples and take them to on the sofa, my mother doesn’t like it. She
higher wavelength (i.e. different colour). individuals in India may not be able to (mRFP). They were able to zoom in and schools, where students can observe asks me to park it in the cupboard.”
These particles are called fluorophores; afford this, but schools and colleges can. out using the smartphone camera and the them. “My grandfather doesn’t like to see
the object is infused with them before The scientists wrote in their paper: clip­on lens, and by adjusting the distance Students as well as researchers in anything parked on his favourite rocking
being placed under the microscope. “We demonstrate the ability of these between the sample and the smartphone resource­poor labs can also use chair.”
There are versions of fluorescent devices... to detect green and red platforms. foldscopes and ‘glowscopes’ together to “That’s a good example. The word can
microscopes with more sophisticated fluorophores and to monitor and detect They estimated the total cost of the learn more about the microscopic world. also be used to suggest that the object has
been left there for a considerable period
of time. When the parents were away, the
two kids parked themselves in front of the
computer and played video games all
Please send in your answers to

On this date 10 years ago, the current Pope, the head of the worldwide Catholic
Church, was elected. A quiz on the election process that chooses the new Pontiff
V.V. Ramanan along with the ballot papers? Questions and Answers to the
X previous day’s daily quiz: 1. What are
X QUESTION 4 the five M’s of advertising? Ans:
QUESTION 1 Once an elected cardinal gives his Mission, Money, Message, Media,
Which word associated with the assent to the election, what is the Measurement
election of the Pope has its origin in first act he does as per the request 2. Which Indian ad agency created the
the Latin term meaning ‘locked up of the Dean Cardinal? iconic ‘Lalitaji’ ad for Surf Excel in the
with key’ as traditionally the cardinals X 1980s? Ans: Lintas (Now Mullen Lowe
were locked up inside the Sistine QUESTION 5 Lintas Group)
Chapel? Traditionally, the new Pope will not 3. Which Indian brand’s advertising
X assume a particular name because campaign featured the tagline ‘Fill it.
QUESTION 2 of two reasons. Which is the name Shut it. Forget it’? Ans: Hero Honda
Though there are more than 200 and what are the reasons? 4. Which brand’s advertising campaign
Cardinals, what is the upper age limit X featured the tagline ‘The Complete
to be eligible to take part in the voting QUESTION 6 Man’? Ans: Raymond’s
and what is the maximum number of What is ‘Habemus Papam’? 5. Which cold drink brand carries the tag
cardinal electors? X line ‘Taste The Thunder’? Ans: Thums
QUESTION 3 After the newly­elected pontiff Visual question: Identify the brand. Ans: For feedback and suggestions for
Nowadays, a chemical compound is makes his first public appearance, X Air India Text & Context, please write to
used to create the smoke used to what is the traditional blessing he Visual question: Early Birds: K.N. Viswanathan | Vinay
announce the election of a new Pope. gives that marks the beginning of What was his pre­Papal name and from which country does he Chandra | Abeer Goel with the subject ‘Text & Context’
What was traditionally used to burn the new pontificate? come ? AFP

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