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Assignment 2 Unit 8

Presented By
Ronald Andres Ramirez Canaveral

Course: English Composition II

Tutor: Leidy Sanchez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Importance of revising and editing an essay

In human nature is something normal to make mistakes in daily life, it could make

us stronger and get knowledge from it. W e also make mistakes in other activities, for

instance when writing, to be specific an “essay”, there are so many mistakes in written

language like: standard of grammar, syntax and punctuation.

An essay sometimes could have plagiarism, there are several ways to avoid this like

online checking, so the main point here is the importance and benefits of revising an essay.

It is possible to avoid some mistakes during the essay checking? Well, sometimes people

are inspired that we just are self-confident and forget to check what we have written,

however there are some ways to avoid this and the essay will be more logical.

First at all we have to concentrate on the specific topic before writing so is good to

take our time, we have to imagine the structure of the paper how it will be all its parts like

introduction , main idea and conclusions. Writing a draft version is important and we have

to make sure about the style words that we are going to use, avoiding colloquial words is a

good idea due this is going to be handle to universities.

Once the paper is finished is important to read again carefully, we have to read it

twice if possible so in this way we are going to check the parts of the essay, its main idea

and we can see if it is understandable.

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