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Third Form Existence of God Test

1. Which of the following means that God is all-powerful?

a) Omniscient
b) Omnipotent
c) Omnibus
d) Omnibenevolent (1 mark)

2. Which of the following means that God is all-loving?

a) Omniscient
b) Omnipotent
c) Omnibus
d) Omnibenevolent (1 mark)

3. Which of the following means that God is all-knowing?

a) Omniscient
b) Omnipotent
c) Omnibus
d) Omnibenevolent (1 mark)

4. Which of the following means that God is directly concerned with and involved in the lives of

a) Transcendent
b) Personal
c) Holy
d) Eternal (1 mark)

5. Which of the following means that God is beyond time and space?

a) Transcendent
b) Personal
c) Holy
d) Eternal (1 mark)
6. “Jesus is the Light of the World” is an example of what kind of religious language?

a) Myth
b) Symbol
c) Analogy (1 mark)

7. Explain how William Paley justifies his claim that the world is like a watch. (4 marks)

8. “The problem of evil cannot be solved”.

Evaluate this claim. In your answer you must

 Explain reasons to support this statement

 Explain reasons for a different point of view
 Reach your own justified conclusion (10 marks)


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