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Consent regarding stay on Corona Island

Corona Island is a global project of the Corona™ brand, owned by ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV
SA/NV, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Belgium, with registered office at
Grote Markt 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, registered in the Registry of Legal Entities with VAT
number 0417.497.106 RPM Brussels and its Affiliates hereinafter (“ABI”).

Corona Island™ is the physical space located in the Insular territory of the Republic of Colombia
called Isla Arena. An island that according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
is defined as a natural extension of land, surrounded by water, which is above its level at high tide.

Corona Island™ is conceived as a space for experiences and encounters for people of legal age. A
natural paradise in the middle of the Colombian Caribbean Sea, a place where you can enjoy
ecotourism, gastronomic experiences, alcoholic beverages of the ABI brand, especially Corona
beer, recreational, lodging, contact with nature based on the principles of environmental harmony
and recovery of maritime or insular spaces, hereinafter (the “Project”).

The Project is located in the insular territory of the Colombian Caribbean Sea called Isla Arena,
which is located in the archipelago of Nuestra Señora del Rosario1, district of Cartagena de Indias
Tourist and Cultural District, department of Bolívar and has an area of 1 hectare with 2,442 m2 (the
“Property”), whose geographical reference is included as an Annex to this document.

The Property is located in an area of special ecological and ecosystem importance, in which there
are species of flora and fauna and biophysical conditions that, under the applicable environmental
regulations, are of special protection and require particular management and intervention in favor of
its conservation and sustainable use, which is why a series of obligations and prohibitions are
imposed that are listed, mainly in Decree 1076 of 2015, which incorporates the modifications
introduced to the Single Regulatory Decree of the Environment Sector and Sustainable
Development and in the “Management Plan of the Los Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo
National Natural Park”, accepted by Resolution 0160 of May 15, 2020 (the “PNNCR Resolution”).

The Project is executed under the protection of BAVARIA™ & CIA S.C.A. company duly
incorporated by Public Deed No.3111, granted in the Second Notary of Bogotá D.C., on November
4, 1930, identified with NIT 860.005.224-6 with address at Carrera 53A No.127-35 of the city of
Bogota DC – Colombia (“BAVARIA”), its strategic allies and contractors, in part of the reserve
area of the National Natural Park los Corales del Rosario for the enjoyment of any activity
associated with the Project. For this reason, the people linked to the Project by BAVARIA who will
visit the Property (the “Guests”), generally assume, accept, manifest, understand, recognize, admit
and/or declare voluntarily, freely, their own and spontaneously that:

i. Environmental conditions aplicable for the protection of the ecosystem of Parques

Nacionales Naturales (“PNN”)

The nature reserve area was adopted by Agreement 26 of 1977 by the Board of Directors of the Institute for
the Development of Renewable Natural Resources of Colombia (Inderena).
The Colombian State has the constitutional duty to protect natural wealth, diversity and integrity of
the environment, conserve areas of special ecological importance, take advantage of natural
resources efficiently and responsibly. That is why article 328 of Decree Law 2811 of 1974, through
which the National Code of Renewable Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is issued,
establishes as the purpose of the National Natural Parks System that of “preserving outstanding
values of fauna and flora, landscape or historical, cultural or archaeological relics, to give them a
special management regime, based on comprehensive planning with ecological principles, in order
to prevent their deterioration”. That is, the areas subject to the National System of Natural Parks
have been classified as areas of special ecological importance, and therefore, are subject to a regime
that provides for their conservation and protection.

In particular, Los Corales del Rosario National Natural Park 2 (“PNNCR”) has been declared part of
the national system of natural parks because it is the underwater set of ecosystems that form the
largest coral platform in the Colombian continental Caribbean, in which they find the most
important continental reef formations in the country, mangrove forests in calcareous environments,
extensive seagrasses that border the islands, colonies of seabirds, diversity of invertebrates with
pharmacological potential and a high diversity of multicolored reef fish.

Taking into account the above, through article 3 of the PNNCR Resolution, the Ministry of
Environment and Sustainable Development establishes the following as conservation objectives of
the PNNCR:

(i) Marine-coastal ecosystems, mainly coral reefs, seagrass meadows and mangroves, for the
maintenance of ecosystem connectivity and representativeness, contributing to the
functionality of the Caribbean Coral Archipelagos Eco-region (ARCO).
(ii) The important natural spaces for the provision of ecosystem services and the use compatible
with the objectives, function and nature of the protected area by the ethnic communities in
the area of influence of the PNNCR.
(iii) Species with a high level of risk.
(iv) Biodiversity.

Thus, within the Property, the following activities may be carried out, among others, in
accordance with literal c) of numeral 3 of article 4 of the PNNCR Resolution:

(v) Swimming and snorkeling with basic equipment and its safety implements.

Which was declared and outlined by Agreement No. 026 of 1977, approved by Executive Resolution of the
Ministry of Agriculture 165 of 1977. Subsequently, through Agreement 0093 of 1987, approved by Executive
Resolution 59 of 1988, it was realigned in an area of 19,506.25 hectares, including the territorial area of Isla
del Rosario, its adjacent islets and Isla Tesoro and finally, the Ministry of the Environment issued Resolution
No. 1425 of 1996, realigning it again under the name of Los Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo National
Natural Park, located within the jurisdiction of the Tourist and Cultural District of Cartagena de Indias, in the
Department of Bolívar. Subsequently, mediated through Resolution No. 2211 of December 28, 2016, through
which the limits of the PNNCR are specified.
(vi) Recreational Diving: open and advanced, in the sites established in Resolution No. 0273 of
2007 (or the one that modifies or repeals it), which are described in Annex 2 of this
(vii) Non-motorized nautical activities, in accordance with existing regulations, and the
ecotourism planning plan document and its updates.
(viii) Mooring and anchoring of boats according to the load capacity of the sites
associated with tourist docks in the Archipelago of Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
(ix) Research and monitoring in compliance with the permits established by PNN.
(x) Restoration actions, under the direction and guidelines defined by the PNN administration
(xi) Anchoring of vessels in the sites established in Resolution No.0273 of 2007, (or the one that
modifies or repeals it) which are described in Annex 3 of this document.
(xii) Participatory restoration actions.
(xiii) Environmental education activities and interpretation of the natural and cultural heritage.
(xiv) It will be the obligation of the Guests of the Project to observe the current environmental
regulations for the PNNCR, and especially:
(i) Respect the legal and administrative regulations on the protection and conservation of the
System of National Natural Parks.
(ii) Do not throw, abandon or dispose of garbage in the sea, and the waste generated during
the visit must be returned to the continental area and disposed of in the places defined for
it by the competent authority.
(iii) Do not enter single-use plastics into the protected area in accordance with Resolution
1558 of 2019 and Law 2232 of 2022.
(iv) Do not enter the marine environment in a state of intoxication or under the influence of
psychoactive substances.
(v) Inform the operation team, guide or official when a risk situation is identified or
something new is presented.

In accordance with Law 2 of 1959 on the Nation's forestry economy and conservation of renewable
natural resources, Decree 1076 of 2015, decree that incorporates the modifications introduced to the
Single Regulatory Decree of the Environment and Sustainable Development Sector from the date of
its expedition (the “Environmental Sector Decree”), the following activities are prohibited for
Guests and other people who make use of the Property:

(i) Use ships such as jet skis, as well as recreational motor activities such as water skiing, jet
skiing, among others.
(ii) Feed, manipulate, persecute or in any way disturb or harass the flora and fauna of the
marine or insular ecosystem, with special restrictions on hawksbill and green turtles.
(iii) Destroy the vegetation that serves as a refuge or food source for the species in the area.
(iv) Alter or destroy the reefs, coral reefs, and natural shelters of the species with the use of
prohibited practices.
(v) Collect and extract living or dead biological material from the Property and from the
entire PNNCR area, such as: starfish, queen conch, sea urchins, lobsters, coral remains,
turtles, birds, eggs, among others).
(vi) Throwing, depositing, or abandoning garbage, waste, objects or any other type of element
in the protected area.
(vii) Cause damage to the facilities, equipment and in general to the constitutive values of the
(viii) Carry out any behavior contrary to coexistence defined in the National Code of Police and
(ix) Properly dispose of solid and/or liquid waste generated during your stay in the
Property. e.g. disposal of sanitary waste (toilet paper, sanitary napkins, tampons, condoms,
among others) in the containers provided for it and not in the Property's drainage or sanitary
(x) Others established by law or regulations.

ii. Knowledge and protection of the animals as sentient beings.

In accordance with Decree 1608 of 1978, which regulates the National Code of Renewable Natural
Resources and Environmental Protection and Law 23 of 1973 on wildlife, and the Environment
Sector Decree, the National Government must ensure the preservation, protection, conservation,
restoration and promotion of wild fauna through the establishment of reserves and areas for the
conservation and propagation of wild fauna 3, the establishment of permanent prohibitions or
temporary closures and the conscious and sustainable use of this. The foregoing, not only because
of their intrinsic value, but because they are sentient beings, who due to their conditions and
characteristics should receive special protection against suffering and pain.

Thus, the Guests of the Project undertake to:

(i) Preserve, protect, conserve and respect the wild fauna found in the Property.
(ii) Respect the indications provided by the operating team regarding the treatment and
behavior that must be had around the animals of the Property and other biotic elements of
the Property.
(iii) Abide by the instructions of the Project operation team regarding the marine and terrestrial
wildlife that resides in the Property.
(iv) Not carry out hunting or fishing activities during their stay in the Property.
(v) Do not carry weapons or hunting or fishing implements.
(vi) Refrain from carrying out any type of activity that could generate disturbances to the habitat
or the animals that are in the Property and its surroundings.
(vii) Remove or introduce any kind of animal from the Property and its surroundings.
(viii) Not feed the animals.

Not use insecticides, pesticides or any toxic substance that may cause damage to the fauna
or flora of the territory.

According to Law 611 of 2000, by means of which regulations are dictated for the sustainable management
of species of Wild and Aquatic Fauna, wild fauna is called the set of organisms of terrestrial and aquatic
animal species, which have not been subject to domestication, genetic improvement, regular breeding or that
have returned to the wild.
iii. Behavior guidelines and observance of legal requirements in Colombian territory and
the Property

By signing this document, the Guests of the Project accept that they know and understand the
guidelines for behavior and observance of legal requirements within the national territory, among
which are:

(i) Protection of children: in Colombia, national jurisprudence has established children as

subjects of special constitutional protection, which indicates that they are entitled to
additional protection from the State because they are in a situation of manifest
weakness.4 For this reason, all persons must guarantee the comprehensive and
simultaneous satisfaction of the rights of children and adolescents in any act, decision or
measure that must be adopted. In compliance with the provisions that seek the protection
of children and adolescents, the Guests will refrain from developing, promoting,
facilitating or cooperating with any type of conduct that violates the rights of this

(ii) Prohibition of the exercise of any activity that implies or is related to human trafficking,
or any form of illegal exploitation contemplated in the Colombian Penal Code, Law 599
of 2000.

(iii) Prohibition of acts that involve physical, psychological, verbal violence, discrimination
based on gender, race, religion, political affinity, among others, that is exercised against
other Guests, Project personnel (operation team), authorities, or third parties. In
compliance with the legal provisions that seek to safeguard the dignity and well-being of
people, the Guests will refrain from promoting or exercising any type of conduct that
violates the rights of other people within the Property.

(iv) Prohibition of the use, possession, trafficking and sale of narcotic drugs within the
Property, in accordance with the applicable national regulations, especially Decree 1844
of 2018, other regulations that modify, add or complement it.

(v) The Guests of the Project, by signing this document, declare that they are in medical,
psychological, social and physical conditions suitable to participate in the different
experiences associated with the Project, and undertake to notify in a clear, timely and
truthful manner about any news that may arise regarding their state of health. Including
air, land and sea transfers that are necessary.

(vi) The Guests must acquire by their own economic means and maintain during their
transfers from the place or country of origin, during their entire stay in Colombia and
until their return to the place or country of origin and/or domicile, any medicine,
supplement, or element of assistance that has been prescribed by a health professional

Judgment T-293 of 2017 Constitutional Court Colombia. Magistrate Rapporteur Gloria Stella Ortiz. May
20, 2015.
and that requires it for its use and well-being. You must express this condition to
Bavaria and/or ABI.

(vii) Additionally, the Guests agree to communicate to those in charge of the Project, about
the complete vaccination schedule against COVID-19.

(viii) Pregnant women agree to inform Bavaria and/or ABI of their condition.

(ix) Responsible consumption of intoxicating beverages. Guests agree to consume alcoholic

beverages responsibly and acknowledge that excessive consumption of alcoholic
beverages can cause health problems. Therefore, BAVARIA and/or ABI have the right
at all times to interrupt the delivery of alcohol in order to maintain responsible
consumption levels of intoxicating beverages on the Premises, and Guests must observe
and abide by the decision to stop consumption immediately.

(x) Inform Bavaria and/or ABI of any dietary restriction, allergy, or condition that prevents
or restricts the intake of any food and/or beverage.
Authorization of use of image.

I, __________________________, identified with identity document No.

_______________________ of ________________, in the full exercise of my powers, acting on
my own behalf and voluntarily and freely, authorize, expressly and irrevocably, BAVARIA and/or
ABI so that directly or through third parties, make use and treatment of my image rights to include
them on photographs and audiovisual productions (videos); electronic capture means, as well as
copyright; the related rights and in general all those intellectual property rights that have to do with
image rights, in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and in particular with the
following statements:

(i) That I acknowledge that BAVARIA, its brands and the products it manufactures and/or
distributes are malt-based beverages, especially beers, accepting from this moment that my
image may be used for promotional and informational purposes on different BAVARIA
(ii) That I authorize BAVARIA, for the use of my image, that is, the graphic representation of
my face, body, silhouette or any other type of shape or aspect, that identifies me under any
means known or to be known, as well as my voice, good name, accreditation, fame,
recognition and other associated characteristics, as well as the publication of the name of
the establishment I represent, to be used by BAVARIA for the advertising and promotion of
its brand and the Corona Island Project.
(iii) That this authorization does not have a specific geographical scope, which is why
BAVARIA may use my image inside and outside the national territory of the Republic of
Colombia and may be used by ABI
(iv) That this authorization does not have any time limit for its granting, nor for the exploitation
of my images, or part of them, for which reason my authorization is considered granted to
BAVARIA for an unlimited period of time.
(v) That I authorize BAVARIA and/or ABI to use and exploit the material that contains my
total or partial image for the advertising and promotion of the brand and the Project, in the
following digital and own media: [•], among others.
(vi) I expressly waive the right to demand any type of compensation from BAVARIA, its
affiliates or subsidiaries, for the use or commercial exploitation of my image.
(vii) I expressly accept that any difference or controversy that arises between the parties due to
this authorization or in relation to it, and which cannot be settled amicably between the
parties, will be resolved by an arbitration court before the Arbitration and Conciliation
Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, in accordance with the following rules:

a. The court will be made up of one (1) arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement of
the parties and, failing that, by the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the
Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.
b. The rates and fees of the tribunal will be subject to the rules and rates established
for this purpose by the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Bogotá Chamber
of Commerce.
c. The court will function in Bogotá, at the headquarters of the Arbitration and
Conciliation Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.
d. The court will rule in law and will be governed in any case by the legal provisions
on the matter.
e. The total expenses caused by the arbitration process will be borne by the losing

Having read the present document, I accept what is expressed and stipulated in this present
document, which is signed in the city of ________________ the [•] of [•] of [•].

ID No. :
Exemption of responsibility of the Guests to BAVARIA and/or ABI

By way of the present document, I recognize and understand that I am eligible to participate in a
trip to the Republic of Colombia in South America, and that having known by way of BAVARIA
and/or ABI the characteristics, guidelines, regulations and recommendations of the Project, I
declare and state that:

(i) I agree to participate in the trip and comply with its schedules, activities and
instructions at all times.
(ii) I accept that the entrance to the sea will only be carried out in the permitted zones and
times, that is, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and that I will not be able to enter while
(iii) I assume all risks and damages that may arise during the execution of the Project,
including, but not limited to: personal injury, property damage, illness, or even death.
(iv) I accept that I will only make use of the areas enabled for the stay of the Guests and
will not cross the limits defined within the Project.
(v) I acknowledge and accept that when weather conditions prevent BAVARIA and/or ABI
from doing the stablished activities, BAVARIA and/or ABI have the right to modify
the agenda and activities.
(vi) I accept that the activities carried out inside the premises and during the execution of
the Project may involve risks that could endanger my health and physical integrity
and/or my life. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I freely decide to participate in them,
and therefore I voluntarily and informedly declare that I release BAVARIA and/or ABI
from all liability in the event that the risk materializes.
(vii) I accept that BAVARIA and/or ABI reserve the right of admission to the Property, and
that I will not be able to participate if:

a. I am pregnant, and my participation in the activities could put my health or that of

the unborn baby at risk.
b. I am underage.
c. I have health problems that prevent me from traveling by air, sea or land.
d. Within 15 days prior to travel I have had contact with someone positive for
COVID-19 or monkeypox.
e. I present symptoms of COVID-19 such as: cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of
breath, muscle aches, exhaustion, headache, among others.
f. I have symptoms of monkeypox, such as: rash, fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes,
exhaustion, muscle aches, headache, respiratory symptoms, among others.

(viii) Recognize and accept that I take on the risk and expenses accruing from:

a. Any deviation and extension of the trip.

b. Tips, travel insurance, travel identification (valid passport), issuance and
completion of the documents required to enter Colombia, as well as my personal
c. Negative antigen test taken within 24 hours prior to my domestic flight departure.
d. Loss of objects, personal values or baggage (the “Baggage”) that have been brought
by me to the Property. In case of manifest loss, I am aware of and accept the
following instructions given by BAVARIA and/or ABI:

i. BAVARIA and/or ABI is not responsible for the shipment of Luggage left
on the Property. It will be understood that the forgotten Baggage will
remain in the custody of BAVARIA and/or ABI for 15 calendar days,
counted from the date the Guest leaves the Property.
ii. After the time of custody of the Luggage, it will be considered abandoned
and BAVARIA and/or ABI may donate it to a third party.
iii. If the forgotten Baggage may present a health risk or danger to BAVARIA
and/or ABI, it may be disposed of or destroyed prior to the term indicated
in numeral (i) above, for which a written record shall be left.
iv. It is the obligation of the Guest to notify via email to [•] the forgetfulness
of the Baggage.
v. Any cost associated with sending the Baggage to the place of residence or
the one indicated by the Guest, will be borne entirely by the Guest, who
must pay all amounts that may arise. BAVARIA and/or ABI will not
recognize any economic value in favor of the Guest for their Baggage or its

(ix) I acknowledge that BAVARIA and/or ABI will not be liable for any action, omission or
negligence of third parties related to the development of the Project.
(x) As of the signing of this document, I accepted any responsibility that I may have for
damages caused directly or indirectly to myself or to third parties from taking the plane
in my place of residence, current address, until return to it at the end of my trip.
(xi) I hereby declare and declare that BAVARIA and/or ABI will not assume responsibility
for any reimbursement, loss, damages, costs or expenses derived from losses, damages
or delays in relation to:

a. My baggage or other property.

b. Delays or defaults of the airline or the hotel.
c. The loss of flight connections.
d. Any action or omission that causes damage or harm to me and comes from a third
party other than BAVARIA and/or ABI.
e. Government actions that modify the status of the Project and prevent its normal
f. Extraordinary security measures.
g. The bad weather that prevents the normal development of the experiences and the
operation of the Project.
h. Being denied access to the carrier for contravention of the conditions of carriage

(xii) That I exonerate BAVARIA and/or ABI, their representatives, subsidiaries, parent
companies, officials and contractors, support entities and companies, and personnel that
provide their services, allies and successors, from any civil claim or liability, legal or
criminal that arises from my stay and/or participation in the Project, as well as from any
incident, mishap, setback, damage, accident, injury, damage or theft that they may
suffer, or in the things in their care, which includes those events constituting non-
contractual civil liability as a direct or indirect consequence of the facts derived from
the stay, participation and/or development of the Project, due to negligence, neglect,
forgetfulness, omission, action, irresponsibility or other circumstance, desisting from
presenting judicial or extrajudicial claims by them, by virtue of what is established in
the current applicable regulations.

Having read this document, I accept what is expressly stipulated in this document, which is signed
in the city of ________________ on [•] of [•] of [•].

ID No. :
Protection of personal data.

By virtue of this document, I declare and manifest that I authorize BAVARIA and/or ABI to process my
data and personal information, and in accordance with Law 1266 of 2008, which dictates the general
provisions of Habeas Data and regulates the management of the information contained in personal
databases, especially financial, credit, commercial, services and that from third parties and 1581 of 2012
By which general provisions are issued for the protection of personal data (and other regulations that the
modify, add or repeal) carry out the collection, storage, use, circulation, deletion of the same.

Likewise, I state that I know that I have the following rights regarding my personal data, in accordance
with Law 1581 of 2012:

(i) Free access to the data provided that they have been processed.
(ii)Request the updating and rectification of my information in the face of partial, inaccurate,
incomplete, fragmented, misleading data, or those whose treatment is prohibited or has not been
(iii) Request proof of the authorization granted.
(iv) Submit to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC) complaints for violations of the
provisions of current regulations.
(v) Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data, unless there is a legal or
contractual duty that makes it imperative to preserve the information.
(vi) Refrain from answering questions about sensitive data.

I state that I was informed that these rights may be exercised through the channels or means provided by
BAVARIA for customer service, through the customer service line [telephone number] and/or the email .

Guests may review Bavaria's data protection policy at the following link: [Include link]

Having read this document, I accept what is expressly stipulated in this document, which is signed in the
city of ________________ on [•] of [•] of [•].

ID No. :
Annex 1
Isla Arena Plane
Annex 2
Sites established for recreational scuba diving

In conformity with article 11 of the Resolution No. 0273 of 2007, the activities of recreational scuba
diving will be permitted in the specific sites.

ARTICLE 11.- The activity of scuba diving with a tank in the area of the Parque Nacional
Natural Los Corales del Rosario y de San Bernardo will only be permitted in the sites and
zones that are specified here:

 Archipiélago de Nuestra Señora del Rosario Sector

Site Coordinates
Pavitos 1 10° 10 19.59” N 75° 45 55.2” W
Pavitos 2 10° 10 18.72” N 75° 46 1.32” W
Isla Fiesta 10° 11 8.82” N 75° 43 41.34” W
Sur Oeste 10° 10 11.90” N 75° 45 2.81” W

 Archipiélago de San Bernardo Sector

Site Coordinates
Bajo Isla 09° 49.296 N 75° 49.942 W
Bajo Medio-2 09° 50.253 N 75° 51.771 W
Dapena 09° 47.254 N 75° 50.570 W
Annex 3
Sites established for the anchoring of ships

In accordance with article 12 of Resolution No. 0273 of 2007, the anchoring of vessels may be
carried out in certain places.

ARTICLE 12.- In the event that the total draft of the sailboat, including the daggerboard,
exceeds three (3) feet, the vessel must adhere to the same regulations established for
Maritime Transport vessels.

The designated sectors in the Park for anchoring sailboats are:

1. Archipiélago del Rosario

a. To the north of Isla Grande: in front of the Corales Park Operational
Headquarters, in front of the La Cocotera property, in the Media Naranja cove
and Las Mantas cove.
b. In the cove between the north of Isleta and the south of Isla No te Vendo.
c. South of Isla Naval and Calo de la Guasca.

2. Ciénaga de Cholón
a. Inside the ciénaga.
b. In front of La Playita sector.

3. Archipiélago de San Bernardo

a. Isla Mucura: in front of La Playita, the Operational Headquarters of Parque
Corales and the town of Chupundún.
b. The South and North of Islote.
c. Northeast and southwest of Tintinpán.

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