Scs 403 Enzyme Lesson Plan lp3 Literacies Integrated

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(Integration of Literacy in blue text)

Name: Danielle Lopes Date: November 14, Lesson Start and End Time: 8:37-
2023 9:17 & 10:26-11:06

Academic Area: Biology Grade Level: 9th Co-op initials with date:

Pre-Instruction Planning
Topic Enzymes
PA Anchor/Standard or Standard - 3.1.B.A2
Eligible Content
Explain the importance of enzymes as catalysts in cell reactions.

Standard - 3.1.B.A7

Compare and contrast the functions and structures of proteins,

lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
Lesson Objectives  The student will be able to identify the parts of an
enzyme-substrate complex
 The student will be able to summarize the processes
which occur in an enzyme-substrate complex
Materials  Slides presentation
 SmartBoard
 Construction paper enzyme cut-outs
Planning for Learners Differentiation: This lesson includes differentiation of process
via a time of direct instruction, utilization of a SmartBoard,
inquiry, collaboration, discussion, and movement around the
classroom. Additionally, the students will have an opportunity
for differentiation of product because some will be required to
participate in the planning and organization parts of the group
work, while others will participate by sharing aloud with the
class about their complexes. This lesson focuses on activating
prior knowledge, breaking down vocabulary terms into root
words and prefixes/suffixes, and synthesizing written responses
following the activity.
Modifications/Accommodations: N/A
Lesson Presentation
Introduction I will begin this lesson with a question written on the board:
“what is an enzyme?” As the period begins, I will ask it aloud and
ask the students to share what they know about enzymes. Because
they had a brief introductory lesson about enzymes the previous
day, they will likely have some facts to share, which I will write
on the board. This will assess their prior knowledge and activate
their brains to consider what they already know about the subject.
This will likely bring certain applicable vocabulary terms to
mind, such as: protein, denature, catalyst, activation energy,
reactant, product, and equation.
Next, I would list these words on the board, as the students
mention them, and begin breaking them down. First, I would ask
students to identify the root words, prefixes, and suffixes in the
vocabulary words. Then, we would work together to determine
the meaning of the words using this information and other prior

Sequence of activities  Direct instruction using the SmartBoard slides

including assessments presentation and the front whiteboard
 Questions to ask: “what is the difference between
reactants and products?”, “what is the word for
something that reduces activation energy?” (catalyst),
 Draw curve to demonstrate reducing activation energy
 Skip slides 10, 11, 13-15,
 Introduce inhibitors (competitive and noncompetitive),
draw example of each on the board
 Use this time to discuss briefly the structural and
functional differences between competitive and non-
competitive inhibitors. How do their names reveal their
structure and function?
 Transition into activity: “now lets close our
chromebooks, and we will do a group activity to review”
 Each person will be given one “puzzle piece” for an
enzyme-substrate complex, there are two complete sets,
including inhibitors and labels
 If there are more than 16 students present, then ask for a
couple pairs and give them the large enzyme to share (or
have a “designated spokesperson” for each group,
depends on the class and the number of students
 Explain to the students that they will need to find the rest
of their complex and work as a group to practice the
process and determine the relationship between all the
parts of their complex
 Students will be given 3-4 minutes to work with their
group on this, then I will get the attention of the class
and have the spokespeople from each group present to
the class about their complex. Group members are
encouraged to demonstrate the relationships of the pieces
by moving them around.
 This activity serves as a formative assessment for both
learning objectives
Lesson Wrap-up  Give specific praise and feedback to the students on their
activity and groupwork
 Ask students to return all materials from the activity to a
designated place on the front desk
 As a summative assessment, students are asked to pick a
partner in the class and write three sentences using the
vocabulary words on the board. The teacher challenges
them to try to use all of the words. As students are
writing, the teacher walks around the room to check in
with students on their progress and answer any
questions. This implements a “writing to learn” strategy
 After students have written their sentences, the teacher
goes through the vocabulary words and asks student
pairs to share a sentence they wrote using that word.
Continue until each vocabulary word has been shared in
at least one sentence. This integrates the area of literacy
that focuses on fluency, reading aloud, and presenting
written information to peers.
 Mrs. Bell will assign their homework (she has a specific
animation assignment for them to do which relates to this


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