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Theme: Installation and use of application programs in the professional

Purpose: Learn to use application programs in various professional
Plan practical work:
1. An application program.
2. Basic Application Programs

1. An application program
An application program is any program designed to perform a specific
function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.
Examples of application programs include word processors; database
programs; Web browsers; development tools; drawing, paint, and image editing
programs; and communication programs.
Application programs use the services of the computer's operating system
and other supporting programs. The formal requests for services and means of
communicating with other programs that a programmer uses in writing an
application program is called the application program interface (API).
An application program refers to those computer programs that utilize the
capacity of computer to perform specific task. These applications are
programmed to perform specific tasks. They aim at maneuvering images, text
and numbers as per the instructions or programming. There are various types of
application program designed to ease the work process of computer users.
A user is able to exercise flexibility and perform any task proficiently. One
is able to manipulate multimedia elements, word processing or spreadsheet
programs. A user can efficiently deploy these applications to organize and
manage information. Different types of Applications: There are several types of
applications utilized to make the task of a user easy and smooth. A computer
user can exercise a number of functions using these applications. A person can
present and manage information competently and proficiently.

2. Basic Application Programs

Following are the main applications with different functions:

 Database Application:
This kind of computer program enables a user to collect and organize the
data or information. It equips a user to store and retrieve data at any time and for
any purpose. For instance, this application is useful for archiving or storing
information in online library.

 Spreadsheet Application
This program enables a user to perform mathematical calculations. These
applications exhibit a grid containing multiple cells. A good example is
Microsoft Excel that embeds various formulae.

 Multimedia Application
This application equips a user to deploy multimedia elements like audio
and video. You can use animation and other graphics to make your document
attractive and professional.

 Word Processing Application

This application is able to edit and create documents in various formats.
These formats are PDF, Word, Notepad and other text editors. They also have
conversion ability with which you can convert a file from one format to another.
For example, you can convert PDF to Word or back from Word to PDF. These
applications are used in commercial and non-commercial organizations to
deliver high quality output. They are also deployed by educational or health care

Application software, or simply applications, are often called productivity

programs or end-user programs because they enable the user to complete tasks
such as creating documents, spreadsheets, databases, and publications, doing
online research, sending email, designing graphics, running businesses, and even
playing games! Application software is specific to the task it is designed for and
can be as simple as a calculator application or as complex as a word processing
application. When you begin creating a document, the word processing software
has already set the margins, font style and size, and the line spacing for you. But
you can change these settings, and you have many more formatting options
MS Access is a relational database management system designed to run on
a stand-alone PC or a local area network running Microsoft Windows.
MS Access is a set of tools for creating and operating information systems.
With Access tools, you can perform the following operations.
1. Design of basic objects of IS - two-dimensional tables with different
types of data, including fields of OLE objects.
2. Establish links between tables, with support for data integrity, cascading
updates and deletion of records.
3. Input, storage, viewing, sorting, modification and retrieval of data from
tables using various means of information control, table indexing and logical
algebra (for data filtering).
4. Creation, modification and use of derived IP objects (forms, queries and
reports), with the help of which the following operations are performed:
• Optimization of user input and data viewing (forms);
• Data connection from different tables;
• Carrying out group operations (ie operations on groups of records united
by some kind of attribute), with calculations and the formation of calculated
• Selection of data using the logical algebra unit (queries),
• Compilation of printed reports on data contained in tables and database
MS Access has extremely powerful, convenient and flexible means of
visual design of objects, and this allows the user to create a full-fledged IC at a
minimum of preliminary preparation - at the level of tables, forms, query-
samples and reports.

Task №1.
Create a database "Examination session" in MS Access.
Formulation of the problem. Create a database "Examination session"
containing information on the passing of exams by students.
1. The database should contain the following information:
• The "Students" table, containing the following information about the
students: Name, Group, Telephone number.
• The "Groups" table, containing the following information about the
Group name, Number of people, Headman.
• The table "Teachers", containing information about the teachers: full
name of the teacher, title, department, discipline.
• The "Disciplines" table containing information about the disciplines:
Title, Teacher.
• The "Exams" table, containing the following information about the
exams: Discipline, Group, Date, Student, Evaluation.
2. Define primary and secondary (external) keys (if necessary, add fields).
Enter the fields with a small set of possible values to organize using the fields of
the substitution, and provide an input mask, where possible.
3. Establish communication between tables, providing data integrity,
cascading updates of related fields, and cascading deletion of related records.
4. Enter at least 4 entries into the tables without a foreign key and at least
10 entries in the tables that contain the foreign key field.
5. Create the following queries by specifying the names for them:
• Request for a sample, for displaying information about students who
received an evaluation of 5 at least for one exam. On the screen display the
following fields: Name, Group, Date, Title of discipline, Teacher, Evaluation.
• Request for group operations, to display the number of students who
passed the microeconomics to the corresponding assessments. On the screen
display the following fields: Name of the discipline, Evaluation, Number of
• Parametric query to display name, group of students,
Who passed the microeconomics to the estimate given by the parameter.
• A cross-reference query that displays information about grades for a
student's exams.
• Request to create a table, to create a table "Excellent",
Containing information about students who passed all the exams for the
assessment "excellent." The table should contain the following fields: student
name, group, telephone number.
6. Create the following forms, giving them a semantic name:
• A subordinate form that displays data from the "Examinations" tables,
"Students" and "Disciplines". In the created form, add buttons. To switch
between records.
7. Create a report that displays the following information: Name of the
discipline, Exam date, Teacher, Student's name, Rating. In the footer add your
surname, group number and the date the database was created.
8. Create macros (six macros) to open the database tables. Set semantic
9. Create the "User Interface" form in Design mode, which allows you to
work with the created database. On the form, display information about the
name of the database and the author. Put the command buttons on the form,
setting the names for them, allowing you to open tables, queries, forms and
reports. Make a request using the drawing elements of the toolbar.
10. Create a macro to automatically open the "User Interface" form.

1. June J. Parsons and Dan Oja. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts,

Comprehensive: New Perspectives (Thomson Course Technology), New
Perspectives (Thomson Course Technology). – Cambridge: Course Technology,
2014. – 848 p.
2. Lorenzo Cantoni (University of Lugano, Switzerland) James A. Danowski
(University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA) Communication and Technology,
576 p.
3. Brynjolfsson, E. and A. Saunders (2010). Wired for Innovation: How
Information Technology Is Reshaping the Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 2010
4. Kretschmer, T., “Information and Communication Technologies and
Productivity Growth: A Survey of the Literature”, OECD Digital Economy
Papers, No. 195, OECD Publishing, 2012
5. Vijay K. Vaishnavi, Vijay K. Vaishnavi, William Kuechler Design Science
Research Methods and Patterns: Innovating Information and Communication
Technology, 2nd Edition by CRC Press, 2015
6. Hans J Sclinoll E-Govemment: Information, Technology, and
Transformation: Information, Technology, and Transformation - Political
Science, 2012, 343 p.
7. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015, United Nations, New
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8. Maximizing Mobile Information and Communications for Development.
World Bank, Washington D.C., 2012, 244 p.
9. Doing Business 2016 Measuring regulatory Quality and Efficiency /
World bank Group Flagship Report, 2016
10. Usha Rani Vyasulu Reddi. Primer Series on ICTD for Youth. Primer 1:
An Introduction to ICT for Development A learning resource on ICT for
development for institutions of higher education, 2015, 235 p.

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