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A SWOT Analysis of the Possible Products

for Marian Vigil

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:

Abaya, Mardhilyn V.

Baria, Rhyza Ellaine

Benigno, Joyce Angel Faye

Bigueras, Hariel

Hernandez, Anica Hernandez

Ponce, Erica Mae

1. Pares

 What are we doing good at?

Most of our group members have good cooking skills and we can
provide a dinner meal for the people, especially since it's an
evening event and they need to eat a heavy meal for the rest of the

 What is our Strongest asset?

Our Strongest asset is that the food is popular.

 What is our competitive advantage?

Other stalls will prefer to sell foods that are easy to prepare, and
our advantage is that only a few will plan to sell the same product
or variety which will make us different.

 What do we lack? What can we improve on?

We lack members and there is a tendency we cannot handle the
customers and also the lack of money.

 What are our detractors?

Customers who are not a fan of eating pares because not everyone
likes to eat food like this and prefers to eat desserts.

 What can we do more of? What trends can we take advantage

We can add additional toppings like eggs, rice, and others.

 What demographics are we targeting?

Students of OLPCC and from other schools

 What new technology can we use?

Phone and laptop/printer. By means of phone we can picture it and
post it on social media platforms and by laptop and printer is to
print signage or tarps
 What’s stopping us? What are our future competitors doing?
Other stalls might also sell soups or rice porridge.

 How are consumer trends changing?

The preference of consumers changes from time to time that’s why we
need to innovate the product by means of adding toppings or drinks.

 What regulations are changing?

Due to economic factors, inflation arises and it affects the prices
of the ingredients needed for the production of goods.
2. Mojos

 What are we doing good at?

 What is our Strongest asset?
 What is our competitive advantage?

 What do we lack? What can we improve on?

Our product or service may have quality issues that impact our
customer satisfaction. If possible, we will conduct quality control
checks and gather our customer feedback to address any issues. And
focus on consistently delivering a high-quality offering.

 What are our detractors?

Market Competition or what we also call Competitors. It can be
challenging for us to stand out and gain a customer especially when
we don’t know how to advertise or market our product.

 What can we do more of? What trends can we take advantage of?
Digital Marketing and social media. As we all know many students
prefer to use social media so scrolling through their feed there is
a tendency that they will see our post about our product.

 What demographics are we targeting?

Student Body: Since we’re on a school campus, our primary
demographic is likely to be the students of OLPCC.

 What new technology can we use?

Mobile Ordering and Payment Apps: We will implement a mobile app or
system that allows students, faculty, and staff to place orders just
like on Facebook. They just need to fill up the format for ordering
and make their payments online through gcash. This can streamline
the ordering process and reduce wait times.

 What’s stopping us? What are our future competitors doing?

Competition or our Competitors, because automatically there are
existing competitors on our campus. They might be improving their
Marketing Strategies.

 How are consumer trends changing?

 What regulations are changing?
3. Agar-agar Salad

 What are we doing good at?

Members of our group have knowledge of cooking, baking, and
preparing. To prepare a dessert there’s an exact measure of the
sweetness and most of us are good at determining whether the product
is good for the taste of the customers.

 What is our strongest asset?

Our strongest asset is that students like to eat sweets.

 What is our competitive advantage?

We are already expecting that most of the stalls will sell sweets
too, but our product’s advantage is that it is more affordable, and
they won’t hesitate to buy.

 What do we lack? What can we improve?

We lack members making it hard for us to have a budget for
production. We can improve the sweetness and creaminess of it if
other customers are not a fan of too much sugar.

 What can we do more of? What trends can we take advantage

We can add additional flavors like mango, bukopandan, and more.

 What demographics are we targeting?

Students of OLPCC and from other schools

 What new technology can we use?

We can use Facebook to create a page and endorse it to others.


 What’s stopping us? What are our future competitors doing?

Other stalls might also sell desserts like mini donuts, and they
might be also planning to add other flavors.

 How are consumer trends changing?

Consumers’ preference changes and they want to experience something
new, once they hear about a new product, they might want to try it,
that’s why what we need to do is strategize the taste and cost of
our own to remain in the market.

 What regulations are changing?

Due to economic factors, inflation arises, and it affects the prices
of the ingredients needed to produce goods.

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