Biochemistry: Implications Support: Clinical Nutritional

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Clinical Biochemistry:

Implications for Nutritional Support


From the Departments of Medicine and Surgery, St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, New York

The title &dquo;Clinical Biochemistry&dquo; is sufficiently gen- hyper- and hypometabolism have each been reduced. The
eral to allow many interpretations. I have chosen to focus treatment of major burns has undergone significant
upon selected aspects of the subject which are either changes, each of which has reduced the stimulus to
recent developments or information which modifies some hypermetabolism.4.5 Lengthy open treatment with anti-
of the conventional wisdom in the field of nutritional bacterial ointments on the burn surface in improperly
support. Clinical interest in this general area began with heated rooms with the prolonged presence of dead or
the biochemical changes associated with starvation and dying tissue and frequent septic complications all con-
how these differed from the corresponding changes in tributed to severe and sustained hypermetabolism. The
the acutely ill or injured patient. Attention is now being current early excision of the burn eschar presumably
directed more to the response of the fed state in the removes the stimulus associated with white cell activa-
presence of hypermetabolism, insulin resistance, and tion and catabolic hormone secretion, while thermal
increases in proteolysis and lipolysis. The experience of balance with the ambient environment could be achieved
the 1970s with high-carbohydrate, lipid-free total par- much more readily.
enteral nutrition (TPN) is now coming into better focus The past 20 years have brought increased awareness
as we learn more about the multiple roles played by lipids of hospital malnutrition and the formation of nutrition
in the regulation of metabolism. This presentation is
support programs which have greatly reduced the severe
meant as an overview which will include brief mention malnutrition and cachexia which was formerly seen in
of certain subjects to be dealt with in greater detail in occasional patients and was associated with extreme
subsequent presentations. decreases in the REE. 6,7
The observation that the range of REE in clinical
ENERGY METABOLISM conditions is not as large as previously thought has led
In the 1950s some to question whether the measurement has any
rapid weight loss in many hospital pa-
tients, particularly those with clinical value. The first benefit of actual measurement is
acute surgical diagnoses,
to improve the physicians’ skill in correctly estimating
was thought to be associated with increases in resting
energy expenditure (REE) of 150% or more. Measure-
the probable REE in patients where the measurement is
ment with techniques of serial indirect calorimetry re- not made. An important reason for measuring the REE
vealed that actual increases in REE might reach 50- is that it serves as a &dquo;metabolic marker&dquo; for many bio-
100% above normal in severe third degree burns, but chemical and physiologic changes which are increased
that other conditions were usually less than 50% above with hypermetabolism and decreased with hypometabo-
normal. Major elective operations were found to result lism. The nutritional importance of the REE is seen in
in increases of less than 10% while multiple injury caused terms of the 24-hr needs for calories and nitrogen. The
increases 10-25% and major sepsis caused increases of same information is an important reference for the pa-

20-50% above normal. Serious tissue depletion reduced tient requiring intensive care when seen in terms of the
the REE by 20% and advanced cachexia might have minute to hour requirements for cardiac output and
reductions of as much as 40%. alveolar ventilation. Thus energy measurements may
Commercial development of portable gas exchange become an important link between the short-term phys-
equipment started in the late 1970s2 and resulted in a iologic problems and the longer-term metabolic and nu-
surprising number of commercial devices which began to tritional problems of the patient.
be used for bedside measurements in the hospital during There is continued uncertainty regarding the most
the 1980s. Measurements of REE have been reported in appropriate reference for reporting energy expenditure
a wide variety of clinical conditions and the span of measurements. Using body weight for the metabolic body
values appears to have contracted from -40% to +100% size offers convenience if the patient can readily be
in the 1960s to only -20% to +60% in the majority of weighed. Tradition has tended to use equations with
patients in current studies. The changes in postoperative height and weight, with or without corrections for sex
patients are still relatively smalP while the extremes of and age.’ The popular Harris-Benedict equations have
been reported by Daly and coworkers9 to give values for
REE which are up to 10% higher than measured in
Reprint requests: John M. Kinney, MD, 8 Harvard Lane, Hastings- normal subjects. The influence of nutritional intake has
on-Hudson, NY 10706. often not been emphasized when reporting the REE of
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disease or injury. The energy expenditure values of over &dquo;ebb&dquo; or shock phase&dquo; and also in the subsequent flow
230 severely ill adult patients and 37 normal subjects, all or catabolic phase after injury. 12 The clinical use of the
of whom received only intravenous nutrition, were ana- RQ for the management of the patient on nutritional
lyzed retrospectively by Shaw-Delanty and coworkers.lo support has sometimes involve certain misconceptions
The patients were classified as nutritionally depleted, such as the following:
postoperative, injured, or septic with depletion. The REE 1. The RQ is only meaningful if corrected for nitrogen
of the normal subjects on 100 g of dextrose per day was excretion to provide a nonprotein RQ. This correction is
only 85% of the predicted values when using either the relatively small and is not essential to the general inter-
Harris-Benedict or Aub-DuBois equations. The effect of pretation of the RQ.
the disease state on the REE as measured by either 2. Carbohydrate is a &dquo;preferred fuel&dquo; because fat cannot
equation revealed that the depletion of the septic patients be converted into carbohydrate to provide fuel for the
resulted in a lower REE than that found in the injured, brain, glycolysis, etc. Fat also plays certain key roles as
but nondepleted, patients. When the results were ex- fuel for gut mucosa, membrane composition, and spe-
pressed as kilocalories per kilogram, the weight loss of cialized phospholipid roles, functions which carbohy-
the depleted patients caused them to appear to have a drate does not provide. Thus there is no &dquo;preferred fuel&dquo;
higher REE than the normal subjects or the postopera- for all tissues.
tive patients. It is reasonable to use the fat-free mass 3. A RQ over 1.0 guarantees that all tissues are burning
when body fat or total body water can be measured, yet carbohydrate. This is a whole body measurement in which
some indicator of the body cell mass such as total body lipogenesis may be occurring in some tissues with a RQ
potassium would theoretically be the best indicator of above 1.0 while fat oxidation in other tissues has a RQ
the metabolic body size. below 1.0.
The recommendations for caloric intake of acutely ill
patients have gradually decreased over the past 20 years CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM
as the result of several factors. The recognition of rapid
The role of glucose as a central controlling factor in
weight loss in the acutely ill patient was initially attrib- the metabolic state of the critically ill patient may result
uted to an extremely high energy expenditure, which was
in part from the fact that glucose can be more easily
found to be less than expected when actually measured.
The concept of adding a &dquo;stress factor&dquo; to a predicted analyzed than other plasma substrates. Glucose intoler-
ance and insulin resistance are well-established features
normal energy expenditure as a means of estimating the
of acute catabolism. The &dquo;diabetes of stress&dquo; or &dquo;diabetes
actual energy expenditure was sometimes applied by
of injury&dquo; has been recognized since the 1950s, but such
adding the stress factor to the measured energy expend- terms imply a lack of insulin. The term &dquo;insulin resist-
iture which already included the hypermetabolic influ-
ance&dquo; has evolved as the condition has come to be rec-
ence of the stress, thereby arriving at a caloric require-
ment higher than needed for energy equilibrium. How-
ognized as being one of diminished responsiveness.
The term &dquo;insulin resistance&dquo; can be divided into the
ever, some investigators believed that the protein insulin regulation of hepatic glucose production as dis-
breakdown of acute illness or injury could only be over-
come by a large positive balance of calories. The use of
tinguished from the utilization of glucose by peripheral
tissues. The dominant role of the liver in fuel homeosta-
a large positive calorie balance during the acutely cata-
sis involves unique characteristics. The liver contains all
bolic phase of injury or sepsis appears to carry the chance of the enzymes necessary for the synthesis and degra-
of adding more diet-induced thermogenesis to any stress- dation of glucose, glycogen, and fat. Furthermore, it can
induced thermogenesis. 12 There will also be an increased
change the direction of carbon flow over key pathways
ventilatory demand, which is most evident with high of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in response to
carbohydrate loads, and a greater chance of deposition changes in hormonal and nutritional states. During star-
of fat in liver cells. The dominant reason for a positive vation the fall in circulating insulin levels causes glucose
balance of calories and nitrogen is to build new tissue. It and ketone bodies to be released to provide fuel for the
seems reasonable to provide intakes of calories and ni- central nervous system, for glycolytic tissues and rapidly
trogen which produce equilibrium or &dquo;maintenance&dquo; dur- turning-over tissues such as gut mucosa. However, the
ing the height of catabolic stress and carefully increase metabolic understanding of the events when the starva-
the intake as the stress subsides in order to rebuild tion is ended has been undergoing revision in the past
whatever tissue has been lost. Furthermore, the extent few years. It was formerly thought that ingestion of
of nitrogen retention with increasing caloric intake is far carbohydrate after a period of starvation caused rapid
greater as the calorie intake approaches equilibrium than increases in circulating glucose and insulin which pro-
when further calories are given to achieve a positive moted the efficient uptake of glucose by the liver and its
calorie balance. prompt conversion into storage products such as glyco-
Measurements of gas exchange can only reflect fuel gen and fat.
oxidation under steady-state conditions where body gas lVlcGarry and co-workers13 have reviewed findings in
stores are not fluctuating and the patient’s ventilation is the past few years which have changed this former view.
representative of what is normally occurring when the The ready conversion of glucose to glycogen in L’iuo and
measurement is not being made.’ its limited incorporation in L’itro has been termed the
The nonprotein respiratory quotient (RQ) has indi- &dquo;glucose paradox.&dquo; It now appears that glucose is a poor
cated that fat is emphasized as a tissue fuel in the early substrate for liver metabolism, regardless of nutritional

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state. The capacity of the liver for phosphorylation may i nsulin serves to offset the potent glycogenolytic effect
be insufficient to support glycogen synthesis directly < )f glucagon (and probably catecholamines) on the liver;

from glucose, as shown in Figure 1. The three carbon ¡ md third, insulin stimulates glucose uptake in peripheral

intermediates, rather than glucose itself, serve as the tissues. Insulin might be expected to facilitate the pro-
precursors for fatty acid synthesis and for glycogen for- < ruction of lactate and thus
provide a major substrate for
mation in the liver following glucose ingestion. Insulin, .iver glycogen and fat synthesis.
although essential for the induction of anabolic processes &dquo;Net&dquo; glucose formation does not increase via the Cori
in uivo, probably exerts its acute hepatic effects not in ,
cycle and thus such a cycle may be considered as a waste
direct fashion (as in muscle or adipose tissue) but indi- ~f the energy required to resynthesize glucose from lac-
rectly by suppressing the secretion of glucagon and coun- tate. However, Wolfe14 has noted that the energy to
teracting its catabolic action.&dquo; resynthesize the glucose comes from fat oxidation in the
A current question remains as to the site of the initial liver, so the Cori cycle results in a transfer of energy
conversion of glucose into lactate. Although muscle from adipose tissue to muscle with glucose and lactate
would seem to be a logical site, it has been reported that serving as &dquo;currency&dquo; in situations in which the muscle
after glucose loading in humans there is little net output is unable to fully rely on fat oxidation. Glycerol contrib-
of lactate across forearm muscle. Most of the lactate utes only about 3% of the total glucose production during
appears to be of splanchnic origin. Balance studies have a short fast, but when there is a stimulus for mobilization
shown that uptake of glucose across the liver is much of fat the contribution of glycerol can increase up to
less than the amount of glycogen formation. 13 Hagstrom 20%.
and coworkers 15 have used a microdialysis technique in The concentration of glucose in the blood is normally
the adipose tissue of healthy volunteers and compared regulated within narrow limits while the rate of glucose
the levels of glucose, pyruvate, and lactate in venous uptake and oxidation can vary widely. Brain and red
blood with those in the dialyzate following glucose inges- blood cells may account for more than 50% of glucose
tion. There was a more marked increase of lactate in the uptake in fasting, yet these tissues probably do not play
dialyzate than in venous blood, suggesting that adipose a role in the fluctuations seen in the rate of oxidation.
tissue is a source of lactate production from glucose and The liver can play a role in the disposition of a glucose
may play a significant role in the whole body glucose load, but since most of this glucose is not oxidized, the
homeostasis of man. liver is not a site which influences the rate of whole body
The essentiality of insulin for hepatic glycogen syn-
glucose oxidation.
thesis in vivo stems from three indirect actions of the Insulin exerts its control on plasma glucose concentra-
hormone, according to McGarry and co-workers.l3 First, tion both by inhibiting the rate of hepatic glucose pro-
insulin suppresses pancreatic glucagon secretion; second, duction and
by stimulating glucose uptake in certain
peripheral tissues. The threshold for the action of insulin
on peripheral glucose uptake is higher than the threshold
for the effect of insulin on hepatic glucose production.&dquo;
Thus of the many actions of insulin, its effect on uptake
by peripheral tissues is the least sensitive.
The muscle mass exerts a major influence on the
overall rate of glucose utilization. In the postabsorptive
person at rest, there may be no muscle glucose uptake at
all; yet this can be stimulated by exercise while uptake
is decreased by bed rest. Glucose is rapidly phospho-
rylated once inside the cell and it is possible that insulin
regulates muscle utilization by controlling the rate of
entry into the muscle cell. The alternative role of the
&dquo;glucose-fatty acid cycle&dquo; in regulating glucose uptake
remains controversial. While details of the interrelation-
ships between glucose and fatty acid metabolism have
not been resolved, it is clear that their respective oxida-
tion rates are inversely related.
The primary control of the plasma glucose concentra-
tion under most circumstances is exerted through
changes in the rate of glucose production, and only at
higher rates of glucose intake do changes in insulin-
mediated clearance become important. The brain and
v v
red blood cells are obligatory glucose users and are in-
FIG. 1. Hepatic glucose metabolism with refeeding. The former dependent of insulin action. Other tissues, such as skin,
concept of glucose entering the hepatic cell directly to form glycogen is lung, and wound tissue are also &dquo;insulin independent.&dquo;
shown in the upper diagram. The alternate concept, supported by
Muscle and fat are the two major tissues in which insulin
recent data, indicates that glucose ingestion results in production of
lactate. which then ravels to the liver and is used for glycogen forma- acts to stimulate glucose uptake. However, the blood
tion. See McGarry and co-workers’-’ for details. glucose level must rise significantly before these tissues
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begin to take up glucose.16 Once the plasma glucose level

is high enough so that glucose uptake in all the insulin-
independent tissues is maximized, muscle and fat begin
to become important in clearing the glucose. Because of
the large mass of both muscle and fat, once these tissues
become involved in the glucose clearance the disposal of
glucose into these tissues increases rapidly with small
increases in either glucose or insulin levels. However, in
the basal state, neither muscle nor fat is significantly
involved in glucose clearance and this explains the ab-
sence of an important peripheral effect of insulin at low
rates of glucose uptake. There is no evidence that insulin
exerts a direct effect on glucose oxidation.
The basal rate of glucose production is elevated in
critically ill patients despite a normal or elevated insulin FIG. 2. Nitrogen excretion is shown for various clinical conditions,
level, indicating hepatic insulin resistance. At all rates while receiving only 100 g of glucose per day. See Elwyn19 for details.
of glucose infusion the residual endogenous glucose pro-
duction is higher than would be expected in normal ated with a decrease or no change in protein degradation
volunteers. It is likely that the traditional glucoregula- coupled with a reduction in synthesis.&dquo; Part of this effect
tory hormones can explain most of the stimulation of may be due to an accompanying hypocaloric intake.
glucose production. 17 Studies with somatostatin suggest Under such conditions there would be no increase in
that glucagon, perhaps enhanced by cortisol, is of pri- energy expenditure from protein turnover. This is in
contrast to major injury, sepsis, or extensive burns where
mary importance.&dquo; In both sepsis and burn injury, glu-
cagon stimulates glucose production. In sepsis, if the
whole body protein turnover studies show a marked
increase in protein degradation, while synthesis rates
glucagon is normalized, the catecholamines become im-
portant stimulators. In sepsis there appears to be a factor may be increased to a lesser degree. Increases in both
inhibiting glucose production that is not present in burn synthesis and degradation rates will increase energy ex-
injury. Endotoxin or cytokines are obvious candidates penditure. A minimum of four high-energy phosphate
for such a factor. In both septic and burn patients the bonds are required for incorporation of a single amino
basal glucose production may be elevated while the glu- acid into protein; thus the minimal cost of synthesis of
cose concentration is not markedly elevated because of 100 g of protein would be 70 kcal. Normal protein turn-
over in the adult is approximately 300 g/day. If this were
rapid clearance of the glucose by insulin-independent
tissues. The action of insulin on muscle and adipose doubled with injury it would increase the energy expend-
tissue of such patients is greatly blunted.16 Thus there is iture by approximately 200 kcal, which would be included
both hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance. in the energy cost associated with increases in metabolic
cycles (&dquo;futile cycles&dquo;) of carbohydrate and lipid metab-
Increased excretion of 3-methylhistidine, derived from
The observations of Cuthbertson on the increased the breakdown of actin and myosin, is seen at times
excretion of nitrogen after injury were followed by rec- when there are large increases in whole body protein
ognition that increasing the nitrogen intake during the degradation. This is consistent with the negative nitro-
catabolic phase after injury could lessen the degree of gen balance being the result of losses in muscle protein
negative nitrogen balance but would not abolish the as indicated by 3-methylhistidine output from the leg. 13
increase in nitrogen loss due to the injury. The extent of It was formerly thought that critical organs such as the
the nitrogen loss has often been related to the type and heart and diaphragm were privileged sites which were
severity of the injury, but such comparisons have tended spared the protein loss of malnutrition. Autopsies of
to be obscured by variations in nitrogen intake. Figure 2 malnourished patients have shown that all organs con-
shows a comparison of nitrogen excretion in various tribute to the protein loss except the brain and nervous
conditions compiled by Goldstein and Elwyn.19,22 These tissue. 21
patients were receiving only 100 g of dextrose per day; It has often been stated that albumin is a poor indi-
thus with no nitrogen intake, the nitrogen excretion cator of nutritional status because of its relatively long
represents the negative nitrogen balance per day. It is half-life and that nutritional status should be monitored
seen that the malnourished patients excreted twice as by the measurement of proteins with much shorter half-
much nitrogen as the normal subjects, suggesting some lives such as transferrin. It is interesting that despite
degree of underlying disease or stress because uncompli- this belief, many retrospective evaluations of nutritional
cated undernutrition is known to reduce nitrogen excre- measurements and their prognostic value have nearly
tion. There is evidence that parenteral feeding for the alwavs included the level of serum albumin as one of the
first 3-4 days after operation&dquo; provides somewhat better most important variables. Starker and co-workers’~5 con-
nitrogen balance than parenteral feeding, but thereafter ducted a study on a group of depleted surgical patients
there seems to be little difference. 21 who received TPN after having sustained an average of
Whole body protein turnover rates reflect the severity 16% loss of body weight. Two types of response were
of the catabolic condition. Elective operation is associ- found during the first 10 days of nutritional support. The

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first response was a weight loss associated with a diuresis amount of nitrogen involved in the muscle efflux of
of water and sodium coupled with a prompt rise in serum glutamine and alanine is much greater than the corre-
albumin. One may speculate that this represented a sponding amounts of these amino acids in muscle pro-
contraction of an expanded extracellular fluid volume at tein. Therefore, it is generally believed that the
a time when nitrogen balance was beginning to improve. branched-chain amino acids are important contributors
The second response shown by other patients in the to the synthesis of glutamine and alanine in muscle.
group was a body weight which remained the same or Jahoor and co-workers16 studied the responsiveness of
rose slightly, while there was a positive sodium balance the protein kinetics in sepsis and burns to insulin and
and no improvement in the low serum albumin. The rates of glucose oxidation. These studies used isotopic
patients with the second response were considered to leucine and urea together with a hyperinsulinemic, eu-
have some underlying catabolic stimulus which was as- glycemic clamp and a drug which increases glucose oxi-
sociated with a sustained extracellular volume expansion. dation. The results indicate that the maximal effective-
Starker and co-workers2s subsequently studied eight ness of insulin to suppress protein breakdown is not
other patients with an average weight loss of approxi- impaired in such states and that a deficit in glucose
mately 40% but with no signs of underlying catabolic oxidation cannot explain the high rates of proteolysis
stimulus. With such severe malnutrition, there was a and nitrogen excretion.
delay in diuresis and the associated rise in serum albumin Rennie and co-workers31 studied amino acid transport
after starting nutritional support, yet those who even- in a rat limb preparation combining perfusion and iso-
tually showed these changes had an improved outcome. topic tracers. These workers proposed that the removal
Similar findings have been reported by Sitges-Serra and of glutamine by muscle was associated with a transport
associates.2’ system which they designated as system Nffi, a term
The loss of body protein is from intracellular stores, unrelated to the transport systems previously identified
and skeletal muscle represents at least half of the body in muscle. Rennie et al, in collaboration with Jepson et
cell mass, which is consistent with a high proportion of al, 32 proposed a hypothesis building on the properties
proteolysis after injury occurring in muscle. This central which would be necessary for such a glutamine transport
role of muscle in proteolysis is supported by studies of system.33 They defined the behavior of glutamine and
interorgan flow of amino acids. Lund et aF8 measured glutamate in relation to the kinetics and ion dependence
arterial-hepatic venous concentration differences and he- of such transport as well as the effects of branched-chain
patic blood flow to calculate the splanchnic uptake of amino acids, endotoxin, and infections. The authors
amino acids in anesthetized preoperative and postoper- pointed to a link between the size of the glutamine pool
ative patients undergoing cholecystectomy. The values in muscle and the rate of protein synthesis by muscle
for the preoperative splanchnic uptake were similar to which might have extensive implications for the balance
that for peripheral output of normal subjects, namely 7- of anabolism and catabolism of amino acids in the entire
8 g of nitrogen per day. This similarity between total body.
peripheral output and splanchnic uptake is evident for Specialized roles of selected amino acids within certain
most of the individual amino acids as well. The increased types of cells are gradually becoming evident, with exten-
flow of amino acids from muscle to viscera in injury is sive implications for future nutritional support. Gluta-
accompanied by a decreased rather than an increased mine has long been recognized as important for the
plasma amino acid concentration, with the exception of transport of nitrogen to the kidney for ammonia forma-
phenylalanine whose concentration usually rises. This tion. Studies in the acidotic rat have shown that the
suggests a simultaneous increase in splanchnic clearance. increased glutamine requirements of the kidney for am-
Pearl et aF9 reported that the peripheral output and monia formation are matched by increased glutamine
splanchnic clearance of amino acids were greatly reduced output by muscle.
in injury or sepsis for the patients who later died when Newsholme and co-workers34-3s have stressed the im-
compared with those who survived. portance of glutamine as an essential nutrient for rapidly
The largest proportion of amino acids which are trans- dividing cells or cells where there may be sudden large
located from muscle to viscera are in the form of two demands for energy-requiring functions such as phago-
amino acids: alanine and glutamine. The role of gluta- cytosis or secretion (Fig 3). Glutamine provides a major
mine was initially overlooked because of technical diffi- part of the energy requirements of lymphocytes and
culties in measurement. Therefore, the early attention macrophages, but more importantly it serves as a basic
was largely devoted to the &dquo;alanine-glucose cycle.&dquo; Dur- building block for synthesis of nucleic acids and other
ing the 1970s, various reports established that glutamine constituents required for cell division. The glutamine
was decreased in muscle following injury and that the requirements of lymphocytes, macrophages, and the en-
decrease could be as high as ~0~ depending upon the tire immune and hemopoietic system greatly increase
severity of the injury.3° Inasmuch as the concentration with injury or sepsis as cells proliferate. In addition, the
of glutamine is the largest of the free amino acids in healing could be expected to add to the requirements for
muscle and muscle represents a large proportion of the glutamine. Presumably the increased glutamine require-
lean tissue in the body, it is probable that a change in ments of host defense and wound healing would be met
muscle glutamine after injury could provide as much as by an increased output of glutamine from muscle.
10 g or more of glutamine nitrogen during the first 48 hr Another amino acid with unusual properties in regard
before the peak rate of muscle proteolysis occurs. The to host defense is arginine. Barbel3’ has reviewed the

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mately 50 days during a total fast.43 It is of interest that

the 10 Irish hunger strikers lived for an average of 62
days of total fasting, with terminal brain failure as re-
flected by coma during the final 48 hr.
The breakdown of triglyceride in adipose tissue yields
glycerol and free fatty acids (FFA). The glycerol cannot
be reutilized before it is released into the bloodstream
and serves as a marker for the rate of triglyceride break-
down. The FFA which result from the triglyceride break-
down may be reesterified into new triglycerides in the
adipocyte or released into the blood and made available
for oxidative fuel in other tissues. There is growing
evidence that the pericellular blood flow in adipose tissue
can serve as another factor in regulating fat balance in
the cell. Hormones which influence intracellular metab-
olism in the adipocyte include those with vasoactive
FIG. 3. Relationship between glutamine production in muscle and
glutamine utilization in various other tissues, shown in diagrammatic properties.
form. BCAA, branched-chain amino acids. For details, see Newsholme An elaborate apparatus controls the rate of lipolysis
et al. 36 within the adipocyte.43 Adrenergic receptors, insulin, and
other peptide hormone receptors, as well as adenosine
multiple biologic properties of this amino acid and noted receptors, all on the membrane of the adipocyte, are
that other urea cycle-related amino acids such as orni-
thine and citrulline share some but not all of the same
major players in the control of lipolysis. The membrane
signals are, in some instances, greatly amplified by the
properties. Arginine is a potent secretagogue stimulating G proteins which bind guanosine triphosphate under the
the output of growth hormone and prolactin as well as
influence of membrane receptor events and then act on
insulin and to some degree the output of glucagon, so-
adenylate cyclase. Activation of the cyclase generates
matostatin, pancreatic polypeptide, and adrenal catcho- cyclic AMP which inaugurates a cascade of protein phos-
lamines. The most striking effect of arginine appears to
be as a moduator of T-cell-mediated immunity which has phorylation terminating in the phosphorylation and ac-
tivation of a hormone-sensitive lipase, the final step in
been demonstrated in both animals and man. It appears
the enzymatic breakdown of stored triglyceride.
to function as a semiessential amino acid where arginine
The controls of the synthetic steps that reesterify fatty
supplementation may have particular benefit in a variety acid to form triglyceride are understood less well. Fatty
of stress states as well as nutritional depletion.
acids for triglyceride synthesis are mostly derived from
There has been increasing attention to the integrity of
the gut mucosa in recent years.38 Intestinal adaptation hydrolysis of circulating lipoproteins by a critically im-
portant enzyme, lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL is syn-
usually occurs rapidly after small-bowel resection, al- thesized and secreted by adipocytes onto the capillary
though it is dependent upon the provision of enteral surface, where it hydrolyzes chylomicrons and very-low-
nutrients, particularly glutamine. In the dog, glutamine density lipoprotein triglycerides to yield FFA, which then
uptake provides a major portion of energy requirements can be taken up and esterified by adipocytes. Because
of the intestine39 and uptake is doubled by laparot-
the capacity of human adipose tissue for fatty acid syn-
omy.39,40 The translocation of endotoxin or bacteria thesis is minimal, this is the major source of fatty acids
across an ischemic or malnourished intestinal mucosa
for triglyceride synthesis and storage. LPL activity in
has been reported to be a possible pathway for macro-
phage activation in the portal lymph nodes or in the adipose tissue undergoes changes in response to altera-
tions in nutritional and hormonal status. It is decreased
liver.41 Fong et al42 studied the effect of TPN-induced
bowel atrophy on the response to lipopolysaccharide in during fasting or diabetes when fat storage is minimal
and rises in the fed state, facilitating uptake of substrate
healthy volunteers who had received enteral or paren- into the adipocyte. The rate of synthesis of triglyceride
teral nutrition for 7 days. Counterregulatory hormones
and splanchnic cytokine responses were enhanced after within the adipocyte could potentially be controlled by
TPN and bowel rest. This was associated with a magni- the availability of FFA or the glycolytic availability of a-
fied acute phase response, peripheral amino acid mobi- glycerophosphate. LPL is also present on the capillary
lization, and lactate production. endothelium of muscle and the responsiveness of LPL in
adipose tissue and muscle appears to be regulated so that
their activity is stimulated and inhibited in a compen-
satory fashion. Circumstances which favor muscle up-
The entire adipose tissue in an average adult may be take of FFA tend to reduce LPL activity in adipose tissue
considered as an organ containing about 30 billion adi- and the opposite behavior occurs with high intake and
pocytes, each of which has a single droplet of triglyceride, storage of energy in adipose tissue.
roughly 0.5 ug in weight. Given that 30 x 109 x 0.5 g = One of the most potent effects of insulin on adipose
15 kg of fat, it can be seen that the major energy storage tissue is its ability to inhibit FFA efflux. By this action,
is held in adipose tissue. Theoretically, this depot can insulin modulates the concentration of circulating fatty
provide energy sufficient to maintain life for approxi- acids and influences the supply of lipid fuels available

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for oxidation or hepatic reesterification. Insulin exerts inormal subjects. Ketoadaptation does not occur readily
this action by two mechanisms: (1) inhibition of the ias compared with simple starvation. The process by
hormone-sensitive lipase, the enzyme that regulates the iwhich this occurs and the underlying mechanisms are
hydrolysis of fatty acids from triglycerides stored in ]not well elucidated.
adipose tissue, and (2) promotion of the reesterification Plasma FFA flux is linearly related to plasma FFA
of newly hydrolyzed fatty acids. < concentrations in normal dogs and man. However, the

Fasting is accompanied by increased entry of both iFlux of substrates such as glycerol and fatty acids cannot

glycerol and fatty acids into the circulation as the rate 1be predicted from the plasma concentration in the pres-
of hydrolysis of adipose tissue triglyceride rises. Because < ence of an acutely catabolic state. Kinetic measurements

the decrease in plasma insulin that accompanies fasting < are therefore necessary to evaluate alterations in lipid

is one of the major causes of this increased rate of metabolism during the chronic and acute illness and how
triglyceride hydrolysis, it might be expected that termi- they are further influenced by the fasted and fed states.
nation of the fasting state by infusion of glucose and Robin and coworkers48 studied depleted and acutely in-
insulin would inhibit lipolysis in vivo. Recent studies :jured patients on limited glucose intake or TPN, using
suggest that glucose infusion into fasting obese subjects [14C]palmitate and indirect calorimetry. When receiving
increases fatty acid reesterification more quickly than it TPN, the REE rose from 109 to 119% and from 89 to
inhibits lipolysis.44 Simultaneous studies of adipose tis- 103% of predicted in injured and depleted patients. FFA
sue in vitro indicate that the rapid reesterification cannot flux was not affected while FFA oxidation and net fat
be accounted for by changes in adipocyte metabolism. oxidation decreased by 60%. The proportion of the net
There is increasing evidence that the local blood flow fat oxidation derived from immediate oxidation of cir-
around the adipocyte is very labile and perhaps respon- culating FFA was approximately 35%. The results indi-
sive to the same hormonal influences which regulate the cate that with glucose-based TPN, there is a discrepancy
intracellular processes of lipolysis and lipogenesis.45 The between suppression of FFA production and oxidation.
difference in in vivo and in vitro studies of the fasting In addition, sources of fatty acid which are not in rapid
obese patients given glucose and insulin might be ex- equilibrium with circulating FFA contribute substan-
plained by a reduction in adipocyte blood flow, limiting tially to whole body fat oxidation (see Fig 4).
the entry of fatty acid into the circulation and promoting There is growing evidence that the lipid composition
their reentry into the cell for reesterification. of cell membranes can be manipulated by dietary treat-
Plasma FFA concentrations are often in the normal ment and therefore has the potential to influence many
range with injury, sepsis, or burns, either when fasting aspects of cell function.49 The changes in phospholipid
or with hypocaloric dextrose intake, but there is wide fatty acid composition reflect the composition of the fat
consumed because the turnover of membrane fatty acids
variability. The decrease in plasma FFA levels with
is rapid. Coconut oil-fed rats have more saturated fatty
increasing carbohydrate intake appears to be attenuated
in injured or septic patients.46 Plasma glycerol concen- acids in the membranes than do rats fed either corn,
trations may be increased up to 3-fold with injury, sepsis, safflower, or menhaden oils. This change in membrane
or burns and seem to be correlated with the severity of fatty acid saturation can result in a change in membrane
the condition. These catabolic states suppress the ketone fluidity or the degree of ordering and motion of the
body formation which normally occurs in the fasting hydrocarbon core of the lipid bilayer. Intake of a more
state. Glycerol turnover in plasma is increased as much saturated fatty acid mixture results in a less fluid cell
as 5-fold, while FFA turnover is increased to a lesser

degree in acutely catabolic patients. These increases are

seen almost immediately and last as long as 20 days after
the onset. Carbohydrate loads will suppress glycerol
turnover in acutely catabolic patients just as in depleted
or normal subjects, yet they have little suppressive effect
on FFA turnover. The effects of acute catabolism are to
increase triglyceride hydrolysis and fat mobilization
more than fat oxidation. Reesterification of fatty acids,
or substrate cycling of triglycerides, is increased as much
as 4-fold and remains high even with sustained hyper-
caloric administration of glucose. Wolfe and co-workers47
found the increase in triglyceride recycling to occur pri-
marily in adipose tissue. The total amount of recycling
accounted for a minimum of 10% of the increase in whole
body energy expenditure seen in a pediatric population
of burn patients. 0---~ ~~..-. ,-_..--...--.

The acute catabolic state is associated with an increase FIG. 4. Contribution of fat oxidation to caloric expenditure. Results
in gluconeogenesis, which is resistant to suppression by of a clinical study are shown in which the free fatty acid oxidation
(isotopic palmitate) is compared with the net fat oxidation (indirect
glucose infusion. A parallel change is seen in fat oxida- calorimetry), Note that the free fatty acid oxidation is only approxi-
tion, which is increased at any given level of glucose mately one-third of the net fat oxidation. 0, REE; E3, net fat oxidation;
infusion when compared with that of undernourished or E, free fatty acid oxidation. See Robin and co-workers.48

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membrane and an altered environment for the proteins demonstrated between triglyceride-rich particles of an

of the membrane. emulsion and endogenous cholesterol-rich lipoproteins.


Cellular membranes serve as geographic boundaries While endogenous lipoproteins are remodeled by lipid
for the cell and its compartments and have in addition infusions, the exogenous lipid particles are also involved
metabolic control properties. They are the &dquo;gatekeepers&dquo; :in the plasma transport of cholesterol.
of the cells.&dquo; They regulate the influx and efflux of A portion of phospholipid present in fat emulsions
nutrients, substrates, hormones, and metabolic products ,surrounds the core of trigly ceride-rich particles while the
produced or used by the cell in the course of its metabolic rest, sometimes referred to as the phospholipid excess,
activity. In the plasma membrane, receptors embedded can be separated as liposomes. The proportion of the
in the membrane have a similar function because they liposomal population is much greater in 10% emulsions
control the entry of nutrients or hormones into the cell. containing 12 g/liter of phospholipids and 100 g/liter of
Further, the hormone receptors of a plasma membrane triglycerides compared with 20% emulsions containing
may bind a given hormone and elicit a cascade of reac- also 12 g/liter of phospholipids but 200 g/liter of triglyc-
tions characteristic of the hormone effect without per- erides. Because the phospholipase activity of plasma is
mitting the entry of the hormone itself into the cytosolic relatively low compared with the triglyceride lipase ac-
compartment. Insulin binds to its receptor and in so tivity, it is common to observe marked and prolonged
doing elicits the cascade of events described earlier. Once increases in plasma phospholipid concentrations during
bound by the receptor site, the insulin is inactivated and and after infusion of 10% emulsions, even at moderate
brought into the cell by pinocytosis for further degrada- rates.
tion. This is in contrast to steroids and thyroxine which Carpentier and coworkers51 have also observed that
must enter the cell to bind to receptors. The gatekeeping liposomal phospholipids can delay the clearance of tri-
property of the membrane is vested in the structure and glyceride-rich particles, probably by competing for bind-
function of the various transporters, receptors, and bind- ing to endothelial LPL. It is known that phospholipids
ing proteins embedded in the lipid constituents of the have a high affinity for free cholesterol and such com-
membrane. plexes may explain the &dquo;lipoprotein X&dquo; isolated from the
Lipids have surfaced as potent and diverse modulators plasma of cholestatic patients. 52 The rise in plasma free
of cell function, over and beyond the membrane compo- cholesterol observed during infusions of phospholipid-
sition just mentioned. Lipids may serve as ligands for rich particles is not likely to be due to the cholesterol
cell-surface receptors, as anchors for membrane-associ- infused, but it comes from membranes of circulating
ated proteins, and as &dquo;second messengers. 1150 Some func- erythrocytes. Analysis of red blood cell membranes dem-
tions involve complex lipids directly; however, many onstrated concomitant increase in phospholipid con-

other functions involve cleavage of membrane lipids to tent and decrease in the free cholesterol of the mem-
brane which were directly related to the phospholipid
yield the various prostaglandins, diacylglycerols which intake.
activate protein kinase C, a choline derivative which is
converted into a platelet-activating factor, together with
new roles for membrane lipids which are constantly CONCLUSION
appearing. Membrane lipid functions present an obvious The effectiveness of nutritional support is more the
link between nutrition and cell behavior and offer a
result of the underlying metabolic state of the patient
tremendous potential for understanding and controlling
than of the particular diagnosis.53 Thus, the search for
the response to disease and injury.
the mechanisms underlying the metabolic state of the
Fat emulsions are currently included in the intrave-
nous regimen of patients requiring parenteral nutrition
patient is of direct importance to nutritional manage-
ment. However, the focus must be widened to explore
to provide both energy and essential fatty acids. In these
further the transition from the fasted to the fed state
preparations, triglycerides are emulsified by phospho- and how catabolic stimuli modify this transition. A log-
lipids. The amount of phospholipid is variable among the ical extension is to search for nutrients with specific
available emulsions yet is always in excess of what is actions on certain cells which may lead to pharmacologic
needed for emulsifying the triglycerides. Therefore, fat
ways of aiding convalescence.
emulsions can be considered as composed of two different
kinds of particles: triglyceride-rich particles (resembling
chylomicrons and very-low-density lipoproteins) and REFERENCES
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