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The Basics!

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The Growing Popularity of Superberries

Much has been made in the media of popular fruits called Superberries. But what exactly is a Superberry and why do we need it? What we know is that as the body ages, it must regenerate and rebuild cells on a daily basis. Of course, many factors interrupt or slow down that process such as exposure to environmental toxins, poor eating habits, emotional stress and simply growing older to name just a few. As the body tries to fend off these attacks, it can naturally become overwhelmed and result in a depressed immune system. Ultimately, this opens the door to a viral and bacterial infections as well as a host of chronic diseases and conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, loss of brain function, etc.. Research has shown that increasing your intake of certain nutrients is key to slowing down the cellular aging process in our bodies. For the average American, diet alone does not supply enough of these nutrients to ll this role. Interestingly, vitamin supplements do not resolve this either. Real fruits and vegetables are the best source of these key nutrients, known as antioxidants or phytonutrients. Certain fruits, typically berries, have a higher quantity of antioxidants than others and we call these Superberries. Aronia, Elderberry, Blueberries and Black Currant are Superberries that are hailed as being natures solution to battling the toxic forces to which we expose our bodies on a daily basis. They are shown to protect our cells, destroy free radicals, support anti-aging and help repair damaged cells. Lets take a look at Aronia...

Aronia Acres 2011

What is Aronia?

The Aronia shrub (Aronia melanocarpa) is a member of the Rosaceae family and is native to the northern parts of the United States. Its berries are a beautiful dark purple, almost black. Native Americans have long used the Aronia berry to support their health and well-being. Fortunately, this wisdom was not lost and people from America to Europe to Russia are incorporating Aronia into their diet. Aronia are packed with phytonutrients. In fact, Aronia offer more health-boosting power than any of the other Superberries with the highest concentration of anthocyanins and polyphenols (antioxidants). How can we measure this? Scientists use a special score called an ORAC score (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) to measure the levels of antioxidants in a food. This chart comparing different berries shows the Aronia at the head of the class!


Aronia Acres 2011

Benets of Aronia
Note: This is not to be interpreted as medical advice! Please consult your physician rst!

We know that Aronia are loaded with a variety of phytonutrients and have the highest ORAC score of all fruits. Incorporating Aronia and other antioxidant-rich foods into our daily diet signicantly improves our ability to fend off disease-causing mechanisms, improve brain function and look younger all at once! A growing body of research substantiates what many have already learned rst hand. There are too many conditions to list completely, but here is a list of common chronic conditions and, in laymans terms, how Aronia has been shown to be effective: High Blood Pressure It is well-researched that Aronia antioxidants work as anti-inammatory agents throughout the body and help relax the arteries in the body, reducing blood pressure and chronic inammation. Cancer Aronia polyphenols play a role in control and prevention of cancer development by modulating all 3 phases: Initiation, promotion and progression of cancers.1 Research shows a wide variety of cancer types responding to Aronia. One such study shows that when Aronia extract was given to highly malignant brain tumor lines, a regulation of tissue growth was achieved and many cancer cells were completely killed within 24 hours.2 Diabetes Anthocyanins from Aronia decrease the glucose levels in urine and decrease the lipid oxidation level in both urine and blood serum. It has been shown that anthocyanins from Aronia decrease glycemic and hemoglobin levels.3 Aronia is capable of curbing the highs and lows of the blood sugar levels of a diabetic. Cardiovascular Disease Because of its ability to reduce the oxidative stress on the body, Aronia is a proven tool in ghting off cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure is lowered, inammation is reduced and LDL oxidation is reduced. Aronia provides complete cellular protection from oxidative injury and a relaxing effect on the vascular system, thus improving ow.4
Aronia Acres 2011


We hope youve enjoyed this journey through the world of Aronia! Of course, this brochure is incomplete in many ways because it is intended as merely an overview for people new to Aronia melanocarpa. We encourage you to do your own research as well so that you get a complete understanding of the power of polyphenols in our diet. What do we know about the Aronia market? While it is native to North America, several decades ago the Europeans began growing and processing Aronia products on a broad scale. Today, Aronia plays a crucial role in their diet. As for Americans, it is still a niche market but is growing consistently year after year. A record number of new growers are on the scene, which is stimulating the market to the point that the supply will soon stand up to mainstream commercial demands. In the meantime, those of us involved in growing Aronia are excited about the increasing number of opportunities to share this native superberry with local, regional and sometimes national markets. At the heart of this, we are intentional about sustainably growing and distributing a native species that can so greatly improve the health and well-being of others -- all while supporting the local sustainable agriculture marketplace.

Native and natural, Aronia are really unique!

Once you fall in love with them, you may be interested in growing Aronia on either a small or large scale. Please contact us for more information on becoming an Aronia grower or seller!

Aronia Acres 2011

Research References

Iona; The Power of Nature: Aronia Melanocarpa Published by Maes Health and Wellness LLC (2010)

GJ, M Christidou M and Rooprai HK. Acta Neurochirurgia 145: 683-690 (2003)


S, Kuzmanov K, Tancheva S, Belcheva A. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of Aronia melanocarpa fruit juice in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 2007 (2):101-5.

Extension Magazine; Feb 2008: Aronias melanocarpas effect on LDL oxidation and inammation.

Aronia Acres 2011

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