Unit 2 Test 2 New (Kopia) Test - Ekowydruk Oskar

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Unit 2 Test 2 New (kopia)

1 Read five short texts and choose the correct answer: A, B or C. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. Text 1
Mum, can you pick up my new jeans from the shop?
I bought them online yesterday but I’ve just got a text saying they’re there ready for collection.
Leon wants his mother to
A. order something online
B. collect something
C. buy some clothes
2. Text 2
Designer leather travel bag for sale.
Five years old. In good condition.
Contact @Polly123
This bag is suitable for
A. young children.
B. someone who follows fashion.
C. taking on holiday.
3. Text 3
Fiona’s Fab Feet Shoe Shop
Find us at our new address in the shopping centre.
The first 20 customers can buy sandals half-price.
Which of the following is true?
A. The shop is no longer easy to find.
B. Customers must hurry if they want to save money.
C. All new customers receive a discount on shoes.
4. Text 4
Get ready for winter! This week online only.
Coats 30% off. Buy one pair of gloves, get one pair free.

This shop’s clothes are

A. less expensive in the winter months.
B. free when you spend a lot of money.
C. cheaper if you buy them on the internet.
5. Text 5
Make shopping easier with our new app.
Use it in the store to see if your size is in stock. It’s so quick and convenient.

This app can

A. make shopping less frustrating.
B. tell you your size.
C. match clothes that look good.

2 Choose the correct answer: A, B or C. ( ... / 10 p.)
1. Kelly ___ shopping yesterday.
A. didn’t go B. wasn’t going C. weren’t going
2. When I was putting my jeans on, the zip ___.
A. broke B. were breaking C. was breaking
3. At 3 pm yesterday, I ___ in the library.
A. read B. were reading C. was reading
4. ___ a horror film last week?
A. Did you watch B. Were you watching C. You did watch
5. Where ___ you buy that T-shirt?
A. was B. were C. did
6. My hoodie ___ $50.
A. cost B. costed C. did cost
7. Adam ___ crossing the street when we saw him.
A. was B. were C. did
8. Max ___ the blue coat.
A. choosed B. chose C. choose
9. How much ___ your trainers?
A. were B. cost C. was
10. I lost my phone ___ I was running.
A. while B. during C. then
3 Match the sentences 1-5 to the responses A-E. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. Tina can’t go shopping with us. A. I guess they’re alright together.
2. Let’s spend all our money on expensive clothes. B. No way! That’s a terrible idea!
3. Do you like my new hairstyle? C. Good for you! What fantastic news!
4. Do these clothes match? D. Yes, it looks amazing with a fringe!
5. Guess what! I’ve got a new job in a shop. E. What a shame!
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
4 Match the words 1-5 to the words A-E. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. nail A. head
2. long sleeve B. balm
3. spiky C. hair
4. bald D. polish
5. lip E. top
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
5 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). ( ... / 5 p.)

1. Dyed can describe hair and material. T F

2. Wearing a sweatshirt creates a sporty look. T F
3. Wavy doesn’t mean the same as curly. T F
4. Young people often have wrinkles. T F
5. Casual is the opposite of formal. T F


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