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University Lakes, LLC, a single-member entity created and

controlled by LSU Real Estate and Facilities Foundation (“REFF”)




T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M

PHOTO BY: Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM, CSRS GIS Lead

DATE: 12/11/2019
T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M

January 3, 2020

Leu Anne Greco

Vice President & General Counsel
LSU Foundation
3796 Nicholson Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

RE: RFP for Project Advisor Services for University Lakes Project

Dear Ms. Greco:

As an LSU graduate and long-time resident of Baton Rouge, I have personally enjoyed visiting the
University Lakes over the years. On any given sunny day it is easy to see the Lakes’ many benefits to LSU
and the Baton Rouge community. More recently, you can also see how the health of the Lakes is declining,
and some of the challenges that have emerged as the popularity of the Lakes and their surrounding
neighborhoods have increased. Naturally, I, along with everyone on our Baton Rouge-based team, was
ecstatic to learn that the LSU Foundation, LSU, the State of Louisiana, CPRA, BREC and East Baton Rouge
City/Parish are stepping up to bring the Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan to life.
We followed closely the master planning process spearheaded by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation and
have worked with BRAF to further explore how the University Lakes can help enhance flood risk reduction
benefits. Simultaneously, through our joint venture with Brailsford & Dunlavey (B&D), we have supported
successful implementation of the Nicholson Gateway Development, one of LSU’s Baton Rouge campus’
most ambitious and transformative projects. For this next vital and transformative project for our region,
the B&D | CSRS joint venture has assembled a team of experienced professionals who are passionate
about restoring and renewing the Lakes as a major community amenity. We want to help unlock the
additional benefits that the Lakes system can provide.
Led by Mark Goodson, a CSRS principal and experienced planning and resilience professional, our team
includes B&D, CSRS, the construction engineering firm Moffatt & Nichol and the Baton Rouge-based
engineering consulting firm GOTECH. Our team provides seasoned professionals who can manage the
University Lakes Project from kickoff through successful completion. Our subject matter experts stand
ready to apply their expertise in any number of ways to help the LSU Real Estate and Facilities Foundation
(REFF), project partners, and surrounding communities find solutions to the challenges a project such as
the Lakes will present.
Collectively, our team understands the critical need to restore the University Lakes system to health, and
we have the experience, capacity and expertise to help REFF deliver the desired outcomes of the Project,
• Health – A healthy lakes system serves as an important habitat in which native plants and wildlife
can thrive. It provides safe and accessible recreation opportunities and connections that encourage
a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lakes system helps to manage and clean stormwater, which reduces risk
for the community. A healthy lakes system builds on its legacy of providing a touchpoint for people to
explore in new ways Louisiana, Baton Rouge, or maybe just their own backyards.
T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M

Leu Anne Greco

January 3, 2020
Page 2

• Beauty – In many ways, the scenic beauty of the Lakes has become a symbol for LSU and Baton
Rouge. That scenic beauty can be accessible to all, and it offers value in and of itself. Its scenic beauty
enhances the image of our community and the State’s flagship university every time someone enjoys
the view.
• Win-Win – At project completion, the Lakes will feel like a “win” for both funders and users. The
funders will get maximum value for their investment, feeling confident their desired results were
achieved and that their funds were spent appropriately and efficiently. Users should feel like the
temporary disruptions associated with construction were well worth it, that they were kept informed
and engaged, and that the result is an even better University Lakes system for them to enjoy for
generations to come.
Our proposal submittal demonstrates our team’s unique qualifications and capacity to support
REFF in managing the University Lakes Project. The B&D | CSRS Team has a strong track
record of managing large, complex projects with multiple stakeholders to successful completion.
For additional information about our proposal, please contact me at (225) 769-0546 or via email:
We want to partner with REFF in this important endeavor and request your serious consideration
of our proposal.


Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS

B&D | CSRS Managing Member
T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................... 1
The Heart of Baton Rouge: Understanding REFF’s Needs......................................................................................... 1
The Lakes as a Park: Project Outcomes....................................................................................................................... 2
The Sum is Greater than Its Parts: Implementation.................................................................................................... 3
Our Team is Built for this Project.................................................................................................................................. 5
Invested & Ready: Trusted Advisor................................................................................................................................ 8
Team Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Certified Diverse Supplier Initiative................................................................................................................. 11
Organizational Structure....................................................................................................................................... 12
Personnel Experience and Expertise .............................................................................................................. 13
Resumes...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS, Project Executive.......................................................................................................... 14
Brad Noyes, Project Executive.................................................................................................................................... 16
Mark Goodson, Project Lead...................................................................................................................................... 17
Casey Anderson, Project Manager............................................................................................................................. 19
Kim Martin, Project Manager..................................................................................................................................... 21
L. “Chris” Williams, PE, Dredging/Hydrology & Hydraulics Analysis...................................................................... 23
Jack A. Fink, PE, Dredging/Hydrology & Hydraulics Analysis.................................................................................. 25
Stokka Brown, PE, CFM, Dredging/Hydrology & Hydraulics Analysis – Water Resources Engineer................... 27
William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA, Design & Contract Management.................................................................................. 29
Sarah Kellerman, AICP, LEED GA, Design and Contract Management.................................................................. 31
Elif Acar-Chiasson, PE, Design and Contract Management – Civil Engineering (Geotechnical).......................... 32
April Renard, PE, PTOE, Engineering Analysis – Traffic Engineering and Complete Streets................................. 34
Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM, Engineering Analysis – GIS Manager............................................................................ 36
Kimberly Arcement, Engineering Analysis................................................................................................................ 38
Rhaoul A. Guillaume, Sr., PE, FASCE, Construction Administration....................................................................... 40
James “Drew” Walsh, PE, PMP, Construction Administration................................................................................. 42
Walter Monsour, Funding/Cash Flow........................................................................................................................ 44
Allison Davis Atkinson, Funding/Cash Flow; Grants Management – FEMA PA Policy Subject Mater Expert..... 46
Stacy Bonnaffons, Funding/Cash Flow; Grants Management – CDBG Policy Subject Matter Expert................. 48
Bill Mykins, RA, LEED AP, Funding/Cash Flow......................................................................................................... 50
Stephen Chustz, Funding/Cash Flow; Grants Management –Environmental Consultant..................................... 51
Keith Boeneke, PMP, Grants Management.............................................................................................................. 53
Project Experience.................................................................................................................................................. 55
Relevant Scope Experience....................................................................................................................................55
B&D | CSRS Stakeholder Connectivity.................................................................................................................56
The LSU Foundation | Nicholson Gateway................................................................................................................ 57
Baton Rouge Lakes Flood Risk Reduction Project.................................................................................................... 58
City Park of New Orleans............................................................................................................................................. 59
Port Wonder Development Program Management................................................................................................... 60
MovEBR New Capacity Improvements Projects......................................................................................................... 61
BREC Recovery Program and Grants Management Services.................................................................................. 62
Isle de Jean Charles Community Resettlement Program.......................................................................................... 63
RFK Stadium Campus Redevelopment...................................................................................................................... 64
Foster City Lagoon Dredging....................................................................................................................................... 65
Mississippi River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline (MRLDSP)............................................................................... 66
Proposed Pricing...................................................................................................................................................... 67
Proposed Staffing Plan.......................................................................................................................................... 68
Proposed Project Schedule................................................................................................................................. 70
Scoring Criteria......................................................................................................................................................... 71

T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM,
DATE: 12/11/2019


The Heart of
Baton Rouge The University Lakes system (the Lakes) is critical to the overall well-
PROBLEM: being and sense of community for Baton Rouge and LSU—the Lakes
The Lakes are in poor and are the single largest quality-of-life asset in our community. The Lakes’
declining health, putting at many benefits include opportunities for recreation, cultural immersion,
risk their many benefits. and social interaction. They provide an important natural habitat and
iconic scenic views and serve as storm water storage and collection to
NEEDS: reduce flood risk and eliminate pollutants.
A project advisor who can
Fortunately, REFF and other key state and community partners have
help facilitate and support
the implementation of the stepped up to improve the health and functionality of the Lakes.
University Lakes Project Improving the Lakes will enhance the lives of the residents, students
(the Project). and visitors who enjoy them every day. The roadmap to a healthy,
vibrant and resilient University Lakes system has already been provided
A diverse team combining local
engineering experience with in The Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan. Our Team of experts will assist
national best practices that can with the next steps through to project completion.
navigate the technical dredging
challenges, multiple funding REFF and its special purpose entity, University Lakes (UL) will benefit
sources, diverse stakeholders, and from our Team’s solution which will revitalize the Lakes and heighten
a community that expects quick interest in and use of this iconic community amenity that
results and a transparent process. is so important to LSU and Baton Rouge.


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M



The Lakes
as a Park
Once The Baton Rouge
Lakes Master Plan is
implemented, the University The Lakes, the “Heart of Baton Rouge,” will be restored and renewed.
Lakes system will renew The healthy diversity of interests and integration of multi-cultural users
its legacy of offering scenic who converge at the Lakes will thrive within the aesthetically pleasing
beauty and encouraging and environmentally vibrant atmosphere. The Lakes will connect to the
healthy lifestyles. Downtown Greenway and the growing network of East Baton Rouge Parish
trails to other neighborhoods, parks and nodes of activity.

• Less frequent, less impact from stormwater and backwater flooding • Healthy Lakes system
• New and expanded LSU programs that make use of the Lakes • Enhanced bird and aquatic wildlife habitat
• Expanded opportunities for recreation and social interaction • Safe and accessible connections
• Enhanced views for travelers along I-10 • Flood risk reduction
• Safer and more enjoyable use of the Lakes for young and old alike • Highlight for the LSU experience
• Flourishing ecosystems • New and exciting cultural experiences
• Renewed sense of value enjoyed by the Lakes’ neighbors and • Healthier lifestyles for all users
adjacent residents • Increased home values
• Venue for physical and mental health for the entire community • Encouragement for redevelopment in
neighboring areas

SOURCE: Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan;

Designers: SWA Group, Jeffrey Carbo Landscape
Architects; Underwriter: Baton Rouge Area
Foundation; “View from May Street Park”


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


The Sum is
Greater than
The B&D | CSRS Team understands the Lakes Project’s initial
THE MASTER PLAN requirements and associated design and funding challenges. Our team
PRIORITIZES is uniquely qualified to help REFF manage Project implementation within
ITS IMPLEMENTATION budget and on schedule, with minimal disruption to the surrounding
INTO 3 PHASES: communities. Our team has the impressive funding, grants management
PHASE 1 and project management competency and subject matter experience.
Correct water quality issues Equally impressive is our world-class technical expertise to identify,
evaluate and analyze dredging and habitat restoration alternatives to
effectively weigh trade-offs among costs, schedule and disruption to the
PHASE 2 surrounding community. It will take hard work and a keen understanding
Improve pedestrian, bicycle of risk/benefit trade-offs from an experienced team that knows and is
and vehicular connectivity
committed to the community—we are ready to work hard for you!
and reduce conflicts
between user groups Our team is ready to help REFF and the host of The Lakes
stakeholders realize the desired
PHASE 3 outcome: a healthy and
Provide new and enhanced vibrant University Lakes
recreational opportunities system that everyone
can safely enjoy.


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


BEFORE THE PROJECT can progress to implementation,

several initial tasks must be accomplished:
PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT: vet project delivery method(s), budget and schedule with
REFF, the Project Management Committee, funders and stakeholders

RISK/BENEFIT IDENTIFICATION: allocate risks and benefits according to alignment with

Project’s partners and funding sources involved. This includes the identification and analysis of potential
dredging alternatives and habitat restoration technologies and methodologies and their impacts on cost
and schedule and disruptions to the community

FUNDING: analyze and fully understand funding source requirements and expectations
tied to those sources

FUNDING PLAN DEVELOPMENT: incorporate cash flow need’s analysis to prevent Project disruption due
to funding or cash flow issues, ensure funding requirements are met, and minimize UL’s exposure

FULL STAKEHOLDER COORDINATION: careful coordination and collaboration between designer(s),

contractor(s), UL, Project Management Committee, funders and stakeholders throughout project lifecycle
to ensure all requirements are met, expectations managed, and Project benefits maximized

be able to identify constructible Master Plan ideas, make recommendations that protect the vision and fit
within available Project budget and schedule and to minimize disruption to adjacent communities

communications and stakeholder engagement at all levels throughout Project lifecycle


application and reporting deadline schedules for all known committed and potential funding sources


IMPLEMENTABLE DESIGN: implementable design must fit within Project budget, schedule and funding
plan, and must maintain the Master Plan’s vision and intent

CONTRACTOR(S) SELECTION: selected contractor(s) must use Project Execution

Plan and selected delivery method to construct the Project

*See Page 73 for detailed project schedule.


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


Our Team is Built

for this Project
The B&D | CSRS Team has a proven track record of implementing large,
complex projects in Louisiana. Moreover, our team has managed, or SUCCESSFUL OWNER’S
is currently managing, the implementation of some of the most high-
• local understanding
profile and ambitious projects and programs in the nation. B&D | CSRS
• national expertise
carefully selected nationally-recognized dredging expert Moffatt & Nichol
• skilled in funding compliance
and local construction expert GOTECH as added resources to our already
• proven project management
strong team. Our team’s diverse makeup and combined expertise
• technical expertise in
uniquely qualifies B&D | CSRS to serve as the Lakes’ Project Advisor.
dredging, habitat/ecological
For the University Lakes Project to be successful, it is imperative to select restoration and water
a Project Advisor with a winning track record on projects of similar size quality
and scope.

Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM,
DATE: 12/11/2019


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


Our team achieves success based on our

strategic project approach that incorporates:
With CSRS and GOTECH, most of Our team of professionals includes Subject Matter Experts who
our proposed Project staff live in and understand the laws, rules, regulations and restrictions placed
around Baton Rouge—the Lakes are on the organizations and funding sources supporting the Project,
part of everyday life. Embracing the including:
Lakes as a local icon that adds meaning
to LSU and Baton Rouge, we regularly
• CPRA: CSRS is currently providing grant development and project
management support (CPRA Professional Land Services IDIQ
enjoy visiting them for family fun and
contract and CPRA Environmental Science Consulting Services
recreational activities. We have worked
with LSU, REFF, and other funders and
organizations on the Project Management • CDBG: CSRS has and is currently providing grants management
Committee and know the local conditions and program management services to state and local governments
and design criteria, as well as best for CDBG funding
practices from around South Louisiana.
• LADOTD: CSRS has provided program management, planning,
NATIONAL EXPERTISE design, and right-of-way services either directly for LADOTD or
With B&D and Moffatt & Nichol, our for local MPO projects regulated with LADOTD funds.
experience and expertise has been shaped • CAPITAL OUTLAY: Our professionals with state and local
by our work not only in Louisiana, but government experience understand the capital outlay process and
across the United States and the world. how those funds can be used for projects. Our team of professional
We understand the engineering and grant managers have both made applications for capital outlay
design challenges facing the Project based funds for local governments as well as implemented project
on our extensive technical expertise. The utilizing capital outlay funds.
B&D | CSRS team is a trusted advisor to
• EBR CITY-PARISH: CSRS has managed two major road programs,
our clients. We will continually earn
the Green Light Plan and MovEBR. We also provided Disaster
REFF and Project Management
recovery services after the 2016 Floods and Parish wide Sanitary
Committee’s trust throughout
Sewer Gravity Rehabilitation.
the project lifecycle.
• FEMA: CSRS helped manage over $5B in federal disaster recovery
funding to rebuild multiple municipalities and school boards’
facilities, infrastructure, and recreational areas across Louisiana.

• BREC: CSRS has provided disaster recovery, grants management,

planning, and engineering design services for a variety of BREC

• LSU, LSU FOUNDATION & REFF: The B&D | CSRS joint venture
is currently providing owner’s representation for REFF, and CSRS
has done design and project management work for LSU.

MANAGE CASH FLOW RISKS – Our team understands the

timing and requirements of the funding sources and can help the
REFF manage cash flow risks by aligning Project’s costs with the
appropriate funding sources and ensuring that all compliance and
reporting requirements are met.


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


Our team achieves success based on our

strategic project approach that incorporates:
ON TIME. ON BUDGET. Our team has a wealth of experience in project and program
management, as well as owner’s representation – as evidenced by the built projects on our
resume, including the Nicholson Gateway Development. From infrastructure to recreational
to education and mixed-use capital projects, our team has helped public, private and nonprofit
clients envision, plan, finance, design and construct projects in Baton Rouge and beyond. Our
projects are completed on time and on budget while meeting and exceeding expectations, and
we consistently look for opportunities to save money and/or add value.

COMMUNICATION. Our approach to project management includes efficient and

regular communication to keep project partners informed, and to provide information in a
straightforward, concise manner to support decision-making. For a project as complex and
high-profile as the Lakes, our team will work to ensure that there are no surprises and will
adapt to effectively manage the project as conditions change.

TECHNICAL EXPERTISE. Our team has world-class expertise and experience in

constructability, dredging methodologies and alternatives, habitat and ecological restoration,
and water quality improvement and management, all of which are essential to developing a
sustainable and resilient approach to designing and implementing a successful, healthy Lakes
Project that can be enjoyed by the Baton Rouge community for years to come.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH. Just as it is important to keep project partners informed,

engagement with community stakeholders and careful public communications about the
project will be essential to the project’s success. The B&D | CSRS Team is accustomed to
working with public relations consultants to develop and execute Community Outreach and
Communications Plans for major projects that affect many stakeholders.


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M



& Ready
We commend REFF’s extraordinary effort and the buy-in of all partners
PRIMARY CONTACT involved to move the University Lakes project forward to benefit the
MARK GOODSON LSU community, Baton Rouge residents and stakeholders, and the entire
B&D | CSRS State of Louisiana. B&D | CSRS sincerely appreciates the opportunity to
Project Lead present UL and the Project Management Committee our proposal, and
(225) 769-0546 we especially look forward to working on such a historic and monumental project that will positively impact our community for decades to come.
The B&D | CSRS Team is ready to begin work on the University Lakes
project—a much anticipated and monumental project. With most of our
team made up of Baton Rouge residents and LSU alumni, we will remain
personally invested in making the Project successful.
The pages that follow more fully introduce our team and provide
evidence of our collective experience with projects of similar complexity.
If you would like additional information not included in our submittal,
please contact Mark Goodson, B&D | CSRS’ Project Lead.


T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


Combined, Brailsford & Dunlavey and CSRS offer a depth of resources

that includes experts in project management, construction management,
constructability, finance, grants management, negotiations, recreational
planning, engineering, dredging, habitat restoration, water quality, architecture,
landscape architecture, facility operations, research and methods, information
technology, and quality control.
JV OWNERSHIP The team’s capabilities cover all needs of the project lifecycle, from financing
CSRS to team selection and engagement, design, construction, and operation. Our
50% industry leadership in each of these service areas make the B&D | CSRS team
the best choice to help you implement the Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan.
50/50 To add to our team’s already full-scale project management, funding
compliance capabilities, and engineering expertise, we carefully selected
subconsultants Moffatt & Nichol, a specialized dredging project consultant,
and GOTECH, Inc., a certified DBE and SLDBE firm that specializes in civil
engineering, program management, and construction inspection.

Brailsford & Dunlavey was established in 1993 CSRS, Inc. has leveraged our innovation and leadership to improve
to provide integrated economic and architectural and revitalize communities across the State for over 40 years. With
planning services and program management. a culture of creative thinking – and our background in engineering,
As the company grew, its areas of specialization architecture, and program management – we incorporate a balance
grew to include student housing, student unions, between big ideas and technical ability to deliver a successful project
dining/retail, campus recreation and athletics, every time, no matter how large, complex or challenging.
and campus edge developments. As catalysts Established in 1978, CSRS is a leader in the delivery of
for building community, we maximize value and infrastructure and facilities serving public and private organizations
mitigate risk for our clients every step of the way. across the Gulf Coast Region. More than program managers, we are
B&D’s first relationship with LSU was 14 years engineers, architects, planners, surveyors, and grants management
ago, with a recreation sports analysis in 2001. experts. Whether managing the process or performing the work
B&D has been engaged in various capacities to ourselves, we understand every facet of project delivery. These
support LSU since that time. qualities make CSRS thorough and responsive to our client’s needs.
B&D is a minority-owned firm certified Through our long-standing relationships with local governments and
with the Capital Region Minority Supplier Louisiana state agencies, CSRS has the fundamental understanding
Development Council. The Capital Region is and expertise to support the LSU Real Estate and Facilities Foundation
an affiliate of the National Minority Supplier and University Lakes, LLC as they implement The Baton Rouge Lakes
Development Council. Master Plan.

PHOTO BY: Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM, CSRS GIS Lead

T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


As a leader in coastal engineering across the U.S. for over 75 years, Moffatt &
Nichol is at the forefront of specialized engineering and construction management
services for dredging projects in inland lakes and waterways, the open ocean,
harbors, coastal wetlands, and inlets. Moffatt & Nichol is one of only a few
engineering firms who offers a dedicated group of experienced professionals and
in-house, former dredging contractors focused on dredging, dredged material
disposal, and land reclamation work.
Moffatt & Nichol’s dredging expertise comes from decades spent in the industry,
planning, designing, and executing some of the largest, most high-profile
dredging contracts to date, including the largest land reclamation project in the
U.S. Projects range from small maintenance dredging projects in urban areas to
large-scale navigation deepening and reclamation projects involving the dredging
and placement of tens of millions of cubic yards or more, as well as significant
wetlands restorations and the management of both clean and contaminated
sediments. Moffatt & Nichol’s Baton Rouge office has served as the Engineer of
Record on several State of Louisiana cornerstone coastal engineering and ecosystem
restoration projects, assisting the state coastal restoration program for over 20
years. This seasoned knowledge and understanding of both the dredging industry
and the regulatory processes that impact highly complex projects translates into
added value for clients. The firm provides a unique capability of being able to offer
clients in-house Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) services that ensures project
implementation, constructability and cost saving considerations are evaluated
throughout the project.
Moffatt & Nichol has completed planning and designs for Confined Disposal
Facilities (CDF) as well as Unconfined Disposal Facilities (UCDF). Many of its
dredging projects have involved high-end numerical hydrodynamic and sediment
fate modeling and included permitting, long-term management strategies, dredged
material management plans, and/or construction documents.

GOTECH, Inc. is a civil engineering and land surveying firm established in

Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1981. The firm is a minority-owned and controlled
business organization staffed by a variety of professionals, technicians and
administrative workers. GOTECH has provided quality engineering services
for over 38 years in the specific areas of civil engineering design, surveying,
construction inspection and program management. GOTECH is a certified
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) as recognized by the Louisiana
Unified Certification Program and LADOTD. GOTECH is also certified as
a State/Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SLDBE). This approval
represents certification with the New Orleans Aviation Board, City of New
Orleans Harrah’s Casino and the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans.
GOTECH is a bona fide Minority Business Enterprise as defined by the
National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. and the Louisiana
Minority Supplier Development Council.
GOTECH provides services for a number of public and private clients in Louisiana.
Our clients include cities such as Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Shreveport,
as well as other State, Federal, and local Governmental bodies such as the Louis
Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, Jefferson Parish, the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board, LADOTD,
Orleans Parish, the New Orleans Department of Streets, the Federal Aviation
Administration and others.

R E Q U E S T F O R P R O P O S A L S : U N I V E R S I T Y L A K E S P R O J E C T A D V I S O R • 10
T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


B&D, 50% partner of B&D | CSRS, LLC, is recognized as a nationally certified Minority
Business Enterprise (MBE) by the Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council.
In addition to B&D’s participation as prime proposer partner, our joint venture has
included subconsultant GOTECH, Inc., a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(DBE) as recognized by the Louisiana Unified Certification Program and bona fide Minority
Business Enterprise (MBE) as defined by the National Minority Supplier Development
Council, Inc. and the Louisiana Minority Supplier Development Council.


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Brailsford & Dunla lavey
dba Brailsford & Dun

* Nati onally certified by the:

*NAICS Code(s): 5419


on System (NAICS)
American Indus try Class ificati
defined by the North
product/services as
* Desc ription of their


03/26/2019 Certificate Number

Issued Date

Adrienne Trim ble

03/31/2020 Sharon R. Pinder,

Expiration Date
the entire profile: http:
NMS DC Central to view
users may log into
(NMSDC issu ed only), authorized
By using your password
nect, Advocate.
Certify, Develop, Con elopment Council,
Minority Supplier Dev
ate of the National
* MBE s certified by an Affili

R E Q U E S T F O R P R O P O S A L S : U N I V E R S I T Y L A K E S P R O J E C T A D V I S O R • 11
T H E B R A I L S F O R D & D U N L AV E Y | C S R S T E A M


The B&D | CSRS team does more than coordinate meetings and document results; we are an advocate
and teammate who drives outcomes to ensure critical decisions align with the Client’s objectives. Our
experience favors simplicity in structure to allow for streamlined responsiveness, delegation, and clarity of
communication. Our proposed team structure achieves these important metrics by providing a clear, single
point of contact. For the University Lakes Project, that point of contact will be Mark Goodson.

Our team structure creates trust and ensures execution reliability by requiring “checks and balances” from
the entire team throughout project delivery. Our team can provide ample administrative support to UL and
the Project Management Committee, while also deploying technical resources, when needed, to make sure
the Project maintains alignment with goals and objectives – including looking for opportunities to create
value and maximize benefits.

State of Louisiana
• Division of Administration
(Facility Planning & Control (FP&C) and
Office of Community Development - PROJECT ADVISOR PROJECT EXECUTIVES
Disaster Recovery Unit (OCD-DRU)) Michael Songy, PE, PLS
• Louisiana Department of Transportation Brad Noyes
and Development (LADOTD)
• Coastal Protection and Restoration
Authority (CPRA)
Louisiana State University
East Baton Rouge City-Parish Mark Goodson
The Recreation and Park Commission for
the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC)
Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF) PROJECT MANAGERS
LSU Real Estate Facilities Foundation (REFF) Casey Anderson
Public Representative Kim Martin


Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS
L. “Chris” Williams, PE Allison Davis Atkinson
April Renard, PE, PTOE
Jack A. Fink, PE Stacy Bonnaffons
Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM
Stokka Brown, PE, CFM Kim Martin
Kimberly Arcement
Bill Mykins, RA, LEED AP
Stephen Chustz


William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA Rhaoul Guillaume, Sr., Mark Goodson
Sarah Kellerman, AICP, PE, FASCE Allison Davis Atkinson
LEED GA James “Drew” Walsh, PE, PMP Stacy Bonnaffons
Elif Acar-Chiasson, PE Keith Boeneke, PMP

To be determined (Firm to be selected upon REFF’s approval)

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Our team has extensive experience in managing and

implementing projects with various public and
private funding compliance including but not limited
to CDBG, NRDA, HUD/Watershed and Louisiana
Capital Outlay as demonstrated in the table below:



Capital Outlay


Brad Noyes 

Michael B. Songy, Engagement

 
PE, PLS Partner

Walter Monsour Senior Analyst   

Mark Goodson Project Lead    

Casey Anderson Senior Analyst 

April Renard, PE, PTOE Senior Analyst  

Allison Davis Atkinson Project Lead  

Stacy Bonnaffons Senior Analyst  
Keith Boeneke, PMP Senior Analyst   

Stephen Chustz Analyst  

Kim Martin Project Lead 
Sarah Kellerman,
Analyst 

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Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS

PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Mr. Songy is a CSRS principal and serves as CEO. He is a licensed Civil Engineer
and Professional Land Surveyor with 37 years of experience designing,
reviewing, surveying, and managing multiple types of projects for both public
and private sectors. He works on and provides advisory services for civil
design, land development projects, master planning, feasibility studies, due
diligence, and codes and ordinance research. Mr. Songy engages in all project
EDUCATION phases including conceptual design, cost estimating, final design, construction
• BS, Louisiana State University, Civil administration, public outreach, and interaction with relevant governmental
Engineering, 1979 agencies.


• 1984, Professional Engineer, Civil,
Relevant and Related Experience
Louisiana License No. 21029 MovEBR Transportation Plan. East Baton Rouge Parish, LA. Program
• 1988, Professional Land Surveyor, Manager. Mr. Songy oversees the administration of over $800M in capacity
Louisiana License No. 4609 projects for MovEBR, the single largest infrastructure program in East Baton
Rouge Parish. MovEBR will deliver less congested corridors, safer streets, and
AREAS OF EXPERTISE enhanced quality of life. (2019-Present)
• Program Management Client reference: Tom Stephens, PE, East Baton Rouge City-Parish Government,
• Project Management PO Box 1471, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 386-3158,

• Conceptual Design Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement, Phase I, II. Terrebonne Parish, LA.
• Master Planning Program Manager. This HUD National Disaster Resilience funded Program
• Roadway Design involves master planning to accommodate voluntary resettlement of an
• Client Representation island community to a new development safe from ongoing coastal land
• Civil Engineering loss, subsidence, and sea level rise. Mr. Songy leads a multi-disciplinary
team performing site due diligence, community planning, public outreach,
• Feasibility Studies
program development, detail design for this first-of-its-kind project in the U.S.
• Third-Party Reviewer
• Land Surveying
Client Reference: Mathew Sanders, LA OCD, Resilience Policy & Program Administrator,
PO Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 219-9600,
• With Firm: 33 Years
Green Light Plan - Transportation Improvements Program. East Baton
Rouge Parish, LA. Program Manager. CSRS provided program management
• Total: 37 Years
services for start-up and implementation of East Baton Rouge Parish’s $750M
Green Light Plan (GLP). Mr. Songy was responsible for successful program
delivery, including program financial modeling and tracking, procurement
and contract administration, oversight of project managers, assistance in
establishing program delivery guidelines and was involved in all aspects of the
program since inception. (2006-2018)
Client reference: Tom Stephens, PE, East Baton Rouge City-Parish, PO Box 1471,
Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 389-3186,
City of Central Drainage Master Plan. Central, LA. Senior Technical
Advisor. CSRS conducted stream assessments to identify storm damages in
the 5 named streams within the city limits. The work includes identification,
collection, temporary staging, and disposal of all disaster-related sediments,
vegetation, sediments, construction, or foreign debris, floating or submerged
and within the channel banks and right-of-way, impeding the flow and/or velocity

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Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

of storm water through the impacted open channels. Mr. Songy serves as the project senior technical advisor and
provides general oversight. (2018-Present)
Client reference: David Barrow, Mayor, City of Central 13421 Hooper Rd, Ste 8 Central, LA, (225) 261-5988,
LADOTD American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Program, State Project No. 700-99-0519.
Statewide. Senior Technical Advisor. CSRS was selected provide management with real-time financial tracking, analysis,
reporting and auditing services. Services included accounting reviews, systems development, compliance reviews,
deadline and report monitoring, performance evaluation, and performance measures. The project required real-time
financial analysis and tracking assistance to project managers throughout the state. Our responsibilities included
financial tracking, analysis, reporting of ARRA funded to LADOTD, MPOs, Enhancement, Transit Projects, and all
competitive funding allocations. Mr. Songy provided technical advice and oversight for all aspects of projects, processes,
and stakeholders required CSRS to establish clear lines of authority and responsibility among funding recipients,
including agencies, consultants, and contractors. (2009-2013)
Client reference: Brian Kendrick, PE, LADOTD, 1201 Capitol Access Rd., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 379-1197,
LADOTD Retainer for Right-of-Way State Contract No. 4400009661. Statewide. Senior Technical Advisor.
Mr. SOngy oversees the scope of work for task orders requiring project management and administration services,
acquisition services, relocation services, expropriation support services, and other right-of-way related services
necessary to acquire and clear the right-of-way for construction of a project. LADOTD hired CSRS to perform statewide
professional right-of-way services for proposed projects covered under the Retainer Contract and issued as individual
Task Orders, as needed. (2016-Present)
Client reference: Heather Corsentino, Assistant Real Estate Administrator, LADOTD, PO Box 94245, Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 379-1232,
BREC’s Central Community Sports Park - Phases I, II & III. Central, LA. Principal-in-Charge. Mr. Songy provided
advisory services and general oversight for all scope items required for Central Community Sports Park, a new, first-
class facility containing 7 softball/baseball fields with lights, a concession/restroom building, 1/3-mile concrete walking
path, 4 interconnected ponds, and a large fishing lake on 53 acres. The project was developed in an existing floodway,
which required complex pond modeling and innovative drainage design to ensure flood storage was not reduced by park
development. This park was completed under BREC’s “Imagine Your Parks” initiative. Completion of the Central Sports
Park resulted in successful implementation of a $6M regional, tournament-quality sports facility. (2016-2018)
Client reference: Reed Richard, BREC - Planning & Engineering, 6201 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 273-6405,
Easy Streets Traffic Enhancements – Phase I & II, Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, LA. Principal-
in-Charge. Mr. Songy provided general oversight for this project that configured 534 parking spaces, introduced traffic
calming and shared road concepts, pedestrian crosswalks, lighting, signage and landscaping. Easy Streets ll facilitated
safe bicycle use on the campus by introducing a series of designated bikeway corridors through the campus. In addition,
restriction of vehicles along Tower Drive to enhance pedestrian safety along the corridor by minimizing pedestrian/
vehicular conflicts. The scope included topographic surveys, roadway design and alignment study, preliminary and final
plans, right-of-way surveys and maps, investigation of drainage and flood level impacts and permitting coordination.
Client reference: David Van Alstine, Office of Facility Planning and Control, Louisiana State University, (225) 219-0050,

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Brad Noyes
PHONE. (202) 289-4455
1140 Connecticut Ave., NW, Ste. 400, Washington, DC 20036 |

Over the past 26 years, Mr. Noyes has served as a thought leader for B&D,
including leadership within the firm’s P3 advisory practice at the client, industry,
and legislative levels. He has led teams serving more than 250 higher educa-
tion and municipal clients and has collaborated with owners on the planning
and implementation of over 1 million square feet of facilities development and
renovations across the country. As a nationally recognized industry leader, he
has lectured and written extensively on consensus building, financing structures,
programming, design, and construction of revenue-generating projects. Mr.
• BS, 1993, Architecture, University of Noyes’ professional training is in both the architectural and real estate devel-
opmental fields, having performed market and financial analyses, architectural
programming, design management, and construction management for over $2B
• 1995, Real Estate Development,
Johns Hopkins University
Relevant and Related Experience
AREAS OF EXPERTISE University of Pittsburgh System Multi-Asset Real Estate Advisory
• Public-Private Partnerships Services. Pittsburgh, PA. Project Executive. Developed a strategic plan to
address growing demand for on-campus undergraduate and graduate housing
• Alternative Funding Sources
while also addressing the rise in real estate acquisition and new housing
• Strategic Planning development activity in downtown Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, leading to
• Architecture, Project Management additional development opportunities beyond housing. (2017-Present)
• Real Estate Development Client Reference: Eli Shorak, Vice Chancellor for Business & Real Estate, 124
Cathedral of Learning, 4200 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, (412) 624-3217,
League City, TX Municipal Market and Strategic Planning Advisory
• With Firm: 26 Years Services. League City, TX. Project Executive. Determined feasibility for a
• Total: 26 Years 106+ acre, $700M master development project including retail, housing, office,
convention complex, and entertainment spaces. Evaluated viability of project
utilizing state tax rebates and local incentives. (2019)
Client Reference: Scott Livingston, Director of Economic Development, 300 W
Walker, League City, TX, (281) 554-1036,
LSU Nicholson Gateway Development Phase I, II and III. Baton Rouge,
LA. Project Team Expert. Prepared a campus edge development analysis for
LSU’s historically underutilized Nicholson Gateway corridor. Outlined the various
development opportunities including public-private partnership options and
how the university could maintain control throughout the process. Served
as an advisor to the LSU Real Estate and Facilities Foundation in soliciting a
private development partner to design, build, finance, and maintain the campus
edge mixed use development. Currently overseeing the development through
completion. (2012-Present)
Client Reference: Client Reference: Dan Layzell, Interim President & CEO & Ex Officio
Director, LSU, 3838 West Lakeshore Dr., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 578-8964
Kentucky Venues P3 Advisory Services. Louisville, KY. Project Executive.
Advising Kentucky Venues on the most advantageous way to develop underused
acreage at the Kentucky Exposition Center to include amenities such as lodging
and food and entertainment. (2019-Present)
Client Reference: Chris Reece, Executive Director, Office of Finance, 100 Airport Rd,
2nd Floor, Frankfort, KY, (502) 564-4270,

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Mark Goodson
PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Mr. Goodson has a Bachelor or Landscape Architecture degree and a Masters

of Public Administration degree. His career spans over 15 years, and has been
focused on resilience, urban planning and redevelopment, public finance and
budgeting, and local government operations. He serves as CSRS’ Planning &
Sustainability Lead, helping commercial and governmental clients adapt to
thrive, no matter the changing conditions confronting them. In order to achieve
EDUCATION resilience, Mr. Goodson and his team members provide planning and technical
• BLA, Louisiana State University, 2004 assistance to identify risks and vulnerabilities, develop strategic interventions,
• MPA, Public Administration, Louisiana and design and implement resilience programs, as well as integrate resilience
State University, 2006
and sustainability into existing capital programs. Mr. Goodson is particularly
skilled at helping clients plan for turning liabilities into assets and maximizing
the community benefits produced by capital expenditures and investments.
• Vacant Property Leadership Institute
Certificate, Emory University Law
School, 2013 Relevant and Related Experience
• Community Progress Leadership
Institute Certificate, Harvard Law Baton Rouge Lakes Flood Risk Reduction Study. Baton Rouge, LA.
School, 2012 Principal-in-Charge. As one of its Civic Initiatives, the Baton Rouge Area
Foundation (BRAF) developed a master plan and has been championing
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT investment in the Baton Rouge Lakes as an environmental and quality of life
• Friends of LSU Hilltop Arboretum Board resource. CSRS was engaged by BRAF to evaluate the potential for the Lakes
of Directors, Treasurer (2012-16) to provide flood risk reduction benefits to the community. Mr. Goodson led a
• LSU National Diversity Advisory Board technical team to scope improvements, develop cost estimates, and perform
• University Laboratory School Foundation benefit-cost analysis to demonstrate the flood risk reduction potential of the
Board of Directors (2016-18)
proposed Lakes Master Plan and associated improvements. (2018-2019)
• Whitney New Markets Fund Advisory
Board, Chairman Client reference: John Spain, Executive Vice President, Baton Rouge Area
Foundation, 100 North Street, Suite 900, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 387-6126,
• Baton Rouge General Foundation
Board of Governors
• YMCA of the Capital Area Board of BREC Flood Risk Reduction Public Relations Support and Funding
Directors Strategies Study. East Baton Rouge Parish, LA. Principal-in-Charge. Mr.
• Emerge Center Board of Directors Goodson led a multi-disciplinary team that performed a two-part scope for
(2015-16) BREC: 1) quantify the flood storage capabilities and associated benefits
provided by BREC parks during the Great Flood of 2016 and provide tools to aid
AREAS OF EXPERTISE in the communication of those benefits to the public, and 2) study the potential
• Project & Program Management flood risk mitigation benefits of Airline Highway Park and other BREC facilities.
• Brownfields Redevelopment (2016-Present)
• Real Estate Transactions
Client reference: Reed Richard, Assistant Superintendent, BREC Planning &
• Community Outreach
Engineering, 6201 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 273-6405,
• Resilience Planning
• Land Banking
Louisiana Watershed Initiative. Statewide. Principal. CSRS is one of the
• Public Finance & Alternative Financing
state’s program management consultants for the Louisiana Watershed Initiative
(LWI), which is primarily funded with $1.2B in CDBG-Mitigation funding allocated
to Louisiana. As Principal, Mr. Goodson serves as the primary Point of Contact
• With Firm: 2 Years
for the Office of Community Development and serves as an advisor to the state
• Total: 15 Years
on matters of program design and work planning. The LWI seeks to manage

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Mark Goodson

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

future flood risk in Louisiana through watershed-based solutions and is overseen by the Governor’s five-agency Council
on Watershed Management.
Client reference: Alex Carter, Resilience Planning Manager, Louisiana Office of Community Development, 617 N. Third Street,
Baton Rouge, LA, (504) 556-9735,

Budgeting for Community Resilience. Boulder, CO. Principal-in-Charge. CSRS and HR&A Advisors are working
with the City of Boulder to develop key performance indicators (KPIs) for integrating resilience and sustainability into
budgeting for the City’s General Fund. The development of the KPIs is guided by the City’s Resilience Strategy, as well
as its Sustainability and Resilience Framework. As Principal-in-Charge, Mr. Goodson provides strategic direction, and
ensures that firm resources are in place to deliver the outcomes expected by the City and HR&A. (2018-2019)
Client reference: Phillip Kash, Partner, HR&A Advisors, 925 15th Street NW, Washington, DC, (704) 806-3559,

Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement, Phase I, II & III. Terrebonne Parish, LA. Principal Program Director.
The project, funded through HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Program, involves the master planning of a new
development to accommodate the voluntary resettlement of an island community in response to significant
environmental degradation from ongoing coastal land loss, subsidence, and sea level rise. Mr. Goodson is leading
a multi-disciplinary team tasked with performing site due diligence, community planning, public outreach, program
development, detail design and construction administration in support of this first-of-its-kind project in the U.S.
Client Reference: Mathew Sanders, Louisiana Office of Community Development, Resilience Policy & Program Administrator,
PO Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 219-9600,

BREC Resilience Strategy. East Baton Rouge Parish, LA. Principal-in-Charge. Mr. Goodson led the creation of
BREC’s first Resilience Strategy report. Working directly with BREC staff, CSRS helped craft both system-wide and park
specific resilient action items in response to the 2016 flood event. The report highlights high risk watershed zones and
BREC’s opportunity to support the Parish of East Baton Rouge in future resilient planning. (2018-2019)
Client reference: Reed Richard, Assistant Superintendent, BREC Planning & Engineering, 6201 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 273-6405,

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Casey Anderson
PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Casey Anderson has 15 years of experience in leading all types of large-

scale construction and renovation projects. His experience as a Project
Manager includes a significant concentration in the private sector, which has
provided a thorough understanding of the unique challenges to the successful
implementation of design and construction projects. He has the tactical skills to
assess, prioritize, and respond rapidly to immediate needs of end-to-end client
EDUCATION representation for commercial, retail, residential, and municipal projects.
• B.Arch., Louisiana Tech University, Mr. Anderson has experience in prototype development, project feasibility
and viability assessments, architectural design, budgeting, and financial
coordination, and development of all necessary documentation for bidding,
AREAS OF EXPERTISE permitting, and construction. He has provided start-to-finish oversight for
• Construction Management projects of all sizes and levels of complexity, from pre-development and site
• Owner Representation acquisition through completion and occupancy.
• Project Management
• Procurement
Relevant and Related Experience
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE LSU Nicholson Gateway Development Phase I, II and III. Baton Rouge,
• With Firm: 15 Years LA. Project Manager. CSRS provided project management and development
• Total: 17 Years advisory services for the $400M Nicholson Gateway and Greenhouse District
development. The developments are a combination of areas across LSU’s
campus. Mr. Anderson is the project manager and has helped oversee the
planning and coordination of the project including the design process of new
student housing, demolition of old housing, construction of the new student
housing, and upgrades to the landscaping and parkways. Mr. Anderson also
helped with the relocation of an outdated agriculture center to welcome a newly
built facility. (2016–Present)
Client Reference: Dan Layzell, Interim President & CEO & Ex Officio Director, LSU,
3838 West Lakeshore Dr., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 578-8964
Federal City Alliance (NOFA). New Orleans, LA. Project Manager. CSRS was
contracted with the Louisiana Economic Development (LED) to perform contract-
monitoring services for the development of its $150M Federal City project.
Mr. Anderson was responsible for approving construction-fund disbursements,
construction observation, code compliance, construction plan reviews, site
inspection services, document management, and verification of contractor
compliance with the Department of Navy (DON) Construction Milestones.
Additionally, to verify progress and quality construction, Mr. Anderson conducted
weekly site visits and milestone site visits. (2008–2018)
Client reference: Mandi Mitchell, Louisiana Economic Development, 1051 North 3rd
St., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 342-5361
Capital City Press Facility Expansion Program. Baton Rouge, LA.
Project Manager. CSRS provided project management and design services for
the $40M Capital City Press Facility Development Program, which included a
152,031-square-foot administration office and six distribution facilities. CSRS
also provided site acquisition and due diligence services. The project required
CSRS to assist the client in locating, acquiring, and developing the site for the

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Casey Anderson

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

production plant and the distribution facilities. Mr. Anderson managed the site acquisition and due diligence to assist
the client in locating, acquiring, and developing the site for the production plant and the distribution facilities. He also
supported the project by preparing construction documents, including interior demolition, re-roofing, and interior finish-
out. (2006)
Client reference: Richard Shurley, The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 388-0193
SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners (AIG) Low Income Housing Program. Louisiana and Mississippi.
Project Manager. CSRS provided construction monitoring for over 20 rural and urban projects, including single- and
multi-family residential developments, with a total construction cost of $118M. As Project Manager, Mr. Anderson was
responsible for reviewing construction documents, performing site inspections, providing all documentation, verifying
contractors’ pay applications, and providing construction site photographs.
Client reference: Dale Connor, Vice President of Construction Services, 600 N. Pearl St., 3rd Floor, Dallas, TX, (214) 758-3283
Raising Cane’s Restaurants Facility Development Program. Nationwide. Project Manager. CSRS was retained
to provide site due diligence, design, construction documents, construction administration, and project management
services for new restaurants across the United States. Mr. Anderson was responsible for project management of 42
restaurants, performing site investigation and due diligence, managing project consultants, developing construction
documents, permitting, and overall construction administration. For franchisee development, Mr. Anderson assisted in
the compilation of site standards, specifications, and guide plans for four building prototypes.
Client reference: Brad Sanders, President, Raising Cane’s Restaurants, LLC, 6800 Bishop Rd. Plano, TX, (225) 383-7400
Louisiana Community and Technical College System Act 360, Statewide Facilities Improvement
Program. Statewide, LA. Project Manager. CSRS provides program management services for the delivery of 29
projects, which include 25 workforce projects, 3 one-stop student testing, career, and service centers, and 1 safety-
related project throughout the state, with a total value of $286M. Mr. Anderson is responsible for on-budget and
on-schedule delivery of assigned projects, from design through construction and closeout. Mr. Anderson provides
day-to-day construction management oversight, participates in the design of technical and constructability reviews,
coordinates pre-bid and weekly construction site meetings, and performs field inspections, to ensure compliance with
schedule, budget, and quality contractual requirements.
Client reference: Stevie Smith, Facilities & Properties Chairman, 302 School St., Houma, LA, (985) 922-2800,
Iberia Bank—New Orleans Military and Maritime Academy (NOMMA). New Orleans, LA. Project Manager.
CSRS provided construction monitoring for the construction and development of the New Orleans Military and
Maritime Academy, with a total construction cost of $13M. As Project Manager, Mr. Anderson was responsible for
reviewing construction documents, performing site inspections, providing all documentation, verifying contractors’ pay
applications, and providing construction site photographs.
Client reference: Pablo Rener, Vice President of Construction Monitoring, 285 West Esplanade, Kenner, LA, (504) 310-2730

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Kim Martin
PHONE. (614) 707-5702
444 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 2940, Chicago, IL 60611 |

During Ms. Martin’s tenure with B&D she has led over 100 higher education
and municipal planning projects across the country. Her focus is on market
and financial analyses for the development and renovation of quality-of-life
assets. Ms. Martin speaks regularly at conferences and workshops on facility
planning, financing, programming, business planning, and implementation. Her
professional background is in facilities management and student affairs.
• MA, Exercise Science, Central
Michigan University, 1997 Relevant and Related Experience
• BA, Zoology, Miami University, 1995
Kentucky Venues P3 Advisory Services. Louisville, KY. Project Director.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Advising Kentucky Venues on the most advantageous way to develop underused
• Public-Private Partnerships acreage at the Kentucky Exposition Center to include amenities such as lodging
• Alternative Funding Sources and food and entertainment. (2019-Present)
• Strategic Planning Client Reference: Chris Reece, Executive Director, Office of Finance, 100 Airport Rd,
• Project Management 2nd Floor, Frankfort, KY, (502) 564-4270,

The Ohio State University Mixed-use Campus Development Advisory

Services and Implementation Support. Columbus, OH. Project Manager.
• With Firm: 19 Years
Advised the university (as part of a larger team) for the $370M development of
• Total: 22 Years
the North Residential District Transformation (NRDT) – that included eight new
residence halls, two new dining facilities, a new fitness center, and renovations
to several existing buildings. Specific tasks included development programming,
operations and financial review, design management, and implantation support.
Client Reference: Scott Conlon, Director for Facilities Operations and Development,
The Ohio State University 150C Central Service Building, 2003 Millikin Road,
Columbus, OH, (614) 292-0983,

Xavier University Mixed-use Development Plan and Master Developer

Selection Support. Cincinnati, OH. Project Manager. Advised the university
on development of a 20-acre parcel of land adjacent to campus, with the goal
of creating a dynamic mixed-use neighborhood with retail and entertainment.
Approach included a visioning session with stakeholders, an economic
assessment, and sensitivity testing using the comprehensive development
economic model to analyze funding scenarios such as traditional university
financing, new market tax credits, and Tax Increment Financing. Assisted with
the selection of a Master Developer in 2011 and Phase I of the 315,000-square-
foot, $54M project was completed in August 2014. The development included
housing, retail/dining, office space, parking spaces. (2010-2014)
Client Reference: Maribeth Amyot, Former Executive Vice President Financial
Administration at Xavier University, Current Chief Financial Officer and Vice President
for Administration and Finance, University of Baltimore, 1420 N. Charles Street,
Baltimore, MD, (410) 837-4743,

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Kim Martin

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

LSU Nicholson Gateway Development Phase I, II and III. Baton Rouge, LA. Project Team Advisor. Prepared a
campus edge development analysis for LSU’s historically underutilized Nicholson Gateway corridor. Outlined the various
development opportunities including public-private partnership options and how the university could maintain control
throughout the process. Served as an advisor to the LSU Real Estate and Facilities Foundation in soliciting a private
development partner to design, build, finance, and maintain the campus edge mixed-use development. Currently
overseeing the development through completion. (2012-Present)
Client Reference: Client Reference: Dan Layzell, Interim President & CEO & Ex Officio Director, LSU, 3838 West Lakeshore Dr.,
Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 578-8964

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L. “Chris” Williams, PE
PHONE. (504) 648.3560
601 Poydras St., Ste. 1860; New Orleans, LA 70130 |

Mr. Williams has 23 years of civil engineering experience, with an emphasis

on coastal engineering and environmental restoration projects. He has
led numerous efforts and is currently leading efforts in the design and
implementation of dredging engineering projects involving tens of millions
of cubic yards of dredging and habitat restoration for 1000’s of acres the
coastal area of Louisiana. Prior to joining M&N, he previously worked as the
EDUCATION Administrator of the Project Management Branch for the CPRA of Louisiana. In
• MS, Civil Engineering, University of this capacity, he had 15 project managers who worked under his guidance. This
Louisiana at Lafayette, 1996 group was responsible for the implementation of over 400 individual coastal
• BS, Civil Engineering, Louisiana restoration and flood protection projects spread throughout coastal Louisiana.
State University, 1993 Mr. Williams also worked as a project manager for the State of Louisiana where
he oversaw the design and construction numerous coastal restoration projects.
• 1998, Professional Engineering,
Louisiana License No. PE0028579
Relevant and Related Experience
Mississippi River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline (BA43-EB).
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Statewide, LA. Project manager. Responsible for the construction phase of the
• Member of the American Society of project. The project includes the construction of a 13-mile 30-inch discharge
Civil Engineers pipe laid from the Mississippi River into the Barataria Basin. Over 11 million
cubic yards of material were hydraulically dredged from the Mississippi to
create and restore over 1,100 acres of marsh. Responsible for supervising the
construction inspectors and resolving construction issues. Worked with the
• Coastal Engineering State to expand the project, including additional design, land rights coordination,
• Civil Engineering permitting, and coordination with the regulatory agencies. (2014-2016)
• Coastal Restoration Client Reference: Barry Richard, Task Manager, Coastal Protection & Restoration
• Dredging Engineering Authority, 450 Laurel Street, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 342-7308,
Bayou Dupont III Sediment Delivery - Marsh Creation (BA-164).
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Louisiana. Project Manager. Project manager for the use of the Mississippi
• With Firm: 8 Years River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline Project (BA43-EB) for the delivery of
• Total: 23 Years ~2-million cubic yards of materials dredged from the Mississippi River to create
and nourish approximately 275 acres of emergent wetlands and create 9,679
LF of earthen terraces adjacent to the BA-39 Bayou Dupont Project. Project
involves dredging sediment from the Mississippi River. Utilization of the existing
Long Distance Sediment Pipeline yielded significant cost savings of up to $7M
in mobilization and demobilization costs, as well as over a $1 reduction in the
per unit price of dredged material, a savings of nearly $2M. Also responsible as
project manager for the supervision and inspection of the construction of the
combined projects. (2014-2015)
Client Reference: Barry Richard, Task Manager, Coastal Protection & Restoration
Authority, 450 Laurel Street, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 342-7308,
Lightning Point Recreational Park Green Infrastructure. Bayou La
Batre, AL. Project manager and lead engineer. This project was for the design of
a 7.5-acre low-impact parking lot to accommodate 65 truck/boat trailer parking
spaces. The parking lot design features pervious interlocking pavers to filter and
direct stormwater underground and green infrastructure stormwater bioswales
to filter stormwater run-off before entering Mississippi Sound. Community

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L. “Chris” Williams, PE

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

outreach was undertaken to capture the recreational and commercial needs of the community at the site while also
balancing the needs of the Client – The Nature Conservancy — for larger ecological site restoration. (2017-2018)
Client Reference: Mary Kate Brown, Coastal Projects Manager, The Nature Conservancy, 118 N. Royal Street, Suite 500, Mobile,
AL, (251) 433-1150,
Upper Barataria Marsh Creation. Jefferson Parish, LA. Project manager. Project involves utilizing the creation of
approximately 1,500 acres of marsh using ~10 million cubic yards of dredged material from the Mississippi River piped
via 13-mile pipeline placed on a land-based conveyance corridor to strategic placement sites within the Barataria Land-
bridge.. Design involves coordinating the surveying, geotechnical, modeling, and environmental tasks. This fast-paced
project will be designed and constructed within three years from authorization for design. (2018-Present)
Client Reference: Jason Manthey, COTB, NOAA Eastern Acquisition Division, 601 East 12th Street, Kansas City, MO, (816) 426-
Owners Review Team Mississippi River Diversions. Mid-Barataria, and Mid-Breton, LA. Project Manager.
Leading a team of nine experts in different technical fields: hydraulic, civil, structural, geotechnical, traffic, bridges,
mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation as the Owner’s Engineer for this Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR)
Alternative Delivery Project. The team serves as a reviewer for CPRA and are engaged throughout the design of each
project. The Mid-Barataria project is currently progressing to the 30% level as the Mid-Breton is advancing to the 15%
level. The Mid-Barataria diversion will be able to divert up to 70,000 cfs of water and sediment, and the Mid-Breton will
be capable or diverting up to 40,000 cfs of water and sediment. (2018-2028)
Client Reference: Jerry Carroll, Project Manager, Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority (CPRA), 450 Laurel St., Baton Rouge,
LA, (225) 342-9421,
West Lac Des Allemands Shoreline Protection Project. St. John Parish, LA. Project manager. Led engineering
and design for this 7,535-foot shoreline protection CIAP project, extending from “Pleasure Bend” westward to Pointe
Aux Herbes, along the western shore of Lac des Allemands, St. John the Baptist Parish. The proposed feature consists
of foreshore rock dike with gaps for fish and public access to the lake shoreline. Offshore segmented breakwaters,
onshore dike and foreshore dike have all been considered as alternatives. Excessive settlement over the project life
precludes offshore segmented breakwaters along the entire project length, due to the extent of required maintenance
lifts during the project life. The currently proposed alternative is a combination of foreshore dike consisting of low
density aggregate core and sections of offshore segmented breakwaters (also of low density aggregate core) to the
eastern end of the project. (2010-2013)
Client Reference: Jake Lambert, Engineering Manager, Glenn G. Shaheen & Associates, Inc., 1022 S. Purpera, Gonzales, LA,
(225) 644-5523

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Jack A. Fink, PE
PHONE. (925) 944.5411
2185 N. California Blvd., Ste. 500, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 |

Mr. Fink has more than 30 years of diverse engineering experience with emphasis
on marine construction and dredging projects, including several long-term
management strategies for the placement of dredged material. As a former
cost estimator and project manager for major marine construction, dredging,
and heavy civil contractors, Mr. Fink possesses a comprehensive background
in hard dollar cost estimating as well as constructability analysis, construction
management, quality control, quality assurance, and project engineering. Mr. Fink’s
EDUCATION civil engineering experience has focused on study, design, opinions of probable
• BS, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M costs, and construction documentation for dredging, landfill, and dredged material
University, 1985 disposal projects. In addition, he provides engineering support with various
computer applications such as AutoCAD, HCSS, CEDEP, and others.
• 2000, Professional Engineering,
Civil, California License No. 60931
Relevant and Related Experience
Increase Atchafalaya Flow to Terrebonne Marshes. Terrebonne, LA. Cost
estimator/dredging engineer. Developed an opinion of probable cost for design and
construction, as well as for operation and maintenance as part of the preliminary
• Dredging
design. The opinion of probable cost included detailed cost breakdowns for the
• Dredged Material Management diversion structure, diversion channel excavation, levee construction, dredging, marsh
• Cost Estimating creation, pipeline relocations, and other associated works. Based on the design level
• Air Quality of the project, the opinion of probable cost was developed to an Association for the
• Waterfront and Offshore Structures Advancement of Cost Estimating (AACE) Class 3 cost estimate classification. The
• Project Management
preliminary design and cost estimate were detailed in an “Opinion of Probable Cost
and Planning Report” completed in July 2015. (2014-2015) (Mr. Fink’s phase)
• Engineering
Client Reference: Micaela Coner, Coastal Resources Scientist Manager, Coastal
Protection & Restoration Authority (CPRA), PO Box 44027, Baton Rouge, LA,
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (225) 342-5944,
• With Firm: 19 Years
Redwood Shores Lagoon Maintenance Dredging. Redwood City, CA. Cost
• Total: 33 Years estimator. Cost estimator for design of the lagoon maintenance dredging project.
M&N provided the City of Redwood with investigation, conceptual planning,
engineering design, permit support, construction support, and project closure
reporting for the dredging of the Redwood Shores Lagoon. The Redwood Shores
Lagoon System is located along the west shore of the San Francisco Bay and serves
as a storm drain basin for Redwood Shores, a 1,500-acre developed community,
while providing recreational access for resident boaters. The salt water lagoon is
tidally influenced though outfalls which allow tidal flushing. For more than 50 years,
sediments have accumulated throughout various portions of the lagoon, particularly
in the narrow inlet channels. Storm drains also contribute a small proportion of
sediment from the local runoff into the lagoon. Pockets of sediment contamination
(PAHs exceeding state criteria) are present within the lagoon. Majority of the material
was used for wetland restoration nearby the site. (2005-2014)
Client Reference: Harris Siddiqui, Project Engineer, City of Redwood City, 1017
Middlefield Road, Redwood City, CA, (650) 780-7362,
Mississippi River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline. Jefferson and
Plaquemines Parishes, LA. Lead cost estimator. Led the cost estimating efforts
for the dredging engineering and construction cost analysis for a long distance
sediment pipeline (LDSP) to deliver renewable sediments from the Mississippi
River to help restore and protect the marshes of the Barataria Basin. Phase 1 of

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Jack A. Fink, PE

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

the LDSP project dredged ~11 million cubic yards of sediment from the Mississippi River and hydraulically pump them over
13 miles through a pipeline to create an access corridor and over 1,100-acres of marsh habitat at strategic locations across
the Barataria Land Bridge. The establishment of the pipeline corridor is intended to facilitate the implementation of future
restoration projects near the project area. Since inception nearly 2,000-acres have been restored as a result of the creation
of this corridor. Over 70 cost estimates were performed to compare and evaluate the various alternatives with respect to
available borrow sites, pipeline alignments, placement area and access corridors, environmental conformity, and dredge/
booster pump system production capabilities. This $101M project was recently bid and the engineer’s estimate was within
5% of the low bid contractor. (2009-2011)
Client Reference: Maury Chatellier, Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority (CPRA), PO Box 44027, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 342-5944
Pine Mountain Lake Dredging. Groveland, CA. Cost estimator. Feasibility study, sediment testing coordination, CEQA
document coordination, permit acquisition, plans and specifications, bidding support, construction support, and project
closeout to dredge 18,000 cubic yards of sediment from this manmade lake. Dredging was completed using a combination of
hydraulic and mechanical methods and sediment was disposed of in the deep center of the lake. (2005-2011)
Client Reference: Joe Powel, Pine Mountain Lake Association, 19228 Pine Mountain Drive, Groveland, CA, (209) 962-8603
Matagorda Ship Channel Improvement Project. Port Lavaca, TX. Technical lead. Led the development of construction
costs for the proposed widening and deepening of the Matagorda Ship Channel (MSC). The MSC improvement project is
being constructed using private funding under a Section 204(f) authority of WRDA. Section 204(f) authorizes the USACE to
assume maintenance of the navigation improvements made by the non-Federal interest. The Cost Appendix provides opinions
of probable costs for four different channel improvement alternatives along with the selected plan for both initial construction
and the 50-year-long term maintenance dredging period. Costs for the selected plan were developed according to USACE
required format and included 12 separate placement sites for dredging and placement of 41.8 million cubic yards of material.
Costs for the initial construction incorporated in-bay, upland, beach nourishment, wetland marsh habitat, bird island habitat,
and offshore placement alternatives. The 50-year maintenance dredging costs evaluated dredging and placement costs for
239.6 million cubic yards during the project life. Placement options for maintenance material also incorporated similar in-bay,
upland, and offshore placement alternatives while also constructing future placement areas as mitigation habitat sites. Cost
analysis results are currently under reviewed by the USACE for inclusion in the Chiefs Report for assumption of maintenance
dredging. (2013)
Client Reference: Dennis Thomas, Project Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, PO Box 1229, Galveston, TX,
(409) 766-3808,
Lightning Point Living Shoreline and Managed Access. Bayou La Batre, AL. Cost estimator and Constructability
Analyst. Cost estimator and constructability analysis for a coastal restoration project involving shoreline protection and marsh
habitat construction. Cost estimates were performed at the various design levels for the project and for different fill placement
alternatives. Constructability reviews were also performed on the design documentation at the different design levels.
Client Reference: Mary Kate Brown, The Nature Conservancy, 118 N. Royal St., Ste. 500, Mobile, AL, (251) 433-1150,
Atchafalaya River Beneficial Use of Dredged Material for Coastal Restoration. St. Mary & Terrebonne Parishes,
LA. Senior dredging engineer/cost estimator. Responsible evaluation of the annual maintenance dredging program in the Bar
and Bay Channel and developing recommendations for innovative supplemental dredging strategies.
Client Reference: Raymond “Mac” Wade, Port of Morgan City, 7327 LA-182, Morgan City, LA. (985) 384-0850.
Cost Analysis of GIWW Dredged Material Management Plan Alternatives. Port Isabel To Corpus Christi, TX. Lead
civil engineer/cost estimator. Responsible for cost analysis of USACE maintenance dredging involving material placement
for 17 different locations along Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) within Laguna Madre. Cost analysis results were used
with other studies to prepare a 50-yr-long DMMP for GIWW. Dredging estimates incorporated in-bay, upland, and offshore
placement alternatives & accompanying site design necessary to contain 50 years of dredged material.
Client Reference: Joseph Hrametz, USACE Galveston District, 2000 Fort Point Road, ,Jadwin Building, Galveston, TX, (409) 766-3973

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Stokka Brown, PE, CFM

PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Mr. Brown is a Louisiana Licensed Professional Engineer and Certified

Floodplain Manager with 9 years of experience in water resources and coastal
engineering including numerical modeling and analysis of estuarine, coastal,
and stormwater systems. He has maintained, calibrated, and gathered field
data, developed hydrologic and hydraulic models, and numerically analyzed
EDUCATION natural and man-made drainage systems.
• MS Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon Relevant and Related Experience
University, 2010 Baton Rouge Lakes Flood Risk Reduction Study. Baton Rouge, LA. Lead
• BS Civil Engineering, University of Hydraulic and Hydrologic (H&H) Engineer. As one of its Civic Initiatives, the
Louisiana Lafayette, 2009 Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF) developed a master plan and has been
championing investment in the Baton Rouge Lakes as an environmental and
TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS quality of life resource. CSRS was engaged by BRAF to evaluate the potential for
• 2013, Louisiana PE.0038148 the Lakes to provide flood risk reduction benefits to the community. Mr. Brown
• 2018, Louisiana Certified Floodplain served as the Lead Engineer, developing an H&H model to evaluate the flood
Manager #US-18-10677 risk reduction potential of proposed improvements to the Lakes. (2018-2019)
Client reference: John Spain, Executive Vice President, Baton Rouge Area
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Foundation, 100 North Street, Suite 900, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 387-6126,
• American Society of Civil Engineers
• Environmental and Water Resources MovEBR Transportation Improvements Program. East Baton Rouge
Institute Parish, LA. Lead Hydraulic and Hydrologic Engineer. Mr. Brown was responsible
• Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers for developing a methodology for and estimating detention pond sizing and
Institute costs estimated necessary to offset increases in rainfall runoff and estimating
• Association of State Floodplain costs associated with fill mitigation requirements from the proposed projects.
Managers (2019-Present)
Client reference: Tom Stephens, PE, East Baton Rouge City-Parish Government, PO
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Box 1471, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 386-3158,
• Physics-based Modeling BREC Flood Risk Reduction Public Relations Support and Funding
• Flood Forecasting Strategies Study. East Baton Rouge Parish, LA. Senior Engineer. Mr. Brown
• Flood Impact Assessment developed a Hydraulic and Hydrologic (H&H) model to study the effects and
• Data Collection potential flood risk mitigation benefits of proposed improvements to Airline
Highway Park. He also performed a desktop analysis to evaluate the potential
of several other BREC parks to provide flood risk reduction benefits to their
surrounding communities. (2019)
• DHI MIKE 11, HYDRO, 21
Client reference: Reed Richard, Assistant Superintendent, BREC Planning &
• DELFT3D Engineering, 6201 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 273-6405,
Calcasieu Parish Watershed Master Plan. Calcasieu Parish, LA. Water
• ArcGIS
Resources Engineer. Mr. Brown is responsible for developing and simulating
hydraulic and probabilistic models used to estimate annualized costs of flood
damage for existing conditions and proposed projects to understand how and
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE when the parish should move forward with projects to mitigate flood damages
• With Firm: 1 Year now and in the future. (2018-Present).
• Total: 10 Years Client reference: Jeanne Hornsby, MS, PE, Engineering Director, C.H. Fenstermaker
& Associates, 135 Regency Square, Lafayette, LA, (337) 237-2200, jeanne@

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Stokka Brown, PE, CFM


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

EBR Stormwater Master Plan – Phase 2, Initiation of EBR Parish Stormwater Master Plan. East Baton
Rouge Parish, LA. Water Resources Engineer. Mr. Brown assisted in the review of all current stormwater ordinances,
development guidance, and checklists including meeting with Parish officials to understand current review procedures.
Mr. Brown is assisting with drafting recommendations to the Parish to update ordinances, guidance material, and
checklists to ensure standards and requirements are consistent throughout. (2018-Present)
Client reference: Melissa Kennedy, Project Manager, HNTB Corporation 10000 Perkins Rowe, Ste. 640, Baton Rouge, LA,, (225) 368-2845
City of Central Drainage Master Plan. Central, LA. Water Resources Engineer. Mr. Brown has developed and
calibrated high-resolution 2-dimensional hydrodynamic models for all watersheds in the City of Central. He has utilized
these models to understand the hydraulic system of canals, identify problem areas, and simulate and develop proposed
solutions to the problems. These models are the foundation for developing a flood forecasting system as well as support
the continued effort in floodplain management and drainage maintenance for the City. (2018-Present)
Client reference: David Barrow, Mayor, City of Central 13421 Hooper Rd, Ste 8 Central, LA, (225) 261-5988, david.barrow@
City of Baker HMGP Applications. Baker, LA. Water Resources Engineer. Mr. Brown developed conceptual-level
hydrodynamic models of the streams in the City of Baker. He utilized these models to understand the hydraulics of the
streams and identify problem areas and potential projects. The existing and proposed conditions model results were
crucial in estimating benefit and damage costs due to flooding for input in the HMGP applications. These models are
the foundation for the development of more detailed hydrodynamic models that will be utilized in the next phase of the
HMGP application process. (2018)
Client reference: Ginger Vann, Community, Workforce and Economic Development, City of Baker 3325 Groom Road Baker, LA,
(225) 778-0300,

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William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA

PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Mr. Bell received his Bachelors of Landscape Architecture from LSU. During
his extensive and varied 26-year professional career, he has used his planning
and site design experience to assist in master planning, land development, and
implementation for a diverse scale of projects.
Mr. Bell serves as a Senior Project Manager and Landscape Architect at
CSRS. Mr. Bell’s primary responsibility is serving as the lead land planner for
residential, commercial, industrial, mixed-use, and public facility projects.
• BLA, Louisiana State University,
1991 Mr. Bell provides clients unique and innovative solutions, from project inception
through construction phases.
• 2005, Professional Landscape
Architect – State of Louisiana
Relevant and Related Experience
License No. 17-0540 Plaquemine Levee Top Recreational Trail Revitalization. Plaquemine,
LA. Project Manager. Mr. Bell serves as the Project Manager for a 1.3-
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS mile recreational trail proposed on the Mississippi River Levee. Mr. Bell’s
• Louisiana ASLA Chapter Member responsibilities included the oversight of the conceptual master planning,
detailed design, and the coordination of stakeholder engagement, permitting,
and local, state and federal funding sources. (2017-Present)
Client reference: Ed Reeves, Mayor, City of Plaquemine, 23640 Railroad Ave.,
• Project Management
Plaquemine, LA, (225) 687-3116,
• Community and Recreational Master
Planning Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement Project – Phase II & III. Terrebonne
• Land Planning, Site Design, Parish, LA. Senior Planner. Mr. Bell currently serves as the lead site planner
and Construction Document and landscape architect for the design of a 515-acre tract selected for the Isle
Preparation de Jean Charles Native American Community Resettlement Project. Over the life
• Public Presentation and Stakeholder of this CDBG-funded project, Mr. Bell’s key responsibilities have included overall
Engagement team leader and coordinator for the new site assessment, conceptual and
• Construction Cost Evaluation preliminary land use planning, and development of construction. The design of
• Construction Observation and
the new community includes single-family homes, green and gray infrastructure,
Administration community facilities, commercial uses, and recreational spaces. (2016-Present)
• Visual Presentation, Graphic Design, Client reference: Mathew Sanders, Louisiana Office of Community Development,
and CAD Assistance Resilience Policy & Program Administrator, PO Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA (225)
• Project Controls
Gramercy Main Park – Baseball Field Improvements. St. James Parish,
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE LA. Site Planner. Mr. Bell served as the Lead Site Planner for proposed baseball
• With Firm: 5 Years fields and supporting facilities improvements. Mr. Bell’s key responsibilities
included the development of a conceptual site plan for four (4) new baseball-
• Total: 26 Years
fields, pedestrian sidewalks, and site storm drainage improvements.
Client reference: Timothy Roussel, Parish President, PO Box 106, Convent, LA, (225)
St. James Parish Recreational Master Plan. St. James Parish, LA.
Project Manager/Planner. Mr. Bell served as the Lead Planner to prepare a
parish-wide recreational master plan. Mr. Bell’s key responsibilities included
the inventory and assessment of current recreational facilities, comparison to
national recreation standards, evaluation of existing facility operation budgets,

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William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

community and stakeholder engagement, and strategy development for facility improvements and implementation.
Client reference: Timothy Roussel, Parish President, PO Box 106, Convent, LA 70723, (225) 562-2260
Village at Magnolia Square Phase V. Central, LA. Site Planner and Project Manager. For the conceptual design
phase, Mr. Bell served as the Lead Site Planner and Project Manager for an 86-lot phase within the existing master
planned residential community. Mr. Bell’s key responsibilities included overall project management, coordination,
planning, development of conceptual land use concepts, and preparation of construction cost evaluations. (2015 –
Client reference: Steele Pollard, Village at Magnolia Square, LLC, 7517 Minette Lane, Central, LA, (225) 757-1970
University Avenue Corridor Study. Lafayette, LA. Site Planner. Mr. Bell served as the Lead Site Planner for the
proposed corridor improvement study. Mr. Bell’s key responsibilities were oversight of the corridor data collection,
corridor assessment, and conceptual improvement plans for the roadway corridor and 3 key catalyst sites identified for
redevelopment. (2017-2018)
Client reference: Melanie Bordelon, MPO Manager, Acadiana Planning Commission, 101 Jefferson St., Ste. 201, Lafayette, LA,
(337) 806-9368 or (337) 806-9365,
Economic Impact Study of the Calcasieu Ship Channel. Lake Charles, LA. Project Manager. Mr. Bell served
as the Project Manager for extensive economic impact assessment for the Calcasieu Ship Channel. Mr. Bell’s key
responsibilities were coordination and collaboration with the client and sub-consultant on private business surveys,
data and survey review, and preparation of written final report. Mr. Bell also prepared and presented the report findings
at a public presentation forum. (2015 and 2017)
Client reference: Channing Hayden Jr., Director of Navigation, Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District, PO Box 3753, Lake
Charles, LA, (337) 493-3620

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Sarah Kellerman, AICP, LEED GA

PHONE. (312) 799-4612
444 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 2940, Chicago, IL 60611 |

Ms. Kellerman is an Associate focusing on higher education and municipal

projects in B&D’s Chicago, IL office. Before joining B&D, Ms. Kellerman managed
transportation and public real estate planning and design projects for a private
transportation planning and engineering consulting firm. Ms. Kellerman uses
her architecture, urban design, and transportation planning background to bring
depth of content and a high level of polish to higher education and municipal
EDUCATION projects ranging from strategic plans and transportation analysis, to community
• Master’s of Urban Planning and engagement, alternative funding, and project-level design. Much of her past
Policy, 2014, Spatial Planning, experience focused on downtown comprehensive plans for cities across the
University of Illinois at Chicago Midwest.
• BS, 2011, Architecture, Washington
University in St. Louis
Relevant and Related Experience
Kentucky Venues P3 Advisory Services. Louisville, KY. Associate. Advising
• Leadership in Energy & Kentucky Venues on the most advantageous way to develop underused acreage
Environmental Design (LEED) GA
at the Kentucky Exposition Center to include amenities such as lodging and food
and entertainment. (2019-Present)
Client Reference: Chris Reece, Executive Director, Office of Finance, 100 Airport Rd,
2nd Floor, Frankfort, KY, (502) 564-4270,
• American Institute of Certified
Planners University of Pittsburgh Campus Master Plan. Pittsburgh, PA. Associate.
Advising the university in the development of a campus master plan that
supports the short- and long-term financial realities of the school. Currently
working to implement the first three phases of the plan – campus recreation
• LEED / Sustainability
center (with dining), first-year student housing, and a larger mixed-use
• Public-Private Partnerships development that focuses on reinforcing the connections to the Central Oakland
• Alternative Funding Sources neighborhood. (2018-Present)
Client Reference: Owen Cooks, Assistant Vice Chancellor Planning, Design,
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE and Construction, 3400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, (412) 383-2621,
• With Firm: 2 Years
• Total: 6 Years LSU Nicholson Gateway Development Phase I, II and III. Baton Rouge,
LA. Project Team Advisor. Prepared a campus edge development analysis
for LSU’s historically underutilized Nicholson Gateway corridor. Outlined the
various development opportunities including public-private partnership options
and how the university could maintain control throughout the process. Served
as an advisor to the LSU Real Estate and Facilities Foundation in soliciting a
private development partner to design, build, finance, and maintain the campus
edge mixed use development. Currently overseeing the development through
completion. (2012-Present)
Client Reference: Dan Layzell, Interim President & CEO & Ex Officio Director, LSU,
3838 West Lakeshore Dr., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 578-8964

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Elif Acar-Chiasson, PE
PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Ms. Elif Acar-Chiasson is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer with over

29 years of progressive technical, project management, and engineering
management experience in complex civil, geotechnical, and geo-environmental
engineering projects. As a project engineer and project manager Ms. Chiasson
designed, managed, and supervised projects involving heavy manufacturing
EDUCATION facility design and construction, general civil design, roadway design and
• MS, Civil Engineering (Geotechnical), construction management, and shallow and deep foundation design. Her work
Louisiana State University, 1990 includes both traditional engineering design and the design-build environment.
• Bachelor of Science, Civil In her current role as the Executive Vice President of Talent & Innovation at
Engineering, Bogazici University, CSRS, she oversees the technical practice areas of the firm including business
Istanbul, Turkey, 1988
intelligence and innovation hub where new ideas for services, technologies and
process improvements for the firm are explored, conceived and cultivation for
• 01/2002, Professional Engineer,
Civil, # 29852, Active, Louisiana
• NEPA and Transportation Decision
Relevant and Related Experience
Making, NHI, 2008 Tunica Windmill Farm Site Investigation. Tunica County, MS.
Geotechnical Investigations. Project was to help client secure a Section 404
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS permit for the installation of 300+ windmills, including improvements to county
• American Society of Civil Engineers roadways; Monitoring of migratory bird patterns; evaluation of turbine flicker
effect. Ms. Chiasson performed geotechnical investigation for heavy haul roads,
electrical sub-stations, and turbine foundations. (2018-2019)
Client reference: Elon Hasson, Steelhead Americas, 1417 NW Everett St, Portland,
• Geo-environmental/Geotechnical
OR, (503) 481-8622,
• Project Management / Construction Calcasieu Parish Transportation Initiative. Calcasieu Parish, LA. Client
Management Manager. The project scope included assisting Calcasieu Parish with its
• Design-Build Project Delivery comprehensive transportation improvement program. The Parish needed help
• Energy-Chemicals Industry to environmentally permit, design, and construct transportation improvements
on 5 designated state routes within Calcasieu Parish. Ms. Chiasson helped the
• Power Generation Industry
client develop a project management platform to facilitate efficient management
• Heavy Manufacturing Industry of existing ERP systems, accounting, and financial systems.
Client reference: Timothy Conner, Parish Engineer, Calcasieu Parish Policy Jury, PO
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Box 1583, Lake Charles, LA, (337) 721-4100,
• With Firm: 6 Years
Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC) Surge Barrier Hurricane
• Total: 29 Years
Protection Project, USACE. New Orleans, LA. Design Feature Manager for
Dredged Channel and Disposal Area Design. Following Hurricanes Katrina and
Rita in 2005, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began to design and
construct the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (HSDRRS)
for southeast Louisiana. IHNC surge barrier is the key feature of the HSDRRS. As
the engineer of the record, Ms. Chiasson managed the design team responsible
for the dredging and disposal plan for this $1.3B project, to date the largest
civil works design-build project for the USACE. Approximately 1.5M cubic yards
of material were dredged from Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) to the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) to create the access channel for the 1.8-mile
long and 26-foot high storm surge barrier. The hydraulic dredged channel had

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Elif Acar-Chiasson, PE

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

a typical bottom elevation of minus 15-foot and top width of approximately 370-foot. Hydraulic dredged material was
pumped to fill a nearby 205 acres of open-water marsh area where discharge pipes were moved as required to facilitate
even distribution of the material. This project received more than 10 industry awards including American Society of
Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2014 Outstanding Projects & Leaders Award and ENR’s Best of the Best 2011 Best Civil Works/
Infrastructure Award. (2008-2009)
Client Reference: Ms. Angela DeSoto-Duncan, PE (Contact for Project Duration), Former Chief, Tech Services, Hurricane
Protection Office (HPO); Colonel Stephen Murphy (Current Contact), Commander & District Engineer New Orleans District,
USACE, 7400 Leake Ave., New Orleans, LA, Public Affair’s Office: (504) 862-2201,
Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection Project, Levee Reaches F and H-2, Terrebonne Levee and
Conservation District. Houma, LA. Project Engineer. The Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection project is a
comprehensive plan to provide protection from saltwater intrusion, tides and storm surges associated with tropical
storms and hurricanes for the residents of Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes. The features of this project include
approximately 72-miles of earthen levees, 12 floodgates, 12 environmental water control structures, and a lock complex
on the Houma Navigational Canal. Project required levees to be designed much higher than the available funding would
support at the time. Therefore, interim levees were designed to a lower elevation. Levee Reaches F and H-2 spanned
approximately a length of 3 miles each. Ms. Chiasson led the design team that oversaw the geotechnical investigation,
survey, and the design of the interim levee reaches. (2009)
Client Reference: Mr. Regie Dupre, Jr., Executive Director, Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District, 220 Clendenning Rd.,
Houma, LA, (985) 868-8523,
Upper Grand Caillou (D-08) Pump Station Rehab, Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government (TPCG).
Houma, LA. Project Engineer. Ms. Chiasson provided geotechnical investigation oversight and design of a 200-foot long
sheetpile wall in support of the D-08 pump station rehabilitation project. (2007-2008)
Client Reference: Mr. Gordon Dove, Parish President, Government Tower, 8026 Main Street, Suite 700, Houma, LA, (985) 873-
FEMA IATAC, FEMA. Baton Rouge, LA. Reporting Lead. In 2005, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) issued noncompetitive Individual Assistance – Technical Assistance Contracts (IA-TACs) to four large contractors,
Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure being one of them (Contract No. HSFEHQ-05-D-0573). A $950M project for
recovery response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. Information reporting lead for the daily reporting of technical,
staffing, and financial aspect of the contract for activities in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. (2005-
Client Reference: Mr. Tony Robinson, FEMA Region VI Administrator, FEMA, FRC 800 North Loop 288, Denton, TX,
(940) 898-5399,

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April Renard, PE, PTOE

PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

April Renard has a diverse knowledge of safety, traffic engineering, planning,

and complete streets principles and practices. Her technical expertise at the
local, state and national levels coupled with her management experience bring
a well-rounded perspective on planning, programming, and project development.
Ms. Renard spearheaded many state and national level efforts towards
institutional change for the consideration of safety and complete streets in the
EDUCATION project development process.
• BS, Civil Engineering, Louisiana
State University, 2006
Relevant and Related Experience
TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS MovEBR Transportation Plan. East Baton Rouge City-Parish, LA. Complete
• 2010, Professional Engineer, Civil, Streets Lead. The MovEBR program is the single largest infrastructure program
LA License No. 35660 in the City-Parish of East Baton Rouge, valued at over $800M, which will deliver
• 2015, Professional Traffic traffic mitigation projects by building new roads, sidewalks, and managing
Operations Engineer, No. 3905 traffic. Ms. Renard is providing technical expertise to ensure Complete Streets
• 2019, LADOTD Traffic Engineering principals and lessons learned are incorporated into every single project within
Analysis Process & Report the program. (2019 – Present)
Client reference: Tom Stephens, PE, East Baton Rouge City-Parish Government, PO
Box 1471, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 386-3158,
Calcasieu Parish Transportation Initiative, Calcasieu Parish Police
• Institute of Transportation Engineers
Jury. Lake Charles, LA. Project Manager. Ms. Renard is responsible for the day-
to-day operations of this comprehensive transportation improvement program to
AREAS OF EXPERTISE environmentally permit, design, and construct transportation improvements on
• Complete Streets five (5) designated state routes within Calcasieu Parish. Improvements consist
• Traffic of roadway widenings, intersection improvements, signal upgrades, and a new
• Safety bridge over the West Fork of the Calcasieu River. The current estimated total for
• Civil Engineering
all program activities is $174M. (2019 – Present)
• Project Management Client reference: Tim Conner, PE, Parish Engineer, PO Box 1583, Lake Charles, LA,
(337) 721-4100,

YEARS OF EXPERIENCE East Baton Rouge Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan and Safety Action
• With Firm: <1 Year Plan. East Baton Rouge City-Parish, LA. Transportation Safety Engineer/
• Total: 13 Years Manager (LADOTD). Ms. Renard helped develop Master Plan to serve diverse
stakeholders needs. (Feb 2018 – present)
Client reference: Tom Stephens, PE, East Baton Rouge City-Parish Government,
PO Box 1471, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 386-3158,
Client reference: John Spain, Executive Vice President, Baton Rouge Area
Foundation, 100 North Street, Suite 900, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 387-6126,
Client reference: Reed Richard, Assistant Superintendent, BREC Planning &
Engineering, 6201 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 273-6405,
NCHRP 17-84: Development of Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety
Performance Functions for the Highway Safety Manual, TRB.
Statewide. Transportation Safety Engineer/Manager (LADOTD). Ms. Renard
serves on the Research Project Panel. She helped develop scope of the

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April Renard, P.E., PTOE


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

research project and guide research through project completion. Research will determine best methods to integrate the
consideration of pedestrians and bicyclists in the safety analysis process. (2017 – present)
Client reference(s): Darren Torbic, Principal Traffic Engineer, MRI Global, 2332 Raven Hollow Rd., State College, PA,
(814) 237-8831
AASHTO Council on Active Transportation, AASHTO. Nationwide. Transportation Safety Engineer/Manager
(LADOTD). Ms. Renard integrated pedestrian and bicycle options throughout AASHTO documents. She helped integrate
AASHTO’s Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities and Guide for Development of Pedestrian Facilities into AASHTO’s
Policy on Geometric Design of Highways & Streets (Green Book). (2017-2019)
Client reference(s): Eric Kalivoda, PhD, Assistant Secretary, LADOTD, 1201 Capitol Access Rd., Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 379-1200,
Louisiana Complete Streets Advisory Council. Statewide. Transportation Safety Engineer/Manager (LADOTD) –
Ms. Renard chaired the Advisory Council and oversaw development of the first annual Complete Streets Performance
Measure Report and first draft of Louisiana Complete Streets Implementation Plan. The Plan outlines LADOTD’s
strategies and actions required to institutionalize the policy in the project development process. (2016-2019)
Client reference(s): Dan Magri, PE, Assistant Secretary, LADOTD, 1201 Capitol Access Rd., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 379-1871,
Florida Boulevard Road Safety Assessment (Foster to Cloud). Baton Rouge, LA. Transportation Safety
Engineer/Manager (LADOTD). Ms. Renard, along with many stakeholders, initiated a Road Safety Assessment (RSA) to
discuss concerns, evaluate strategies, and determine next steps for road safety improvements. (2017-2019)
Client reference(s): Dan Magri, PE, Assistant Secretary, LADOTD, 1201 Capitol Access Rd., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 379-1871,
Safe Routes to Public Places Program. Statewide. Transportation Safety Engineer/Manager (LADOTD). Ms.
Renard initiated a new federal funding set aside for a pedestrian and bicyclist safety focused program, the Safe Routes
to Public Places Program. (2017)
Client reference(s): Dan Magri, PE, Assistant Secretary, LADOTD, 1201 Capitol Access Rd., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 379-1871,
Local Road Safety Program. Statewide. Transportation Safety Engineer/Manager (LADOTD). Ms. Renard updated
the program to include data-driven project identification process, locally developed safety plans, and objective
evaluation criteria. (2014-2017)
Client reference(s): Dan Magri, PE, Assistant Secretary, LADOTD, 1201 Capitol Access Rd., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 379-1871,
LA 73/Government Street Road Diet Feasibility Study. Baton Rouge, LA. Transportation Safety Engineer/
Manager (LADOTD). Ms. Renard evaluated the Government Street Road Diet for efficacy and recommended its approval
as a safety improvement. (2013-2015)
Client reference(s): Dan Magri, PE, Assistant Secretary, LADOTD, 1201 Capitol Access Rd., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 379-1871,
LADOTD, Traffic Engineering. Baton Rouge, LA. Traffic Engineer. Ms. Renard provided oversight on all Traffic Impact
Studies across the state and drafted policy on TIS requirements. She developed signing plans for control-of-access
facilities in Louisiana and standard pavement marking plans to be used on all state-owned roadways. Ms. Renard also
developed driveway details in accordance with the new Access Management Policy. (2008-2010)
Client reference: Jody Colvin, Traffic Engineering Division Administrator, LADOTD, P.O. Box 94245, Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 242-4635

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Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM

PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Mr. Forsyth is the CSRS GIS Manager with over 16 years of experience in the
GIS field. He is responsible for project management, proposal development,
providing GIS database development, analyses, and map and report production
for complex research, survey, planning, and impact assessment projects. His
academic credentials in Agronomy, Environmental Management Systems,
and GPS data collection enable him to effectively participate in a variety of
EDUCATION project, research, and field investigations. Mr. Forsyth has been active in the
• MS, Agronomy, Louisiana State local GIS community over the last 11 years and in turn has a firm foundation of
University, 2001 relationships with state agencies and universities as well as knowledge of data
• BS, Environmental Management availability and limitations for the region.
Systems, 1998

TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS Relevant and Related Experience

• 2009, GISP, Louisiana Lic. No. Baton Rouge Lakes Flood Risk Reduction Study. Baton Rouge, LA.
GIS Manager. As one of its Civic Initiatives, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation
• 2011, Certified Flood Manager, (BRAF) developed a master plan and has been championing investment in the
License No. US-12-06389 Baton Rouge Lakes as an environmental and quality of life resource. CSRS was
engaged by BRAF to evaluate the potential for the Lakes to provide flood risk
AREAS OF EXPERTISE reduction benefits to the community. Mr. Forsyth provided GIS support for the
• Program Management and Project development of an H&H model and damages calculations to evaluate the flood
Execution risk reduction potential of proposed improvements to the Lakes. (2018-2019)
• Roadway and Complete Streets Client reference: John Spain, Executive Vice President, Baton Rouge Area
Engineering Design Foundation, 100 North Street, Suite 900, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 387-6126,
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE MovEBR Program – Transportation Capacity Improvements. East
• With Firm: 1 Year Baton Rouge Parish, LA. GIS Manager. Mr. Forsyth provides GIS support for this
• Total: 16 Years $600M transportation program, including mapping data using ArcGIS Online,
environmental mapping, and supporting right-of-way acquisition.
Client Reference: Tom Stephens, PE, East Baton Rouge City-Parish Government,
PO Box 1471, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 386-3158,
Calcasieu Parish Waterhsed Master Plan. Calcasieu Parish, LA. GIS
Manager. Mr. Forsyth worked with Parish and CSRS staff to assist in the
development of Parish Plan maps and project figures. He led the effort to
develop a parish-wide Esri ArcGIS Online that was used to inform the client
and eventually the public of Master Plan goals. Mr. Forsyth worked with parish
staff to develop a project base map that will be used in the final master plan
documents as well as all public outreach efforts. (2019-Present)
Client Reference: Jeanne Arceneaux Hornsby, MS, PE, Engineering Director,
Fenstermaker, 135 Regency Square, Lafayette, LA, (337) 237-2200
Central Drainage Master Plan. City of Central, LA. GIS Manager. Mr.
Forsyth led a team in the development of project base map detailing the master
plan efforts during the project. He developed an ArcGIS Online application
that was used by the project team to display GIS and other model outputs. Mr.
Forsyth was responsible for developing an economic damage assessment for
the project area. He created a detailed structure inventory to be input, along

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Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

with HEC-RAS flood depth outputs, into HEC-FIA to estimate damages associated with 10-, 50- and 100-year floods
events in the project area. (2019-Present)
Client Reference: Terri Parnell, Executive Assistant, City of Central, 13421 Hooper Road, Ste 9, Central, LA, (225) 261-5988,
Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement Project – Phase III. Terrebonne Parish, LA. GIS Specialist. The project,
funded through HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Program, involves the master planning of a new development to
accommodate the voluntary resettlement of an island community in response to significant environmental degradation
from ongoing coastal land loss, subsidence, and sea level rise. Mr. Forsyth utilized drone technology to support a
corridor survey along LA Highway 24 for final design of the wastewater system for the new community. (2019-Present)
Client reference: Michael Taylor, Executive Director, Louisiana Land Trust, 11100 Mead Road, Ste. 200, Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 395-0777,
Chennault International Airport Infrastructure Master Plan. Calcasieu Parish, LA. GIS Manager. Mr. Forsyth
developed a project base map and developed data that were used to guide decisions on the best land use and overall
strategy for land services team working on the Chennault Project. He used TransCAD model outputs to analyze traffic,
demographic and housing data around the airport to assist the project team in making recommendations the Chennault
Airport. All datasets were stored and delivered in ESRI Geodatabase format. (2019-Present)
Client Reference: Randy Robb, Executive Director, Chennault International Airport Authority, 3650 Sen. J. Bennett Johnston Ave.,
Lake Charles, LA, (337) 491-9961
Extracting Data From the 2012 Master Plan for Initial Screening for Delta Management. Baton Rouge, LA.
Project Manager (GEC). Mr. Forsyth worked with CPRA staff to extract data from the 2012 Master plan. He managed
the extraction and graphing of data from the Eco-Hydrology, Wetland Morphology, and Ecosystem Services Data Models.
He and his team created graphs showing Flow with Project (FWP) and Flow without Project (FWOP) and presented the
data more in line with the screening objectives for the LCA Mississippi River Delta Management Study. He created
Habitat Suitability Indices (HSIs) graphs by species over time for 50 years by both basin and delta. (July 2015)
Client Reference: Elizabeth Jarrell, Coastal Resources Scientist, CPRA, 450 Laurel Street, Suite 1210 D, Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 342-3810,
Third Party EIS for Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (MBSD). Plaquemines Parish, LA. GIS Manager (GEC).
Mr. Forsyth served as GIS Manager on the Team leading development of a Third-Party EIS for the MBSD Project being
proposed by CPRA. The EIS is being prepared under the direction of USACE, New Orleans District, to aid in their
decision-making regarding CPRA’s permit application pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Section
10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and permissions under 33 U.S.C. Section 408. The Third-Party EIS will assess the
potential negative and beneficial impacts associated with the construction and operation of the project and will be
consistent with the DWH PDARP/PEIS and associated ROD. This highly publicized and controversial project includes
seven cooperating agencies, 10 commenting agencies, and 11 consulting tribes for the EIS and has been placed on the
Permitting Dashboard under the FAST-41 process. (2017–2018)
Client Reference: Brad Inman, Project Manager, USACE New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, (504) 862-2124,

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Kimberly Arcement
PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Ms. Arcement is a regulatory specialist with 19 years of experience with the

Clean Water Act, NEPA and NHPA. As a former permit analyst for LDNR, she
processed hundreds of Coastal Use Permits ranging from oil/gas developments,
residential and commercial subdivisions, marinas, levees, highways, and coastal
restoration projects. She has secured Section 10/404 & 408 permits from
the USACE and Section 401 Water Quality Certificates and Louisiana Pollutant
EDUCATION Discharge Elimination System permits LDEQ. Ms. Arcement received technical
• BS, Environmental & Sustainable training from ASTM in performing due diligence investigations for Landowner
Resources, University of Louisiana Liability Protection per E1527 Phase I ESAs and the U.S. EPA guidelines. She has
at Lafayette (ULL), 1998 significant NEPA experience that includes the $1.2B replacement of the LSU/VA
• Ecosystem Science, Tulane medical facilities destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. The project was located within
University, 1999-2001 a National Registered historic district, which triggered extensive regulatory
• ULL National Wetlands Research & coordination, public outreach, and NHPA compliance with many Section 106
Mapping Center, 2003-06


• Wetland Delineation Training, North
Carolina State University, 2007
Relevant and Related Experience
• NEPA & Transportation Decision Baton Rouge Lakes Flood Risk Reduction. Baton Rouge, LA. Natural
Making, 2008 Resource Manager. Ms. Arcement provided a permit matrix listing the permit
• ASTM Technical & Professional requirements, steps and timeframes associated with achieving regulatory
Training E1527 Phase I ESAs, 2009
compliance. This included a Section 10/404 permit from the USACE, Water
• National Wetland Inventory
Quality Certification from the LDNR, a Letter of Concurrence from the SHPO, and
Classification System; USGS
a Letter of No Objection from the U.S. FWS and the LDWF. (2019-Present)
• National Hydrology Dataset &
Metadata; USGS Client reference: John Spain, Executive VP, Baton Rouge Area Foundation,
• Former NRCS Drilling Reserve Pit 100 North St, Suite 900, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 387-6126,
Evaluation Committee Member Plaquemine Riverfront Recreational Trail Improvements. Plaquemine,
LA. Natural Resource Manager. Ms. Arcement drafted a Section 408 Permission
Request for a 1.3-mile pedestrian and bicycle trail situated on top of the
• Phase I ESAs/Due Diligence
Mississippi River Levee. The project required collaboration with SHPO and the
• Clean Water Act Permitting
Plaquemine Lock Historic Park. (2018)
• NEPA/NHPA Compliance
Client reference: Ed Reeves, Mayor, City of Plaquemine, 23640 Railroad Ave.,
Plaquemine, LA, (225) 687-3116,
• With Firm: 1 Years
Tunica Windmill Farm. Tunica County, MS. Natural Resource Manager.
Ms. Arcement provided a wetland delineation to obtain an approved JD to
• Total: 19 Years
secure a Section 404 permit for the installation of 300+ windmills to include
improvements to county roadways; monitoring migratory bird patterns;
evaluating turbine flicker effect. (2018)
Client reference: Elon Hasson, Steelhead Americas, 1417 NW Everett St,
Portland, OR, (503) 481-8622,

Elm Hall Wetland Mitigation Bank. Assumption Parish, LA. Natural

Resource Manager. Prepared JPA for CUP and obtained a preliminary JD
necessary for Section 404 permitting to establish a new bottomland hardwood

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Kimberly Arcement

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

wetland mitigation bank in the Terrebonne hydrologic basin; Obtained SHPO Section 106 concurrence for a structure
eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. (2018)
Client reference: Danny Moran, Director, Ecosystem Renewal, LLC, 7742 Office Park Blvd., Suite B2, Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 928-5678,

Kenilworth Crossing Mixed-Use Development. Baton Rouge, LA. Natural Resource Manager. Ms. Arcement
obtained JD to secure a Section 404 permit. She drafted compelling, supportive alternative site analysis necessary
to address public comments/concerns regarding flooding, loss of ecological function, water quality and cumulative
impacts for 33-acre development. (2018-19)
Client reference: Lawrence Maestri, Maestri-Murrell, Inc., 9018 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 298-1250,

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Rhaoul A. Guillaume, Sr., PE, FASCE

PHONE. (225) 766-5358
8383 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810 |

Mr. Guillaume supervises all corporate activities to include project management

for all contract requirements.
Mr. Guillaume’s duties include client liaison, project budgeting, manpower
assignments, contract administration, design supervision, production of
contract documents and quality control. Mr. Guillaume is an experienced civil
and structural engineer with a background in hydrographic, topographic and
control surveying, project management and estimating.
• B.S.C.E., Civil Engineering,
Marquette University, 1971 Mr. Guillaume has supervised and coordinated a variety of civil/structural
• B.A., Mathematics, Xavier University, engineering projects to include streets, highways, airports, office buildings,
1971 parking lots, sewer systems, residential subdivisions, recreational parks and a
sewer treatment facility.
• 1982, Professional Civil Engineer,
Louisiana License No. 20083 Relevant and Related Experience
• 1983, Professional Civil Engineer, Alligator Bayou. Iberville Parish, LA. Subconsultant to Manchac Consulting
Mississippi License No. 8858 Group. Topographic Survey
Rockefeller Refuge Gulf Shoreline Stabilization Project, LA DNR
Contract No: 2503-08-08. Cameron Parish, LA. Subconsultant to HDR
• Louisiana Engineering Society
Engineering, Inc. Construction Administration & Construction Inspection
• National Society of Professional
Engineers South Pecan Island Freshwater Introduction, LA DNR. Vermilion Parish,
• Society of American Military LA. Subconsultant to C.H. Fenstermaker. Coastal Surveying & Mapping
Engineers Houma Navigation Canal Lock Survey, Vicksburg District US Army
Corps of Engineers. Houma, LA. Subconsultant to URS. Surveying & Mapping
National Marine Fisheries Service, A Division of NOAA. Sliver Springs,
• With Firm: 37 Years
MD. Prime Consultant. Civil Engineering, Surveying & Mapping
• Total: 47 Years
Lake Bistineau Spillway Bridges - LADOTD; State Project No. 700-08-
0101/700-24-0088. Statewide, LA. Prime Consultant. Preliminary & Final
SPRR Overpass (Jennings) & Approaches, State Project No. 700-2255.
Jefferson Davis Parish, LA. Prime Consultant. Preliminary & Final Plans
SPRR Overpass (Jennings) & Approaches – LADOTD; State Project No.
700-2255. Jefferson Davis Parish, LA. Prime Consultant. Preliminary & Final
LeCompte (East) Bridges, Route 457 – LADOTD; State Project No. 73-
04-10. Rapides Parish, LA. Prime Consultant. Preliminary & Final Plans
Tchoupitoulas Street Corridor – LADOTD; State Project No. 742-07-62.
New Orleans, LA. Prime Consultant. Preliminary & Final Plans
Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans - Water Hammer Hazard
Mitigation Project. New Orleans, LA. Sub-Consultant to Stanley Consultants,
Inc. Design, Survey, Mapping & Construction Management

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Rhaoul A. Guillaume, Sr., PE, FASCE


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans - Sewer System Evaluation & Rehabilitation Program. New
Orleans, LA. Sub-Consultant to MWH. Program Management
Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans - Hurricane Katrina Related Replacement of Village De L’Est
and Repairs to Folgers Sewage Pumping Stations. New Orleans, LA. Sub-Consultant to Infinity Engineering
Consultants, LLC. Civil Design, Survey
Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans - Replacement of Various Sewage Pump Stations. New Orleans,
LA. Sub-Consultant to Design Engineering. Surveying
Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans - Hurricane Katrina Related Sewer Restoration Repairs to the
Replacement of the East Bank Sewage Treatment Plant Administration Building. New Orleans, LA. Prime
Consultant. Civil Design
Green Light Plan - East Baton Rouge Parish Roadway Program. Baton Rouge, LA. Sub-Consultant to CSRS.
Elevation & Field Verification Surveys, Engineering Coordination, Cost Estimating, and Program Management
Client reference: Tom Stephens, PE, East Baton Rouge City-Parish, PO Box 1471, Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 389-3186,
East Ascension Gravity Drainage District No. 1 – Muddy Creek Drainage Basin Study. Ascension Parish, LA.
Sub-Consultant. Surveying & Mapping
Lamar Dixon Expo Center. Ascension Parish, LA. Prime Consultant. Civil, Site, Sewer & Drainage Design, Program
St. Bernard Parish Pump Stations Drainage & Sanitary Sewage Design. St. Bernard Parish, LA. Prime
Consultant. Design Rehabilitation
South Forcemain System Capacity Improvements Project – O’Neal Ln. Pump Stations Group A Project.
East Baton Rouge City-Parish, LA. Sub-Consultant to MWH. Survey
Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades South Wastewater Treatment Plant Wet Weather Improvements Phase
II. East Baton Rouge City-Parish, LA. Sub-Consultant to MWH. Civil Design, Survey
Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades, South Forced Lower STN System Capacity Improvements – Highland
Rd to Burbank Drive. Baton Rouge, LA. Prime Consultant. Civil Design, Construction Administration
Central Gravity System Capacity Improvements. Baton Rouge, LA. Sub-Consultant to MWH. Surveying, Project
Management, Site Layout, Piping Drawings, Paving Grading

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James “Drew” Walsh, PE, PMP

PHONE. (225) 766-5358
8383 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Mr. Walsh is a talented leader and engineer with 20+ years’ experience in
project management, civil engineering design and construction management
and serves as Engineering Project Manager at GOTECH, Inc. He is accomplished
in project delivery through detailed planning, innovative problem solving, quality
control and assurance, transparent communications and intensive resource and
stakeholder management.
• BS, Environmental Engineering,
United States Military Academy,
Relevant and Related Experience
West Point, NY, 1996 Pointe-Marie: A New Village. Baton Rouge, LA. Project Manager. Mr. Walsh
• MBA, Louisiana State University,
is currently the project manager and lead engineer for the on-going design
2003 and construction of Pointe-Marie. This project entails a planned community
development of a mixed-use village encompassing over 120 acres. His duties
include the design of roadways, drainage, grading, sanitary sewer system,
utility layout and coordination and overseeing construction activities. Phase I is
• 2001, Professional Civil Engineer complete and working on Phase II. Mr. Walsh is experienced with hydrology and
Louisiana No. 29340 hydraulics. He has produced a drainage model for the Pointe-Marie development
• 2019, Project Management and has produced drainage models on other projects to develop and determine
Professional, Certification #231196 drainage impacts and improvements for communities and developments.
• General Contractor: LA License Once the impacts have been determined and improvements agreed upon he
57403; LA No. 63246, 2012 is experienced in developing the plans and specifications, so the work can be
• Electrical Contractor: LA License completed.
57403; LA No. 63246, 2014; SC
No. 113962, 2016; TX No. 423656, Lapalco Blvd. Jefferson Parish, LA. Civil Engineer. Mr. Walsh was the civil
2018 engineer and project manager for design and construction project. LADOTD
• Mechanical Contractor: LA No.
supervised project due to federal funding. Mr. Walsh surveyed the project
57403; LA License 63246, 2015 and I took the survey data, downloaded and processed it and imported it
into MicroStation to be used for the design and developed the surface used
• Specialty: Solar Energy Equipment
LA No. 57403; LA License 63246
to design and make cross sections in InRoads. Engineered the subsurface
drainage system, cross drains, horizontal and vertical alignments, typical
• NABCEP Certified PV Installation
sections and plans. Jefferson Parish selected the contractor and I managed
Professional, Certification # PV-
102415-003096, DEC 2015
the construction phase of this project. Responsibilities include: approving
pay estimates and material submittals, resolving all construction and design
• Residential Contractor: LA No.
problems, managing material sampling plans, coordinating with parish officials,
881663, 2013
contractors and property owners, submitting plan changes to proper agencies,
• Certified Traffic Control Supervisor
and managing field books and daily diaries. Also responsible for managing
and supervising all inspection activities for this federally funded project.
• Certified Traffic Control Technician Construction Cost: $9.1M.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Hurricane Protection Office. New
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Orleans, LA. Senior Project Manager. Mr. Walsh was Senior Project Manager
for Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps. This was a $700M project for three
• With Firm: 1 Year
pump stations and closures for the 17th Street, Orleans Ave and London Ave
• Total: 23 Years Canals. Managed the writing of the Request for Proposals (RFP), the completion
of the Environmental Report, gaining the Partnership Agreement with the Non-
Federal Sponsor, Orleans Parish Sewage and Water Board, CPRA, SLFPA-E and
the Orleans Levee District, and the advertisement of the project. I was working
on finalizing the real estate acquisition and preparing for the project kickoff and
outlining the requirements of the Government’s involvement. I was part of the
selection committee during the selection of the contractor. (2011)

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James “Drew” Walsh, PE, PMP


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

Stuart Consulting Group. Statewide, LA. Project Manager. Mr. Walsh was Project Manager, US Army Corps of
Engineers, Hurricane Protection Office. Managed 20 projects from engineering, design, production of plans and
specifications by an A/E, through advertisement, award and construction. Managed project budgets and schedules as
well as project engineers and quality assurance representatives during construction. These projects were for the Task
Force effort to repair damage caused by Hurricane Katrina to Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard and Plaquemines Parishes
Pump Stations, totaling over $100M. Coordinated with the following the levee districts as part of this project, Orleans,
Pontchartrain, Lafourche, East and West Jefferson, Algiers and Lake Borgne, and was presenting to them and attending
meetings as they were forming into SLFPA-East and SLFPA-West after Hurricane Katrina as well as CPRA. (2008)

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Walter Monsour
PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Walter Monsour is the Director of Government Advisory Practices where he

serves as a liaison and advisor to government agencies related to provision
of projects and services that serve the communities represented by such
entities. His expertise includes 47 years of experience as a commercial and
residential real estate developer, with an in-depth knowledge of all elements
of the transaction process, from the purpose of the development, to the
EDUCATION parties involved, and the financing intricacies of the project. In addition, he is
• Juris Doctorate, Louisiana State knowledgeable in Louisiana Procurement Law and alternative forms of project
University, 1970 delivery.
• BA, Louisiana State University, 1966
Mr. Monsour’s focus immediately prior to joining CSRS had been in the public
sector, where he served as the Chief Administrative Officer for the East Baton
TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS Rouge City-Parish, followed by serving as the first President & CEO of the East
• Admitted to Louisiana Bar, 1970 Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority (now Build Baton Rouge).

• Government Advisory
Relevant and Related Experience
• Procurement Law Port Wonder Development Program Management. Lake Charles, LA.
• Contract Negotiations
Development Manager. CSRS is part of a development team – led by Provident
Resources Group – that was selected to plan and implement a transformative
• Public Finance
development on the Lake Charles lakefront, anchored by an iconic children’s
• Land Development
museum and science center. Mr. Monsour is leading the coordination of multiple
owners, tenants, and stakeholders, as well as multiple funding sources, to
manage the design, schedule, budget and construction of the project for a
• With Firm: 6 Years special purpose entity, Port Wonder, LLC. Funding sources include BP Deepwater
• Total: 47 Years Horizon oil spill settlement (via LA Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries), City of Lake
Charles, private donations and other grant sources.
Client reference: Nic Hunter, Mayor, City of Lake Charles, 326 Pujo St., Lake Charles,
LA, (337) 491-1201,
LSU Nicholson Gateway Development Phase I, II and III. Baton Rouge,
LA. Advisory Services. Mr. Monsour used his years of experience and knowledge
of Public-Private Partnerships in an advisory capacity to assist in developing and
executing the P3 plan. He interfaced with the associated governmental agencies
and political entities, including parish government. He played an integral part
in establishing and implementing the P3 initiative for the LSU Gateway project.
Client reference: Dan Layzell, Interim President & CEO & Ex Officio Director, LSU,
3838 West Lakeshore Dr., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 578-8964
City of Lake Charles Government Advisory Services. Lake Charles, LA.
Budget Review. Contracted by the Mayor and City Council to review the city’s
entire budget and operations to identify any inefficiencies, make comparisons
to other municipalities, make recommendations based upon his experience and
best practices. (2016-Present)
Client reference: Nic Hunter, Mayor, City of Lake Charles, 326 Pujo St., Lake Charles,
LA, (337) 491-1201,

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Walter Monsour

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority. Baton Rouge, LA. President and CEO. Mr. Monsour served as
the President and CEO responsible for deploying $72M in funding and tax credits within a three-year period, through
Public–Private Partnership (P3) vehicles. He focused on transforming the quality of life for all citizens, fostering
redevelopment in disinvested areas, facilitating partnerships, and creating a vibrant and competitive community
throughout the City-Parish. (2014)
East Baton Rouge City-Parish. Baton Rouge, LA. Chief Administrative Officer. Mr. Monsour served as the Chief
Administrative Officer for the City-Parish, responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City-Parish and its various
departments. Mr. Monsour and his staff worked closely with the Mayor to develop two parish-wide capital improvement
programs. These invaluable programs focused on improving transportation and sanitary sewer overflow, the Green
Light Plan (GLP), and the Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Programs. Along with general oversight responsibilities, Mr.
Monsour coordinated citizen inquiries, budget preparation and submission to the City-Parish Council, and coordination
of legislative matters sent to the City-Parish Council for consideration and action. (2005-2008)

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Allison Davis Atkinson

PHONE. (504) 232-1416
909 Poydras Street, Suite 1240, New Orleans, LA 70112 |

Mrs. Atkinson has spent the last 18 years managing complex technical, policy,
and inter-agency coordination efforts to help citizens and governments navigate
disaster and development related government programs and unlock their
potential for economic, community, and infrastructure development. After
starting her career overseas performing development work in governmental
EDUCATION transparency, master planning, and local government capacity building she
• MBA, Loyola University of New came to New Orleans initially as a disaster relief volunteer before joining FEMA
Orleans, 2017 in February 2006. She provided disaster relief and recovery services under the
• MA, International Peace and Conflict FEMA Individual Assistance Program, External Affairs, and the Command Staff
Resolution, American University, in Louisiana, then joined the private sector assisting municipalities, school
2002 boards, and other public entities in ensuring they increased their FEMA Public
• BA, Government, Sweet Briar Assistance eligibility and navigating the bureaucracy of compliance.
College, 2000
At CSRS she has helped increase funding and manage over $5B in recovery
funding for our clients and oversaw operations for the company’s disaster
recovery programs for the City of New Orleans, Recovery School District, Orleans
• FEMA’s Incident Command Systems
(ICS) Courses - 100, 200, 700, and Parish School Board, the Regional Transit Authority, St. Bernard Parish, and
800 others. Now a Practice Lead for FEMA Programs, she has led CSRS’ efforts to
help 5 clients establish and execute their recovery programs in response to
AREAS OF EXPERTISE the August 2016 Baton Rouge area flooding. As CSRS’ resident expert in FEMA
• Program Management recovery programs and grants management, and a representative and advocate
for local and state entities, Mrs. Atkinson helps public entities bringing disrupted
• Grants Management and Close-out
infrastructure services back on line and harness available federal funding to do
• Capacity Building/Training
it quickly.
• FEMA Policies and Regulations
• Intergovernmental Coordination
• Public Procurements
Relevant and Related Experience
St. Bernard Parish Recovery Program. Chalmette, LA. FEMA Specialist/
Liaison. Mrs. Atkinson served as an advisor, trainer, and mentor to project
managers regarding FEMA’s disaster recovery operations and policy while at
• With Firm: 7 Years
CDM Smith and currently with CSRS. She prepares arguments and supporting
• Total: 18 Years packaged documentation for disaster grant scope development and appeals on
FEMA Public Assistance eligibility decisions, which helped increase the project
scope to over $1B in FEMA PA funding. Also, she provides strategic guidance to
the Parish to maximize their eligibility and flexibility of funding and to train staff
on process improvements. Her leadership ensures efficiency and effectiveness
of FEMA-funded infrastructure project delivery and documentation. She
maintains positive and productive relationships with all parties in the
municipality’s disaster recovery efforts, resulting in reliable and open lines of
communication between FEMA, GOHSEP, and St. Bernard Parish. (2009–11)
and (2014-Present),
Client reference: Donny Bourgeois, Recovery Director, 8201 W. Judge Perez Dr.,
Chalmette, LA, (504) 278-4238,
Ascension Parish School Board Disaster Recovery Grants
Management and Program Management. Donaldsonville, LA. FEMA PA
Practice Area Leader. Because of record inundation during August 2016 and

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Allison Davis Atkinson


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

subsequent flooding of school facilities, the Ascension Parish School Board hired CSRS to provide professional services
for the development and implementation of a recovery plan to return schools to pre-disaster condition. Mrs. Atkinson
provides expert advice to the for developing scopes of work and negotiating with FEMA on properly capturing disaster
costs. (2016-Present)
Client reference: Cassandra Coleman, Purchasing Secretary, 1100 Webster St., Donaldsonville, LA, (225) 391-7134,
New Orleans Regional Transit Authority Grants Management Program. New Orleans, LA. Subject Matter
Expert/Policy Advisor. Mrs. Atkinson provides expert advice to the RTA for developing scopes of work and negotiating
with FEMA on properly capturing disaster costs. Before submitting to the state, she provides quality control on all
submittals, which reduces the number of issues requiring audit resolution. Also, she assists the RTA in strategizing to
maximize eligible Public Assistance funds to meet their capital project needs that support the citizens of New Orleans.
Client reference: Rose Quezergue, Infrastructure Project Manager, RTA, 2817 Canal St., New Orleans, LA, (504) 827-8304,
City of New Orleans Federal and State Grants Management. New Orleans, LA. Program Director and Deputy
Program Director. Mrs. Atkinson managed operations for the grants management of hundreds of facilities owned by the
City of New Orleans. These facilities ranged from police stations to roads sustained damages from Hurricanes Katrina,
Gustav, and Isaac valued at over $1.1B. She oversaw the quality control of submittal packages to FEMA regarding
its PA and HMGP programs, developed arguments on behalf of the City, and managed strategy shifts based on the
City’s needs and requests. She also worked to ensure that execution of the Jacobs/CSRS joint venture program was in
compliance with the contract, task orders, and performance indicators, and adjusted practices and provided direction
to the 20+ person team accordingly. (2011-2014)
Client reference: Lynn Wiltz, Former Federal Grants Manager, 1300 Perdido St., New Orleans, LA, (504) 473-1462,
Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office, FEMA. Statewide, LA. Counselor to Director. Mrs. Atkinson provided
technical and administrative guidance to senior Agency leadership necessary to resolve program matters that were
complex, controversial, and precedent setting. Her expertise allowed careful coordination and negotiation of issues
with wide-ranging scopes and the potential for significant consequences. She developed formal proposals for policy and
procedural changes by evaluating, researching, interpreting data, and drawing appropriate conclusions. (2008-2009)
Client reference: Doug Whitmer, former Chief of Staff for FEMA Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office, 1 Seine Court,
New Orleans, LA, (407) 484-3871,
Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office, FEMA. Statewide, LA. Intergovernmental Affairs Deputy Lead and
Specialist. While at FEMA, Mrs. Atkinson served as a reliable and efficient conduit of communication and Hurricane
Katrina recovery issue resolution. She worked with Parish Presidents, Mayors, Council Members, and State
Representatives to resolve citizens’ concerns related to FEMA assistance. Mrs. Atkinson represented senior FEMA
leadership in the Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office, advised FEMA program staff of state and local officials’
attitudes and issues, which helped gauge reactions to policy and program procedure changes. She helped resolve
numerous temporary housing cases by unblocking bottlenecks and maintaining extremely cooperative relationships
with agency staff as well as local officials. She also prepared senior agency officials for meetings with constituency
groups, state, and local officials, and other external audiences, as well as assured all correspondence adhered to
FEMA’s policies and positions regarding complicated matters. (2006-2008)

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Stacy Bonnaffons
PHONE. (225) 769-0546
909 Poydras Street, Suite 1240, New Orleans, LA 70112 |

Ms. Bonnaffons has over 20 years of subject matter expert experience in

designing and managing disaster recovery, environmental, and economic
development projects both in the U.S. and internationally. In coordination with
multiple stakeholders, she has provided technical expertise in determining
funding strategies, including both FEMA and HUD funds, for recovery and
EDUCATION resiliency of housing, infrastructure, and business.
• MA, Economic Development and With CSRS, Ms. Bonnaffons has served to assist local and state governments
International Economics, Elliott in management and meeting compliance requirements for receiving disaster
School of International Affairs,
recovery funding from FEMA under its Public Assistance Programs and from HUD
George Washington University
(1995) under its CDBG-DR allocations.
• BA, Political Science and French,
Louisiana State University (1992)
• Fellow, Loyola Institute of Politics
Relevant and Related Experience
(2011) Louisiana Watershed Initiative. Statewide. Senior Policy & Technical Writer.
CSRS is one of the state’s program management consultants for the Louisiana
TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS Watershed Initiative (LWI), which is primarily funded with $1.2B in CDBG-
• Basically CDBG, New Orleans, LA Mitigation funding allocated to Louisiana. In this role, Ms. Bonnaffons serves as
(2009) a technical advisor on CDBG rules and regulations and supports the design of
• Economic Development CDBG
program policies and procedures. The LWI seeks to manage future flood risk in
Training, Los Angeles, CA (2010) Louisiana through watershed-based solutions and is overseen by the Governor’s
five-agency Council on Watershed Management.
• Advanced Training for CDBG – DR
Grantees, New Orleans, LA (2014) Client reference: Alex Carter, Resilience Planning Manager, Louisiana Office of
• National Disaster Resiliency Community Development, 617 N. Third Street, Baton Rouge, LA, (504) 556-9735,
Competition Seminar, New York, NY
(2015) Louisiana Office of Community Development – CDBG-DR Advisory
Services. Baton Rouge, LA. Project Manager/CDBG Subject Matter Expert.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Ms. Bonnaffons provided executive-level technical support to the Louisiana
• Program Development and Office of Community Development regarding CDBG-DR program policies and
Implementation Management Action Plan Amendments. She provided support for the management of the
• Grants Management Restore Homeowner Repair and Reconstruction program for the recovery from
• Community Outreach and Public the Great Floods of 2016 in Louisiana. CSRS was a subcontractor to Pan-
Participation American Engineers for this project. (2018-2019)
• Federal Requirements and Client reference: Pat Forbes, Ph.D., Executive Director, Louisiana Office of
Compliance Management Community Development, 617 N. Third Street, Baton Rouge, LA, (206) 915-4144,
• CDBG-DR Subject Matter Expert
BREC Disaster Recovery Management, Baton Rouge Parks &
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Recreation Commission. Baton Rouge, LA. Senior Project Manager.
• With Firm: 3 Years Ms. Bonnaffons provided grants management and program management
• Total: 26 Years
for implementing the design and construction phases of the Recovery Plan,
coordinating funding from FEMA PA program. She applied her disaster recovery
management expertise to ensure that all scope of services tasks were
completed in compliance with applicable policies, procedures, and applicable
state and federal agency regulations. (2016-2017)
Client reference: Corey Wilson, Superintendent, BREC, 6201 Florida Blvd., Baton
Rouge, LA, (225) 272-9200,

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Stacy Bonnaffons

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

City of New York Office of Management and Budget (Hagerty Consulting). New York, NY. Senior Grants
Advisor/Subject Matter Expert. Ms. Bonnaffons served as a subject matter expert to the New York City Hurricane Sandy
Recovery project for implementation of programs funded by the CDBG-DR funds allocated by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in response to Superstorm Sandy. NYC OMB is responsible for the management
and oversight of all aspects of the city’s CDBG-DR allocation including Action Plan and Amendments, program design,
metrics and reporting, and federal compliance. (2015-2016)
Client reference: Calvin Johnson, Assistant Director, New York Office of Management and Budget, 255 Greenwich St., 8th Fl.,
New York, NY, (917) 822-4321,
State of New Jersey Sandy Recovery Program, NJ Department of Community Affairs. Statewide, NJ.
Assistant Commissioner. Led the post-disaster management of recovery efforts utilizing $4.1B of CDBG-DR funds
from HUD. Developed strategy and design of programs in response to environmental and recovery needs, considering
impacts of climate change and sea level rise. Developed the staffing structure for effective operations for the completely
new Sandy Recovery Division. Led the development of performance metrics and oversight of accountability for tracking
and reporting results. Coordinated the rapid launch of 17 recovery programs within one month of federal grant
allocation approval. Provided direction and oversight for the needs assessment, Action Plan and Amendments, program
design, engagement with partner agencies, nonprofits, and community organizations, and ensuring public access,
while closely monitoring compliance and adherence to State and federal standards and requirements. Managed
and supported various levels of audit from the Office of Inspector General, HUD Monitors, and internal auditors. For
the State’s largest homeowner rebuilding program with over $1.3B of funds, directly led the launch of contracts for
application intake, construction and IT management. (2013-2015)
Client reference: Charles Richman, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, 101 South Broad St., Trenton,
NJ, (609) 292-6420,
Louisiana Recovery Authority/Office of Community Development. Statewide, LA. Chief of Staff and Deputy
Director. Managed strategy, policy, and efficient implementation of housing, infrastructure and economic development
recovery programs supporting the State’s mission to build back “safer, stronger, and smarter;” assisting in the
effective administration of over $13B in federal recovery assistance received because of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita,
Gustav, Ike, and Isaac. Provided direction and operational management in the development of policies, budgets,
and implementation for over $1B of recovery programs after Hurricanes Gustav and Ike; coordinating with 53 local
governments and leveraging resources from other federal, private, and non-profit sources. Instituted a performance
tracking system to provide real-time program visibility and ensure timely expenditure of funds. Monitored federal
compliance and close-out of several programs under CDBG-DR funding. (2009-2013)
Client reference: Pat Forbes, Executive Director, Louisiana Office of Community Development, LaSalle Building, 6th Fl., 617 N.
3rd St., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 219-9600,

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Bill Mykins, RA, LEED AP

PHONE. (202) 289-4455
1140 Connecticut Ave., NW, Ste. 400, Washington, DC 20036 |

Mr. Mykins has 31 years of experience in the design and construction industry.
Since joining Brailsford & Dunlavey in 2005, he has served as project executive
on various high-profile strategic planning and implementation assignments for
higher education and municipal clients. His proven track record of successfully
delivering complex and fast-track projects through multiple delivery methods
enables him to provide a unique perspective throughout the entire project
EDUCATION development process. Mr. Mykins spent his early career as a design architect
• BA, 1988, Architecture, Kansas with HOK Sport (now Populous) and transitioned to construction management
State University with Barton Malow, where he served as senior project manager focusing on
design-build project delivery.
• 2004, Leadership in Energy &
Environmental Design (LEED) Relevant and Related Experience
Accredited Professional
City Park of New Orleans Tad Gormley Stadium Development Plan. New
• Registered Architect (Missouri)
Orleans, LA. Project Executive. Advising City Park on the transformation of the
outdated Tad Gormley Stadium and the surrounding area into a fully functional
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS and accessible health and wellness center for the community. Tasks include
• ACE Mentorship Program DC identifying the appropriate program and financing options. (2019-Present)
Affiliate – Board Member Client Reference: Sarah Olivier, Director of Planning, New Orleans City Park, 1 Palm
Drive, New Orleans, LA, (504) 483-9409,
RFK Stadium Redevelopment Advisory Services. Washington, DC. Project
• LEED / Sustainability
Executive. Led a comprehensive redevelopment planning process to identify
• Alternative Funding Sources the range of possibilities for a revitalized RFK campus – 190 acres focused on
• Strategic Planning health/wellness, recreation, and community connectivity. Continuing to lead
• Architecture a team of consultants in developing a comprehensive master plan, taking into
• Project Management account the multiple stakeholders and funding sources involved in the project.
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Client Reference: Greg O’Dell, President and Chief Executive Officer, Events DC, 801
Mount Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC, (202) 249-3000, godell@dcconvention.
• With Firm: 14 Years
• Total: 31 Years
City of Jackson Arena Development Plan. Jackson, MS. Project Executive.
Advised the city on a plan for a new downtown sports and entertainment venue
by completing a market and financial analysis, site evaluation, financing and
funding analysis, and economic and fiscal impact study. Identified and analyzed
public and private sources of funding for the arena. The findings indicated that
the most viable funding sources included restaurant and hotel taxes—known
in the state as “tourism and economic development taxes”—and a state-level
tourism rebate program. (2012-2013)
Client Reference: Carl F. Allen, Deputy Director of City Planning, City of Jackson, 200
S. President St., Jackson, MS, (601) 960-2370,

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Stephen Chustz
PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

After nearly 30 years of environmental management and advisory experience

within state government, Mr. Chustz entered the private sector as an
environmental consultant. He provides program management and executive
level expertise on all matters related to natural resource development and
oversight, as well as the capital outlay process. His experience in leading
development and implementation of habitat restoration and access projects
EDUCATION offers clients a wealth of knowledge and expertise to clients in need of
• BS, Geology, University of environmental resource solutions.
Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette,
LA, 1984
Relevant and Related Experience
LED Site Certification Program. Statewide, LA. Governmental &
• Environmental Consulting Environmental Advisor. Louisiana Economic Development (LED) designed a
• Water Quality Strategic Sites Inventory (SSI) program for the State of Louisiana to increase
• Environmental Regulatory Processes the number of development-ready sites and position those sites to compete for
• Remediation and win economic development driver projects. CSRS performs research and
• Emergency Response provides critical high-level information such as base flood elevation analysis,
land use and zoning analysis, and wetlands and environmental analysis to
• Project Management
determine feasibility of advancing the site forward to a detailed due diligence
• Governmental Relations and full certification process. Mr. Chustz provides advisory services based on
• Process Analysis his many years of environmental and governmental experience. The program
is ongoing, and to date, over 50 sites have gone through the full detailed due
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE diligence process and completed certification. (2018 – Present)
• With Firm: Consultant (2 Years) Client reference: Larry Henson, Director of Business Intelligence, Louisiana
• Total: 31 Years Economic Development, 1051 North Third St., Baton Rouge, LA, (225) 342-1135,
Outcome Based Solutions, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA. President. Mr. Chustz
serves as the President of the Baton Rouge-based environment consulting
firm. He provides environmental, governmental relations, process analysis, and
issues management advisory and consulting services. (2016 – Present).
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. Baton Rouge, LA. Secretary.
Mr. Chustz served as the Agency Head and member of Governor’s Cabinet. He
directed and oversaw activities related to Natural Resource Development and
Management in the State of Louisiana. Mr. Chustz led emergency response
efforts related to DNR responsibilities for several major incidents. (2008 – 16)
Office of Coastal Management. Statewide. Assistant Secretary. Mr. Chustz
served as the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Coastal Management. He
directed and managed all program activities and served as Director of the
Atchafalaya Basin Program. (2011 – 12)
Office of Coastal Management and Director of Atchafalaya Basin
Program. Statewide. Deputy Assistant Secretary. Mr. Chustz served as
the principal assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Coastal
Management. He oversaw and managed program activities. He served
as Director of the Atchafalaya Basin Program leading development and
implementation of habitat restoration and access projects. (2008 – 11)

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Stephen Chustz

Relevant and Related Experience Continued

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. Baton Rouge, LA. Underground Storage Tank Division,
Administrator. Mr. Chustz led LDEQ’s Underground Storage Tank Program overseeing a staff of 42 scientists and
administrative assistants. He also led LDEQ’s efforts to ensure compliance with federal Energy Act requirements. (2007
– 2008)
Environmental Technology Division. Statewide. Senior Environmental Scientist. Mr. Chustz oversaw investigation
and remediation of high profile projects that involved litigation. He advised Secretary and Deputy Secretary of LDEQ
on Ground Water Management Commission issues and led LDEQ’s Corrective Action Group in development of its Risk
Evaluation/Corrective Action Program (RECAP). (2001 – 07)
Ground Water Protection Division. Statewide. Geologist Supervisor. Mr. Chustz managed staff of Geologists,
led LDEQ’s re-engineering of the Remediation Process, and led LDEQ’s development and promulgation of RECAP
Regulations. (1997 – 2001)
Ground Water Protection Division/Aquifer Evaluation & Protection Section. Statewide. Program Manager.
Mr. Chustz managed a staff of Geologists and Environmental Scientists and assisted with development of the Source
Water Assessment Program. (1987 – 97)
Ground Water Protection Division. Statewide. Geologist. Mr. Chustz oversaw the investigation and remediation of
numerous ground water contamination cases and participated in the development of regulations and guidance related
to ground water issues. (1989 – 96)
Water Pollution Control Division Enforcement Section. Statewide. Environmental Scientist. Mr. Chustz issued
and oversaw compliance orders regarding surface water violations and participated in development of computerized
compliance monitoring system. (1987 – 89)

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Keith Boeneke, PMP

PHONE. (225) 769-0546
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 |

Mr. Boeneke is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and has

specific expertise in Coastal Protection and Restoration Projects. He has
extensive experience in managing large federally funded programs, urban and
regional planning, environmental consulting, and Quality System Management
(ISO 9001). His 24 years of experience spans multi-discipline projects including
coastal protection and restoration, program and project management,
EDUCATION environmental consulting, and environmental project QA/QC.
• MBA, Louisiana State University, As a Senior Project Manager at CSRS, Mr. Boeneke’s daily responsibilities
include working closely with clients and stakeholders to develop project
• BS, Environmental Science,
objectives, coordination of resources and ensuring successful project execution.
Louisiana State University, 1994

TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS Relevant and Related Experience

• 2013, Project Management
Professional, PMP No. 1572228 Louisiana Watershed Initiative. Statewide. Program Manager. CSRS is one
of the state’s program management consultants for the Louisiana Watershed
• EPA Orientation to Quality Assurance
Management and Data Quality Initiative (LWI), which is primarily funded with $1.2B in CDBG-Mitigation funding
Objectives, March 2009 allocated to Louisiana. As Program Manager, Mr. Boeneke manages the day-to-
day operations of CSRS’ team working on the LWI, including coordinating with
• NORM Radiation Surveying and
Control Certification stage agencies, regional stakeholders, and subconsultants to provide resources
for program and regional strategy development. The LWI seeks to manage future
• Hazardous Material Transportation
flood risk in Louisiana through watershed-based solutions and is overseen by
Including RCRA Waste Manifesting
(DOT 49 CFR 172.704 & RCRA 40 the Governor’s five-agency Council on Watershed Management.
CFR Part 262/263) Client reference: Alex Carter, Resilience Planning Manager, Louisiana Office of
• Excavation Safety (OSHA 29 CFR Community Development, 617 N. Third Street, Baton Rouge, LA, (504) 556-9735,
• ASTM Risk-Based Corrective Action Technical Assistance for Disaster Recovery Grant Opportunities,
• RCRA Fundamentals Critical HMGP Funding, Drainage, and Resiliency. Central, LA. Project Manager.
Generator Issues Since joining CSRS in January 2017, Mr. Boeneke has become increasingly
involved in all tasks associated with the technical assistance activities for the
AREAS OF EXPERTISE City of Central resulting from the Great Flood of August 2016. Mr. Boeneke now
• Environmental Consulting leads the overall effort as CSRS’ Project Manager. (2017-Present)
• QA/QC The primary technical assistance tasks include:
• Project Management • Damage Assessments, Project Worksheet (PW) Creation, FEMA negotiation
–thus far, the City has received more than $6M from FEMA in response to PW
• With Firm: 2 Years • Management of initiation and day to day operations of the drain cleaning of
• Total: 24 Years more than 120 miles of drainage ways throughout the City;
• HMGP application support for $13.7M allocated to the City of Central; and
• Master Drainage Plan –to establish existing conditions, conduct modeling,
identify deficiencies, develop a prioritized list of projects and establish a
maintenance program.
Client Reference: David Barrow, Mayor, City of Central, Louisiana, 13421 Hooper Rd,
Ste. 9, Central, LA, (225) 262-5000

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Keith Boeneke, PMP


Relevant and Related Experience Continued

Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement Project, OCD-DRU. Terrebonne Parish, LA. Project Manager. HUD awarded
the Louisiana Office of Community Development $48M in CDBG-NDR funds for the voluntary resettlement of the Isle de
Jean Charles (IDJC) community, located on an island along Louisiana’s coast that has lost over 90 percent of its land
mass. Mr. Boeneke led the performing the analysis of future conditions and uses on the Island. (2017-2018)
Client Reference: Mathew Sanders, Resilience Program & Policy Administrator, State of Louisiana Division of Administration,
Office of Community Development, PO Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA, (504) 556-9787, mathew.sanders@LA.GOV
Calcasieu Parish Transportation Initiative. Calcasieu Parish, LA. Project Manager. Mr. Boeneke provided
management of Phase I and transition to Phase II of a $175M transportation initiative in Calcasieu Parish. The project
includes a variety of highway improvements at five sites within the Parish. Improvements include: widening, re-striping,
roundabouts, intersection improvements, ATS and signal upgrades. CSRS’ general scope of services includes creating
a program delivery management plan, technical assistance with procurement activities, and oversight related to the
design and construction phases of the project. The program commenced in 2016 and is projected to end in 2025.
Client reference: Timothy Conner, Parish Engineer, Calcasieu Parish Policy Jury, PO Box 1583, Lake Charles, LA, (337) 721-4100,
Louisiana Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority (CPRA), Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection,
and Restoration Act (CWPPRA). Coastal Zone of LA. Program Manager. Mr. Boeneke served as an extension of
staff for the Louisiana CPRA between August 2013 and May 2015 and provided project management support for a
portfolio of eleven projects funded by CWPPRA. The projects were located throughout the coastal zone of Louisiana
from Cameron Parish to Plaquemines Parish and commonly involved the following tasks: planning and managing the
engineering and design process in coordination with the Federal Sponsor; restoring and nourishing marsh habitat;
restoring or protecting coastal fisheries habitat as part of project design; protecting biological marine resources in and
near the Gulf of Mexico during project design and the construction process; overseeing and/or reviewing contractor
field operations; contract management, oversight and evaluation including specific task development; project related
permitting and regulatory compliance associated with the coastal zone; and, working in concert and coordination with
federal partners, landowners, local government, and State interests as well as non-profits such as conservation groups.
Client reference: Andrew Beall, Project Management Administrator, CPRA, 150 Terrace Ave., Baton Rouge, (225) 342-4550;

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Clients needing assistance with RELEVANT SCOPE EXPERIENCE

projects that are supported by

Multiple Stakeholders
Community Amenities
multiple funding sources can
expect successful results from

Complex Funding

B&D | CSRS because we:


and Spaces

 Understand client needs and
have a company resume and staff
resumes that include substantial
proven project experience; The LSU Foundation | Nicholson Gateway   
 Understand complex funding Baton Rouge Lakes Flood Risk
 
structures and have established Reduction Project
program management methods Port Wonder Development
that help maximize existing funds   
Program Management
and identify alternative funding
MovEBR New Capacity Improvements    
BREC Recovery Program
 Have strong program management   
and Grants Management
success on complex multi-faceted
projects with aggressive schedules Isle de Jean Charles Community
   
Resettlement Program
 Have positive working
relationships with multiple City Park of New Orleans    
stakeholders and project RFK Stadium Campus Redevelopment    
beneficiaries Foster City Lagoon Dredging  
B&D | CSRS’ team offers REFF the Mississippi River Long Distance
right ingredients for efficient project  
Sediment Pipeline (MRLDSP)
implementation and continued
success for the future. More than
architects and engineers, we CPRA Grants Management   
are funding specialists, client Mississippi CIAP   
advisors and advocates. Your
Baton Rouge Sanitary Sewer
goals are our goals!  
Overflow Program
BREC Zoo Master Plan   
St. James Recreation Master Plan   

PHOTO BY: Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM, CSRS GIS Lead

DATE: 12/11/2019 R E Q U E S T F O R P R O P O S A L S : U N I V E R S I T Y L A K E S P R O J E C T A D V I S O R • 55
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The University Lakes project is one such endeavor

According to the Urban Institute, city and that stands to benefit local and state government,
state government play a vital role in community area businesses, the environment itself and people
development initiatives, neighborhood revitalization of all walks of life, if implemented efficiently and
and land use planning that contribute to the overall effectively. For overall success of the Lakes Master
health, safety, and quality of life for both citizens and Plan implementation to take place, funding from
visitors. Government’s responsibility is monumental sources including: BREC, LSU TAF, CDBG, EBR
and often misunderstood, as people often do not City-Parish, LA DOA, LADOTD, and CPRA
is paramount.
recognize the complexity of not only allocating project
funds, but also efficiently managing the use of such The below graphic depicts B&D | CSRS’ connectivity
funds for the good of all stakeholders. It is important to the Stakeholders contributing to the Lakes Project.
for local private investors and supporters to pitch in These Stakeholders are directly linked to the many
to help deliver important neighborhood programs that successful projects that B&D | CSRS’ team showcases
serve multiple purposes. as examples of significant experience of similar size
and scope as outlined in the RFP.

L. “Chris”
Mark Goodson
Williams, PE

Michael B. Songy,
Walter Stacy Bonnaffons
Monsour Steve Chustz
Mark Goodson

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The LSU Foundation | Nicholson Gateway SERVICES PROVIDED

• Owner Representation
BATON ROUGE, LA • Development Advisory
• Development Management
• Construction Management
LSU Nicholson Gateway, the 28-acre site located between West Chimes Street and
Skip Bertman Drive, has transformed the largest remaining underdeveloped tract of
University property that is adjacent to the campus core. In early development, it was PROJECT VALUE
widely recognized as one of the largest on-campus Public-Private Partnerships (P3) in the • $227M - Nicholson Gateway
nation and has since become a place that feels like a part of the university, rather than & Spruce Hall
a service-oriented bypass. Vacant and underused sites now house new campus facilities • $80M (Phase II) Greenhouse
(including 1,530 beds of apartment style student housing, structured parking and District
48,000 sq. ft. of retail space), and an improved landscape creating a sense of arrival. • $177M (Phase III)
Greenhouse District
The Greenhouse District is a combination of areas on campus and off campus, the Kirby
Smith site along the northern edge, the old Greenhouse site near the Student Recreation SCHEDULE
Center, and raw undeveloped land off campus along Ben Hur Road. These sites will be
• 2015-18 (Phase I)
transformed to either new on-campus student housing, inclusive of demolition of old
• 2018-20 (Phase II)
housing stock, relocation of an outdated agriculture center to a newly built facility and
• 2020-23 (Phase III)
provide upgrades to type and style of campus housing, landscaping and parkways, and
improve agriculture facilities for future program development.
Services provided by B&D | CSRS to the Foundation fall into the following 3 segments:
• Michael Songy, PE, PLS
Development Advisory: B&D | CSRS’ primary role as Development Advisor was to • Casey Anderson
organize, structure, and facilitate the Public-Private Partnership (P3) between the owner • Brad Noyes
and developer. This process involved conducting stakeholder meetings, reviewing and
• Kim Martin
assessing existing University planning documentation, conducting and verifying market
• Sarah Kellerman, AICP,
research. We also reviewed comprehensive financial models, tested capital costs and LEED GA
phasing and project structure scenarios, analyzed funding strategies, and pre-qualified
developers. Additionally, B&D | CSRS created detailed proposal packages for developer
solicitation, managed proposal questions and responses, evaluated responses,
Dan Layzell
interviewed shortlisted teams, negotiated contractual terms with proposers, and
Executive Vice President for
supported drafting agreement terms. Finance & Administration &
Development Management: B&D | CSRS developed comprehensive project due CFO
diligence and design criteria packages. These packages consisted of property abstractions, Louisiana State University
entitlements, surveys, environmental and soils testing, utility coordination, easements, 3838 West Lakeshore Dr.
flood zones, infrastructure impact analyses, design standards, specifications, submittal Baton Rouge, LA
guidelines, and performance guidelines. Another of B&D | CSRS’ responsibilities was (225) 578-8964
to oversee consultant procurement, administer regulatory reviews, manage design and
constructability reviews, facilitate management committee reviews, and prepare reports.
Construction Management: B&D | CSRS oversaw activities associated with managing
construction quality, project budgets and schedules, status reports, dispute resolution,
and coordination of project closeout needs.
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Pre-Project Max Water Depth 1% AEP Storm Post-Project Max Water Depth 1% AEP Storm

Baton Rouge Lakes Flood Risk Reduction Project SERVICES PROVIDED

• Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling
• Drainage Impact Analysis
• Project Development
As one of its civic initiatives, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF)
• Quality Review
collaborated with local leaders to develop a master plan and has been
championing investment in the Baton Rouge Lakes to improve the lakes’ and
surrounding areas’ environmental health and enhance quality of life. The
Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan primarily addresses two issues: 1) the lakes SCHEDULE
• 2018-19
are in decline and will turn into mudflats if nothing is done; and 2) the lakes
are heavily used for recreation but not designed for it. In the wake of the
Great Floods of 2016, BRAF began to explore the additional role of the lakes FIRM PERSONNEL
in flood risk reduction, both for the areas surrounding the lakes themselves, • Stokka Brown, PE, CFM
and for the larger hydrologic system of which the lakes are a part. • Mark Goodson
• Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM
CSRS was engaged by BRAF to evaluate the Lakes’ potential to provide flood
risk reduction benefits to the community. Utilizing our expertise in resilience, CLIENT REFERENCE
H&H modeling, and design, as well as our familiarity with mitigation funding John Spain
sources, CSRS worked with BRAF to scope additional improvements to the Executive Vice President
Lakes to increase their flood risk reduction capabilities, both upstream and Baton Rouge Area Foundation
downstream. From those scoping recommendations, CSRS developed high 100 North Street, Ste. 900
resolution 2-dimensional hydrodynamic models, developed planning-level Baton Rouge, LA
cost estimates, and performed benefit-cost analyses to position the Lakes (225) 339-3308
project for mitigation funding from several potential sources.

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City Park of New Orleans


The project’s focus is to reposition Tad Gormley Stadium and adjacent parkland within SERVICES PROVIDED
New Orleans’ City Park to enhance the lives of New Orleans community members and • Criteria Setting (Project
visitors. Features of the project include development of a regional health and wellness Definition)
center in partnership with a range of local stakeholders (not yet released publicly as • Master Plan Development &
final agreements have yet to be secured).
• Project Management
B&D is tasked with helping City Park transform its outdated Tad Gormley Stadium and
the surrounding area into a fully functional and accessible health and wellness zone SCHEDULE
for the community. As program manager, B&D is identifying the appropriate program • 2018-Present
and partners for the effort, along with financing options that are in the city’s best
With an outdated stadium and available adjacent land within the crown jewel of • Bill Mykins, RA, LEED AP
its park system, the city of New Orleans was seeking the optimal transformation of
portions of City Park to support healthy living and community engagement. Due to CLIENT REFERENCE
limited funding available, the city also needed creative ways to identify additional Sarah Olivier
Director of Planning
funding sources/financing/partnerships in order to accomplish its goals.
New Orleans City Park
As the city’s program manager for this initiative, B&D was tasked with setting initial 1 Palm Drive
criteria for the appropriate redevelopment to provide the benefits the city was seeking New Orleans, LA
while also preserving the character of City Park. While master planning for the park’s (504) 483-9409
future, B&D is in the process of building support and seeking funding sources/
partners among neighborhood groups, the nonprofit community, local corporate
interests and other stakeholders. The firm is using the transformational opportunity for
City Park to attract a range of partners not typically drawn to such a setting.

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Port Wonder Development Program Management SERVICES PROVIDED

• Traffic impact studies
• Geotechnical investigations
• Schematic landscape design
Port Wonder, LLC is moving forward with implementing the previously solicited and
• Phase I ESAs
executed design for the Port Wonder mixed-use development within the City of Lake
• Community engagement
Charles. The building’s design will develop through coordination between the Port
• Funding plan (P3)
Wonder, LLC team, the City of Lake Charles, the Children’s Museum of Lake Charles,
the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), and primary donors.
CSRS was selected as the Program Manager for this multi-use facility created to
• $20M
promote economic development and provide aesthetically pleasing cultural and
educational activities for residents and visitors to enjoy.
CSRS is assisting Port Wonder, LLC with design and construction project • 2019-Present
management. CSRS program management includes, but is not limited to, design,
schedule, budget, and construction management, construction progress, change FIRM PERSONNEL
order oversight and funding oversight throughout the project lifecycle. • Walter Monsour
The LDWF portion of the project is funded through BP Oil Spill Federal Funds • Mark Goodson
managed by Trustee Implementation Group (TIG). The appropriated funds are • William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA
allocated to the project to recover lost educational opportunities which were
available to children and adults through the Southwest Louisiana Region. Combining CLIENT REFERENCE
LDWF’s Nature Center with the Lake Charles Children’s Museum creates an even Donovan Hicks, Esq.
greater educational opportunity for locals and visitors alike. Provident Resources Group
5565 Bankers Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA
(225) 766-3677

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56-Foot Minimum Right-of-way

• Program Management
• Project Management
• Right-of Way Management
& Acquisitions
• Small Business Outreach
Note: Coordinate Street Tree and (DBE participation)
Street Lighting Locations & Spacing to
Minimize Possible Conflicts. • Utility Relocations
• Traffic Modeling
Street Trees
• Corridor Planning
• Project Controls
• Contractor Oversight
Street Lighting
• Community Involvement
• Environmental
• Financial Management
3-Foot Maximum
Height of Vegetation
Porous Porous
Pavement Overflow Pavement PROGRAM VALUE: $800M
8’ Minimum

• 2019-24 (annual contracts
from 2006-19)
5’ One- 5’ One-
Frontage 6’ Furniture way Bike way Bike 6’ Furniture Frontage
Zone 6’ Sidewalk Zone 1’ Lane 10’ Travel Lane 10’ Travel Lane Lane 1’ Zone FIRM PERSONNEL
6’ Sidewalk Zone

E 2-LANE (Option 1: No On-Street Parking) • Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS

MovEBR New Capacity Improvements Projects • Walter Monsour

• Mark Goodson MEDIAN

1-Foot (Edge of Travel Lane to

6-Foot; Rain Gardens Preferred;
5-Foot Wide On-Street Bike Lanes
• William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA
25-MPH 10-Feet 1.5-Foot Minimum Lateral Offset 6-Foot Wide Sidewalk 2.0% NA NA
East Baton Rouge
BOC; Curb City-Parish Department
and Gutter)
for Fixed Objects of Transportation and Drainage (DTD) requested
with Bike Boxes at Intersections • Elif Acar-Chiasson, PE
bids from qualified professional consulting firms to assist with managing the MovEBR • Stokka Brown, PE, CFM
ONS Infrastructure Enhancement and Traffic Mitigation Plan funded through a ½ cent sales
19 tax. The MovEBR New Capacity Improvements Program is a long-term plan to provide Sheet
roadways or existing roadway improvements through additional lane capacity, increased Fred Raiford, PE
turning lane capacity and other constructive measures to improve the City-Parish roadway Director of Transportation and
system’s overall volume capacity. The 40 planned MovEBR improvement projects include
EBR City-Parish, Department
resurfacing, repairing, enclosing drainage ditches, signalization/ synchronization, and other of Public Works
improvements. Program implementation is estimated to cost $800M over a period of 30 PO Box 1471
years. Baton Rouge, LA
CSRS was selected as the Prime Consultant in full charge of Program Management. (225) 389-3159
As Prime Consultant, CSRS’ program responsibilities are to: address issues related to
preconstruction and construction activities including design standards, coordinate between
consultants, contractors, perform right-of-way activities and oversee all tasks that influence
project completion schedules, including protocols and procedures for dispute resolution
between DTD and PM. CSRS is charged with developing and maintaining a rights and
responsibilities matrix, addressing and resolving unexpected program issues, preparing
and reviewing grant packages for state and federal funding opportunities, and developing
CEAs/MOUs with state and local entities.
Upon official MovEBR kick-off CSRS has already established a precedent for open
communications, contingencies for unexpected issues such as weather delays, and use of
lessons learned from its successful GLP project work to use an approach and methodology
that allows for smooth project operation and implementation when dealing with large multi-
discipline teams that must work cohesively to stay on-schedule and on-budget.
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BREC Recovery Program and Grants Management Services SERVICES PROVIDED

• FEMA Damage
• Project Scope and Cost
The Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC) engaged • FEMA Grants Management
CSRS to help manage their recovery efforts as a result of the historic flooding in August • Project Management
2016 that significantly damaged its facilities and park infrastructure. Faced with the • Reimbursement
daunting task of recovering from the disaster and bringing its recreational facilities Management
and community programs back on-line in a quick and efficient manner, BREC selected • Program Monitoring and
CSRS to provide guidance through the entire disaster recovery process. From initial Oversight
damage assessments, to grant preparation and administration, and program closeout, • Coordination of Multiple
Funding Sources
CSRS’ team managed and provided quality control for all facets of the grant and project
• Project and Grants
management process for BREC. CSRS’ single-contractor approach has ensured full Closeout
collaboration with BREC to maintain critical communication and speed decision making. • CDBG-DR Match Program
CSRS provides federal grant reimbursable FEMA program technical expertise to assist
BREC with the numerous and complex grants and project management tasks. CSRS
used its streamlined recovery program approach to ensure a successful recovery PROGRAM VALUE: $6.2M
for the diverse components of the BREC park system consisting over 120 individual
park locations, with unique features from recreation centers, wildlife conservation SCHEDULE: 2016-19
areas, and a specialized arboretum. CSRS’ specific scope of services has included
Program Management, Design Phase Management, Construction Phase Management, FIRM PERSONNEL
Subcontractor Management, Field Inspections, Damage Cost Estimating, Scope of • Stacy Bonnaffons
Work Development, Project Controls/Scheduling, Project Reporting, QA/QC, Grant • Allison Davis Atkinson
Administration Compliance, and Project Close-out.
Corey Wilson
• CSRS identified FEMA incorrectly applied the NFIP-reduction to BREC’s Heavy Superintendent
Equipment PW, therefore $39K was re-obligated to the project. BREC
• CSRS justified and obtained a policy waiver from FEMA to allow BREC to participate in 6201 Florida Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA
the PAAP 428 program even though some work had been completed within the parks.
(225) 273-6420
• After providing detailed justifications, CSRS convinced FEMA to use appropriate
cost estimating factors (CEF) to determine repair estimates throughout the parks by
applying factors by individual site vs by site grouping, which provided BREC the highest
estimated cost possible and was consistent with how work was to be completed.
• CSRS justified an increase of $263K to the Lovett/Church PW to FEMA, showing the
“means and methods” used by BREC to remove and replace construction materials
should be eligible.
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Isle de Jean Charles Community Resettlement Program SERVICES PROVIDED

• Program Management
• Stakeholder communications
• Desktop Environmental Analysis
Isle de Jean Charles (IDJC) is a place of exceptional beauty, biodiversity and deep
• Design
cultural roots. Though its physical landscape is a narrow strip of beautiful marshland
• Cost estimates
off the Louisiana Coast, as with much of the Gulf Coast Region, the Island’s beauty
• Geotechnical investigation
cannot protect it from the natural and man-made disasters that have eroded its rich
• Surveying
soil. Having lost 98% of its land mass over the past 60 years, the U.S. Department
• Traffic Impact Study
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has provided resources to assist the IDJC
• Master Planning
residents to develop a new settlement that offers economic, environmental, cultural
• Design Development
and social sustainability for not only current residents, but future generations as well.
• Bidding & Construction
With an awareness of the sensitive nature of such an endeavor and of the importance Administration
of maintaining cultures and traditions, CSRS, performed a number of tasks in Phase II
to complete a comprehensive Community Master Plan for the relocation of the island’s PROJECT COST
residents to a new, culturally intact, and more resilient home, including: • $48M
• Overall program management for the delivery of the Community Master Plan on
time and within budget SCHEDULE
• Survey services for real estate transaction and master plan development • 2017-Present

• Coordinated and managed design, planning, economic analysis, environmental

analysis, wetlands delineation, community engagement and cost estimating
• Mark Goodson
• Recommend alternatives to stakeholders based on careful evaluation of all
• Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS
attributes related to each alternative
• Keith Boeneke, PMP
• Deliver final plans and 35% site development drawings. • William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA
Phase III of the project is currently underway, and CSRS was again selected as the • Mark Forsyth, GIS, CFM
prime contractor. As a condition of the project’s funding, the new community must
be completed, and funds expended, by September 2022. CSRS is leading a multi- CLIENT REFERENCE
disciplinary team to provide the following services to help the State meet this deadline: Mathew Sanders
Resilience Program & Policy
• Overall program management
• Topographic survey and subdivision filing plats State of Louisiana Division
• Hydraulic drainage study of Administration, Office of
Community Development
• Final design and construction documents, including trails and recreational facilities
PO Box 94095
• Construction bid support Baton Rouge, LA
• Construction administration (504) 556-9787
• Project completion and closeout services.

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RFK Stadium Campus Redevelopment


The city of Washington, DC is in the process of a long-term transformation of an outdated SERVICES PROVIDED
stadium and the surrounding 190-acre campus into a vibrant mixed-use destination • Program Management
focused on health/wellness, recreation, and community connectivity. The land is owned • Master Plan Development
by the federal government, so the city continues to work with various federal agencies and Programming
(National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, etc) on the appropriate approvals
necessary. The city continues to seek development partnerships with the private sector PROJECT VALUE
and the nonprofit community to diversify the range of offerings available on the site. • $2B+
Another goal of the project is to seamlessly integrate any development on the site into the
surrounding residential neighborhoods, while also connecting with the adjoining effort to SCHEDULE
protect and restore the adjacent Anacostia River. • 2017 - Present

Our team guides the city through a multi-phase transformation of a vast urban parcel of
land featuring an outdated stadium and swaths of parking lots now deemed unnecessary.
• Bill Mykins, RA, LEED AP
B&D has led the initial project definition exercises to identify the short- through long-term
goals and objectives for the project. The firm continues to lead a team of consultants in
developing a comprehensive master plan, taking into account the multiple stakeholders
Greg O’Dell
and funding sources involved in the project. Additionally, B&D is communicating the project President and Chief
vision and community benefits to the myriad stakeholders, taking into account community Executive Officer
and political dynamics at play. Events DC
801 Mount Vernon Place NW
When RFK Stadium’s last tenant vacated in 2018, Washington, DC had both the opportunity Washington, DC
and challenge of determining what was next for the 190-acre campus located just steps (202) 249-3000
from the US Capitol and the city’s monuments and museums. This once-in-a-generation
opportunity to revitalize the city’s eastern core and the adjoining river and parkland required
a coordinated effort focused on building support among a range of stakeholders with
disparate interests on what was the highest-and-best-use for the site.
As program manager, B&D is leading a comprehensive redevelopment master plan (with a
total dollar value exceeding $2B) consisting of a near-term initiative featuring community
recreation and other amenities including bike trails, parks, a public market hall and a new
memorial to Robert F. Kennedy. The longer-term plan calls for additional restoration of the
site, along with sustainable development pending further agreements on disposition of the
land. One of B&D’s primary roles is communicating with, and building consensus among,
a range of stakeholders including neighborhood groups, corporate interests, the federal
government and other funding sources in order to maximize the site’s transformation.

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Foster City Lagoon Dredging


The Foster City Lagoon is a man-made drainage basin created at the time of the city’s SERVICES PROVIDED
incorporation by filling marshes and mudflats and improving the original tidal sloughs • Dredging Engineering
to serve as drainage basins. Sluice gates allow tidal waters from the San Francisco • Civil Engineering
Bay to enter the lagoon, and stormwater runoff from most of the city is discharged • Spoils Removal
into the lagoon via storm drains. The tidal waters had deposited sediment in several • Planning
areas within the lagoon system, resulting in shallower depths that reduced the outlet • Agency Coordination
capacity of the storm drains. Ultimately, this created water quality problems and
navigation concerns for recreational boaters. Approximately 100,000 cubic yards of PROJECT VALUE
sediment needed to be dredged from the lagoon system to restore original lagoon • $4M
design depths.
M&N was selected as the prime consultant to provide engineering consulting services
• 1996 - 2004
over an 8-year period. The firm was responsible for preparing technical studies,
overseeing Capital Improvement Plan planning and budgeting, evaluating alternatives,
developing preliminary and final designs for the dredging and disposal sites, providing
• Jack A. Fink, PE
permitting assistance and CEQA support, performing construction inspections and
management, and leading public outreach. The firm also directed subconsultant
efforts involving sediment characterization, geotechnical services, surveying, and
Ray Towne
biological evaluations.
City of Foster City
M&N provided design services between 1996 and 2004. Construction began in 2003 610 Foster City Blvd.,
and ended 2004. The total construction budget was approximately $4M. The project Foster City, CA 94404
was completed on schedule and within budget. (650) 877-8551
The Foster City Lagoon is location in a highly urbanized environment surrounded by
homes, condos, a park, and commercial areas. M&N had to develop a plan to get
equipment to and material from the site was a challenge. We worked with the City to
develop a construction plan that minimized the burden on surrounding residents while
we completed this important project.
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Mississippi River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline (MRLDSP)


Under contract to the Louisiana CPRA, M&N provided feasibility planning, coastal, SERVICES PROVIDED
civil, hydraulic and dredging engineering, design, permitting, and construction • Feasibility Planning
administration and inspection for the MRLDSP. M&N initially prepared a concept • Engineering, Design
development and planning report that laid out the engineering and scientific • Permitting
analyses that drove the conceptual design, hydrodynamic modeling, sediment • Construction Administration
budgets, constructability reviews, dredging equipment evaluation and specifications,
construction cost estimates, and implementation schedule for the selected project PROJECT VALUE
alternative within the available construction budget. • $7.3M (E&D)
• $100M (Construction)
Ultimately, the MRLDSP project laid 13 miles of pipeline that established a 13-mile
permanent corridor from the Mississippi River Borrow Sites to the placement area.
At the completion of the project, over 12 million cubic yards of sediment have been
• 2009 - 2016
hydraulically dredged and placed to create and restore over 1,100 acres of intertidal
marsh habitat at strategic locations in the Barataria Land Bridge. Indented to facilitate
the delivery of additional restoration projects, since completion another 16 mcyds and
• L. “Chris” Williams
1,500-acres are scheduled to utilize the corridor to extend further into the regional
• Jack A. Fink, PE
A key project constraint was balancing available sediment volumes budgets. By CLIENT REFERENCE
working with the USACE, M&N was able to achieve a first of its kind cut depth of Maury Chatellier
-90 ft for the project permit, thereby doubling the available sediment volume within Coastal Protection & Restoration
the permitted borrow area and not impacting USACE emergency construction of Authority
the Mississippi river Saltwater Barrier Sill. In addition, throughout the projects 450 Laurel Street
construction, M&N met regularly with the dredging contractors and industry Baton Rouge, LA
representatives for value engineering ide development. (225) 342-6504

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Rate Categories: Engagement Partner $275.00
In accordance with RFP page 11
requirements, all B&D | CSRS Project Lead $245.00
proposed staff have been assigned
Senior Analyst $235.00
the following categories, with an
hourly rate provided for each. Analyst $150.00




Project Execution Plan Development 12 116 92 14 234 $ 55,440.00

Risk/Benefit Identification 12 38 68 8 126 $ 29,790.00
Funding 2 36 46 0 84 $ 20,180.00
Funding Plan Development 8 90 32 0 130 $ 31,870.00
Full Stakeholder Coordination 4 164 4 22 194 $ 45,520.00
Designer or Design Team Selection and Engagement 4 100 26 6 136 $ 32,610.00
Communications and Outreach Plan Development 0 22 12 0 34 $ 8,210.00
Additional Potential Funding Source Identification 0 2 104 0 106 $ 24,930.00
PHASE I TOTAL 42 568 384 50 1,044 $ 248,550.00
Public Relations Services Budget (Firm to be selected upon approval by UL) $ 10,000.00
Reimbursable Budget (Travel, Lodging, Meals, Reproductions)* $ 12,000.00

* B&D | CSRS will use best efforts to keep reimbursable expenses minimal

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Outreach Plan Development

Additional Potential Funding

Selection And Engagement
Risk/Benefit Identification

Designer or Design Team

Communications and

Source Identification
Plan Development
Project Execution

Full Stakeholder
Funding Plan

Project/Program Management, Conceptual Design, Master
Engagement Planning, Roadway Design, Client Representation, Civil
Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS Partner
32 10 12 2 4 4
Engineering, Feasibility Studies, 3rd-Party Reviewer, Land
Public-Private Partnerships, Alternative Funding Sources,
Brad Noyes Partner
Strategic Planning, Architecture, Project Management, Real 10 2 8
Estate Development
Project/Program Management, Brownfields Redevelopment, Real
Mark Goodson Project Lead Estate Transactions, Community Outreach, Resilience Planning, 114 60 8 12 10 4 4 12 4
Land Banking, Public Finance & Alternative Financing
Senior Construction Management, Owner Representation, Project
Casey Anderson Analyst
342 80 10 10 12 130 80 20
Public-Private Partnerships, Alternative Funding Sources,
Kim Martin Project Lead 130 16 10 70 30 4
Strategic Planning, Project Management
Specialized dredging expertise, beneficial use and early
L. “Chris” Williams, PE Project Lead 40 8 28 4
contractor involvement approaches to sediment management
Senior Dredging Engineering, Dredging Contractor Experience, In-house
Jack A. Fink, PE Analyst
54 8 38 8
Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) Capabilities, Cost Estimating
Senior Floodplain Management, Hydraulic and Hydrologic (H&H)
Stokka Brown, PE, CFM Analyst
22 2 18 2
Landscape Architect, Project Management, Community &
William J. “Jeff” Bell, PLA Analyst 4 2 2
Recreational Master Planning, Construction Cost Evaluation
LEED/Sustainability, Public-Private Partnerships, Alternative
Sarah Kellerman, AICP,
Analyst Funding Sources, Strategic Planning, Architecture, Urban 24 4 20
LEED GA Planning & Design, Project Management

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Outreach Plan Development

Additional Potential Funding

Selection And Engagement
Risk/Benefit Identification

Designer or Design Team

Communications and

Source Identification
Plan Development
Project Execution

Full Stakeholder
Funding Plan

Geo-environmental/Geotechnical Engineering, Design-Build
Elif Acar-Chiasson, PE Project Lead 14 2 12
Project Delivery, Project Management, Construction Management
Senior Civil/Traffic Engineering, Complete Streets, Pedestrian and
April Renard, PE, PTOE Analyst
18 2 4 2 10
Bicycle Safety
GIS, Environmental Management, Drone Pilot, floodplain
Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM Analyst 10 4 4 2
subject matter expertise
Phase I ESAs/Due Diligence, Clean Water Act Permitting,
Kimberly Arcement Analyst 8 4 4
NEPA/NHPA Compliance
Rhaoul Guillaume, Sr., PE, Senior Project management, Civil and structural engineering,
4 4
FASCE Analyst recreational parks experience
James “Drew” Walsh, PE, Project management, Civil Engineering Design and
Analyst 4 4
PMP Construction Management
Government Advisory, Procurement Law, Contract
Walter Monsour Project Lead 20 6 0 4 4 4 2
Negotiations, Public Finance, Land Development
Grants Management and Closeout, FEMA policies and regulations,
Allison Davis Atkinson Project Lead 22 4 12 4 2
Intergovernmental coordination, Public procurement
Program Development and Implementation Management,
Senior Grants Management, Community Outreach and Public
Stacy Bonnaffons Analyst
128 8 24 12 4 80
Participation, Federal Requirements and Compliance
Management, CDBG-DR Subject Matter Expert
Senior LEED/Sustainability, Alternative Funding Sources, Strategic
Bill Mykins, RA, LEED AP Analyst
10 10
Planning, Architecture, Project Management
Environmental Consulting, Project Management,
Stephen Chustz Analyst 6 4 2
Governmental Relations, Process Analysis
Keith Boeneke, PMP Analyst
Environmental Consulting, QA/QC, Project Management 28 4 10 4 10

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Phase I - LSU Lakes Project Schedule


Contract Award

Project Execution Plan Development

Risk/Benefit Identification

Analyze Funding Sources/Requirements

Funding Plan Development

Full Stakeholder Coordination

Designer or Design Team Selection and Engagement

Communications and Outreach Plan Development

Additional Potential Funding Source Identification

PHOTO BY: Mark Forsyth, GISP, CFM, CSRS GIS Lead

DATE: 12/11/2019

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The B&D | CSRS Team Checks All of the Boxes


3 Team member firms have combined 150+ years of

engineering experience
Specific comparable engineering 3 Complex dredging, recreational, mobility, water and
experience of the firm(s) environmental project experience
3 Comparable projects: Foster City Lagoon Dredging and
Mississippi River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline

3 Team member firms have combined 65+ years of Project

and Program Management experience
Specific comparable compliance
3 Managed over $5 billion in recovery funding
& general project management 20
experience of the firm(s) 3 Comparable projects: Nicholson Gateway, MovEBR,
Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement Program, and
New Orleans City Park

3 Proposed engineer staff members have combined 200+

Specific comparable engineering years of experience
experience of the assigned 20 3 Individual proposed personnel experience includes MovEBR,
personnel Green Light Plan, Baton Rouge Lakes, Upper Barataria Marsh
Creation, Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, Central Sports Park

3 Project Lead has over 15 years of experience including Isle

de Jean Charles Resettlement Program, Louisiana Watershed
Specific comparable compliance & Initiative, Baton Rouge Lakes, and BREC Resilience Strategy
project management experience of 20 3 Project Managers have combined 39 years of comparable
the personnel experience including Nicholson Gateway, Federal City,
and experience on over 75 higher education and municipal

3 B&D, 50% partner of B&D | CSRS, LLC, is a nationally

certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) by the Capital
Region Minority Supplier Development Council

Diverse supplier initiative 10 3 GOTECH, Inc., is a certified Disadvantaged Business

Enterprise (DBE) by the Louisiana Unified Certification
Program and bona fide Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
by the National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.
and the Louisiana Minority Supplier Development Council

Fee proposal and Staffing Plan 10 3 Fee proposal and staffing plan listed on pages 67 - 69

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