Experiment 01-Cse310

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Experiment No: 01

Experiment Study of the common emi&er characteris9cs of an npn transistor


Submi&ed by:
Name: Jahidul Karim Palash

Id: 2110492

Course: Cse310-L (sec9on: - 1)

Submi&ed to: Sheikh Saif Simran

This laboratory experiment focuses on studying the common emi7er characteris8cs of an NPN
transistor. Transistors are fundamental components in electronic circuits, and understanding
their behavior in different configura8ons is crucial for various applica8ons. The experiment
specifically delves into the common emi7er (CE) configura8on, where the emi7er is common
between the input and output terminals.
The objec8ves include:
• Understanding transistor characteris8cs.
• Observing the common emi7er characteris8cs of an NPN transistor.
• Obtaining input and output characteris8cs by varying voltages and currents in the
The experiment involves seIng up the circuit for both input and output characteris8cs,
varying voltages (VBB, VCC) and currents (1b) systema8cally, and recording corresponding
readings of voltages (Vbe, Vce) and currents (1b, lc). These observa8ons are used to plot input
and output characteris8c curves to analyze the transistor's behavior in the common emi7er

Input Characteris9cs:
To analyze the input characteris8cs of the NPN transistor in the common emi7er
configura8on, the following steps were undertaken:

• The experimental setup involved configuring the transistor in a common

emi7er arrangement. A variable power supply was employed to facilitate adjustable
voltages in both the base and collector circuits.

• Systema8c varia8ons in the VBB voltage were performed while maintaining

VCC at different predetermined values (OV, +5V, +10V).

• Throughout the experiment, me8culous records were maintained of the base-

emi7er voltage (Vbe) and base current (1b) readings. These measurements were
documented for each VBB value, with corresponding levels of VCC carefully noted.

Output Characteris9cs:
To explore the output characteris8cs of the NPN transistor in the common emi7er
configura8on, the subsequent steps were executed:

• The circuit was arranged specifically to analyze output characteris8cs by linking

a variable power supply to the base and collector circuits.
• A systema8c increase in the collector-emi7er voltage (VCC) was executed,
gradually eleva8ng it from OV to 17V. Simultaneously, readings of the collector current
(lc) and collector-emi7er voltage (Vce) were recorded for different base current (1b)

• values.
• Comprehensive data collec8on was conducted, encompassing the values of
Vce and lc corresponding to varying VCC levels across different 1b values.

Input characteris9cs table:

Vcc=0v Vcc=5v Vcc=10v

Sr.No Vbe Ib Vbe Ib Vbe Ib

1.vcc (0) 0 0 0 0 0 0

2. vcc (2) 575 mV 14.3 uA 666 mV 13.3 uA 666 mv 13.3 uA

3. vcc (4) 598 mV 34.o uA 673 mV 33.3 uA 690 mV 33.1 uA

4. vcc (6) 610 mV 53.9 uA 674 mv 53.3 uA 691 mV 53.1 uA

5. vcc (8) 618 mV 73.8 uA 675 mv 73.3 uA 691 mV 73.1 uA

6. vcc(10) 624 mV 93.8 uA 675 mv 93.2 uA 691 mV 93.1 uA

Input characteris9cs Graph:

Output characteris9cs table:

Vbb=O Vbb=5 Vbb= lov

lb=O lb=43.2uA Ib =93 uA
Sr. No

Vce lc Vce(mV) Ic Vce(mV) lc

(mV) (mA) (mA) (mA)

I.Vcc=Ov 3.10 3.22

2. vcc=5v 5000 85.2 4.91 60 4.94

3. vcc=8 8000 109 7.89 74.5 7.93

4. Vcc=10 10000 129 9.87 82.7 6.92

5. vcc=12 12000 166 11.8 90.2 11.9

6. vcc=17 17000 4.93V 12.6 109 16.9

Output characteris9cs graph:

Output characteris9cs Simula9on:


Some interes8ng findings emerged from the ploIng of the data from the input and output
parts. There is a clear associa8on in the input por8on between the rise in Vbe and the
ensuing linear increase in 1b at a constant speed. In the common emi7er design, this linear
rela8onship implies a propor8onate response between the base-to-emi7er voltage (Vbe)
and base current (1b). Nonetheless, a remarkable occurrence surfaced inside this pa7ern:
an abrupt, abrupt increase in 1b at a certain point. This sudden spike points to a possible
altera8on in the transistor's behavior due to a substan8al change in the input condi8ons.
This sudden increase in 1b may indicate that the transistor has entered a new opera8ng
mode or that another circuit mechanism has become ac8ve.

This behavior suggests that the common emi7er setup has a high input impedance. The
circuit appears to have a good resistance to changes in input voltage, as seen by the abrupt
increase in 1b, which causes a propor8onate and regulated increase in base current. As we
go on to the output phase, the plo7ed data reveals an intriguing pa7ern in the collector
current's behavior (lc). At first, lc showed a con8nuous increasing trajectory, which
suggested a direct correla8on with the applied circumstances. But something remarkable
happened when lc hit its satura8on point. The current stopped increasing beyond this point
and stayed at that level instead of rising. There is a cri8cal limit in the transistor's opera8on
shown by this dis8nc8ve behavior at the satura8on point. It implies that the transistor
reaches a satura8on threshold at which it is unable to amplify the signal any more, causing
the collector current to plateau.

Conclusive Remark:

In a major experiment, an NPN transistor opera8ng via the common emi7er

configura8on was inves8gated, offering profound insights into its complex
characteris8cs. To develop highly efficient transistor-based circuits for signal processing
and amplifica8on, it is impera8ve to iden8fy these features. The thorough inves8ga8on
produced worthwhile findings.

Understanding the intricate details of the transistor's response when configured as a

common emi7er was made possible by the examina8on of the input and output
characteris8cs in this experiment. We discovered the non-linear rela8onship between base
current (1b) and base-to-emi7er voltage (Vbe) as well as how changes in collector-to-emi7er
voltage (Vce) affect collector current (lc) through this extensive experiment. These
groundbreaking findings demonstrated the transistor's amplifica8on capabili8es and its
cri8cal func8on in regula8ng voltage and current gains in the common emi7er configura8on.
To sum up, this project was a significant step toward understanding transistor behaviors and
applica8ons, highligh8ng the vital role that the common emi7er configura8on plays. The
knowledge gained from this experiment opens up new avenues for inves8ga8on and
crea8vity in the field of electronic circuitry, promo8ng a be7er comprehension and
apprecia8on of the subtle8es of transistor func8ons.

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