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Course's Name :EMW Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie Instructor's Name :Dr. A.

Course's Number :12130201 Student's Name: ……………………………
Exam's Period :60 min Student's Number: ………………………...
Questions' Number :4 Questions Section's Number: …………………………
Total Mark :30 Exam's Date :
Pages' Number :4 Form :
Assignment # 1
Fall Semester 2022/2023

Q1: A wavepropagating in a nonmagnetic medium with

H ( y, t )  10 cos(t  y )ax and relative permittivity of 2. find

1. The direction of propagation

2. The propagation constant
3. The angular frequency of the propagating wave
4. The Electric field component using the general form of Maxwell
5. The electric field component using the phasor form of Maxwell

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