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If D = (2y 2 + z)xˆ + 4xyyˆ + xzˆ, find:

a. Volume charge density ρv at (−1, 0, 3).

b. Electric flux through the cube defined by

0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, 0 ≤ z ≤ 1.

2. Two-point charges are a distance a apart along the z axis as shown in Figure 2-8. Find the electric field at any
point in the z =0 plane when the charges are:
a. both equal to q
(b) of opposite polarity but equal magnitude ±q. This configuration is called an electric dipole.
A sphere initially carrying a total charge Q is brought into momentary contact with an uncharged identical sphere.
(a) How much charge is on each sphere?
(b) This process is repeated for N identical initially uncharged spheres. How much charge is on each of the spheres
including the original charged sphere
(c) What is the total charge in the system after the N contacts?

Find the electric field along the z axis due to four equal magnitude point charges q placed on the vertices of a square with
of length a in the xy plane centered at the origin

(a) the charges have the same polarity, q1 = q2 = q3 = q4 ≡= q ;
(b) the charges alternate in polarity, q1 = q3 ≡ q, q2 = q4 ≡ −q ; (c) the charges are q1 = q2 ≡ q, q3 = q4 ≡ −q .
3. Total charge enclosed by the cube.
Find the gradient of each of the following functions where a and b are constants:
a. f = ax2 y + by 3 z
b. f = ar2 sin ϕ + brz cos 2ϕ
c. f = r = br sin θ cos ϕ

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