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Clin. Cardiol.

13, 570-576 (1990)

Electrophysiology, Pacing, and Arrhythmia

This section edited by A. John Camm, M.D . , F. R. C.P . , F. A . C,C.

Heart Rate Variability

M. MALIK.M.D., Ph.D.. A . J . CAMM. M.D..F.R.C.P., F.A.C.C.
Department of Cardiological Sciences, St. George's Hospital Medical School, London, England

Summary: Reduced heart rate variability cames an adverse diseases of the heart. Clinical cardiologists were there-
prognosis in patients who have survived an acute myocardi- fore surprised that an absolutely regular sinus rhythm is
al infarction. This article reviews the physiology, techni- also an indication of malfunction of cardiac regulatory
cal problems of assessment, and clinical relevance of heart processes and that reduced variability of sinus rhythm is
rate variability. The sympathovagal influence and the clin- a serious warning sign in patients who survive the acute
ical assessment of heart rate variability are discussed. stage of myocardial infarction.
Methods measuring heart rate variability are classified into The first observation that reduced hean rate variability
four groups, and the advantages and disadvantages of each (HRV) correlates with mortality and severe arrhythmic
group are described. Concentration is on risk stratification complications during the postinfarction period was pub-
of postmyocardial infarction patients. The evidence sug- lished in 1978.' Since that time, several clinical studies have
gests that hean rate variability is the single most important been completed which fully confirm this finding (Fig. 1).
predictor of those patients who are at high risk of sudden This brief review summarizes the information that has
death or serious ventricular arrhythmias. been accumulated on the irregularity and variability of si-
nus rhythm and on its clinical usefulness, especially for
the stratification of postinfarction risk.
Key words: sympathovagal cardiac control, myocardial
infarction, long-term electrocardiograms
Physiology of Heart Rate Variability
The physiological background of HRV has been attribut-
Introduction ed to the sympathovagal system. Because of the dramatic
changes in the sympathovagal system in cold-blooded ver-
Although recognized and widely known, the variations tebrates, several laboratory studies have examined changes
of cardiac rhythm have been virtually ignored in practi- in hean rate and HRV provoked by different stimuli in
cal cardiology. Cardiologists have generally believed that these animals, especially in lizards (e.g., Ref. 2). In mam-
irregularity of cardiac function is a pathological phenome- mals, HRV has also been examined in situations which
non. This was probably the result of the large clinical ex- are known to be associated with marked changes in the
perience with atrial fibrillation and ventricular ectopic tone of the autonomic nervous ~ y s t e m ,including
~,~ inves-
beats which indicate impaired intracardiac regulatory tigations into specific diseases which impair the autonomic
mechanisms and are negative prognostic factors in many system, such as d i a b e t e ~ HRV
.~ has also been used to
demonstrate the development of tonic vagal influence on
the heart.6
HRV has been studied in humans in order to assess sym-
pathovagal balance.' HRV provoked by atropine adminis-
Supported by the British Heart Foundation tration has been reported as a method of the diagnosis of
Address for reprints: brain death. * Many neurological and psychological inves-
Prof. Marek Malik. Ph.D., M.D.
tigations have used HRV to evaluate the effects of stress,
Department of Cardiological Sciences emotion, and work on the autonomic nervous s y ~ t e r n , ~ - l ~
St. George's Hospital Medical School including very specialized investigations. l 4 Quantification
Cranmer Terrace of HRV has also been used as the standard for evaluating
London SW I7 ORE, England other psychological methods. I 5
Received: June 1 1 , 1990 Physiological studies in humans have reported an in-
Accepted: June 15, 1990 crease of HRV, interpreted as an increase of cardiac va-
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M. Malik and A. J. Camm: Heart rate variability 57 1

“10 1 D S
From a purely technical point of view, the methods used
for HRV assessment can be approximately divided into
four groups.
Simple Methods
-1 II 1 In studies examining very short-term HRV, such as the
6-l I1 6 1 sudden changes in heart rate provoked by instantaneous
stimuli, a very simple measurement of HRV can be used.
i-I III 4 i
Instantaneous change in heart rate can be expressed as the
ratio (min RR)/(max RR)20(e.g.. the Valsalva ratio), or
21 I/ A as the difference (max RR)-(min RR).21 Similar simple
methods have been used for the assessment of FHR varia-
bility. For instance, simple counts of marked accelera-
tions of FHR occurring during 30 min intervals have been
FIG.I Typical differences in HRV between high- and low-risk pa- used to express FHR variability.22
tients who have survived acute myocardial infarction. The plots show These methods are unsuitable for the assessment of
sample density distributions of RR intervals from a continuous 24-h
Holter recording made on Day 7 after myocardial infarction in two HRV in studies oriented to postinfarction risk stratifica-
patients (labeled D and S in the figure). Both patients were male tion. Most of these studies are based on elaborating the
of similar age (D=73and S=71 years), suffering from anterior in- signals obtained by computerized recognition of long-term
farction with pathological Q waves on the electrogram. Their LVEF electrocardiograms. The first observation that post-
was similar (D=35% and S=30%);neither was treated with beta myocardial infarction risk was associated with reduced
blockers. Patient S had an uncomplicated postinfarction course during HRV was based on short-term and manually measured
a 2-year follow-up, Patient D died suddenly on Day 27 after the
infarction. Note that the duration of RR intervals (i.e., the rate of
electrocardiograms.I However, more recent studies have
the sinus rhythm) was virtually constant in Patient D while it was shown that the most significant and powerful distinction
very variable in Patient S. The horizontal axes RR show duration between patients at low and high risk following acute my-
of normal-to-normal intervals in seconds, the veltical axes NN show ocardial infarction must be based on HRV assessed from
the number of normal-to-normal intervals in thousands. Holter records. In the majority of these studies, 24-h elec-
trocardiograms were used, and both commercial and
research algorithms were employed to analyze the tapes
and identify the sinus rhythm beats.
gal tone at rest, following intensive exercise for several
days. l 6 A similar study performed in dogs” showed that Spectral Analysis and Autocorrelation
the postexercise increase of vagal tone was lower in
animals who were at higher risk of ventricular fibrillation Spectral analysis of electrocardiograms is an important
induced by artificial coronary occlusion performed the fol- field of both theoretical and practical biomedical engineer-
lowing day. ing. Often, spectral analysis is performed on signal-
These and other similar studies create a continuous spec- averaged electrocardiograms where it can reveal late
trum between purely physiological and mainly clinical in- potentials and serve as one of the methods for the assess-
vestigations. There appears to be a “prima facie” case ment of the homogeneity and synchrony of cardiac exci-
that HRV, sympathovagal tone, and cardiac arrhythmias tation. Analogous methods can also be used to analyze
are linked and that a mechanical relationship is probable. the sequence of RR interval^.^^-^^
Broadly speaking, spectral analysis evaluates and quan-
tifies periodicities which can be found in the analyzed data.
Measurement of Heart Rate Variability For each length of time, the results of spectral analysis
express the range of changes in the variable data cor-
Both research and clinical studies have reported a vari- responding to the given period. In this way, spectral anal-
ety of recording techniques and different methods for ac- ysis allows superimposed periodicities to be unravelled.
tual measurement and numerical quantification of HRV. A similar spectrum of periodical components is provided
For example, special Computerized systems were deve- by the so-called autocorrelation and autoregression
loped for the assessment of fetal heart rate (FHR) varia- methodsz6which are based on comparisons of individual
bility,I8 including automatic recognition and differentia- and variable segments of the analyzed data.
tion of fetal and maternal cardiac depolarizations.l9 The major advantage of spectral methods lies in their
Unfortunately, many of these methods were designed for accuracy. These methods can be used to evaluate physio-
very specific purposes and cannot be used or easily adapted logical variations of sympathovagal tone in individualsand
for the measurement of HRV in other situations, such as are also able to distinguish cases in which only one of the
those for stratification of patients who are at high risk af- mechanisms of a known periodicity is impaired. For in-
ter acute myocardial infarction. stance, a selective depression of vagal tone with preser-
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512 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 13, August 1990

vation of sympathetic cardiac control has been diagnosed of QRS complexes because of their varying voltages or
using the spectral methods. 27 the misinterpretation which classifies premature ventric-
However, the accuracy of spectral methods also ac- ular depolarizations or even T waves as supraventricular
counts for their disadvantages. The accuracy of results patterns. The authors of the multicenter studies employed
makes the methods largely dependent on the accuracy and filtering of the computer recognized N N intervals in ord-
quality of the analyzed data. Unfortunately, very accurate er to reduce the level of the artefact but also reported the
recording of long-term electrocardiograms is difficult to use of visual checking and manual corrections of the ana-
guarantee. The exact shape of electrocardiographic sig- lyzed data. Technically oriented studies show that even
nals including the QRS patterns vary during ambulatory sophisticated filtering of NN sequences does not neces-
recording and there is much artefact in the record. sarily lead to the desired results.’l This acknowledges the
The results of spectral methods can also be affected by dependence of statistical methods on the quality of the
‘behavioral’ noise. If the state of the patient varies dur- computer recognition of N N intervals.
ing recording, the dominant results of spectral methods Similar dependence is seen with methods analyzing the
correspond to the changes in patient behavior rather than beat-to-beat HRV which are based on counting the sud-
to the changes in sympathovagal tone. Therefore, a pre- den changes in N N interval over a given threshold.I2
cise validation of spectral results requires that recordings
are made during a ‘steady state.’ This is impossible to Evaluation of RR Interval Distributions
achieve in long-term electrocardiograms.
From a practical clinical point of view, methods that
Statistical Methods provide an approximation of HRV can be clinically use-
ful. Several such methods are based on the evaluations
The evaluation of spectral data in large populations of of the statistical distribution of NN interval durations.
patients leads to a comparison of selected parameters such Even methods based on simple analysis of NN interval
as the spectral components associated with one particular di~tributions~l can offer medically relevant evaluation of
form of periodicity of the cardiac cycles. This may not HRV (Fig. 2).I3.l4
necessarily be the optimum approach to the stratification The simplest of these methods expresses HRV as the
of postinfarction risk, as the general overall HRV which relative number of N N intervals with the most frequent
comprises all spectral components may also be relevant. duration (i,e., as the fraction totlmar, where m a r is the
The usual approach to the evaluation of the overall HRV maximum number of computer-recognized N N intervals
is the application of a standard statistical method to express with the same duration; and tor is the number of all NN
the variability within the sequence of durations of normal- intervals recognized in a Holter record). When this sim-
to-normal RR (NN) intervals. Different statistical methods ple method was applied to analysis of standard quality 24-h
have been employed, including the standard deviation of recordings HRV data were provided which proved to be
NN interval durations2*and the standard deviation of the of very significant value (Fig. 3).
differences between neighboring NN intervals (expressing These methods can be adapted to approximate spectral
the so-called beat-to-beat HRV).29 These general ap- analysis, the results of which are not affected by a low
proaches have also been modified to include only selected level of noise and artefact in the analyzed data.Is At the
portions of the spectrum of heart rate changes. These same time, the proof of the validity of these methods re-
modifications enable both short- and long-term HRV to be quires further investigation, including theoretical mathe-
separately quantified and evaluated, but their definition and matical examinations.
distinction is much less accurate when compared with the For artefact-free data, the standard statistical methods
standard spectral methods. However, these combined com- and the methods that combine several power spectrdl com-
ponents of HRV may be medically important. Various ponents provide strongly correlating results. l6 Future
adapted methods have therefore been proposed, mainly for studies should investigate similar intramethod correlations
the analysis of FHR variability. Several such methods were for data which include a low level of artefact.
validated on both clinical data and computer-generated ser-
ies of known predefined variability.I0
Clinical Studies
Large population studies by the North American Mul-
ticenter Post-Infarction utilized these statisti- Although postinfarction risk stratification has been the
cal methods, but also showed their dependence on the va- first cardiological need for HRV assessment, it was not
lidity of the data provided by algorithmic computer the first attempt to quantify both the beat-to-beat and cir-
analysis of Holter tapes. Statistical formulae expressing cadian variations in cardiac cycles.
standard deviation and similar parameters have a certain
preference in the values which are far from the mean of Studies in Noncardiological Medical Fields
the analyzed sequence. In practical terms this means that
the results of standard statistical formulae are seriously HRV assessment has been widely used in clinical in-
affected by such misrecognition artefacts as the omission vestigations, for example in the evaluation of alcoholic
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M. Malik and A. J. Camm: Heart rate variability 573

HRV (ms) HRV (ms)

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Time of day Time of day
FIG.2 Differences between short-term HRV in two groups of 40 postinfarction patients matched with regard to age, gender, infarct site,
ejection fraction, and beta-blocker treatment. Patients in the positive group (A) experienced serious arrhythmic events (sudden death or
sustained ventricular tachycardia) during a 6-month follow-up; patients in the negative group (B) remained free of complications for more
than 6 months after discharge. Short-term HRV (baseline width of the distribution curve of the unfiltered sequence of NN intervals) was
measured in separate 40 min intervals. For both groups, the mean values f SD are shown.

ne~ropathy,~' familial amyloid polyneuropathy,38diabetic Studies correlating low HRV with the risk of sudden
neuropathy,32.39 thyrotoxi~osis,~~ and hyperten~ion.~' death are not only related to postinfarction adult patients.
Assessment of FHR variability is an acknowledged Reduced HRV has also been associated with the sudden
method for stratification of pre and intralabor risk. infant death ~ y n d r o m e . ~ ~ - ~ ~
Reduced variability of FHR has been observed prior to
fetal death.42 On the contrary, a physiological level of Stratification of Postinfarction Risk
FHR variability indicates an uncomplicated labor and nor-
mal adaptation of neonates.43 Utilization of reduced HRV as a major factor for the
In infants, short-term HRV has also been used to exa- stratification of postinfarction risk is attractive because the
mine the reaction to external stimuli, such as in tests of long-term electrocardiographic recording which enables
hearing.44Similar studies have been performed examin- the assessment of HRV is one of the least invasive methods
ing FHR variability following external vibratory stimu- of investigation.
lus.45 Detailed case-matched studies as well as investigations
involving large populations of postinfarction patients have
repeatedly proved that a reduced HRV is an important nega-
tive prognostic factor correlating with both the so-called
all cause mortality and with anhythmic complications and
HRV n = 366
sudden death.28.29.3'.34.50-52 The possibility of repeated
I measurement of HRV in patients after myccardial infarc-
300 - A
n=21 tion has also been examined53in order to assess the state

n = 27
of the heart during postinfarction healing and recovery.
The findings of these studies suggest that the reduced
200 -
I c
vagal and increased sympathetic activity accounts for low
HRV. High sympathetic and low vagal tone decreases the
electrical threshold for ventricular fibrillati0n2~and the
probability of ventricular fibrillation during myocardial
ischemia is higher in patients with reduced HRV.
100 -
In a study of 177 consecutive patients34the relative risk
FIG.3 Risk stratification in a group of 414 consecutive myocardial of low HRV for the prediction of sudden death and /en-
infarction patients who survived until discharge. HRV (baseline tricular tachycardia was 7.0, compared with lower rela-
width of the N N intervals distribution curve) was assessed in 24-h tive risks of in-hospital complications (4.3),Killip I1 clas-
Holter records made at a median of 7 days (range 5-9 days) fol-
lowing the hospital admission. The plot shows the differences (mean
sification at admission (4.0),the presence of late potentials
f SE) of three groups of patients: (A) uncomplicated 12-month ( 3 . 3 , and left ventricular ejection fraction <40% (2.2).
follow-up; (B) serious arrhythmic events (sudden death or sustained In a multifactorial analysis, the HRV data were found to
ventricular tachycardia); ( C ) patients who died due to other reasons be the single most important prognostic factor of anhyth-
(reinfarction or cardiac failure). mic complicationsfollowing acute myocardial infarction.34
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514 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 13, August 1990

Studies in Clinical Cardiology First, the physiological and pathophysiological back-

ground of reduced HRV has to be understood in detail.
Published studies show that measurement of HRV and Why do patients at high risk following acute infarction
the assessment of the return of HRV to normal levels can exhibit reduced HRV? In theory, there are several diverse
be used as a follow-up investigation for patients after heart explanations. It is possible that the disease of the heart
transplantation. Because transplanted hearts are totally itself disables the heart from responding physiologically
denervated at the moment of the transplantation and there- to the varying background of sympathovagal tone. This
fore not affected by the autonomic system, the hypothe- hypothesis is supported by recent observations that heavy
sis has been suggested that the increase in HRV can be smoking causes long-term reduction in vagal cardiac con-
interpreted as a sign of reinnervation of the transplanted Should this be the case, the measurement of HRV
hearts. 54 would be an extremely important method to evaluate
Reduced HRV has been found in groups of cardiac pa- directly the organic state of the heart. However, it is also
tients suffering from conditions other than ischemic heart possible that the disease of the heart influences the auto-
disease. A significant increase in HRV was reported in nomic nervous system. This could result in reduced vari-
children undergoing surgical repair of atrial septa1 ation of sympathovagal tone accounting for reduced HRV.
defects.55Decreased HRV was found in association with Even in such a situation, clinical assessment of HRV
congenital prolongation of the QT interval (Romano-Ward would provide valuable information, but its interpretation
syndrome).56 A selective spectral analysis of heart rate would be different. The hypothesis that any 'generally ill'
showed a large reduction in faster spectral components patient may exhibit reduction in HRV is supported by the
of HRV in chronic congestive heart failure patient^;^^,^^ finding of significant reversible depression of HRV prior
this was interpreted as diminished vagal but relatively to hemodialysis. 66
preserved sympathetic modulation of heart rate in these Another group of problems concerns more practical
patients. Speculations were presented that reduced HRV questions. Further investigation is necessary in order to
following heavy ethanol consumption can contribute to establish standard physiological values of HRV. Studies
the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias in chronic a l c o h o l i ~ s . ~ ~ investigating individual differences in HRV in cardiac pa-
The clinical utility of measurement of HRV in cardiac tients and in healthy individuals are necessary. Although
patients also suggests that a clinical potential might be similar studies in human fetuses were performed decades
gained from the variability of other electrophysiological ago,67only limited populations of healthy adult individu-
and hemodynamic parameters of cardiac function. Several als have, to date, been i n v e ~ t i g a t e d . The
~ ~ . ~results
~ of
studies have already addressed variability of various these studies show that HRV exhibits a marked circadian
phenomena and parameters. Variability of left ventricu- variation, and that it depends significantly on the circum-
lar ejection fraction,s9of ST-segment depression and ele- stances of measurement. In healthy subjects, short-term
vation in silent myocardial ischemia6" as well as in the HRV has been reported to decrease with increasing age;*I
early phase of acute myocardial infarction,61of the nega- investigations of the influence of age on long-term HRV
tivity of T waves in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,62and in both high and low-risk cardiac patients must be per-
of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure in patients with formed. Studies investigating the influence of gender are
stabilized chronic cardiac ischemic disease63 have been necessary as, for instance, females at risk of sudden in-
examined. fant death have been shown to have lower waking HRV
Finally, there has been an attempt to treat postinfarction than do males.46 In a small population of 11 postinfarc-
patients with biofeedback training in order to increase their tion patients, a faster mean heart rate has been observed
vagal cardiac control and HRV.64The usefulness of this in patients with anterior infarction, but HRV has not been
idea is difficult to judge and it seems that it was abandoned. affected by infarct site.70Future investigations involving
larger populations are necessary.
Reduced low-frequency HRV has been observed in pa-
Discussion tients following myocardial infarction treated with diltia-
zem and metoprolol, but not with nifedi~ine.'~Future
Many studies have shown that measurement of HRV studies are required in order to investigate the effects of
is a valuable investigation in clinical cardiology. Studies other preparations frequently used after acute myocardial
reporting reduced HRV in association with various pathol- infarction. 7 2
ogies suggest that HRV measurement can be used as a The problem of standard values of HRV will naturally
method which specifically addresses cardiac adaptation be complicated not only by the diverse scale of methods
to changes of sympathovagal tone. Most of the leading used for its quantification but also by its natural variabili-
manufacturers of Holter systems have already modified ty. Provisional suggest that the circadian varia-
their equipment with options for the assessment of HRV. tion of HRV must be assessed when using HRV to meas-
Several problems remain which need to be clarified be- ure postinfarction risk stratification. The data of HRV
fore HRV measurement will become a routine clinical assessed in some sections of 24-h Holter recordings may
method. These problems can be seen at two levels. have a much higher prognostic value than the HRV data
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M. Malik and A. J. Camm: Heart rate variability 575

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