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Student: Taipe Gomez Justino


Course: ENGLISH 3

Year: 2023
Happiness It is a feeling that is never completely achieved.

Happiness is generally achieved after having achieves a soal

or a pursued purpose. Surely other arise for which to fight

and strive to achieve happiness again.

That makes people happy? Happy people have objectives,

goals and desires a fight for they show motivation to continue

growing and fighting to follow their objectives. Happiness, is

the feeling of growing and having hope for the future, feeling

encouraged and that relationships are going positively.

Likewise, for 66 percent of Peruvians surveyed, having good

health makes them happies. As well as the emotional state

is very important to be happy.

What makes you happy? Personally, I identify happiness

with tranquility, with peace. I prefer to live in peace and be

healthy, listen to a good album, have a good drink, talk with

the people, I love and who love me, indeed there are

moments of laughter, but you cannot live like that

permanently. Surely what makes me happies is being with

my parents and family, going for a walk to the pool or the

beach, also visiting beautiful places observing stars or

shouting a goal, there is a lot that makes me happy. Go I am

eternally grateful to god and my parents for giving us life and

enjoying life, also grateful to all those Who are and were part

of my happiness, I can only say thank you all very much.

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