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1.-Hi Tom. How’s it going? I was just thinking about you because I
want to tell you some ideas to organize an event to raise money to
help people affected by earthquake. Well, I’ve been thinking about it,
and it seems to me that we should organize a bake sale and sell
homemade goods next week at the school. We could also set up a
donation box where people can donate as much as they are
comfortable with.

2.- Well, I have mixed feelings about you idea. Yes, On the one
hand, I agree that it can be funny, however, on the other hand, have
you considered that there are people who don’t know how to cook.
In my opinion, a better idea could be organize a talent show, if you
organize it, people could pay an entrance fee to watch the

1.- Well, perhaps you’re right. But have you considered the
advantages of a bake sale, we could also organize a raffle with
prizes donated by the local community.

2.- Well, no. I don’t think that is important because I’m positive that a
lot of people won’t participate. In addition, I have another good
reason to the talent show, As you know I’m very keen on dancing,
so I really would prefer to organize the talent show. Don’t you think it
would be fun to dance?

1.-Well yes, you definitely have a point. I hadn’t thought about that

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