UPC WebinarPresentation en 2023

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2023, July 18th
Student Life Department

Administrative questions
How to enrol in class

First application

Upon your arrival

Visa validation

Housing and accomodation

Student residence, private housing, housing insurance

French healthcare system
Complementary health insurance

Daily life in France

Opening a bank account, phone,
students services, solidarity, French
foreign language, transportation, job
Guichet vie etudiante
Student Life Department

Team happy to help you with :

• Visas procedures and related issues
• Computer loans for the whole academic year and 4G key
• Accomodation and temporary financial support
• Student jobs

Contact: monguichet.etudiant@u-paris.fr

• Guichet Odéon : 12 rue de l’ Ecole de médecine,

75006 (staircase on the right - offices A.0.4 and A.0)

• Guichet Grands Moulins : 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75013( wing

A, ground floor, LOFT).

Office hours : Tuesday to Thursday: 9am- 5pm

Mondays and Fridays: 9am-12pm and 1pm-5pm
and campuses

o Grands Moulins Campus

This is the largest one with several buildings
located in the 13th district of Paris

o Saint-Germain-des-Prés Campus
Located in the 6th district of Paris
Université Paris Cité has 3 different faculties: Health, (45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006).
Science and Humanities and Social Sciences.

There are 2 campuses : Saint-Germain and Grands

Moulins + many sites in Paris itself and inner suburb

For further information about campuses and sites : https://u-

Grands Moulins campus
Registration, enrolment and
administrative questions
Registration process consists in 3

Registration in different steps :

3 steps 1. Payment of the Student Life and

Campus Contribution or Contribution
Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC)

2. Administrative registration or
inscription administrative (IA)

3. Classes enrollment or inscription

pédagogique (IP)

The payment of the CVEC (contribution de vie étudiante et de campus) a student life and campus
contribution is MANDATORY to enrol. A certificate of payment will be delivered prior the administrative

Here is the link to CVEC website : https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/?_locale=en

CROUS, organization linked to the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is responsible for
collecting the CVEC. This contribution intends to improve living conditions on campuses.
Inscription administrative (IA)
This is your registration within our university. The
payment of the regristration fees enables you to be
listed in Université Paris Cité's database, obtain your
student certificate, student card (sent directly to your
address in France) and create an account to access all
our student services.
Administrative The administrative registration is not the same as
registration enrolling in classes

Once your administrative registration has been

validated, you will receive an email from the university
to create your Université Paris Cité account.

PLEASE NOTE : you can only create your Université

Paris Cité account after receiving this email. You will
then be able to access the university's services and
enrol in courses.
Enrollment in classes will be done once you arrive
to the University. Please contact the Student office of
the department linked to Science, Health or
Humanities and Social Sciences Faculties.

Enrolling in classes Courses can be chosen within the training the

students apply for. Then students get their timetable.

The classes enrollment schedule will be given by your

department. Once you enroll –most of the time
online- you automatically receive your learning

Caution : places in classes or tutorials (TD) groups

are limited. Enroll as soon as you get the schedule.
procedure 01
registration by
05 02
Receive your
You receive an
A recap timetable and
start attending
email to create
your UP Cité

04 03
Inscription You receive
pédagogique your student
(class card and your
enrolment) by enrolment
the student certificate
Your arrival
Welcome Week

Integration week to discover the Faculty, the University and meet other exchange
September 11-15th, 2023

Tuesday, Sept 12th Thursday, sept 14th

Grands Moulins Campus * Campus Grands Moulins


Presentation of French public Journée d’accueil et de la vie
organization associative

Some of our partners could help you with

your necessary steps for your move : You could meet student
associations and staff from
 CPAM (Social Security) student services.

 Logement (accommodation)
Many events open to all
 Mutuelle (health insurance) Université Paris Cité Students !
 Préfecture (administrative center for visa)
 CAF (French state welfare agency)

* Welcome desk on Saint-Germain Campus : October 10th

Once Université Paris Cité has accepted
your application, applying for a visa is
the next step.

Long Stay Visa

(VLS-TS «étudiant »)
Access to : https://france-visas.gouv.fr/en/web/france-visas/online-application

1. Create youraccount
2. Fillintheformonline
3. Attachthedocumentsrequired
Upon your arrival in France,
your visa must be validated.
Long Stay Visa
(VLS-TS «étudiant »)
If you have a European nationality, you do not need to get a visa.

If you are NOT a European citizen, but your usual place of residence is in a
European country and you already have a residence permit you will not need
to apply for a visa. You can stay in France for up to 12 months (360 days).

Students travelling under a mobility programme are issued a specific visa

marked “Student - Mobility". This long-stay visa serves as a residence permit
(VLS-TS) has to be validated within three months of arriving in France.

The long-stay visa (visa long séjour valant titre de séjour "étudiant",
abbreviated to VLS-TS "étudiant") allows you to stay in France from four
months to one year to pursue higher education studies.

It entitles you to:

• travel freely in all the countries of the Schengen
• work 20 hours per week;
• use the VISALE, the free security deposit service for students;
• get a housing allowance;
• apply to the healthcare system

Caution : If you are from Algeria and of age, you need a residence certificate to
stay for more than 3 months. Create your own personal account on ANEF website
To get a part-time job you must ask for a ATP (Temporary work permit)

Go to the website https://administration-etrangers-


1. Enter the information on your visa: visa number,

date of beginning and end of validity, date of
issue, reason for stay;
2. Enter the additional information: family
circumstances, telephone number, email
3. Indicate your date of arrival in France and your
address in France;
4. Pay the stay tax of 50 euros
o Housing search

o Student residence
Housing and
Accommodation o Private housing

o Housing insurance

o Housing allowance
Support in your housing search

A tailor-made service
The Student Life Department can help you with the administrative process : advice, connection with our partners, etc.
Université Paris Cité is not a owner

Economical solutions
Colette, a partner of Université Paris Cité, helps students and young professionals to find accommodation by
cohabiting with hosts who have a room to rent in their home. There is no service to be rendered, only
beautiful moments of sharing between generations.

Xenia is a platform that connects seniors and students. The senior in good health hosts the student against a
moderate participation in exchange for some daily services.

Many accommodations are available in Paris and suburbs.

Quality apartment complex

Thanks to selected partners Université Paris Cité gives students the opportunity to access verified apartments with
reasonable rent.

Advantage : priorization and reduction of administrative fees

Twenty Campus, Logifac and ECLA offer residences in Paris itself or inner suburbs providing amenity and services.

2 webinars will inform you

Verified and updated advertisement
The Student Life department can put you in touch with our partners :

Lokaviz is a website that connects students and landlords to find certified student housing. Students of Université
Paris Cité can apply through the Portail MesServices
https://www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr/envole/ using their « INE » number (French for « National Student
Identification ») compulsory

Logifac provides housing in student facilities in Paris and its suburbs. These furnished apartments, from
studios to one-bedroom apartments. Depending on the residence, services are provided to make everyday life
easier (coworking room, social area, laundry, wifi, etc.). Some apartments are adapted for people with
disabilities https://u-paris.fr/en/accomodation/

Studapart platform : thousands of apartments from private owners or estate agencies

For further information join the webinar (English) on July 27th – 3:00 pm (Paris time)
Find your accommodation for next semester with Studapart | Studapart (livestorm.co)

Immojeune platform provides a large number of furnished or empty apartments/rooms to rent in student residence, or
apartment-share, youth hostels https://u-paris.fr/en/accomodation/

KAPS : shared flat with a solidarity project


For further information : https://u-paris.fr/en/accomodation/

and questions : logement.etudiant@u-paris.fr

Finding an accommodation requires strategy : the right estimation of your financial resources, inclusion of your time
of transport, understanding the housing allowances,…
You can look directly at landlords who rent apartments/rooms for students.

Websites: Studapart Housing platform or Lokaviz.

Private individuals: may be asked to have a French guarantor, sometimes
foreing guarantors are not accepted. A deposit may be asked right away.

In this case, you have other solutions:

Garantie Visale (free if you are under 30 years old)
SmartGarant (paying service).

BEWARE! No more than 2 months

of rent may be asked as a


Housing insurance is mandatory to rent in France. The Université Paris Cité
has two parterships :

These two partners also have offers for Complementary Health Insurance
(mutuelle) or civil liability insurance (insurance on damage caused to other

You can also have a housing insurance through some banks. Ask your bank
about offers for students.

CAF, Caisse d’Allocations Familiales, is a French state welfare agency that could help
you by providing housing allowances called APL or ALS under certain conditions.

APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement) or ALS (Allocation de logement social)

• Once you find an apartment fill in the form on the CAF website
• It takes 2 or 3 months to process

If you wish to apply, you need to open a

French bank account. If not, the allowance
will be directly paid to your owner and as
a result deducted from your rent.

To get the CAF allowance, a French

social security number is not necessary.
Documents to provide
You'll need to remember to scan and/or bring back some very important
documents. In particular, you will be asked to :

Valid passport
Valid residence permit or visa (to be issued on arrival)
Certificate of enrollment from Université Paris Cité (obtained on arrival)
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) or RIB (relevé d'identité
Birth certificate translated by a sworn translator or be apostilled or
legalized by your country of origin in order to be accepted

For further https://access.ciup.fr/vos-demarches-

information :

What's an apostille ?
For a document from one country to be legally recognized in
another, it usually has to be legalized in some way. This usually
involves some form of certification from the document's country
of origin that is recognizable in the country where the document
will be used. Apostilles are a widely recognized means of
achieving this.

Example of an apostilled
o Health insurance card or
« Carte vitale » and French
social security

Health o Students Health Service or

Service de santé étudiant

o Complementary health
insurance (mutuelle)
The French Healthc are system
International students from outside the European Union or international
students from the European Union who don’t have a European Health
Insurance Card (EHIC) will need to register in the French social security
system to be reimbursed and to have medical care at the same cost as a
French national.

In France, the healthcare system will typically cover 70% of the fees and
80% of hospital costs. The remainder is covered by either you or by a
complementary health insurance (mutuelle).

Once you are in the French healthcare system, you can get a Carte
Vitale (health insurance card) and you will be automatically reimbursed for
your expenses.
Go to the website https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/#/

Some of the documents asked aren't

available to you yet (such as the proof of
registration in our unviersity).

A step by step seminar will be offered to

all students during the Welcome Week.
Students Health Service (SSE) and Réaumur Health Centre
The SSE, Students Health Service (Service de Santé des étudiants), welcomes Université Paris Cité students free
of charge for medical check-ups and consultations including : preventive medicine, preventive gynecology,
dental care prevention, psychological councelling, document to practice sport.

Good to know : You can declare one of the SSE doctors as your attending physician. Explanation regarding the
French healthcare system will be given during the welcome desk (Sept 14th and Oct 10th)

Université Paris Cité SSE is located on the 2 main sites :

• Saint-Germain-des-Prés campus : 1st floor, T145 office, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, Paris 6th Tél :

• Grands Moulins campus : Sophie Germain building, courtyard ground floor, 8 Place Aurélie Nemours, Paris 13th
Tél : 01 57 27 94 60

Réaumur Health Centre

Address : 106 Rue Réaumur, Paris 2nd
Réaumur Health Centre is a multidisciplinary healthcare facility open to everyone from Monday to Friday
including : general practitioner with or without appointment, specialized medicine, dental care and dentures.

It depends on the Assurance Maladie de Paris and fees are affordable.

Each patient is being taken care of in a co-ordinate way. That means that her/his file is shared by each doctor
met in Réaumur Health Centre.
General practitioners or medical specialist can be declared as attending physician.

National health care system does not reimburse everything ( hospital,

buying glasses, dentist…), so complementary health insurance is highly
recommended to get most of your health consultations reimbursed.

The university has partnerships with some complementary health

HEYME (- 15% discount with the promo code 75UP-15)
SMERRA (special pr ices for Université Paris Cité students)
Prices can go from 10€ to 20€, depending on the options.
If you don’ t have the ressourses to get a complementary health
insurance, you can get a « solidarity complementary health insurance »
directly on the Ameli account or on a CPAM office.


• To pay your bills (electricity, telephone, rent…)

• To receive your salary if you work or have an internship to have
your health expenses reimbursed directly
• To obtain French social welfare benefits


Go to any bank and ask for an appointment or open an online bank account.

Three necessary documents:

Identity card or passport

Proof of address (phone bill, electricity bill, lease contract…)
Student card

Once opened, you will get a debit card (carte bleue), a checkbook and your bank details (RIB)

Example of French banks:

Société Générale, Crédit Mutuelle, Caisse d’Epargne, LCL, BNP, etc.

Example of online French banks:

Boursorama, Orange bank, Ma French Bank, Hello bank, etc

ABE info service makes a list of reliable banking establishments :


« Mes questions d’argent » website –a Banque de France platform- offers

financial education. For further information regarding budget :
Main mobile service providers :
Bouygues Telecom, Red, Sosh, Orange, B&You, SFR, Free,...
The subscription can be made online or at the tobacconist’s

Prices start from 5 € up to 20 € per month.

For the European citizens please check if you have enough roaming
coverage in France.
French phone plan subscription provides you roaming calls
around EU.

How to identify a French phone number ?

01/02/03/04/05/09 : landline phone number

06/07 : mobile phone number
08 : service (0810 t o 0899 c h a r g e y o u w h e n y o u c a l l t h e m )

Calling French numbers from foreign countries ?

+33 o r 00 33 without dialing the first 0
i.e : 06 23 45 67 89 becomes +33 6 23 45 67 89 or
00 33 6 23 45 67 89
Student Services
Once you have received your student card, you will have access to all Université Paris Cité services

Libraries: Université Paris Cité has 21 university Sports: As a Université Paris Cité student, you can
libraries where you can borrow up to 30 register free of charge with the Sports Department,
documents for 30 days and even request either as a class (you will be graded and awarded
laptop loans. ECTS credits) or as a leisure activity.

Pôle Handicap étudiant : if you're a student with a

University restaurants and cafeterias: Each disability, you can benefit from accommodation
Université Paris Cité site has its own university through the Disabilities department. As soon as
restaurant or cafeteria. You will be able to find you arrive in Paris, you need to make an
complete, balanced meals for €3.30. appointment with a support coordinator who will
assess your needs.

Linkee : association fighting against food wastage. It helps people in position of insecurity

RECUP : the Université Paris Cité Recup association offers food and clothing aids for students.
Food-basket distribution takes place every Monday from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in the Grands Moulins Library entrance

Menstrual material distribution : distribution of sustainable feminine protection are regularly organized (cup, sustainable
sanitary towel, shorty…)

Soliguide : every social and solidarity services are listed on this website (housing, food, health, job and training)
French as a Foreign Language (FLE) courses
Thanks to the LANSAD (Grands Moulins campus) or the Centre des Langues (Odéon campus), you
can take French as a Foreign language (Français Langue Étrangère FLE) classes. These courses are
adapted to your level (5 teaching levels from A1 to C1) and allow you to improve your French
language skills to live and study in France.

You can benefit from semester courses (11 weeks) adapted to your level:

1 grammar course: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

1 workshop: written (B1, B2), oral (B1, B2), civilization (B1-B2), argumentation (C1), cinema

Each course lasts 2 hours per week and is equivalent to 3 ECTS according to your educational

The "Culture & Civilisation" workshop is intended for B1/B2 level students from all departments.
The objective of this course is to provide students with the tools to better understand the
different aspects of the French culture.

Contacts :
Lansad : lansad.eila@u-paris.fr
Centre des Langues : contact.cdl@u-paris.fr
Transportation in France
The French train system is commonly used to travel within France and to some
neighbouring countries (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands). The French train
company SNCF offers very cheap trains like OUIGO (tickets at 15 - 20€) which
can easily adapt to a student budget if you wish to visit other parts of France.

Airports in Paris:
Aéroport Roissy – Charles de Gaulle
Aéroport Orly
You can access to both of them with Paris public transportation

Aéroport de Beauvais: very far outside of Paris. It is necessary to take a

shuttle bus (round trip €30).
Transportation in Paris :
The different Navigo passes
In Paris and the suburbs, you can use the Passe Navigo

Programme Imagine R: 38€/month if you're under 26 (upon presentation of

your enrolment certificate). You can choose to pay for the year in a single
instalment or on a monthly basis. It can be cancelled at any time, and you'll
be reimbursed for the remainder. Suitable if you travel frequently
throughout the Paris region (eg. to the Versailles Palace, or Disneyland)

84,10 €/month if you are over the age of 25.

Transportation in Paris :
The different Navigo passes
Passe Navigo Liberté :

If your commutes are restricted to small area in Paris or prefer to walk, or

even you don't take alot the metro, it might not justify to buy a monthly or
weekly Navigo refill.
With Navigo Liberté, you pay for your journeys individually and benefit from
a reduced fare (€1.69 instead of €2.10 for a classic t+ ticket).
On any given day, you can be billed up to a maximum of €8.45 (price of the
Navigo 2 zone day pass). Beyond that, your journeys are free.
Transportation in Paris
Velib : shared bike service in Paris, you can use your Pass Navigo.
From 1€/30min to 8,50€/month
Beware of the traffic rules for bikers.

How to come home late at night?

Metro closes at 00h40 on weekdays and at 1h40 on weekends (and opens
around 5h)
Noctilien : public buses from 0h30 to 5h30
VTC (Vehicle for hire such as Uber, Bolt, Freenow, Heetch) : prices can be
expensive, especially at night or during strikes periods
If you are not an EU national, students are allowed to can work up to

University’s job platform: Jobteaser

Minimum wage: 11,07 €/hour brut or 8,76€/hour net

Salaire brut : total salary with social contributions
Salaire net : salary you actually receive (-20 or 25%)

If you do an intership for more than 2 months, you have to receive an

allowance of around 600€/month
Tips for your first steps in Paris

Administrative procedures
Have your birth certificate and family record book translated by a sworn translator at the French embassy. These documents may be required by
various French administrative departments.

Food Cook at home!

The €7 spent on a burger could have bought enough ingredients to prepare five of them at home !
Good to know : the Linkee association helps people in precarious situations by fighting food waste. All you have to do is sign up on their platform:

Reduce your energy bills !
By becoming aware of the energy wastage in your home, you can make substantial savings by adopting a few simple habits :
• Don't leave your electronic devices on standby
• Turn down your thermostat

Sign up for the imagine R Student pass, by providing your proof of enrolment ! You'll save over €40 a month.

Find a student job (or two) !
Another great way of saving money during your studies is to find one or two student jobs outside your course hours. Even if you spend a lot of
time studying, you can probably devote between 5 and 15 hours a week to a small job to earn some money.

Buy second-hand equipment such as : on books, clothes and furniture. You can even resell them once you've outgrown them !
A great place to go is Emmaüs Connect. You'll find computer and telephone equipment at very low prices: https://emmaus-connect.org/notre-
Thank you for your

For further information

please contact

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