Social Problems

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Problems in Education

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Problems in Education

Undoubtedly, the education system has seen its share of problems in recent years.

From falling test scores to increased dropout rates, it is clear that something needs to be done

to improve the quality of education in this country. Many solutions to these problems have

been proposed, but knowing which ones will work best is challenging. Some of the most

significant include a lack of funding, a lack of parental involvement, and a lack of discipline

in schools (Swanson & Mason, 2018). The current educational system is designed to train

students to think and act in a certain way. This makes it easier for those in power to control

the population. This has led to revolutions and other significant events in countries that are

supposed to be democratic. It is time for a change. We need an educational system that

encourages critical thinking and independent thinking. We need a system that will train

students to be able to think for themselves and make their own decisions. Only then will we

be able to create a genuinely democratic society.

One of the most severe problems facing the education system in the United States is a

lack of funding. Budgets are being cut in many school districts, and resources are slashed

(Allen & White-Smith, 2018). This means that teachers are not getting the supplies they need

to educate their students properly, and schools cannot offer the same level of programs and

services as they once did. As a result, students are not getting the education they deserve, and

the quality of education in this country is suffering. One way to improve the quality of

education in the United States is to increase funding for schools. This would allow schools to

offer more programs and services to their students, and it would also provide teachers with

the resources they need to educate their students properly.

Another significant problem facing the education system in the United States is a lack

of parental involvement. In too many families, guardians and parents are not concerned in

their child's education (Đurišić & Bunijevac, 2017). They may not attend school functions,

they may not help with homework, and they may not even know how their children perform

in school. As a result, children are not getting the support they need at home to succeed in

school. An appropriate way to improve the quality of education in the United States is to

increase parental involvement in the process child's education such as mandatory attending

parents meeting in the institutions. Parents need to be more involved in their child schooling

to help them succeed.

The education system in the United States is segregated and unequal. This is not a

new problem, but the Trump administration's policies have exacerbated it. Segregation in

schools means that students of different races are isolated from each other. They attend

different schools, have different teachers, and receive extra resources (Reardon et al., 2019).

This segregation leads to inequality in education. White students generally have better

schools, more experienced teachers, and more resources than students of color. This

segregation and inequality are unfair and unjust. They limit opportunities for students of color

and put them at a disadvantage. The Trump administration's policies have made these

problems worse (Spring, 2018). The administration has proposed cuts to education funding,

which would disproportionately impact students of color. They have also rolled back civil

rights protections for students of color. These policies make it harder for students of color to

get a good education and succeed.

One of the main problems with education today is the high cost of tuitionThe average

cost of tuition and fees for the 2017-2018 school year was $34,740 at private colleges, $9,970

for state residents at public colleges, and $25,620 for out-of-state residents attending public

universities (Weinstein & Goodman, 2021). As you can see, the cost of tuition has risen

significantly over the years, making it difficult for many people to afford a college education.

Several solutions have been proposed to help with this problem. One solution is to make

college free for everyone. This would be a very costly undertaking, making education more

accessible. Another solution that has been proposed is to offer tax breaks or other financial

incentives to people who are willing to go into teaching. This would help attract more people

to the profession, and it would also help offset the high cost of tuition. Whatever solution is

ultimately chosen, it is evident that something needs to be introduced that will address the

high cost of education.

As the cost of tuition continues to rise, more and more students are finding themselves

unable to afford a college education. This is having a negative impact on our economy. In

2016, 36 percent of Americans ages 25 to 29 had a bachelor's degree or more. That is down

from 39 percent in 2007 and is the lowest level since 1982 when the federal government

began keeping track" (Gandara, 2017). This is a problem because we need educated workers

to compete in the global economy. When fewer people can get a college education, it hurts

our economy. Several solutions have been proposed to address this problem. One solution is

to provide more financial aid to struggling students to pay for college. Another solution is to

make college tuition tax-deductible. This would make it easier for people to afford a college

education, and it would also help to boost our economy. Whatever solution is ultimately

chosen, it is clear that something needs to be done to address the high cost of education.

The high cost of education is not just an arising issue in the United States but it is a

global problem. In England, university tuition fees have tripled to £9,000 ($14,000) a year. In

Germany, which had long boasted of free higher education, some states are now charging

tuition fees of up to €500 ($685) a semester. This is a problem because it prevents many

people from getting a college education (Oakes et al., 2019). It is also having a negative

impact on the global economy. When fewer people can get a college education, it hurts our

economy. Several solutions have been proposed to address this problem. One solution is to

provide more financial aid to struggling students to pay for college. Another solution is to

make college tuition tax-deductible. This would make it easier for people to afford a college

education, and it would also help to boost our economy. Whatever solution is ultimately

chosen, it is clear that a solution needs to be introduced to address the high cost of

education.The high cost of education is a global problem that needs to be addressed. Several

solutions have been proposed, but no one solution is perfect. We must find a solution that will

make college more affordable for everyone. It is also essential that we find a solution that

will help to boost our economy. Whatever solution is ultimately chosen, it is clear that

something needs to be done to address the high cost of education.

Finally, another major problem facing the education system in the United States is a

lack of discipline in schools. In too many schools, students are allowed to get away with

disruptive and disrespectful behaviour (Rist, 2017). This type of behavior disrupts the

learning environment and leads to a lack of respect for authority figures such as teachers and

administrators. As a result, schools cannot provide a safe and orderly environment for

learning. One way to improve the quality of education in the United States is to increase

school discipline. Students need to be held accountable for their actions. Schools need to

create a safe and orderly environment for learning. Learning institutions should be given the

authority to discipline students in appropriate ways that will not hurt these students. Offering

suspension to students isn't enough; there could be other ways to restrict parents from

interfering with the form of punishment the indisciplined students are issued with.

These problems have a severe impact on the quality of education in the United States.

If something is not done to address these issues, the situation will only worsen. We must find

a way to improve the quality of education in this country so that our children can receive the

best possible education and prepare for their future. The solutions to these problems will

require a significant investment of time and resources. Still, they are necessary to improve the

quality of education in the United States. We cannot continue to allow our education system

to decline; we must take action now to ensure that our children receive the best possible


In conclusion, education problems are caused by various factors, including poverty,

inadequate funding, and poor educational infrastructure. However, there are ways to mitigate

these problems, such as providing more funding for education, improving educational

infrastructure, and supporting programs that help students in poverty. We can ensure that all

students access quality education with the right policies. Our obligation as a society is to

provide all children with an education that will enable them to succeed in life. However, we

cannot do this if we do not address the underlying causes of education problems. Only by

addressing these issues can we hope to provide all students with the quality education they



Allen, Q., & White-Smith, K. (2018). “That’s why I say stay in school”: Black mothers’

parental involvement, cultural wealth, and exclusion in their son’s schooling. Urban

Education, 53(3), 409-435.

Đurišić, M., & Bunijevac, M. (2017). Parental involvement as a important factor for


education. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 7(3), 137-153.

Gándara, P. (2017). The potential and promise of Latino students. American Educator, 41(1),


Oakes, J., Lipton, M., Anderson, L., & Stillman, J. (2018). Teaching to change the world.


Reardon, S. F., Weathers, E., Fahle, E., Jang, H., & Kalogrides, D. (2019). Is separate still

unequal? New evidence on school segregation and racial academic achievement gaps.

Rist, R. C. (2017). The urban school: A factory for failure. Routledge.

Spring, J. (2018). The American school: From the Puritans to the Trump era. Routledge.

Swanson, P., & Mason, S. (2018). The world language teacher shortage: Taking a new

direction. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), 251-262.

WEINSTEIN JR, P. A. U. L., & GOODMAN, V. (2021). Hidden Prices and Higher Tuition:

The Case for Transparency in Higher Education Pricing and Advanced Credit.

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