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21 QUALITY TOOLS CARD @& 4.5 Why's To identify the root cause of a problem by repeatedly asking "why?" “Sakichi Toyoda” Kaizen 15.House of Quality (or) QFD To translate customer requirements into design requirements, prioritizing them based on Importance “Yoji Akao, Shigeru Mizuno” Tomakesmall incremental! snigeneaestat pete panies, | cmntnsemension, | { Involvement “Masaaki Imai” ' 16. Quality Circles ! To involve employees in problem- | solving and continuous ' improvement activities i “Kaoru Ishikawa” 9. Kano Model ' To classify customer requirements | ind preroratoes nes cirageriens | t 2. Affinity Diagram To organize a large number of ideas or data points into natural groupings?" “Jiro Kawakita” ‘guide product or service design “Noriaki Kano” 1 3, Brainstorming 10. Lean Six Sigma 17, Scatter Plot | To generate large number of ideas To improve process performance, To visualize the relationship | ina group setting to encourage reduce waste, and increase customer Betweeiltwio continous creative problem scivin satisfaction using a combination Caan of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies egriaies: jex F. Osborn’ “Karl Pearson” ichael Georg 4, Cause and Effect Diagram 11. Mistake Proofing 18, Statistical Process Control (SPC) To identify and analyse the To improve process performance, To monitor and control potential causes of a problem, Faduce flex, and icra custaraar process variation focusing on its root causes ripen ayer i> nade using control charts. : af Lean and Six Sigma methodologies “Kaoru Ishikawa” vilichuel Courey” “Walter A. Shewhart” 5. Control Chart 12, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) ; | 19. Six Sigma Methodology To monitor process performance To drive continuous To reduce process variation and defects through the DMAIC Define, trends, or instability iterative, systematic process Wanieworte “Walter A. Shewhart” “W. Edwards Deming” “Bill Smith, Mikel Harry” | over time and identify variations, improvement through an : Measure, Analyse, improve, Control) 6.Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) 13. Pareto Chart Methods To quantify the financial To visually prioritize problems To optimize product and impact of poor-quality ies based on their | | process designs for robustness products or services relative impact and quality “vilfredo Pareto” “Genichi Taguchi" 14, Process Flowchart ao To visualize and document the | | (Total Productive Maintenance) Te improve equipment reliability and steps in a process or system productivity through proactive and optimize processes or products el sbeehe end backends “Sir Ronald A. Fisher” “Seiichi Nakaiima” 1 5 eee ee eee 7.Design of Experiment (DOE) To plan conduct and analyse controlled experiments to

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