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Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

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Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Regulatory Updates from India: Fish,
Standards Meat & Silver Leaf
Country : India 24-Feb-16

Author : Yashaswini Srinivas, Tags : FSSAI, alcoholic beverages, spirits, wines, beers, What’s been happening in India this February,
Regulatory Compliance Specialist food additives, heavy metals, microbiological criteria in terms of food legislation? Here are our
Relevant for country : India highlights: Salted & Dried Salted Fish Standard
Gazette Notification Regulation 2.6 of Food
Safety and Standards (Food Products
Standards and Food Additive...


India: Proprietary Foods Standards

Country : India 10-Feb-16

Current legislation package dealing with alcoholic beverages in India covers only a minor part On 13 January, 2016 the FSSAI amended
of product standards and does not go further from setting additive limits for use in alcoholic regulations for “Proprietary foods”. The
drinks. FSSAI (, Indian food regulator is in the process if updating amendment relates to clause 2.12 “Proprietary
relevant alcoholic beverages legislation, by including specific product standards and certain
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© 2015 Selerant Corporation

1 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

to come into force during 2016. (/latestnews/india-proprietary-foods-

Alcoholic drinks market in India
What’s New in India Food Law?
Country : India 29-Jan-16
Having a large population segment aged between 25 and 40 years, India remains a lucrative
market with a growth potential when alcoholic drinks (in particularly those produced by Here is an overview of the most relevant
multinational companies) are concerned. changes that have been introduced in India
Food Law, between December 2015 and
According to India Alcoholic Beverages Market Outlook to 2020 Report, preference among the January 2016. Food additives In addition to
Indian population is observed for whiskey and rum, while beer and vodka consumption are current provisions listed in Chapter 3 of Food
also growing in their popularity among youngsters. On the other hand, country liquor (also Safety and Standards (Food Products S...
called desidaru) enjoys its fair share of consumer base mainly in north India. Wine is still a
niche market and finds its consumers mostly among the urban population, with a better (/latestnews/what’s-new-in-india-
income. Most of the wine consumed in India is imported from South Korea, China and France. food-law.aspx)

Based on Euromonitor International Country report, in India, the advantage of PET bottles and
tetra packs were visible when sales of IMFL (Indian made foreign liquor: locally produced, India: 60 % of Shelf Life Required
adapted versions of European spirits) are concerned. This however had not been the case
for Food Import
with the IMIL (Indian made Indian liquor: desidaru, country liquor), especially during 2014.
Country : India 26-Jan-16

In the past there had been certain disagreements between liquor manufacturers and FSSAI
over framing the regulations for alcoholic beverages. Parts of the industry have been of the India’s food regulator FSSAI issued a notice on
standpoint that the standards previously published by Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) 14 January 2016, announcing immediate
presented a sufficient regulatory framework, mainly by prescribing alcohol content in operationalization of Food Safety and
beverages. However, with the latest draft regulations proposed by FSSAI, the local industry in Standards (Food Import) Regulations, 2016.
particular will be facing a set of new challenges. The regulations are yet to be published in the
official gazette. Highlights of the...

Legislation in force
India: Trans Fats Label Declaration
Proposed product standards Postponed
Country : India 13-Jan-16
General description and definitions related to alcohol and alcoholic
beverages, brewery, denatured alcohol, spirits, ethanol, fermented liquor,

2 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

On 31 December, 2015, India Food Regulator,

FSSAI issued a notice stating that the time
period for FBO’s (food business operators) to
comply with the provisions of Food Safety and
Standards (Packaging and Labelling)
Amendment regulations, 2013 has be...


India: New Standards for Malt

Country : India 11-Dec-15

On 26 November, 2015 the FSSAI published a

notice asking for comments as regards the
proposed standard for malt extract. Standard
was proposed by BIS (Bureau of Indian
Standards). If adopted, the new standard for
malt extract will be placed after su...


Limiting Iron Filings in Tea Leaves?

Country : India 08-Dec-15

Source: India national Sample Survey Office, Data for 2014 The FSSAI has uploaded a notice calling for
comments within 30 days for a draft notification
relating to maximum limits of iron filings in tea
leaves. The notice proposes to insert a
- Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulation, 2011 maximum limit for iron filings in tea at not more
( than 150 mg/ kg....
in section 2.10.5 “Beverages-alcoholic” covers Toddy (type of Indian palm wine) standards. (/latestnews/limiting-iron-filings-in-tea-

3 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

- Permitted additives are covered by Appendix A ( leaves.aspx)

/appendix_a_and_b_revised(30-12-2011).pdf) and Chapter 3 of in “Food Safety and
Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulation, 2011.”
( Mycotoxin Limits Revised
Country : India 02-Dec-15

- Current regulations for contaminants, toxins and residues do not include MRLs for alcoholic
On 20 November, 2015, India Food Regulator,
the FSSAI uploaded an amendment titled
“Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants,
- Labelling requirements for alcoholic beverages are covered by Food Safety and Standards
Toxins and Residues) (Amendment)
(Packaging and Labelling) Regulation, 2011. (
Regulation, 2015” regarding crop contaminants
and naturally occurring toxic substances.

The new proposed product standards ( revised.aspx)
/Notice_Comments_Alcoholic_Beverages.pdf) will apply to distilled and non-distilled alcoholic
beverages and will include:
India: Lecithin Permitted in Biscuits
hops, winery, yeast and similar. Country : India 01-Dec-15
Product standards for distilled alcoholic beverages
Product standards for wine The FSSAI published a legislation amendment,
Product standards for beer permitting usage of lecithin in biscuits at good
manufacturing practice levels (GMP). The
Product standards for Low Alcoholic Beverages (Ready to Drink) amendment is titled “Food Safety and
Specific Labelling Requirements for alcoholic beverages that will include Standards (Food Products Standards and
provisions related to allergen warnings Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, ...
Further details on standards that need to be met, including heavy metal limits (/latestnews/india-lecithin-permitted-
and microbiological criteria. in-biscuits.aspx)
Comments for draft regulation on product standards for alcoholic beverages can be submitted
to FSSAI by January 3, 2016 via email to (
Steviol Glycoside Allowed as
To stay up-to-date with the latest regulatory news like, sign up for your free copy of SCC Non-nutritive Sweetener in India
bi-monthly newsletter. For regulatory limits, sign up for a free trial of RegData® Country : India 30-Nov-15
The FSSAI published an amendment to the

4 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

2011 Food Additive Regulation, adding steviol

glycosides to the list of non-nutritive
sweeteners permitted to be used in specified
food categories. The amendment, “Food Safety
and Standards (Food Products Stand...

food-regulations-update-newsletter) India: Chemical Safety of Fish, Draft
Country : India 27-Nov-15

The FSSAI has proposed amendments related

to pharmacologically active substances
prohibited in fish and fishery products, mainly
pesticides and veterinary drugs residues,
including antibiotics. The amendments relate to
Food Safety and Standards (Cont...


India: Microbiological Standards for

Country : India 25-Nov-15

On 13 November 2015, India’s food regulator,

FSSAI, proposed new microbiological
standards for fish and fish products.
Microbiological standards are currently covered
under Appendix B of Food Safety and
Standards (Food Products Standards and
Food Add...


5 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards


India Sets Chromium Limits in

Country : India 25-Nov-15

On 17 November, 2015, FSSAI published an

amendment to food safety regulation from 2011
establishing the limit for chromium in gelatin.
The limit is now set to 10 ppm (parts per million
by weight). The amendment, “Food Safety and
Standards (Contamina...


India Limits Naturally Occurring

Toxic Substances
Country : India 23-Nov-15

On 12 November, 2015 the Food Safety and

Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) published
the final regulation titled “Food Safety and
Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and
Residues) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015”.
The amendment has re-established the l...


Pullulan New Limits

Country : India 22-Nov-15

The FSSAI, on 12 November, 2015 uploaded

6 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

amendment regulations tilted “Food Safety and

Standards (Food Products Standards and
Food Additives) (Amendment) Regulations,
2015” permitting the use of Pullulan as
thickening and glazing agent for several fo...


India Permits Enzymes as Additives

in Bread
Country : India 20-Nov-15

Indian Food Regulator, the FSSAI has just

published a final regulation permitting the use
of ‘processing aids’ in bread. The new
regulation “Food Safety and Standards (Food
Products Standards and Food Additives)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2015” entere...


India: Irradiated Food Standard

Country : India 19-Nov-15

India Food Regulator, the FSSAI published a

draft standard for irradiated food on 13
November, 2015. The proposed standard
includes among other things, labelling
provisions for irradiated food. FSSAI will be
accepting comments from the stakeholders o...


Zinc to be Removed from

7 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

Contaminants List?
Country : India 19-Nov-15

FSSAI on 13 November, 2015, uploaded a

notice requesting comments and suggestions
for amending the list of metal contaminants in
Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants,
toxins and residues) Regulation, 2011. The
main reason for the notice is most li...


Dairy Products in India – Proposing

New Standards
Country : India 09-Nov-15

The FSSAI has invited comments from the

members of WTO-TBT regarding proposed
changes in product standards for milk and
dairy products. Current regulation Product
standards for milk and milk products fall under
the Food Safety and Standards (...


7 Takeaways from India Food Safety

Country : India 02-Nov-15

Food Ingredients, India, a trade show held in

Mumbai 19 - 21 October, hosted a series of
food safety seminars. The goal of the seminars
was to explore how the Indian food
manufacturing firms are coping with the

8 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

evolving food law in India and to as...


India: Guideline on Safe & Nutritious

Food in Schools
Country : India 23-Oct-15

Following a series of food safety incidents in

schools in India, Food Safety and Standards
Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken an
important step towards enabling the availability
of safe and nutritious food for Indian school
children. A draft gu...


India: What is in this year’s Pesticide

Monitoring Report?
Country : India 07-Oct-15

The Annual progress report regarding

monitoring of pesticide levels in food
commodities was released by the Department
of Agriculture, Government of India. The
project was coordinated by All India Network
Project on Pesticides residues, Indian Agr...


Regulating Phytosterols in India

Country : India 09-Sep-15

9 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

(FSSAI) published a draft regulation on August
28, 2015 with reference to the use of plant
sterols (phytosterols) from non-GMO sources,
as food ingredients. The proposed limit for the
use of sterols is ...


India: Lowering Limits for Trans Fats

Country : India 07-Sep-15

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

(FSSAI) has published a new gazette
notification, amending the limits of trans-fatty
acids in the following food product standards:
Interesterified vegetable oil (2.2.2) Margarine
and Fat spreads- ...


India: FSSAI Seeks Legal

Country : India 07-Sep-15

In the light of the recent court judgments

related to product approval process, the Food
Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI
or the regulator) has asked interested legal
firms and lawyers through a Public notice to
assist the FSSAI in f...


10 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

India: Microbiological Criteria for

Milk & Meat Proposed by FSSAI
Country : India 03-Sep-15

On 31 August, 2015 FSSAI published draft

regulations on microbiological criteria, inviting
interested members from WTO - SPS (World
Trade Organization-Sanitary and Phytosanitary
measures) to submit their comments and
suggestions. The proposed dra...


Food Products in India: To Approve

or Not To Approve
Country : India 31-Aug-15

The FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards

Authority of India or the regulator) has issued a
statement on 26 August, 2015 with its view on
product approval. FSSAI stated that it would no
longer be able to continue product approval
process for products c...


India: Deadline Extended for Logo

Display on Food Label
Country : India 27-Aug-15

As per the latest order issued on 11 August

2015, the deadline to comply with mandatory

11 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

requirement to display logo and license

number on the food package label has been
extended until 31 December 2015. Mandatory
Requirement Introduced in 2013 As...


India: Licenses for Food Businesses

– Deadline is 2016
Country : India 24-Aug-15

India Food Safety and Standards Authority -

FSSAI has for the third time moved the target
date by which all Food Business Operators
need to be registered with the FSSAI. It is now
by February 4, 2016 that food operators need
to have a license/regi...


India: Special and Functional Foods

Soon to Be Regulated
Country : India 21-Aug-15

FSSAI – Food Safety and Standards Authority

of India has published new draft regulations
covering: Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals,
Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Foods for
Special Medical Purposes, Functional Foods
and Novel Foods. As always...


12 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

India Food Labeling Guide

Country : India 20-Aug-15

As of August 2015, Labeling Reference Guide

for India, based on the regulation published by
the Food Safety and Standards Authority of
India (FSSAI) in 2011, is available in our
RegData® library. This is a comprehensive and
user-friendly tool, cr...


India: Chromium Limits in Gelatine

Country : India 19-Aug-15

As part of the evolving food law and food

standards in India, the FSSAI has recently
published draft regulations aimed at limiting the
presence of chromium in gelatine. Draft
regulations (“Food Safety and Standards
(Contaminants, Toxins and Residu...


India: Upcoming Changes in

Additive Regulation
Country : India 18-Aug-15

On July 23, 2015 FSSAI - Food Safety and

Standards Authority of India, published a draft
regulation “Food Safety and Standards (Food

13 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

Products Standards and Food Additives)

Amendment Regulations, 2015” that proposes
changes in how food additives ar...


India: Limits for Contaminants and

Biotoxins in Fish
Country : India, 03-Aug-15

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of

India (FSSAI), the Indian Food Regulator has
just published draft regulation related to
naturally occurring toxic substances and to
biotoxins that can be found in fish and fishery
products. The proposed ch...


India: Trans Fats Label Declaration

proposed by FSSAI
Country : India, 24-Jul-15

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of

India (FSSAI) has proposed draft regulations to
introduce a new clause under nutritional
information labeling of the current regulation.
Trans - Fats and Saturated Fats According to
the proposal, food in w...


India: Limits for Melamine in Milk

proposed by FSSAI

14 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

Country : India, 21-Jul-15

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of

India (FSSAI), has just published draft
regulation that has for the first time included
maximum limits related to melamine that can
be present in milk and milk products. Proposed
limits relate to powdere...


India: New Salted Fish Product

Standards Proposed by FSSAI
Country : India, 17-Jul-15

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of

India (FSSAI) has proposed draft
regulations related to Fish and Fish Products in
the Food Safety and Standards (Food Product
Standards and Food Additives) Regulation
from 2011. This document is now open ...


India: Study on Consumption of

Caffeinated/Energy Drinks
Country : India 08-Jul-15

In an attempt to understand the behavior and

attitudes of consumers, in the age group of
15-45 years in India, towards caffeinated
beverages/energy drinks, the FSSAI has
invited those interested to participate in a
market research study to submit tec...

15 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards


Chinese Milk still Banned in India

Country : India, 07-Jul-15

June 22, 2015. The ban on import of milk and

milk products from China that was initially
imposed in 2008 has been extended by India’s
Food Safety Authority. The reason for imposing
the ban in 2008 was detection of melamine
contamination in the import...


Country : India, 29-Jun-15

FSSAI has published draft regulations, titled

“Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants,
Toxins and Residues) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2015.”, proposing amendments to
limits of heavy metals. The limits include those
of- lead, arsenic, tin, cadmium, me...


FSSAI To Issue Junk Food

Country : India, 21-Jun-15

16 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

The Honorable High Court of Delhi has

directed FSSAI to issue a detailed guideline on
‘Junk Food’, referred to as foods that contain
high levels of fat, sugar and salt (HFSS).
Further to the directive, the regulator has also
decided to constitute a s...


India: Regulation Proposal on Food

Country : India, 08-Jun-15

On May 29, 2015, the country’s apex food

regulatory body published on its web site a
draft regulation titled ‘Food Safety and
Standards (Food Recall Procedure)
Regulations, 2015’. The proposed draft
regulations explains in detail the steps a recall


Procedures for Food Importers in

India Now Available
Country : India, 04-Jun-15

On May 26, 2015, the Food Safety and

Standards Authority of India has published a
detailed standard operating procedure outlining
the step by step method to be followed by
those Food Business Operators importing food
into the country. The procedure h...

17 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards


FSSAI Yearly Statement on Food

Samples Tested
Country : India, 03-Jun-15

The food regulator has published a yearly

statement citing numerical figures on: number
of samples examined, number of
non-conforming samples, number of
prosecutions launched, number of convictions/
penalties and amount raised through penalties
from ...


FSSAI Publishes a Detailed

Guideline for those Seeking
Information on the System of
Product Approval
Country : India, 19-May-15

The Indian food regulator (FSSAI), having

received mixed effect from the stakeholders
regarding the introduction of the system of
“Product approvals” has published a
comprehensive guideline on its website
regarding the same. Furthermore, the


FSSAI Invites Comments and

18 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

Objections for Amendments to Food

Safety Standards
Country : India, 15-May-15

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

(FSSAI) has published on its website draft
regulations titled “Draft Food Safety and
Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and
Residues) Amendment Regulation 2015
relating to standards of Mycotoxins in Foods“...



Country : India, 20-Apr-15

The Food Safety and Standards authority of

India has invited comments from stakeholders
for proposed changes to Packaging and
Labeling regulations for products containing
Carboxymethyl cellulose particularly Ready-
to-serve beverages. The current l...



Country : India 19-Apr-15

19 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

India’s food regulator on April 10th 2015

published a list of testing labotarories
accredited by National Accreditation Board for
Testing and Calibration (NABL) for carrying out
testing as specified by the scope under the
notification. The authoriti...



Country : India 09-Apr-15

The Food safety and Standards Authority of

India has brought into force specific
amendments to the existing regulation as of
23rd March, 2015. Major highlights include:
Introduction of additional provisions to Infant
formula and necessary speci...



Country : India 08-Apr-15

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of

India (FSSAI) has introduced specific
amendments to current label regulations, that

20 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

came into force on 23rd March 2015.

Highlights include: Addition of more products
along with “bread and cakes” under ...


Food Licensing & Registration

System (FLRS)
Country : India, 06-Nov-14

Food Licensing & Registration System (FLRS)

is an online application launched by Food
Safety and Standards Authority of India to
facilitate Food Business Operators (FBO) in
India to apply for License/Registration
Certificate and track their appl...


Labeling Rules and Nutritional

Claims are now released!

The ComplianceCloud now supports labeling

rules. As per other legislation elements, now
also labeling and nutritional claims rules can
be searched within our database. Fidning
useful information on how to label a food
product in a given country r...


21 of 23 25/05/2016 19:50
Alcoholic Drinks in India - New Product Standards

Food Safety and Standards

(Packaging and Labeling)
Regulations in India
Country : INDIA 19-Mar-14

In 2013, the Food Safety and Standards

Authority of India has published several
notifications on the Food Safety and Standards
(packaging and Labeling) Regulation 2011:
- Extended time period to comply with
India packaging and labeling req...




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