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Decision Package Back to Instructions Page Print

Enter Information:

• Enter the name of your business unit or function and the number of activities performed within the business unit or function (you can enter
information for up to 20 activities).
• Document information pertaining to the activities within your business unit or function in the table below.
• Input yearly costs pertaining to the activities of the business unit or function.
• Refer to the text boxes on the right for guidance.

<Enter the Name of the Business unit or

Business Unit or Function:
Number of Activities Within the Business Unit or
Enter the final list of activities based on your
Brand Strategy inputs in Activity Screening Tool (task 3.2) from
Owner: Brand Manager the accompanying Gartner Ignition Guide .

Activity Name: Advertisements

Service Level of the Activity: Turnaround time of 30 business days for For G&A functions, enter service level for an
(if applicable) each advertisement. activity.

1.Launch of new product advertisements

List the strategic objectives of your organization
Strategic Alignment: for all geographical location by end of that are aligned with the activity.

Increase brand awareness among State how the activity creates an advantage for
Competitive Advantage: potential customers leading to customer the organization over its competitors.

Reduced loyalty among existing customer • Analyze and list the negative impact on the
Risks, If Not Funded:
base. organization and the business unit or function if
activity does not receive funds.
• Describe how partial funding will impact the
Example: New customer acquisition
service levels for the activities.
- Total customer value
- Impact on sales during and post
Performance Metrics advertisement campaign
- Return on Investment
Note: Be informed on the external
benchmarks on the key indicators.

Current Year • Fill this table and summarize funding
requirements for each activity using the
Personnel $3,600 Business Unit and Function Budget Template
Training and Development $1,200 (Task 3.3) from the accompanying Gartner
Infrastructure $1,200 Ignition Guide.
Professional Fees $11,200
Outsourcing $1,200 • For multiyear projects, enter expected costs for
Travel $1,200 all years.
Supplies and Materials $1,200
Other Costs $1,200
<Enter other> $0
Total $22,000
Projected Revenue ($): $12,000 Describe the anticipated outcomes (quantitative
Projected Cost Savings ($): N/A and qualitative) that you expect to achieve (if the
activity is funded).
Other Benefits:
1. Three-fold increase in the number of
times an individual is exposed to an

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