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Summer 2 2023: July 3rd 2023: Issue 33 (edition 154)

“Together we grow, Love to Learn, Shine and
make a Difference”

0161 624 9019 Bronze

Di rect li nk to: the school websi te can be made her e.

Message from the Head teacher

Diversity week saw a range of learning and visitors into school. Two highlights were Dan
celebrating his success as a business man with ADHD running his own car leasing business,
and the author Andrea Bowker promoting her diversity books about being individual and
unique. Across the week we shared the importance of understanding our own individuality.
A diagnosis of additional needs is not an excuse for behaviour but a reason to know how to
support our individuals further and to help not only their futures but inform their peers
about others in their community to understand each other supportively.
Let’s embrace each other’s diversity on a daily basis.
H Henderson

Girl guides t o regi ster f or St Paul ’s uni t Tuesday ni ghts

onze awar d Woodl ands trust
Rainbows (4-7 years 5:45pm – 6:30 p. m. Brownies (7-10yrs ) 6:45 – 8. 30 p. m.
groups that Beaver 6-8 Joanne cont act 07738065394
take place in Cubs age 8 half to 10 Ther ese Hurst 07730 796989 Garet h Wil son
Royton 07791309714

The summer fair has raised an amazing £838.52 .Thank you to everyone who contributed and also to
those who attended the fair o Saturday.

W/c 12.6.23 19.6.23 Important events over this term.

Class Attendance over the last
Rec 98% 97%
two weeks has been a July 2023
Y1 99.7% 97.6%
positive move. Ofsted Sat 1st Summer Fair at school 11:00 a.m.
Y2 100% 99.3% consider attendance as a Thurs Yr. ½ group orienteering at Crompton Primary
Y3 99.3% 95.9% major influence for their Mon 10 Year 5 and 6 musical performance of Oliver dress
Y4 95.8% 88.4% grading outcomes. Our rehearsal for school
school is due to receive and Tues 11 Year 5 and 6 musical performance 6:00 p.m.
Y5 97.3% 99.3%

Y6 95% 90.6%
Ofsted Inspection visit next Thurs 13 Year 5 and 6 musical performance 9:45 am.
year at some point. Help us Fri 14th Head teacher for the Day. Beau Webster and Delilah
ARP 95.7% 100%
to achieve our best through Jenner carry out their leadership roles for the day following
This wk. 97.7% 95.8% the schools vote for them on May day’s voting day.
high attendance. Tues 18 Summer serenade – all music groups, choir and KS2
Overall 94% 94.1% classes perform at St. Paul’s Church 6:00 p.m.
Sept Thurs 20th Leavers’ service for staff leaving us at the end of this term
2:00 p.m.
Frid 21st Year 6 Leavers’ service at St Paul’s Church 9:45 a.m.
Vision and mission . School Closes for Summer holidays at 3:15 p.m.
September 2023
For the last few weeks we are looking at the theme of
‘opening doors’. I wonder what thismeans to you? What Wed 6th School opens for Autumn 1 at 8:45 a.m.
doors have been opened to you? Who have you Non 18th Parent forum – all parents invited to attend – how we
teacher, how your child learns in school and mental health
opened up to whenthings are not going so well?Who support for children.
has listened to you?Who has oopened their door to
you? Let’sencourage our children who may need some
help to open their doors to someone inschool 2022.2023 And also 2023.2024 Term dates can be found here.

Bible Quote: Matthew 7:7-8 Notification of industrial action on First Manchester buses. No
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and buses will run on these dates: Mon 3rd, Tues 4th, Fri 7th, Mon
it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the 10th, and Tues 11th, Thurs 13th July. If you use a bus to travel to
one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. school you will be required to make alternative arrangements on
these dates.

Music for reflection: Christina Aguilera Reflection – Who I am can be found here
St Paul’s Gallery
No images sent
for this week’s

… …
Mi kaeel hol di ng ont o Dr ess rehearsal for Charl otte
those trophi es from hi s pl ayi ng dual rol es as the big bad Joey i n Resource struggl es to
most i mpr ovements wol f and the ol d granny. get hi s hai r cut. But was a
recogni sed i n hi s f oot ball superstar when he had it done
cl ub. thi s week. Well done Joey.

Summer Serenade- Tuesday 18th July 6:00 p.m.

Letter goi ng out thi s week for thi s event. All gr oups take part as a team
just as a f oot ball or swi mmi ng team wor k t oget her. For one event i n the
year we are as ki ng you to pri oriti se i nvol vement of your chil d at thi s
annual event to enabl e childr en to parti ci pat e and demonstrat e thei r
s killset wi th musi cal parti cipati on.

Thi s is an annual event wher e ALL our chil dren i n KS2 shar e thei r musi c perf or mances : Each KS2
cl ass perf or ms on the i nstrument they have been l earni ng thi s year i n cl ass. Thi s incl udes the
school choi r wi th chil dren acr oss key stage 2. The various musi c tuiti on gr oups such as gui tar ,
keyboar d, and vi oli n and brass year 5 will al so take part. Thi s event i s compul sor y f or all chil dren i n
KS2 t o attend and par ents and f amili es will be i nvi ted to attend, t oo.

Bel omont vehi cl e l easi ng company di rect or came i nto school.

Dani el Mc Cus ker joi ned us on Tuesday at our coll ecti ve worshi p to share hi s experi ences gr owi ng up
wi t h ADHD and how t o never gi ve up but fi nd the ri ght support to hel p you succeed. He sai d the most
i portant thi ng i n life is to find happi ness and make life wor k f or you. Her e are some chil dren who had
questi ons to as k hi m at the end.

Andrea Bowker, author and illustrator came into

school on Wednesday for diversity week. She
writes children’s books linked to diversity topics.
She worked with year 2 and 3 sharing her books
and the children made Rab the Crab, the lead

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