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CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Position Statement The position statement The position statement A position statement is The
provides a clear, strong provides a clear statement of present, but does not make stat
statement of the the author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s
author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s position on the topic. position clear.
position on the topic.

Focus or thesis statement The thesis statement names The thesis statement names The thesis statement The
the topic of the essay and the topic of the essay. outlines some or all of the not
outlines the main points to main points to be discussed doe
be discussed. but does not name the topic. be d

Support for posistion Includes 3 or more pieces of Includes 3 or more pieces of Includes 2 pieces of evidence Inclu
evidence (facts, statistics, evidence (facts, statistics, (facts, statistics, examples, evid
examples, real-life examples, real-life real-life experiences) that exam
experiences) that support experiences) that support support the position exp
the position statement. The the position statement. statement.
writer anticipates the
concerns, biases or
arguments and has provided
at least 1 counter-argument.
Evidence and examples All of the evidence and Most of the evidence and At least one of the pieces of Evid
examples are specific, examples are specific, evidence and examples is NOT
relevant and explanations relevant and explanations relevant and has an not
are given that show how are given that show how explanation that shows how
each piece of evidence each piece of evidence that piece of evidence
supports the supports the supports the
author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s
position. position. position.
Closing Paragrapgh The conclusion is strong and The conclusion is The author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s The
leaves the reader solidly recognizable. The position is restated within pap
understanding the author\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the closing paragraph, but
writer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s position is restated within not near the beginning.
position. Effective the first two sentences of
restatement of the position the closing paragraph.
statement begins the closing
Sources All sources used for quotes, All sources used for quotes, Most sources used for Man
statistics and facts are statistics and facts are quotes, statistics and facts (not
credible and cited correctly. credible and most are cited are credible and cited not
correctly. correctly.

Grammar Author makes no errors in Author makes 1-2 errors in Author makes 3-4 errors in Auth
grammar or spelling that grammar or spelling that grammar or spelling that erro
distract the reader from the distract the reader from the distract the reader from the that
content. content. content. the

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