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 Help 1 Announcements Bonnie Li


UPL - How to add component company to LMS

Company added an additional component company that needs access to UltiPro Learning

Nov 7, 2019 • How To Articles

How to add component company to UltiPro Learning Academy


New component company was created and users hired within the component company are not syncing to
UltiPro Learning. New component company should be added to Learning Management Systems.

1. Open UltiPro
2. Click on Menu
3. Click on System Configuration
4. Go to Application Connections > Learning Management Systems
5. Click on Add
6. Choose the LMS Provider (UltiPro Learning)
7. Select the component company you would like to add
8. Get the Academy ID from UPL > Admin > Academy Settings > API Key
9. Enter the Academy ID
10. Turn Integration on
11. Get the Academy API Key from UPL > Admin > Academy Settings > API Key
12. Enter the Academy API Key
13. Enable User Sync Status
14. Click Save


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