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[Compiled by - Er Sanjay Sir [Mobile Number - 94622: Important Mcq of 3rd Grade ICT Internet Explorer is a type of. face one: fra wa a 2? (a) TATE TSH (Operating System) (b) Beare (Compiler) (©) ABR (Browser) (d) IP "at (ZH) (IP Address) (©) Video Conferencing can be classified as one of the following type of communication’? aiftsa arefan i fra aR & dan A aigg frm a amt (a) 34 TH AAT (Visual one-way) (b) 954-34 GH TTA (Audio-Visual one way) (c) #A-3q_% ATH (Audio-Visual two way) (@) 374 2 FA (Visual two way) © ‘Which of the following is nota type of computer? frefatian 33 aa a eR at Uw WAR =A 3? (a) HIG BIEL (Microcomputer) (b) Fit Het (Minicomputer) (c) Stet azz (Poly computer) (d) 349 ST (Mainframe computer) (c) Which of the following is correct with reference to computers? ara & day 9 freafetiaa 9 8 ate or wel 87 (a) 1 % 3 = 1022 ae (1KB-1022 Bytes) (b) 1 BH A = 1024 Fat (IMB=1024KB) (€) | sf a = 1022 welt (IGB-1022MB) (a) 1 & a = 1026 set (ITB-1026GB) (by The distinctive characteristics of computer is? (a) "ft (Speed) (b) FACT (Storage) (©) sftqzat (Accuracy) (q) SaarF BH (All the above) @ Both arithmetical and logical operations are performed in sentir 3 aface ari ari fora feet rd F wee (a) GER, (ALU) (b) i (Memory) (c) A214, (VDU) — (d) 8188 (Mouse) (a) Knowledge of computer is useful to a a Sein & (a) atest & fora (Labourers) (b) axa & Ferd (Travellers) (o) searent = fer (Teachers) (4) 3F BH F fer (AM the above) d) 8 10, 13, Which is the longest key on the key-board? aad a1 aaa cei asi em a 27 (a) #4 (Home) (b) Tee (Enter) (©) B3 AW (Space-bar) (@) fare (Shift) © Whaat is the need of communication technology in education? fren 4 gra een vate wt rere et 37 (a) fan a aie 3g Ba (To fulfil the demand of education) (b) fam =i sraerraqan fara aq TE “FE FF (To make subject matter according to the need of the students) (9 sR seme a afre aa FAR 2q (To make teaching learning more easy) (d) SHRF Bt (Above all) What are the main functions of computer? reat Byer ard ene 2 (a) 4 BHT (Data collection) (b) 324 -Ga7I (Data storage) (c) 321 sift ( Data processing) (@) srw TA (Above all) @ ‘What are terminologies related to computer? et a wafers ware ae at 27 (a) Biezaat THs (Software package) (b) aFeaE FEA (Operating system) (c) te iret FH (Read only Memory) (d) STF AT (Above all) (d) What are the main roles of information communication technology ert ae vartat S yer ari a a #2 (a) Gare a Se eT (Collection of information) (b) Sarre 1 BAHT aT SEAT (Communicate or transfer information's) (©) FAs FI FETT (Retrieval of information) (d) SRNF FAT (Above all) (d) @ Com Technology? fee 4 ger ae cartel a wim a ata 8 2? (a) faa 3 gaa were aarttat awa (Use of Information Technology in teaching) (b) Senet a eerie Bg ae Fae aT vin (Distribution of Infrastructure & use of Information Technology) (©) fase at carers anit 2 gaat eee wate ai (Use of Information Technology in the professional growth of teacher) (d) sai BA (Above all) @ frafofas #8 am a eT wa were ata waa al 82 Which of the following is not associated with information and communication technology? (a) LAN (b) MAN (c) OAN (d) WAN © WiFi 8 aed # Wi-Fi stands for (a) APRA FH (Wireless factory) (b) arncta frstadt (Wireless Fidelity) (c) 44 Fai (Web factory) (d) 4a frst (Wed Fidelity) ae weary carat communication technologies safe wert #1 (raise students motivation) (b) frenfiat ai freafa wert 21 (raise students achievement) (c) 323 tts fae 1 eae act 21 (promote higher order thinking) (d) SairF BH (all of the above) @ a win Fzae Ft ae ae S gar aad ____ is used to protect network from outside attacks- (a) Bixee. (DNS) (b) PRAet (Firewall) (c) GREME (Efitranet) (A) "FEA (Fortress) (b) sifera due fears ¢ Optical storage device is (a) Fa Hite ag (Flash memory cards) (b) 22H, Bea (USB drive) (9 BAA. (vd) (@ we feer (Hard disk) (b) (ec) 26. 28. 9462224499 ee Se A a a ST Who is known as ‘Father of Computer’, (a) aa 4a (Larry Page) (b) fare 728 (Bill Gates) (c) aIed aria (Charles Babbage) (d) STFA (Rosenberg) ©) 2. wR ar & ? Computer virus is a? (a) SIRT (Software) (b) #1 44 (Hardware) (©) 4279 GPTES (Backup programs) (@) sate 4 8 aig a (None of the above) f@) aT eH aseqe fearea t 7 Which one is an output device? (a) #171 (Keyboard) (b) 4184 (Mouse) (©) =At (Scanner) (@ Hf (Monitor) feet age a ofa ttt The brain of any computer is (a) #5 4S (Motherboard) (b) #474, (CPU) (© wey (ALU) (@) #reret FFE (Control Unit) Icr a afta ¢ ICT stands for (@ peeierra apae Beit (International Communication Technology) (b) rr aes Sect (Inter Connected Technology) (9 BRS Tefen FST (Information Communication Technologies) @) wet aire Sri (inter Common Technology) fra 38 a a wer att t 7 Which of the following statement is correct? (a) are ae SH gr Ge SF ere at fe al Aa FH 21 (Virus improves the speed of processing information through computer) (b) Fete arate i Hert set tar 21 (Internet does not allow the virus to spread) (c) ARS SR aT feeT eI (Virus is part of software) (@ aaa Um sitvtfén fareR #1 (Virus is an operating system) (d) (b) tc) ©) 30. 31 34. [Compiled by ‘You should have for sending e-mail (a) B88 ite Settee ore (Modern and Telephone line) () eee BR (Internet connection) (0) Fa ara wet at ST TT (Receiver's e-mail address) (@) Se WH (All of above) Sra I eT #1 Example of data is (a) farnfiat = -TH (Name of students) (b) te FR (Roll Number) (0) 71S" FER (Account Number) (@ FHF BA (All of above) @ fen carta ar onfanta fared Gan ae #2 Hardware approach of Education Technology emerges from ? (a) afort site sitar (Mathematics and Physics) (b) sift ait Sift (Physics and Engineering) (c) Sarat ait fate (Engineering and Education) (d) fever att sift (Education and Physics) (b) @ . Fats aeqet a & Part: (Following are the part of computer, except:) (a) Hz (CPU) (b) F1-4S (Keyboard) (©) FRR (Scanner) —(d) FifTex (Monitor) (c) RAM @ ace & RAM stands for (a) te waa FAM (Read Access Memory) (b) frac wafers FE (Really Accessible Memory) (c) sa Tae FAs (Random Access Memory) (4) e5 wieae AHH (Random Available Memory) © URL @/URL is (a) GH Ara FT VIN (the title of a website) (b) GH =4et Tat (an e-mail address) (¢) FR wm fix Somer worm fal (a communication method between computer and printers) (a) aed aS Ba STH FG -AT TT (the address of a page on the world wide web) @ 36. 38. 39. 40. "Sar Wa ewww" eT aE While using intemet] the letters “www" means (a) 38 ares tafe (World Wide Wrestling) () aS ae af (World Wide Working) (c) WE TAFE 4A (World Wide Web) (d) Aes AGE AE (World Wide Wild) (c) “sare ome gaa aaah 3b ora afr ean ee 4d acm ai or art fen acer & The process of two sided interaction by satellite based technology is known as (a) $4 (e-mail) (b) erate (Teleconferencing) (©) FRE (Computer) (@) 43.2 (C.D. ROM) arg at fre ‘The characteristic of a computer is (a) “SReqzat (Accuracy) (b) FESTA (Versatility) (©) AFH (Speed) (d) SH TH (All of the above) (d) CLASS aie (eat feet we we age) fee dear gra ae feat rat? CLASS Project Computer Literacy and studies in schools was started by ) (a) SIERT (b) SCERT (c) NCERT. (d) NCTE (c) ar we ca shasta ¢ 2 What is ICT ? (a) weraeret gaa at afi (A process of effecting information) (b) ea Gaara AAT (A process of data collection) (c) WeareA Ft iA (A process of evaluation) (@) arate wate fia (A process of Internal Technology) @ ‘gaa shetrat = ar ard 22 What are the functions of ICT (a) ere a ne (Storage of information's) () gars a ite (Communication of information's) (ore a ate (Processing of information's) (@) STF WAT (Above all) @ B. eT What is the need of Information Technology in Education ? (a) Sa arava a sin tq (For the demand of Educational needs.) (o) wart aor se Fy (For effective Teaching Learning.) (c) Frenfeiat 1 dem 34 Bq (To motivate the Students.) (d) SHNF At (Above all) @ . era Rees ama weH Paar Tat Mostly in Education computer used in (a) HY TTR 2 (Research tools) (b) fara sifirrs %q (Teaching learning) (c) FF TAM (Management tool) (@ SHHF FF (Above all) @ ae war & fagia 2 Principles of better communication are (a) Garret Ft reat (Clarity in information) (b) aneit 1 FaTET (Broadcasting of information) (c) water query (Sufficient information) (d) Snr At (Above all) @ ROM ® ead 9 fre a a ge a ale Which one is correct with respect to ROM ? (a) de aire FF (Read only memory) (b) ware 1 Fat F (can be expanded) (c) dare Hs & (Editing is possible) (d) sai AG FE Fe (None of the above) (a) 2 a wr Fifa, Choose correct pair (a) ware ae — ciferr wl fees ArT (Verbal communication & Oral and written communication) ; (b) wife aa - aq wee wa HT OE (Verbal communication & Eye to Bye contact and Gestures) (0) Srafaar war ert as (Non-verbal communication & Touch contact) (d) sefee were - feed we tifa aero (Non-verbal communication ~ Writ ten and oral communication) fa) Frafartaa 4 8 ata oH sivifen fare wet Which one of the following is not an operating system ? (a) IBMAIX (©) Linux. (b) Fire Fox (d) Unix 0) 48, 49. 31 9462224499 =e Be We A Which of the following is not main part of the communication process ? (a) Ba FH (To send the message) (b) B82 FAT (To make the message) (c) #1 GFF (To test the message) (d) 2a fever (To write the message) (c) er wel wee data (ome. aa.) A aftafera Information and communication Technology (ICT) includ (a) FF (Internet) (b) ‘fer ERA (Educational television) (c) #41 (Exmail) (a) SF A (All of the above) @ fae afer a ea 4 waif: citefia ua ae a SRR AM arell eres Bet # The material aid which makes popular and up to date knowledge as a electronic brain (@) Ahan (V.CR) (b) a. a. a. (COTY) (©) 2cfifaaa (Television) (@ FET (Computer) fartatas 9 a aia arm eee at vet 27 Which of the following is nota computer language? (a) @i (LOGO) —_(b) Hatt (COBOL) (c) ST AVA) (d) #1 (COSMO) (d) aa Hard ae ee ade wa aL, oo el erat a ata are & fore eats ar oa open #, sa aya a1 fresferfera 8 en zea 2? “When we are working on computer, then the computer uses memory to collect programmes and information's this memory from the following is known as (a) #4 (ROM) (b) 4 (RAM) (©) (WAN) (@) @F (LAN) i & Gerais mem e- Synchronous media of communication includes- (a) 3 (Chat) (b) fafeat =TA8fIT (Video conferencing) (c) 24ST (Teleconferencing) (d) Sa BM (ALI of the above) IR Us fae a ae SP at Computer acts as a teacher mode of the following (a) Ga Wel (Discovery mode) (b) 9¢7™ TTR (Simulation mode) (c) fram wore (Tutorial mode) (d) 1-4 wa FAT (Drill and practices) (c) () (d) 58. 59. [Compiled by “ees, BATT MT PN Baa A eH wT Symbols are the tools of communication. in chief symbols we can include.) (a) Wa 74 WE (Spoken word) (b) f38 (Signs) (c) @4-414 (Gestures) (d) Sai BA (All of the above) fa da ane aye aed Ht? Which group from the following belongs to software ? (a) Wie, 3g, Fregiy, Tee, wT (MS Word. Photoshop, MS Eiicel) (bye, area, vise wae (Scanner, Whatsapp. Power Point) (onic, fre, wee aE (Monitor, Printer, MS Word) @) TUE wR, FERN, Ase (MS Eiicel, Photoshop. Mouse) (d) @), ree APT eT at afar ar sit ah #7 Which is not a part of “process” of computer? (a) Seat7 aia eae (Central Processing Unit (CPU) (b) aes we cifsare wa (Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) (©) 3% (Input) (d) Frfam ga (Control Unit (CU)) fre aa siren age arse a wate 87 Which group is related to hardware ? (@) wet 4, thy, after, at aie (ALU, CPU, Monitor, Key Board) (b) wremad, a ae, wey, Bing, (MS&Word, Key Board, ALU, CPU) (©) TuURiaR Tee, UE, AE, (MS-Power Point, ALU, Mouse, Printer) (@ ary, wea « ata, Bidets, Tae (CPU, MS-Excel, Photoshop, MS-Word) (a) afer, aria, Fre, Tera wait (Basic, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal ete are) (a) SftT aT (Programming languages) (b) afeferat sm (Utility programme) ©) ‘f= (Operating system) (4) MH FaLKE (Language translator) de aga? (Full name of E-Mail is.) (a) vefage Fe (Electric Mail) (b) = Fe (Easy Mail) (c) Fret tt Electronic Mail) (d) waa Wet (Exchange Mail) () @ ) ol. 2. 6. 64. 65, yer sea ea TT First high level language was (aerial (COBOL) (b) af (BASIC) (c) iat (FORTRAN) (@ Wer (PASCAL) ean we hired ay afinfera @ - (Information and communication technology includes) (a) 34 TEA Ata (On line learning) () wate F a a ee (Learning through the use of EDUSAT) () 4 Fee eta (Web based leaming) (@) sea WA (All the above) sate Far 12/What is Internet (a) WSR (Hardware) (b) BIRZAR (Software) (©) aH (Programme) (a sient Aza sin (Protocol networking) (d) warm & fer frefetan 48 feat svar ae 8? Which of the following is not required for communication ? (a) werTT zat (Communicator) (b) Ferm aM (Receiver) (©) 577 (Medium) (@) TERRA (Syllabus) ‘ain ar freed AA 87 Which is not the principle of communication ? (a) 3f4a4 GF (Proper contact) (b) aati st eT=AI (Clarity ofthe information's) (o) FIT FBT (Lack of communication) (@) Gi a SFT FAT (Proper telecast of the information) © aehen aire a Alec Str wt 2? What is the model of communication prock (a) Bau AEH © HEAR © Bee uA (Sender © Medium © Receiver) (b) FH © Hea aH © da weet (Medium © Sender © Receiver) (©) Fa wat © a Fer © AE (Receiver © Sender © Medium) (d) Fa aes © Bia wees © HITE (Sender © Receiver © Medium) (@) ©) @ @ 61. 68. 69. 10. wa et @1 Which source will provide maximum and up-to- date information about a subject? (a) favasia % (Encyclopaedia) (b) evetiz & (Internet) (o) sfxarsit & (lournals) (@ sratera saci S (International Conferences) waraet wer st sai ararreT 2? ‘What is the need of effective communication ? (a) waraerett farm &q (For effective teaching) (>) faenfial gra fara—ernit ere et aa (Understand the subject matter by the students.) (©) GH Wt Fi TAR TF (To understand each other.) (d) THF THT (Above all) «@) ‘wai = aet B? (Which is not communication) (a) 2 safe gra 2 aren ween (Communication by two persons.) (b) Farr we wigan @ fret Gare cen Prat I AT Fara Ba #1 (Communication is a process to interact of information and thoughts.) (©) fret sree ar eer act 2g fret At arr aa wera wet fern aa 21 (Not using any means to communicate feelings.) (d) 3 aafeeat gra sae st ae va ws F frat Far Hai ET STATA WE (Expression of thoughts&and feelings which understand by other persons.) (), teens TERT coisa aT ae (b) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) was launched on- (a) 1 371, 1975 (14 August, 1975) (b) 9 FBR, 1980 (9 November, 1980) (©) 20 $4, 1975 (20 June, 1975) (@) 17 37, 1990(17August, 1990) sabe ae fram fate wy ae - (Using ICT aided teaching) (a) seas Ft saa FET TET (There will be no need of teacher) (>) Serre Te ard are sient et sreML (Teacher will become overburdened) (c) shears 4 fier GPa wera 3 wa Fh (Teacher will act as facilitator) (@ sears fran Sata a arith (Teacher will be at centre place) © (a) Be 16. for-) (a) tia 44 fF (Domain Name System) (bo) Za ait freA (Defence Nuclear System) (o) SF cisacl =EMTR (Downloadable New Software) (d) fe¥s= 44 WA (Dependent Name Server) (a) ara finer #q sala seme ate ant? The satellite of India developed for education is: (@)G-SE (b) SARAL. (©) Chandrayan (d) Eduset ata ar yg sonra fear ae 22 Which is not the part of software technology ? (a) FIeSA (Slides) (b) farea ofeat (Film strips) (©) AF eA (Maps) (@) Fafsa (Motion Picture) wor aa Huet eiey SM a 2? The correct cyele of communication is, (a) ive - wea ater - fayfic (Gender- message-receiver-feedback) (b) Woe - wea -sfagfte - yet (Sender- message-feedback-receiver) (o) em - sfeyfte -aea1 - yea (Sender feedback-message-receiver) (@) Wein - ee ea - wfiafie (Receiver- sender-message-feedback) (@) ‘wan a FM t (Function of communication is) (a) sfirreor (Motivation) (b) SERIA HTE-WE (Sharing of information) (©) fara i fazer (Education and training) (@ sea TH (All of the above) @ Sim & tha eh ah wane ar wet e 2 (Which is not the Psychological barrier during communication”) (a) Tera IeqeHIT (Wrong perception) (b) TET 4B afrH Fra (Excess worried) (o) sr FIT (Incomplete curiosity) (0) sifteTH (Previous learning) iain waist 3 afraee Who is the exponent of software technology (a) &% FRE (A.A. Lumesdan) (b) a.ay.FearR (B-E Skinner) (©) FR (Bruner) (@) sree (Ausubel) @ © (d) (b) [Compiled by - Er Sanjay Sir 79. Which is not the basic parameter of system? aH wench ai enya teeter sei 27 (a) FR (input) (b) ¥f¥™1 (Process) (c) i (Machine) (a) SUSIE (Output) Communication with students means ‘ferent 8 gabe a afar (a) $@ Ft He Fy FEA (asking them to doa task) (b) fran aI SITA-¥EM (exchange of ideas) (c) 3% Fate 1 (giving them direction) (@) 5% set Frat & Bat FET (informing them of their ideas) (b) 81. An exchange of facts, ideas, opinion or emotions by twvo or more persons is called Dao a afee ofa Fae cea, fran, vai Tar Sasi ar SRA ec t (a) 3-4: f71 (Interaction) (b) 7 (Transmission) (©) #577 (Communication) (d) 3AA4 (Correlation) (©) 82, The educational technology which has its origin in physical sciences and engineering is tien varia fora sara stirs faa wi safest & (a) Hae vara gem 1 (Educational Technology I) (b) Aha sata feta (Educational Technology II) (c) 2k FarTy (Hardware Approach) (@) FS FTF (Software Approach) ct the correct answer from the codes below a fet 14 atee FS ae oe a aa Sif: IB: (Codes :) ()asitd (b) b ate asic @aard ©) 83. What are the various forms of communication in class room? ware Hain & fart ceo str 8 22 (a) ferfaa (Written) (b) tif (Oral) (c) H#f% (Symbolic) (@ SF BA (Above all) «© 80 (d) +4, 86. 8, 88 99. [Mab 95] Which one of the following is not an application software? fas a a SH or wm eather aieaeR (Application Software) ei #2 (a) Fish 7 (Windows 7 ) (b) SFR PageMaker) (©) ete (Notepad) (a) wietets (Photoshop) (a) Which of he following drives computer hardware and actsasa platform for running other software? frefafad Wa ae, sept ween ai erm Foi oy aimee ser fee wa Ha Sea A aed ae? @ fara (Operating System) (b) aeyyrie teeriae (Application Software) (a sit b (and b) (a) svier FB TE sh ET (None of the above) (a) An example of an output device is W sTEzE feswT (Output Device) #1 GF FRET (a) AR (Scanner) (b) ‘tee (Plotter) (c) 23 (Tap) (a) afeaR (Software) ) Which of the following is a limitation of computer system? Faas (a) =H (Speed) (©) aA (Diligence) (@) fs #7 AH (Lack of Intelligence) (4) Which of the following is a system software? fre He ah wt GH ferey ated (Systom Software) #2 (a) Péeia 7 (Windows 7 ) (b) Se (PageMaker) (c) ete (Notepad) (a) veka (Photoshop) @ "Mainframe computers are very cheap Answer the statement from the following altematives: “age WoT (Mainframe Computers) 7B et (Cheap) #", 2a Fa Hom fs Praca a gi: (a) #4 (True) (b) "4 (False) Which is not a computer classification ? sin at sae arise (Classification) ef # (a) #4 (Mainframe) (b) S397 (Maxframe) (©) Fret (Mini) (a) 327 (Notebook) ‘faran ait 1 HiT (Limitation) # (b) eat (Accuracy) (b) (b) 9. 9. 3. 96. Com Which is the fastest computer? ‘war tat (Fast) #oe FI ae? (a) 7 (Mainframe) (b) sree RE (Micro Computer) (c) 722m (Workstation) (a) x FRE (Super Computer) A type of Daisy Wheel Printer is: ‘Sah ate fizz (Daisy Wheel Printer) 1G Wa &: (a) Stes fee (Matrix Printer) (b) 2 f¥2x (Impact Printer) (c) BR f¥X (Laser Printer) (d) #32721 (Manual) (b) Which of the following memory is refreshed several times per second? fre a aha ah Beh wht Seis at a feat (Refresh) aia #2 (a) few #4 (Static RAM) (b) serif 4 (Dynamic RAM) (©) fit (EPROM) (d) #4 (ROM) (b) Which Memory is used to store the most frequently used information from RAM? a 8 afeenfieg ain aT of a ae srr a siete #G & fem ar Ft Memory #1 sya fear sia 8? (a) #21 FH (Cache Memory) (b) 1 ri (Main Memory) (©) tH (Register) (@ @ (ROM) @) An optical input device that scans and reads information written with a pencil on paper ee aiffzarat SE fear (Optical Input Device) st saris fers gra feret orrerdt Ge (Scan) ate vet (Read) @ (a) ai TH. om (OMR) (b) 2 ae ast (Punch Card Reader ) (c) Savi 25 (Magnetic Tap) (d) sitar GAR (Optical Scanner) (a) Which ofthe following memory is volatile in nature? fra S srait at safer (Volatile) weft at #7 (a) 1 (RAM) (b) #4 (ROM) (©) sa (PROM), (d) it (EPROM) @ fa) 9462224499 97. Which printer used in conjunction with the computer uses toner ? ot F ae Aa (Conjunction) ¥ wy FA aT fiet St (Dry Ink Powder) #1 Seam Fe 2? (a) Sei =te fier (Daisy Wheel Printer) (b) eas fee (Line Printer) (c) at f¥zt (Laser Printer) (a) fe Hex (Thermal Printer) © 98. What is meant by the configuration of your computer? anh wee a abate Baar waa 2? (a) sree faftéet (CPU Specification) (b) i (RAM) rat (c) # fer (HDD) Specification (qd) sate at 99, What is the expanded form of DPI ? ‘Eritsné (DPI) 1 faeqa FT (Complete Form) #7 (a) 2 va ¥4 (Dots per Inches) (b) 22 aff ai Fa (Dots per Square Inches) (0) fa af ara fea Ize (Dots Printed per unit time) (@) svihF TH (All of the above) Jon, Identify the false statement Sar HF (False Statement) #1 wear: (a) amy trae fart (Recycle Bin) ¥ are mE Hrect iW (Retrieve) wad & (b) aft sireet ett sees # ot ttaraact far a fare a wares #1 gress (Re-Store) aE (0) ae ftarraat far Forget Soa fee at for ear (Free Space) 7a wat # (d) 34 Right faers a2 Gard @ aft “Empty Recycle Bin" #1 3H a wh a A Garena far wi aTH(Clean) moat © lol. Which of the following operating system is not an example of a graphical user interface? frer a a ai aI atsifen faze (Operating System) saftearey qe Fete (Graphical User Interface) 1 ee saree el 8? (a) Fah 8.1 (Windows 8-1) (b) #4 sia (Mac OS) (©) ferras (Linux) (@) FR (Unix) @ 102 Which of the following is not an application software fae 48 aa or cele ater (Application Software) Hi #2 (a) Pacis wRTA (Windows XP ) (b) atuerat fife zat (VLC Media Player) (©) ia Met (Adobe Reader) (a) sites (Photoshop ) @ @) @) [Compiled by 108. 108 los. 106. 107. los. Sanjay Sir ‘A small part of the taskbar that contains the of applications running in the background ‘arerart (Taskbar) #1 We wert fees fre grou (Background) 4 acti art efariert (Application) % see (leon) @ sit sae fers ait war efi (Display) Pean rH & (a) Be FER (Start Button) (b) fare aA (Quick Launch) (©) 2% aR (Task Bar ) (@) Fae (System Tray) @ Which one of the following operating systems does not implement multitasking in reality ? fra a a as mr oitsifen faeen wedtafesin (Multi Tasking) 1 aera (Actually) 4 er] el ae 8? (a) FazTs 98 (Windows 98) (b) fet wet (Windows NT) (c) Pees WTA (Windows XP) (@ wes Zia (MS DOS) @ Which of the following Windows does not have a start button fr Ha sis Pletal (Windows) ara a2 (Start Button) wt: (a) fefeta Fert (Windows Vista) (b) Fast 10 (Windows 10) (©) Fe 8 (Windows 8) (@ 3x A FH AEF (none of the above) —_(c) Which of the following is not an operating system? fae Ha wie or cateticn fare ae (a) 2 (DOS) (b) fer (Lime) (©) fei (Windows) (@) sitet (ORACLE) @ One is the designated location on the disk where the files are stored? Um aa fer K oafert eT (Named Location) * sf sweat #t neta (Stored) frat aT @: (a) FeR (Folder) (b) st (POD) (©) RCH (Version) (@ Fee FE (File Group) In Windows, the Start button ean be used to iia (Windows) %, 13 327 (Start Button) #1 sri vas fore fear ST eT e: (a) ofeenier et =H (Application Launching) (b) feenes AFH (Device Setting) (o) fares Fi ae FET (System) (@ S34 AHH (AI of the above) fa) @ 109, 110, 113, 14, [Mobile Number 99] ‘Whenever you move a directory from one place to another: Tat ay we wn Set ww WE sett Directory) a 31H #: (a) Fréferat (Directory) # size at ash eet = variates (Transfer) frat arm 21 (b) 38 FreferaT (Directory) # siet eh soFeefereT (Sub-Directory) Fe 7m # (6) Fréferet (Directory) #1 eariafes (Transfer) fara am @, it HRT (Source File) #1 et (a) a ait b FAI (Both a and b) ‘The main use of the Internet is #207 (Internet) I ye TIM zs (a) am (Communication) (b) fara (Education) (©) fara aa (Financial Transaction) (d) she at (All of the above) @ Which of the following is required before a user can access the internet ? ue srienat #1 Yacte (Internet) a Heat a yee, fri a ah om oraeaR 2? (a) ¥2ct2 Hn (Internet Service) (b) 18 (Modem) (c) 44 aE (d) 33m ai (All of the above) Full form of ISP is ISP ari =a: (a) Fe Bs srareRr (Internet Service Provider) (b) tere Pia etext (Internet Service Provider) (c) Sreriert afta starest (Information Service Provider) (d) F748 Fie oH FEF (None of the above) (a) What is a Web Browser We 44 FER (Web Browser) 7m #: (a) faren taza (System Software) (b) wetisier aife4ex (Application Software) OAIB (4) seit FE 5H AEF (None of the above) (b) Full form of Modem is wigs a pi au 2: (a) ateqeex-festteqaex (Modulator Demodulator) (b) fe ssifrafin ats (Modern Engineering Mode) ©aasix b (a) Beier a sie st EF (None of the above) (a) (d) @ Com 115. The full form of URL is URL Pi eee: (a) pirat feet ieee (Uniform Resource Locator) (b) afraa featd aisiex (Universal Resource Locator) (a sit b (d) Sete HA we AE (None of the Above)(a) 116 Fall form of www is wow ar pt a (a) aed faorER 4a (World Wisclom Web) (b) ace as 4a (World Wide Web) (0) ae Aa site Peer (World Web of Wisdom) (a) see Aa ates TE (Wide Web of World) (b) 117, Which of the following is an e-mail client? ‘eel 8 att a ow a (E-mail) Freez (Client) #? (a) 5-741 (Gmail) (b) f= (Myntra) (©) wae (Router) (d) 29 Saat SF (Top Level Domain) (a) 118. Which of the following is an example of a search engine? for #4 wt aa (Search Engine) = gee #2 (a) Stes (PayTM) (b) 7F (Google) (6) feet (Flipkart) (a) 3H A FH FEI (None of the Above) (b) 119. The fall form of DNS is: DNS @ yf eet: (a) 24 4H F241 (Domain Name System) (b) fetser ax fer (Digital Number System) (a ae b (d) 3% A FE FE (None of the Above) (a) 120. What is the minimum amount required to open PMJDY (Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana) account? PMIDY (searviat srr aise) war a ater & fam feet =p afer oreaeas 2 (a) 10,000 #74 (b) 5000 ert (©) 1000 @ atte @ 121. Which of the following is not an advantage of online banking? fe a a ara atrres ate a1 we Hr eT 8? (a) ra a (b) orm aT (o) sean et & fora eer veces aA SRT @ wR © 9462224499 2. Which of the following is not a feature of a eredit card? fae Hah on sfee are (Credit Card) ‘einen at 82 (a) 4% am ate wafer are ot eT (b) Spa Zt eH RAEI (clectronic) SH (o) Wea BAR, aE F TI FE () Bae sie GH a TT FE @ 123, What is the full form of OTP? OTP a ye By Fa #? (a) #4 & FHF (One the Phone) (b) 3 2m wTTE (One Time Password) (c) siz 2 whee (Out to Practice) (a) 34 2reH siete (One Time Programmable)(b) 124 Which of the following statement is not true with respect to Bhamashah Yojana (Bhamashah Scheme)? fre #3 sterene aor (Bhamashah Scheme) % aaa a a a ee ea et a? (a) steer seer Fi oft Swe See A a aT * (b) omen arg stfraré (c) ewe BRT wet wR / A AER DBT (Direct benefit transfer) # fer Fete fart on vert (@) #8 af et a y= ata (b) 128. When is push technology used in UPI (Unified Payment Interface)? qdioné (UPL germs tie vecia) Hye (Push) Seats a ava wa fara aren 27 (a) tar Sot & fore (b) TH ara wa fey (©) ata (@) Fi a site b @) 126. What is the SBI Buddy? SBI Buddy #1 #? (a) a (Game) (b) Heat ate wetter (Mobile wallet Application) (c) 4 am (Bank Account) (d) sae 8A aie =ET (None of the above) (b) 127. Which of the following is not an example of a mobile wallet? fre a a rt or ae ates ar STO Te 2? (a) SBI Buddy (b) BHIM (c) PayTM (d) afse are (Credit Card) d) [Compiled by - Er Sanjay Sir 128. What is RuPay Debit Card? ‘ei (RuPay) Baz are (Debit Card) Fn #2 (a) 3x1 Size HE (Domestic Debit Card) (b) Sea wets gras Fare (NPC) BRI FETE aT wa ae () it ATM itt POS arin eet (d) svi AHH (AMI of the above) (@ 129, Which of the following benefits are associated with PMJDY? fanfafaa a ain @ tH PMIDY 4 aE #? (a) & cre wea wt pion aan wR (©) 30,000 /- Bet a ier ten eR (©) So0o/- 1 #1 airEMe (overdraft) Ara (@ sete ah (All of the above) @ Which one of the following is an example of an e- commerce websit va a sien oe tated (E-Commerce) 7aRz FI FEU z, (a) ferex (Twitter) (b) F8F (Facebook) (©) Prevaré (Plipkart) (@) eH site Fem (Times of India) © |. Websites used to sell and buy something come under which category ae TH ot ate & feu eer at a act AAA (Websites) fea aon HF snft t (a) sis AE (Entertainment Sites) (b) itera “afar aIezH (Social Networking Sites) (c) #4 Yr (Search Engines) (@) ¢ - ied aie (E-Commerce Sites) (4) 132. Which of the following is an example of an e- commerce website run by the Government of Rajasthan. fe 8 a omer wen go aie eed CE Commerce) aaaRz I Sere #1 (a) areonuetel (RSLDC) (b) areata (RPSC) (© ©an (E-Gyan) z (@ Sam (E-Bazaar) @ 138, Which one of the following is an example of Micro Blogging ? ‘AREF! =i (Micro Blogging) #1 Fre 4 4 = AT we sem? (a) feaex (Twitter) (b) FH (Google Plus) (©) St (Gmail) (@) =F (Instagram) @) [Mob 95] 134. Online shopping is an example of which type of transaction? sitroret aft fara gare Sata er eer #7 (a) atzat (B2B) (b) *izet (B2C) (o) Higa (C2C) (d) 78 8 Fie Si FET (None of the above) (b) 138, What is the full form of MOOC? wasitaieh (MOOC) a Bs Far #2 (a) faa atreres sitet Fd (Massive Online Open Course) (b) Here sitters sia stele (Multiple Online Open Courseware) (©) mn sitzenes ifters site ste (Mega Online Ocean of Courses) (d) S&B 4H TRF (None of the above) (a) 136. Facebook site is an example of? SAH ATE (Site) HTH FaETT #7 (a) Sir (E-Commerce) (b) sieve 4zaf¥in (Social Networking) (c) iter (Entertainment) (4) =n (Blogging) © 137. Job search website is an example of? “ata arf (Job Search) Aare a wer serecm #2 (a) amt ste IF (Naukri-com) (b) stir ste =fH (amzon-com) (0) sir Siz FAH (myntr(a)eom) (@) 3105 (PayTM) (a) 138, Which is the cloud based storage solution launched bby Rajasthan Government? 3 (Cloud Based Storage Solution) #4 = 22 (a) wa &-aice (Raj eVault) (b) +3 (E-Gyan) (6) simran (RPSC) (@) 1H Ear (Raj eSign) (a) 139, What is an example of a cloud storage platform? arse wits

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