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Trabajo Final del Curso


Estudios Generales

TEMA: The Peru in 100 seconds


1. Demonstrate communicative competence through an exhibition.

2. Present in a video about Peru a tour of the most important places

Vasquez Teran Melber Isac
Tasilla Moreno Jhan Franco
Bazan Ludeña Gilmer Angel

Trabajo Final del Curso


Taking into account the National Geographic video for Unit 5, located in E-book 1,
students will work in groups (maximum 3) to plan a similar video about the most
places in Peru.

Ideas Actividades

My companions and I met to choose a Search for images that represent the
city of Peru and to organize ourselves activities
Search for images that represent the Writing a script for practice
Research the city's activities Make a block

Assign roles within the work group We were looking for a suitable song for
the video
Ask for ideas to improve the work Search a suitable song for the video.
Trabajo Final del Curso

Grammar 1. Simple Present tense

Lambayeque is a city on the northern coast of Peru.
This is famous for its culture, museums and beaches, for example
"Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan", "Museo Arqueologico Brüning" and the
2. Adverbs
Pimentel beach.of Frequency

Usually, the citizens go to the beach because of the great sunshine.

Seldom rains in this city.

3. Places

Lambayeque -Pimentel, Trujillo, Arequipa

4. Present Continuos
We are traveling to Lambayeque to see Pimentel beach.
Are you enjoying the beach?
On May 1, the feast of the Virgin of Chapi is celebrated, it is a celebration
that attracts many devout people from all over the country.
In the month of September, the spring festival is celebrated in the city of
Trujillo, an event that is full of music, dances and parades and attracts the
attention of several tourists.

5. Object Pronouns
The early hours of the day see them, the fishers, sailing to catch fish.
Me like see the route towards lambayeque and her landscapes.
Trabajo Final del Curso
Considerations to Evaluate / Consideraciones a Evaluar

1. Delivery progress in week 4, the project must have the following characteristics:
2. Planning and organization of the project. (tasks for each participant)
3. Identify the activities to include in the video (minimum 5)
4. Select the photographs (minimum 5) to present.
5. Create a draft text with the ideas according to the topic.
6. Final delivery week 8, the project must have the following characteristics
7. Presentation and exhibition of the video with a minimum duration of 8 to 10 minutes.
8. Participation of all members.
9. Upload the video on the indicated date.

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