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Saltuk Buğra Acar

Prague British School

Total word count: 3981


Background Information and Theory…………………………………………………………3

Doppler’s Effect for Circular motion……………………………………………………………5

Hypothesis I………………………………………………………………………………………7

Hypothesis II……………………………………………………………………………………8

Experimental Setup description………………………………………………………………8

Experimental variables………………………………………………………………………12

Experiment procedures and recorded results……………………………………………….13

How angular velocity affects frequency range………………………………………………15

Doppler effect for tilted platforms……………………………………………………………..20

Modelling the sun………………………………………………………………………………26

Conclusion and Evaluation……………………………………………………………………27

Limitations and risk assessment……………………………………………………………28



The Doppler Effect (or the Doppler shift) is the change in frequency or wavelength of a

wave in relation to observer who is moving relative to the wave source or the source

which is moving relative to the observer and is named after the Austrian physicist

Christian Doppler, who described the phenomenon in 1842.

A common encounter of the Doppler Shift is that when a sound emitting vehicle passes

by an observer, a change in pitch is heard as the sound approaches and recedes from

the observer, such as an ambulance passing by a pedestrian observer. This happens

due to the compressing and spreading out of the successive wave fronts due to the

movement of the of the source ambulance siren relative to the observer pedestrian.

Doppler Effect is also applicable to light waves where a “redshift” of light represents an

increase in wavelength as the light source is receding from the observer, and “blueshift”
of light represents a decrease in wavelength as the light source is approaching the


Exoplanets are planets far away outside of our solar system and the phenomena of

doppler shift of light waves were utilized by astronomers to detect exoplanets. The

doppler shift of light waves are utilized by astronomers to detect exoplanets via finding

their radial velocities. This method was proven to be the most successful method for

discovering planets orbiting the nearest stars to the Sun.

This method is based on the concept of the reflexive motion, hence the gravitational tug

of a planet on its star being examined by analyzing the stellar emission spectra to detect

redshift/blueshift of emitted waves as the star and planet orbit their common center of

mass. The gravitational tug is based on the idea of a common center of mass between a

plant and its star.

This essay is an investigation of the Radial Velocity method utilized to locate exoplanets.

As the spectral rotations take place in a circular pathway, I constructed a system in

which I could apply doppler’s effect into uniform circular motion. Further attention is

given to resolving vector quantities in order to better present the data throughout the

essay. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of changing the radial

velocity and the angle of rotation and demonstrate a vivid correlation. The second

objective of this work would be modelling the doppler shift of the sun in order to better

emphasize the relationship of radial velocity, tilt angle and frequency range.

Doppler’s effect for circular motion:

The derivation of the Doppler Effect formula for circular motion is portrayed in the

following pages. The linear motion formula is integrated into circular geometry and is

supported by the formula of angular speed.

The general (linear motion) Doppler Effect is stated as;

Where f is the frequency observed, f0 is the frequency emitted (by the source), V is the

linear velocity, Vs is the velocity of the source relative to the medium and Vr is the

velocity of the observer relative to the medium.

In case of a stationary observer, the frequency can be stated as Vr = 0. Hence;

Since the observer is stationary in the experiment I will conduct, the second equation will

be built upon and used throughout the investigation.

This equation used to calculate the Doppler Effect in a linear medium can be adapted

into uniform circular motion as such;

Figure 1.1 – Schematic Geometry of the circular path of the buzzer

Through geometric considerations and arrangements referring to Figure 1.1;

and using laws of uniform circular motion, given that R is the radius of the circular path

and T is the time period; the velocity can be stated as;

We can apply this formula into the schematic geometry above in order to resolve for VD;

From the schematic geometry above, it is found that 𝜃 + 2𝛼 = 𝜋 and 𝛼 + 𝛾 = 𝜋/2 and

solving for 𝛾 results in 𝛾 = 𝜃/2. Referring back to Figure 1.1, it is found that

Finally, substituting the new representation of VD into

will give the final form of the equation that will be used in the experiment.

As the experiment is aiming to investigate the effect of angular velocity on 𝑓, the formula

of angular velocity as a result of constant linear velocity of sound will be utilized

throughout the experiment, which is taken as an estimation of 343 m s−1.


v=ω*r, the radius is directly proportional to the linear velocity at a given point in the

rotation. Using this formula, I assume that the linear velocity will decrease as i decrease

the Radius of the rotation by changing the position of the buzzer and the weight. As the

Radius of the system decreases systematically, the velocity of the observer relative to

the medium will decrease and result in a frequency observed whilst the source is

approaching the observer with a lower maximum, whilst the frequency observed while

the source is receding from the observer with a higher minimum. Hence, I predict that

the increase in angular velocity will result in the further contraction and spreading of

longitudinal waves, hence will create a larger frequency range between the buzzer

receding and approaching.


The rotation of stars is very unlikely to directly approach or recede from an observer in

the earth. Therefore, the movement and the doppler shift of the star is distributed along

vector units. Therefore, I predict a lower frequency range due to the loss of momentum

on other axes. Further on, the variable, incident angle of rotation is stated in cos and sin

functions, hence I predict a fluctuating relationship between frequency range and

incident angle of rotation rather than a linear one


An experiment was designed in order to enable the examination of the influence of

angular velocity upon the Doppler Effect in terms of the frequencies of longitudinal

waves produced. The crafting process of the experiment prioritized the lowest amount of

unnecessary sound production by spinning device, hence I utilized the turntable of an

old gramophone as they tend to be much more silent than electric motors.

Figure 2.1 - representation of the model crafted

A wooden bar of 1 meter is crafted and attached to the turntable of the gramophone,

which connects the motor inside the gramophone to the wooden bar. 7 consecutive

holes were drilled on the board with a gap of 5cm to later provide the alternative to shift

the location of the buzzer and the weight, which ultimately is used to change the angular

velocity of the buzzer. An AC power supply is used to provide the power supplied to the

electric motor.

Figure 2.2 –Electric motor of the gramophone utilized throughout the experiment

The high-quality buzzer unit is set to emit a singular frequency of wavelength in order to

produce more reliable results. Copper cables were molded through a battery cell and a

switch into the buzzer unit to create a more sophisticated device which the

starting/stopping of the buzzer was much simpler.

Figure 2.3 – The buzzer unit with soldered battery and switch.

The buzzer and the battery are balanced with a 100g weight on the other side of the

wooden bar in order to balance any weight and provide a stand parallel to the ground,

however the buzzer only weighs 96g. One would consider to put an identical system on

the other side of the board, however the lack of technical supplement didn’t allow this

option. Further on, the buzzer is set on the edge of the wooden bar in order to rotate in

the circular path in which the stationary microphone is set on.

Figure 2.3 – The 100g counterweight of the buzzer.

A light gate is used to calculate the angular speed of the buzzer. The gate is placed right

on the circular path in a way which the buzzer will pass right through the gate. The light

gate is preferred due to its ability to provide data up to 3 significant figures, eliminating

mass uncertainties. The gate records the time intervals when an object passes through

its laser field. The light gate is connected to a graphical analysis software via a Vernier

data logger.

Figure 2.4 –Model of Light Gate set in the path of the rotating bar.

Further on, Spectrum Lab is utilized to plot the frequency interval of waves produced as

well as the Doppler broadening.

Experimental Variables


 Speed of rotation of a point on the bar (hence the change in locational velocity

induced by the change of the radius of the bar)

 Angle at which the gramophone is tilted.


 Frequencies of the waves produced


 Distance between buzzer and microphone

 Waves produced by the buzzer, constant value of 3.664kHz

 Location of observer (microphone)

 Location of the weight that will balance the buzzer unit with a switch and battery.

 Length of the wooden bar.

 Height of the observer (microphone).

 Height of the rotation point of the gramophone with respect to the height of the



The main objective of this experiment is to calculate the angular velocity of the buzzer

and apply it to the circular Doppler formula to determine the Doppler shift. To begin with,

the wooden bar is placed on the gramophone parallel to the surface. The Vernier

Photogate was set in the path of the rotation to gather data. The gramophone was then

supplied power and started to rotate. A sample data from this procedure is reproduced


We can see that the graph produced is perfectly straight. This demonstrates that the

gramophone is rotating at constant angular speed, which can be considered as a

calibration/accuracy test. The gate condition on the right hands side is observed and the

time interval between consecutive gate condition 1:1 or consecutive gate condition 0:0

was analyzed as the time interval representing the time period of the rotation. The

average time period was calculated to be 0.73s over 100 samples of rotation held in

35.875 seconds. Consequently, the period is inserted to



v=R ∙ ω

Buzzer distance (m) Time period (T) Angular velocity (ω ¿ Velocity of buzzer
[Radius] (m s−1 ¿
0.500 0.730 8.607 4.304
0.450 0.730 8.607 3.873
0.400 0.730 8.607 3.443
0.350 0.730 8.607 3.012
0.300 0.730 8.607 2.582
0.250 0.730 8.607 2.152
0.200 0.730 8.607 1.721
Table 3.0

It can be seen that the time period (T) and the angular velocity (ω ) do not change

throughout the measurements. This is due to the angular velocity being a measure of

the rate of change of angle with time, hence does not change as long as the rotating

speed of the gramophone is stable. The same idea applies for the time period (T) as


How angular velocity affects the frequency range.

After finding the period and velocity of the rotation, the initial frequency of the buzzer ( f 0)

is measured using Spectrum Lab V2.80 b2. The buzzer is placed stationary under the

microphone that is connected to the computer. Although a range of frequencies are

present in the data shown below, the frequency with the highest decibel was taken

notice as the waves produced by the buzzer had a high amplitude due to the 3V

batteries in the circuit. The measurement of f 0 and Db is provided below where the

frequency is 3.664 kHz and decibel count is -38.23Db.

After obtaining the initial frequency, theoretical data for various points on the bar can be

through the usage of the rotational Doppler shift formula derived in page 5.


f =f 0 [ ]
(2 πR
T ( ))
Where t represents the position of the buzzer during the period of rotation and Vs

demonstrating speed of sound in air, which is taken as 343m s−1 for the sake of


As the maximum Doppler shift would be

infinitesimally close to the receiving end

approaching end of the microphone

where t=0 (receiving) and t=T

(approaching) as illustrated in model

above. Since the emitted frequency is inversely proportional to cos ( πtT ), therefore cos (0)
and cos( π ) represent the maximum and minimum frequency emitted by a source in

uniform circular motion.

2 πR
As =v

The data obtained from table 3.0 can be used to calculate doppler shift in frequency,

provided the speed of the wave to be 343ms-1.

Theoretical data was plotted to later be compared with experimental data to test the

accuracy of the results of the experiment.

Buzzer Velocity Min. Max. Range

Radius (m s−1) frequency frequency (kHz)
(m) (kHz) (kHz)
0.500 4.304 3.619 3.711 0.092
0.450 3.873 3.623 3.706 0.083
0.400 3.443 3.628 3.701 0.073
0.350 3.012 3.632 3.696 0.064
0.300 2.582 3.637 3.692 0.055
0.250 2.152 3.641 3.687 0.046
0.200 1.721 3.646 3.682 0.036

After obtaining experimental data, the experiment is conducted for each buzzer radius,

recording the frequency range in Spectrum Lab using 3 different microphones and

taking the average maximum and minimum experimental frequency of the buzzer.

Buzzer Velocit Min. Min. Min. Max. Min. Min. Average
Radius y (m s−1) frequency frequenc frequenc frequenc frequenc frequenc Frequency
(m) sample 1 y sample y sample y sample y sample y sample Range
(kHz) 2 (kHz) 3 (kHz) 1 (kHz) 2 (kHz) 3 (kHz) (kHz)
0.500 4.304 3.613 3.614 3.612 3.722 3.722 3.722 0.109
0.450 3.873 3.616 3.616 3.616 3.694 3.695 3.695 0.0790
0.400 3.443 3.621 3.620 3.621 3.689 3.689 3.687 0.0680
0.350 3.012 3.624 3.621 3.625 3.685 3.685 3.684 0.0610
0.300 2.582 3.627 3.628 3.627 3.684 3.685 3.682 0.0560
0.250 2.152 3.629 3.628 3.626 3.675 3.677 3.675 0.0480
0.200 1.721 3.632 3.631 3.632 3.668 3.669 3.669 0.0370

Chart Title
It can be seen that

there is a relevant
linear relationship
Frequency Range kHz

between the linear
velocity of a point in
a rotating body and

0.02 the frequency

0 range. Although
1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500

velocity ms-1 between the

velocity range 3-5

tends to look like an exponential or polynomial graph, it is only a reflection of the poor

sample rate of the real world.

The outer yellow spectra which demonstrated a higher decibel count was used to define

the maximum and minimum frequency as the following purple glow had a very low dB,

hence essentially was irrelevant in terms of effect. Further on, as external disturbances

of sound were present, hence the lower dB sound frequencies are spread throughout

the spectrum, hence making it reasonable to suspect the source of the lower dB that is

illustrated close to 3.664 kHz.

Comparing with real data;

Velocity (m s−1) Theoretical frequency Experimental Percentage

range (kHz) Frequency range difference
4.304 0.092 0.109 %16.915
3.873 0.083 0.0790 %4.938
3.443 0.073 0.0680 %7.092
3.012 0.064 0.0610 %4.800
2.582 0.055 0.0560 %1.802
2.152 0.046 0.0480 %4.255
1.721 0.036 0.0370 %2.740

Via the low percentage difference, we can see that the experimental and theoretical

findings are almost identical. This chart confirms that the experiment was undertaken

correctly despite the cheap microphones utilized throughout the experiment, as well as

external longitudinal waves causing discrepancies in the Spectrum Lab software.

Doppler effect in Tilted Platforms:

Where L= length from microphone to buzzer, h the height of the center of the rotation, l

the height of the microphone, L the horizontal length between the microphone and the

center of rotation, β the incident angle of the rotation and θ the angle of rotation.

It is unlikely for a star to be directly towards or away from the observer at earth.

Therefore, it could be suggested that the rotation can be separated into unit vectors of x,

y and z.

To create a rotated coordinate system defined by transformation;

[ ][ ][ ]
x̂ ' cosβ 0 sinβ x̂
ŷ' = 0 1 0 ŷ
ẑ' −sinβ 0 cosβ ẑ

The y unit vector doesn’t alter as the buzzer rotates, therefore unit vector z and x are


The x unit vector represents the linear distance between the microphone and the buzzer

“L” as illustrated above. The distance L0 does not change throughout the experiment.

The z axis represents the vector location of the buzzer, regarding the center of rotation.

The angular velocity is given as the rate of change of the position of the arm, θ .

- Through manipulation of the vector expressions 1

The final expression for the speed of the buzzer can be stated as;

−Rω ∙ sinθ [ Lcosβ + ( h−l ) sinβ ]

V D= 1 /2
{L 2
R +(h−l)2 +2 Rcosθ [ Lcosβ + ( h−l ) sinβ ] }


As the function had two

variables, θ∧β , it is quite

difficult to spot which

position of θ were to

generate the greatest

doppler shift. Through

adding a slider to the value

m (θ ¿, the maximum stretch of the curve was examined and observed to be .

However, this value of θ represents the lowest possible frequency observed, thus was to

be receding from the microphone, situated 60 degrees away from

the original x̂ vector unit. Building upon this idea, it is reasonable to assume that the

highest frequency observed would be seen at θ= . I plotted the new version of the

graph to confirm the assumption.

Nonetheless. This cannot be tested as the Spectrum Lab software isn’t compatible with

a light gate nor shows detailed curves of waves perceived. Since the software is limited

with demonstrating the doppler broadening the experimental calculations were

dependent on the derivation that the highest doppler shift would occur at either θ=

or θ= . 6 values of β were used with both

θ β β VD
(radians) (radians) (degrees) (m s−1)
π 0 0 -2.698
π π 30 -2.127
3 6
π π 60 -0.956
3 3
π π 90 0.708
3 2
π 2π 120 2.579
3 3
π 5π 150 4.015
3 6
π π 180 4.173

θ β β VD
(radians) (radians) (degrees) (m s−1)
−π 0 0.00 2.698
−π π 30.0 2.127
3 6
−π π 60.0. 0.956
3 3
−π π 90.0 -0.708
3 2

−π 2π 120 -2.579
3 3
−π 5π 150 -4.015
3 6
−π π 180 -4.173

The graph portrays a curve characteristic. This is due to the sinusoidal nature of the

function itself.

It can be observed that these two positions of maximum doppler shift show a reflection

on the y-axis, hence proving my thesis of receding and approaching similarities. Further

on, three readings were taken from each 6 radian values using three separate

microphones and recorded. The radians were transferred into degrees via β ∙ and

later measured by a protractor and further consulted using the Pythagorean theorem.

Although the microphones performed reliable results compared to the theoretical ones,

the tilting experiment obviously had remarkable issues that caused an uneven data set.

This might have been due to the slight hole in the buzzer which might refract when

observed at non-perpendicular angels.

β Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Maximum Average

(radians frequency frequenc frequency frequenc frequency frequenc frequency
) set 1 y set 2 set 3 y set 1 set 2 y set range
(kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) 3(kHz) (kHz)
0 3.635 3.634 3.632 3.692 3.694 3.695 0.6
π 3.641 3.641 3.640 3.688 3.685 3.688 0.46
π 3.656 3.655 3.655 3.674 3.675 3.677 0.2
π 3.672 3.671 3.673 3.656 3.671 3.654 -0.12
2π 3.690 3.680 3.690 3.652 3.691 3.688 -0.10
5π 3.622 3.628 3.636 3.693 3.707 3.690 0.68
π 3.616 3.618 3.645 3.713 3.715 3.718 0.89



Frequency range kHz

Modelling the sun

To address
0 the phenomena, I have investigated earlier in the essay, I modelled the
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
-0.2 shift of the sun, scaling the distance and frequency to applicable values where I

-0.4 successfully model via my buzzer unit portrayed earlier in the essay.
It is known that the sun’s rotation axis is tilted by an approximation of 7.25˚ from the axis

of Earth’s orbital plane.

Where the distance is . To resolve

L0 6
10 km

L0 to L, the Pythagorean theorem is utilized,

resulting in

L=9.914 ∙10 ∧¿

h=4.362 ∙10

Theoretical calculations for sun include

 R= 695700 km

 T=609.12 hours  since ω= , ω=2.865 ∙10−6

 β =7.25

Since the sun is a blackbody and emits all frequencies of wavelengths, 3.664 ∙ 108 kHz is

preferred to examine as it is the power of the initial frequency of the buzzer unit.

3 ∙10
Via c=f ∙ λ , 8
=0.819 nm
3664 ∙10

Further on, both the Frequency f, Length, L and the height h is divided by 108 to get

F = 3664 Hz, L = 9.914m and h=0.436m

Nonetheless, ω=2.865 ∙10 is undetectable by the Spectrum Lab software,

therefore a practical conduction of the modelling seems to be impossible at my


Conclusion and Evaluation

The investigation of the rotational doppler effect caused several perspectives upon the

idea of stellar rotation.

To begin with, it was observed that the frequency range as a result of doppler

broadening increased with increasing angular velocity. This observation can be

applicable to the searching of extrasolar planets, determining their center of rotation as

well as weight. There was seen to be a linear relationship between frequency range and

angular speed. Nonetheless, linear velocity vas utilized throughout the experiment rather

than angular speed, that is that because the gramophone I was utilizing had a constant

angular velocity, regardless of the voltage supplied to it.

Secondly, it was observed that during rotating at a tilted angle, there wasn’t a linear

correlation between the angle of incident and the frequency range. This is due to the

sinusoidal functions that angle β is notated with. The second scheme also demonstrated

the separation of vector units in 3 different dimensions, x, y and z.

Another interesting observation with the second scheme is that while in linear motion the

maximum doppler shift was located infinitesimally close to the observer whereas the

second tilted schema showed highest frequency shift at radians 3 .

Overall, my hypothesizes prior to the experiment are justified throughout the conducting

and writing of the essay, as the hypothesizes accounted for reasonable predictions

based on theoretical data

Limitations and risk assessment

Overall, the results obtained throughout the experiment has a low percentage difference

and was reliable enough to take notice. Nonetheless, there were a various number of

drawbacks and limitations that affected the reliability and accuracy of the essay. Firstly,

the gramophone had an inclined and loose plate, which caused inconsistencies in the

rotating process of the buzzer unit. This might be another cause of the second scheme

of tilted doppler effect having a much higher inconstancy rate.

Although Spectrum Lab is programmed in order to show the dB amount of a wide

frequency range, it is still possible for external sound sources that for tiring the software

and thus manipulating the results. Another source of noise can be described as echo

where wavelengths from opposite sides might cancel each other or cause superposition

and further manipulate the data.

Finally, certain assumptions had to be made throughout the experiment. For instance,

the speed of the sound emitted by the buzzer unit was unknown, thus was assumed to

be 343 ms−1. This literature value is probably very close to of the original speed of the

sound, however, might be the reason for certain consistencies.

In conclusion, there were multiple factors that negatively affected the accuracy of the

experiment. Even though an isolated cabin with anti-echo plating as well more

expensive sound emitter and observer would favor the relationship, it is unnecessary as

the experiment is accurate enough the emphasize the main topic of investigation, radial

velocities and the doppler shift.


 “Circular Motion.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 June 2018,

 “Doppler Effect.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 June 2018,

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 Khan, Muhammad Salman, et al. Discovering New Worlds: a Review of Signal

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 Giordano, Nicholas (2009). College Physics: Reasoning and Relationships.

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 Right, Edward. “Doppler Shift.” Errors in the Steady State and Quasi-SS Models,

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