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Project Report <period of report> <project>

Distribution list:
Name (alphab.) <name> <name> Department <department> <department> Location <location> <location>

Copyright <company> <year> Author: Dept.: <department> Name: <name> Tel.: <> File: Date: Signature:

For internal use only Inspector: not applicable Dept.: --Signature: Name: --Tel.: --Status: File: <doc status> Project file File directory Sect. <nn.nn> <directory>

/ opt/scribd/conversion/tmp/scratch3410/ c


Project Report <period of report>

<project> Contents


1 Summary......................................................................................................................................3 2 Activities performed...................................................................................................................3 3 Results attained..........................................................................................................................3 4 Effort / costs................................................................................................................................4 5 Deviations from the plan............................................................................................................4 6 Problems / risks..........................................................................................................................5 7 Quality assurance, corrective and preventive measures........................................................5

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Project Report <period of report>

<project> Error! Style not defined.


The information in this section is to serve to serve as a management summary and provide information on the progress made during the report period as well as on the current status. The information should therefore be kept brief and precise (max. 1 half A4 page for an average project). Work performed The work performed during the report period must be set out in brief and concise form. Examples: Work on product parts (possibly listing the work involved: Design, testing, etc.) Work on features Work on change requests (possibly only the number of requests, details later) Error messages processed (possibly only the number of error messages, details later) Results obtained The results obtained during the report period must be set out in brief and concise form. Examples: Resulting documents Resulting software Milestones attained Releases performed Monthly effort The effort made for the project must be specified (except in the case of fixed-price projects): Hours spent on the project Trips made Computing times used Deviations / problems The deviations from planned values and resulting / existing problems during the report period must be specified briefly and concisely. Examples Deviations from deadlines Deviations from effort Results not achieved Personnel and quality problems Resource problems An MTA (milestone trend analysis) or ATD (effort / deadline diagram) can be annexed.

Activities performed

The work performed during the report period must be set out in detail. Examples: Work on product parts (possibly listing the work involved: Design, testing, etc.) Work on features Work on change requests Error messages processed Training courses performed It is also essential to provide an account of the planned activities during the next report period.

Results attained

The results attained during the report period must be set out in detail. Examples:
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Project Report <period of report>

<project> Error! Style not defined.

Generated documents Generated software Milestones achieved Releases performed Problems resolved

Example of a results list: Designation System test specification ...

File name systest.doc ...

Planned ...

Ready on Remarks No test cases ... ...

It is also essential to provide an account of the planned results during the next report period.

Effort / costs

The effort made for the project must be specified in detail (except in the case of fixed-price projects): Hours spent on the project Trips made Computing times used Total effort so far Note: For external reports, only the effort should be listed, not the costs (Purchases is responsible for this). This can be best done with an embedded table, e.g. Microsoft Excel based on the following pattern:
<project> Zxxx-xxxx Dez 01 Jn 02 Feb 02 M 02 r A 02 pr M 02 ai Jun 02 Jul 02 A 02 ug Sep 02 O 02 kt Nov 02 Total R emainder Plan
E ngeneering hours


app.M M Tot.M M


Computer costs

Travel costs

O ther costs

Total costs

Deviations from the plan

This section must document all the deviations (planned / actual) from the latest plans or the last report and must provide brief reasoning for this. This applies to all events and results which come about or are started earlier or later than planned and affect the further course of the project: Deadline deviations (milestones, releases, supplies, start of work) Outlay deviations (personnel, travel, material). If the project plan has been updated, this should be specified here.
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Project Report <period of report>

<project> Error! Style not defined.

Note: Deviations from the plan which are expected in the future should also be set out at this point!

Problems / risks

Listing and brief description (of the subject, not the solution) of all problems which have newly arisen, have not yet been resolved or which are to be expected. of all new risks, their change or re-evaluation (to the negative). Their effects on the current project plans must be specified. Quality problems must also be specified (even though a separate quality report will be drawn up by the QA manager). If management support or a decision on the part of management is required for various points, the type of support which is required should be formulated.

Quality assurance, corrective and preventive measures

This section must specify all project-controlling preventive and corrective measures which have been initiated or will be initiated in order to prevent or minimize deviations from the plan, existing problems and / or risks. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the corrective measures put in place during the last report period must also be demonstrated. If a quality report is not drawn up on a regular basis and in parallel to the project reports, this section must report briefly on the QA results achieved during the report period, e.g.: Review results Updates in the QA plan Test results

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