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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75

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Assessing the timing and magnitude of precipitation-induced seepage

into tunnels bored through fractured rock
Michael G. Sweetenham ⇑, Reed M. Maxwell, Paul M. Santi
Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program, Center for Underground Construction and Tunneling, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of
Mines, Golden, CO, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Seepage into tunnels bored through fractured rock is a common occurrence that can cause significant
Received 3 July 2016 problems for the construction process, tunnel longevity, and regional hydrogeology. Predictions of
Received in revised form 8 February 2017 seepage using analytical solutions and numerical models are often inaccurate due to the inherent assump-
Accepted 13 February 2017
tions, volumetric averaging of fractures, and lack of important hydrogeological features. This study seeks to
Available online 3 March 2017
better understand tunnel infiltration processes through the application of a high-resolution, integrated
hydrologic model. First, a conceptual model is developed for this research using the factors shown by pre-
vious studies to control net infiltration and seepage. A stochastic fracture continuum is generated for bed-
rock using FRACK, which maps discrete fracture networks to a finite difference grid with heterogeneous,
Infiltration anisotropic permeability fields. An integrated hydrologic model, ParFlow is then used to investigate the con-
Seepage trol exhibited by factors such as climatic forcing; vegetation; soil type and depth; bedrock type; fracture
Fractured rock spacing; and tunnel depth on the timing and magnitude of seepage into tunnels. Simulations are run using
hourly meteorological forcing. Surface and subsurface properties are adjusted individually to investigate the
change in seepage response for varying hydrogeology and land cover. Results show that fracture spacing
and connectivity, bedrock type, and overburden are particularly important pieces in obtaining reliable seep-
age estimates. Higher fracture spacing causes higher total seepage at a more constant rate than a lesser
spacing, which exhibits a much larger range of fluctuation in seepage volumes. More permeable and porous
bedrock increases lag times while reducing seepage volumes that remain relatively constant over time.
Thicker and less conductive soils both increase lag times and reduce seepage magnitude. Tunnels, precip-
itation, infiltration, seepage, fractured rock.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction  Water resources and environment (Gargini et al., 2008; Gleeson

et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2005; Rademacher et al., 2003; Scanlon
Designing tunnels requires creative applications of geotechnical et al., 2002, 2006; Seyfried et al., 2005; Shimojima et al.,
engineering to predict the responses of soil, rock, and water. The 1993; Vincenzi et al., 2009).
response of soil and rock to tunneling are well understood, how-  Quality of nuclear waste repositories (Bagtzoglou and Cesano,
ever the way in which water infiltrates into tunnels is difficult to 2007; Liu and Bodvarsson, 2001; Philip and Knight, 1989;
predict. In fractured rock, water flowing into tunnels is a common Reeves et al., 2008; Trautz and Wang, 2002).
occurrence that can cause significant problems. Potential impacts
on the following prompted increased attention to seepage over As a result, a number of approaches have been used to predict
the past few decades: tunnel seepage beneath the water table. Analytical solutions have
been derived to estimate inflows under a variety of groundwater
 Tunnel and underground construction (Cesano et al., 2000; Chen scenarios and boundary conditions. These solutions, such as those
and Tolon, 2012; Fernandez and Moon, 2010a; Huang et al., 2011; derived by Philip and Knight (1989) and Perrochet and Dematteis
Kitterod et al., 2000; Li et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2017). (2007) contain inherent simplifying assumptions that include
homogeneity, isotropy, no recharge, and radially infinite boundary
conditions. Field-scale experiments and observations have also
⇑ Corresponding author.
been used to predict seepage. For example, Heuer (1995, 2005,
E-mail addresses: (M.G. Sweetenham), rmax- (R.M. Maxwell), (P.M. Santi).
2012) created a relatively robust field method by which the
0886-7798/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75 63

histograms of hydraulic conductivity from packer test data are is novel in understanding tunnel seepage, we provide more com-
used to predict seepage volumes. There also exist a number of plete details of the methods below.
numerical models that simulate seepage in the saturated zone.
Many of these models, however, do not include the influence of 2.1. Parflow
the unsaturated zone, climatic forcing, vegetation, overburden,
and fractures, which are all crucial pieces in obtaining reliable ParFlow is a parallel, fully integrated, physical hydrologic model
estimates. that simulates three-dimensional variably saturated subsurface
Less research has focused on tunnels bored in the unsaturated flow and two-dimensional shallow overland flow. A brief descrip-
zone in fractured rock, which are not usually lined and can there- tion of the governing equations is provided below. For more
fore be more susceptible to seepage (Vincenzi et al., 2009). Empir- detailed explanations of ParFlow, refer to Ashby and Falgout
ical and observational methods have been utilized in those tunnels (1996), Jones and Woodward (2001), and Kollet and Maxwell
bored through the unsaturated zone for various fractured forma- (2006).
tions of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock in various Three-dimensional variably saturated subsurface flow is solved
climates to predict the geological conditions under which seepage using Richards’ (1931) equation:
might occur. This extensive body of research has resulted in some    
general conclusions about precipitation-induced infiltration and dwp dSw ðwp Þ
DSs Sw þ/ ¼ r  q þ qs ð2:1Þ
seepage including: (1) A lag time exists between precipitation dt dt
and seepage that is negatively correlated to the magnitude of the
in which q is given by:
event and positively correlated to the cavity depth (Dobson et al.,
2012; Shimojima et al., 1993; Rademacher et al., 2003). (2) This q ¼ K s ðxÞkr ðwp Þrðwp  zÞ ð2:2Þ
relationship is complicated by climate and wetting front condi- 1
tions, which vary the hydrologic properties of soil and fractured and Ss is the specific storage coefficient [L ], Sw is the degree of sat-
rock with time (Dobson et al., 2012; Rademacher et al., 2003; uration, wp is pressure head [L], t is time [T], / is the porosity [], qs
Shimojima et al., 1993). (3) Differing hydrogeologic properties also is a source sink term [T1], Ks(x) is saturated hydraulic conductivity
affects seepage rates: lower permeability and porosity of matrix, [LT1], kr is relative permeability [] and is a function of pressure
and lower capillarity all increase seepage (Trautz and Wang, head, wp , given by the van Genuchten (1980) relationships, where:
2002; Wang et al., 1999; Javadi et al., 2016). (4) Structural hetero- m 2
geneity of fractures and soils, and their orientation causes variable ð1  ðawp Þn1 ð1 þ ðawp Þn Þ Þ
kr ðwp Þ ¼ n
m ð2:3Þ
flow rates in response to spatially and temporally variable precip- ð1 þ ðawp Þ Þ 2

itation (Dobson et al., 2012; Flint et al., 2001; Gleeson et al., 2009;
Maxwell, 2010; Shimojima et al., 1993; Wang et al., 1999; Zhou in which a [L1] is inversely related to the air-entry pressure of the
et al., 2006) that results in fingering, preferential flow, and varying medium, n ¼ ð1  mÞ1 [] and is related to the distribution of pore
behavior at fracture intersections (Olofsson, 1994; Pruess, 1998; size; these values are determined empirically.
Zhou et al., 2006). (5) Preferential flow causes more steeply dipping Soil moisture is also a function of pressure head, wp , and is cal-
fractures to carry more water than fractures with a shallower dip, culated with:
which serve as connective pathways (Cesano et al., 2000; Gleeson
et al., 2009; Wang et al., 1999) and can impact seepage from as far Ssat  Sres
Sw ðwp Þ ¼ m þ Sres ð2:4Þ
away as one half to three times the cavity depth (Flint et al., 2001; ð1 þ ðawp Þn Þ
Rademacher et al., 2003; Wang et al., 1999).
Within these observations, there is an underlying theme that in which Ssat is relative saturated water content [] and Sres is the
infiltration and subsequent seepage most commonly occur where relative residual saturation.
a fracture network acting as a flow conduit is in connection with Two-dimensional shallow overland flow is integrated with sub-
an overlying source of water, be it a groundwater reservoir in per- surface flow by solving the kinematic wave approximation. This is
meable soil, a horizon of permeable conductive soil, or a location of then input to the overland flow boundary condition while preserv-
direct recharge (Gargini et al., 2008; Gleeson et al., 2009; Moon and ing continuity conditions of pressure and flux at the land-surface
Jeong, 2011; Olofsson, 1994; Rademacher et al., 2003; Scanlon boundary:
et al., 2005, 2006; Seyfried et al., 2005; Shimojima et al., 1993; dkws ; 0k
Tomonaga et al., 2017; Vincenzi et al., 2009, 2014). The crucial q ¼ K s ðxÞkr ðwp Þrðhs  zÞ ¼  r  ðv kws ; 0kÞ þ qr ðxÞ
pieces governing these occurrences are land-atmosphere interac-
tions (Maxwell, 2010), the land surface (Atchley and Maxwell,
2011; McCulley et al., 2004; Olofsson, 1994; Scanlon et al., 2002; where wS [L] is the surface ponding depth and is assumed to be wp
Wohling et al., 2011), subsurface heterogeneity (Kollet, 2009; [L] at the saturated ground surface (Kollet and Maxwell, 2006), v is
Maxwell, 2010), and preferential flow in soil and fractures depth-averaged surface water velocity vector [LT1], and qr is a
(Maxwell, 2010; Pruess, 1998; Shimojima et al., 1993). The source/sink term [LT1] (e.g. precipitation).
research presented here estimates how features like land cover, This assumes that:
fracture spacing, soil and geology affect the timing and magnitude
of precipitation-induced seepage to unlined tunnels using an inte- Sf ;i ¼ So;i ð2:6Þ
grated hydrologic model. in which So;i is the bed slope (gravity forcing), and is equal to Sf ;i , the
friction slope, and so Manning’s equation can be used to approxi-
mate flow with a depth-discharge relationship:
2. Conceptual models and methodology
1 2
Sf ;2i w3s
ParFlow, the Common Land Model (CLM), and FRACK were used v¼ ð2:7Þ
for modeling this system in an integrated manner. The governing
equations used within each model are listed in the following sec- in which g [LT1/3] is Manning’s coefficient (Kollet and Maxwell,
tions. As the use of integrated hydrologic models (such as ParFlow) 2006).
64 M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75

2.2. Common land model (CLM) Probability distribution of the strike and dip of each fracture is
calculated using a fisher distribution as follows:
ParFlow is coupled with the Common Land Model (CLM) (Dai
j sinð/Þej cos ðf Þ
et al., 2003; Kollet and Maxwell, 2008; Maxwell and Miller, f ð/Þ ¼ ð2:8Þ
2005), a land surface model that requires inputs including ej  ej
land-surface characteristics, a multilayer snowpack model with in which / [] is deviation from mean, and j is the dispersion
compaction, vegetation properties, atmospheric forcing, and factor. A smaller value of j implies a wider distribution around
geographic coordinates. CLM is driven by observed meteorology the mean value.
(precipitation, temperature, solar radiation, wind, and humidity) Length is determined with:
and bypasses the need for simplifying assumptions at the upper
boundary of the model by simulating precipitation, evapotranspi- ða  1Þlm
f ðl; lm ; aÞ ¼ a ð2:9Þ
ration, and root flux and passing these fluxes back to ParFlow l
(Maxwell and Miller, 2005). At each time step, mass and energy
in which l P lm , the minimum fracture length, and a is the power
balance error are calculated to ensure mass and energy conserva-
law exponent. When a is between one and three, both large and
tion. A description of the governing equations is provided in
small fractures contribute to the network connectivity.
Kollet and Maxwell (2008).
Hydraulic conductivity of fractures is then solved with:

2.3. Frack qgb2

K¼ ð2:10Þ
Rock fractures are generated using FRACK (Reeves et al., 2008),
software that maps discrete fractures to a regularly spaced finite- in which q is fluid density [ML3], g is gravity, b is hydraulic aper-
difference grid. Using a grid enables the solutions of matrix and ture (lognormal distribution), and l is dynamic viscosity
fracture flow when input to ParFlow by assigning contrasting per- [ML1 T1].
meability values between grid cells containing fractures and those
without. Random fractures are generated in FRACK based on user- 2.4. Model domain and setup
selected estimates of fracture density, height to length ratio, and
probability distributions of strike and dip, length, and aperture. As the conceptual model being explored for this research is hypo-
Anisotropic hydraulic conductivity is then calculated in each grid thetical and not site-specific, the parameter values used for model-
cell according to the degree of fracture occupation. A brief descrip- ing were selected based upon the literature. Their use in the model is
tion of the governing equations for the generation of a fracture net- discussed in the following sections. Each simulation varied one
work is provided (Botros et al., 2008). parameter at a time from the base case, defined as thin, barren,

Fig. 1. Two-dimensional schematic of the domains for simulations that were run for which the parameters are discussed in detail. (a) Base case, (b) different soil type, (c)
thicker overburden, (d) vegetated, (e) different bedrock, (f) higher fracture spacing, (g) deeper tunnel. Not to scale.
M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75 65

highly conductive soils overlying a densely fractured crystalline et al., 2008; Rademacher et al., 2003; Vincenzi et al., 2009). Forcing
bedrock with a domain size of 40 m by 40 m by 50 m and a tunnel data including shortwave and long wave radiation, temperature,
at 10 m depth. Varying one parameter at a time from the base case pressure, wind speed and direction, precipitation rate, and humid-
simulation enables separation of each parameter’s control on seep- ity were obtained from the North American Land Data Assimilation
age. A schematic of the various cases simulated is shown in Fig. 1. System (NLDAS) dataset for Denver, CO, a continental semiarid cli-
Modeling inputs for each simulation is shown on Table 1. mate, and Portland, OR, a Mediterranean climate. Hourly meteoro-
The lateral domain extent was increased to 100 m in the x and y logical forcing was used to drive the CLM and provide accurate
directions for the simulation with a deeper tunnel because the representation of diurnal cycles and intense precipitation events.
quantity of water capable of reaching the tunnel is dependent on This forcing allowed investigation of the effects of non-linear
tunnel depth and fracture dip. As has been shown by Flint et al. response on magnitude of seepage shown by Maxwell (2010),
(2001), Rademacher et al. (2003), and Wang et al. (1999) precipita- and determination of the control exhibited by residual soil mois-
tion as far away laterally as three times the tunnel depth can cause ture that affects the timing and magnitude of seepage. Using an
seepage. As the main fracture orientation for this research is spec- hourly time series increases simulation times, but maintains tem-
ified as steeply dipping, the domain extends outward up to two poral resolution. This enables comparison with response times
times the depth to bedrock to ensure boundary effects are isolated observed for varying magnitudes of precipitation by Dobson et al.
from tunnel seepage estimates. A fine spatial resolution of 0.5 m (2012) and Shimojima et al. (1993).
and 1 m were used to maintain computational efficiencies, yet still
capturing and representing behavior of heterogeneous subsurface 2.6. Overburden
flow. Slopes at the top of the domain are varied between 0 and 2
degrees to allow for drainage of ponded water. Soil hydraulic conductivities and van Genuchten parameters of
these soils for model inputs are taken from the values experimen-
2.5. Climatic forcing tally determined by Schaap and Leij (1998). The dependency on
geologic and climatic processes for the formation of soils also
Many of the observed inflows to tunnels through fractured rock induces spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and soil mois-
occur in climates or geographic locations where a deep vadose ture that changes with scale (Green et al., 2009; Seyfried, 1998). At
zone exists in rock considered relatively impermeable and of good some scale, spatial data for soil moisture is random and may be
rock quality designation (RQD). These climates have been docu- portrayed with mean and variance (Seyfried, 1998). Green et al.
mented as semiarid (Pruess, 1998), and Mediterranean (Gargini (2009) provide evidence that below 5 km scales, variability is sta-

Table 1
Modeling input parameters.

Parameter Base case Sandy loam 15 m sand Vegetated Sandstone/ 4 m fracture 25 m tunnel Portland
basalt spacing
Domain size (# cells) 640,000 640,000 640,000 640,000 640,000 640,000 500,000 640,000
Soil properties
Porosity 0.337 0.387 0.337 0.337 0.337 0.337 0.337 0.337
Theta r 0.058 0.049 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058
% Sand 92.7 63.4 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7
% Clay 2.9 11.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Ksat (m/h) 0.426 0.0224 0.426 0.426 0.426 0.426 0.426 0.426
alpha (m-1) 4.79 2.63 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79
n () 3.47 2 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47
lambda x = lamda y (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
lamda z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
sigma 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Vegetative cover
IGBP standards 16 16 16 7 16 16 16 16
Rock properties
Porosity 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.11 0.001 0.001 0.001
Specific storage (m-1) 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.049 0.058 0.058 0.058
Ksat (m/h) 9.00E-09 9.00E-09 9.00E-09 9.00E-09 1.08E-05 9.00E-09 9.00E-09 9.00E-09
alpha (m-1) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
n () 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
lamda x = lamda y (m) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
lamda z (m) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
sigma 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Primary/secondary fractures
Occurrence probability 0.66/0.34 0.66/0.34 0.66/0.34 0.66/0.34 0.66/0.34 0.66/0.34 0.66/0.34 0.66/0.34
Minimum fracture length (m) 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2
Maximum fracture length (m) 10,000/ 10,000/ 10,000/ 10,000/ 10,000/10,000 10,000/10,000 10,000/ 10,000/
10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
A (Truncated Pareto) 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5
Dip mean (degrees) 120/30 120/30 120/30 120/30 120/30 120/30 120/30 120/30
Dip kappa (fisher distribution) 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40
Strike mean (degrees) 135/135 135/135 135/135 135/135 135/135 135/135 135/135 135/135
Strike kappa (fisher distribution) 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10
Aperture mean (microns) 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Aperture standard deviation 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2
Alpha (van Genuchten) (m-1) 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
n (van Genuchten) () 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
66 M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75

tistically stationary and that at hillslope scales (<200 m) infiltra- respectively, for thin soils overlying fractured rock, and a potential
tion may be higher than expected over larger scales. Seyfried and reservoir in overburden overlying fractured rock. Soil properties are
Wilcox (1995) claim that this spatial variability at small scales included in Table 1.
can be represented with stochastic methods. For these reasons,
the Turning Bands approach (Tompson et al., 1989) is used to
simulate hydraulic conductivity fields. This approach is common 2.7. Vegetation
for stochastic hydrogeology (Rubin, 2003) and represents the spa-
tial variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity as a continuous Vegetation was input according to percent cover and type.
stationary Gaussian random field in which: Percent cover was shown by Seyfried and Wilcox (1995) to be at
a maximum of 50 when soils were greater than 1.5 m thick. When
ln K s ðxÞ ¼ F þ f ðxÞ ð2:15Þ soils are thinner than that, vegetative cover is reduced and
approaches zero. The International Geosphere-Biosphere Program
where flnK s ðxÞg ¼ F, ff ðxÞg ¼ 0, ff ðxÞ2 g ¼ r2F ¼ r2lnK , and
(IGBP) standards are used within CLM. Barren land (IGBP #16) is
K g ¼ expðFÞ. Here (x) implies the mean of x, Kg is the mean hydraulic
run for all but one of the simulations, as recharge was seen to
conductivity, and r2 is its variance. A correlation structure, which
amount to as much as 50% of precipitation (Seyfried and Wilcox,
affects the degree of continuity in hydraulic conductivity, must also
1995). Shrubland (IGBP #7) was used in a different run to investi-
be specified. The correlation structure is given by:
gate the effect of transitioning from barren soils to more vegetated
n soils.
Reff ðnÞ ¼ r2F exp  ð2:16Þ

where n [L] is the distance separating two hydraulic conductivity 2.8. Bedrock
values, k is the correlation length [L]. The values used for modeling
are those suggested by Rubin (2003) for alluvial soil where As seepage to unlined tunnels has been shown to occur in frac-
kx ¼ ky ¼ 15 m, kz ¼ 2 m (Maxwell, 2010). Rubin (2003) suggests tured igneous, fractured metamorphic, and fractured sedimentary
using r2F ¼ 0:81, but for these simulations variance is increased to rocks, bedrock was specified accordingly. The values for hydraulic
1 to account for the lack of topography. Numerical turning bands conductivity used were within the range for those listed in
parameters were specified with the number of lines equal to 360 Domenico and Schwarz (1990) for unfractured igneous and meta-
used with the grid spacing of 0.5 m. Normalized frequency incre- morphic rock, and low permeability porous rock. Porosity values
ment of 0.2 was used with a Kmax of 100. The principal direction were taken from Heath (1983) for granite (corresponding to
of heterogeneity follows the slope of the land surface. These values igneous or metamorphic rock), and sandstone and basalt (for low
were also used in the application of turning bands to bedrock. Soil permeability porous rock). Turning bands was again used to
thicknesses of 2 m and 15 m were applied in the model to account, simulate heterogeneity in bedrock, the values for variance and

Fig. 2. Hydraulic conductivity realization for base case simulation.

M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75 67

correlation length are the same as those used by Maxwell (2010), similar to those used by Birkholzer et al. (2004), Finsterle et al.
and the other variables are the same as those specified above. (2003), and Kitterod et al. (2000). An example realization of
hydraulic conductivity is included as Fig. 2.

2.9. Fracture generation

2.10. Tunnel
Modeling fractured rock is often done in a volume averaging
The tunnel dimensions were specified with a 6 m  6 m cross-
fashion in an attempt to homogenize significantly heterogeneous
sectional area spanning the length of the domain. For consistency
matrix and fracture permeabilities (Pruess, 1998; Pruess et al.,
with the circular or parabolic shape that tunnels are usually con-
1999). This can also average infiltration rates applied at the upper
structed with, porosity was specified as 0.785. The one-meter sur-
boundary and underestimate wetting front arrival time (Pruess
rounding the tunnel in all directions had a permeability reduction
et al., 1999). The most accurate techniques for modeling fracture
that reduced the value to 65% of initial. This was to be consistent
networks are with Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models,
with results found by Fernandez and Moon (2010a,b) for perme-
Stochastic Continuum (SC) models, and a combination of the two
ability reduction due to a change in stress after boring in stiff rock.
(Liu and Bodvarsson, 2001; Ohman and Niemi, 2003; Huang
Two different tunnel depths were investigated in modeling, one at
et al., 2011).
10 m and the other at 25 m.
Here a stochastic continuum approach was taken, similar to
that by Botros et al. (2008), Maxwell (2010), and Reeves et al.
(2008) in which discrete fracture networks are generated and 2.11. Simulations
mapped to a finite difference grid. This creates a saturated hydrau-
lic conductivity field that is heterogeneous and anisotropic, in All simulations were run on the Colorado School of Mines
which the fracture network is represented as a porous medium supercomputer Ra. Each of the simulations was distributed across
with hydraulic conductivity and other physical properties deter- 32 or 64 processors. Depending on the computational difficulty of
mined by random functions that are variable in space (Parashar the simulations, solve times varied between two and seven days.
and Reeves, 2008). Turning bands was used for the mean hydraulic
conductivity of the rock mass and also applied to the fracture net- 3. Results
work, to represent the different properties of fractures such as
asperity contacts, variable aperture, and roughness of fracture The total volumetric seepage per meter into tunnels for all
walls (Pruess et al., 1999). Again, in all but one of the simulations seven simulations run with semiarid forcing is shown below on
a fracture spacing of 0.8 m was specified, the other had a spacing of Fig. 3 and the volumetric seepage per hour for those same simula-
4 m to see how this affected seepage. These values were chosen to tions is shown on Fig. 4. Volumetric seepage per hour for the
be consistent with engineering classifications of fracture spacing. Mediterranean simulations is not shown due to difficulty solving.
The parameters for fractures in the stochastic continuum model Note that the noise on all subsequent plots is also due to difficulty
are varied according to those used by Maxwell (2010) and are very solving. Lag time to seepage can be clearly seen on the plots below,

Total Seepage into Tunnel in Response to Precipitation

8000 0

Precipitation 5

Base Case
4 m Fracture Density
Low Permeability Porous
Total Seepage (L/m)

Precipitation (mm)

15 m Sand
25 m Tunnel Depth
4000 Sandy Loam 15




0 30
1-Oct 31-Dec 31-Mar 30-Jun 29-Sep 29-Dec 30-Mar 29-Jun 28-Sep

Fig. 3. Precipitation and total seepage into tunnel for the different runs forced with a semiarid climate.
68 M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75

Seepage into Tunnel per Hour per Meter in Response to Precipitation

10 0

Base Case
4 m Fracture Density
1 10
Low Permeability Porous

Precipitation (mm)
Seepage (L/hr/m)

15 m Sand
25 m Tunnel Depth 15
Sandy Loam

0.1 20


0.01 30
1-Oct 31-Dec 31-Mar 30-Jun 29-Sep 29-Dec 30-Mar 29-Jun 28-Sep

Fig. 4. Volumetric seepage into tunnel per hour per meter for simulations using semiarid forcing. Note this is a semi-log plot.

Seepage into Tunnels Beneath Sand and Sandy Loam

1.2 12

Base Case (Sand)

1 10
Sandy Loam
Seepage Into Tunnel (L/hr/m)

0.8 8
Precipitation (mm)

0.6 6

0.4 4

0.2 2

0 0
1-Dec 30-Jan 31-Mar 30-May

Fig. 5. Seepage into tunnels beneath sand and sandy loam.

particularly where measurable seepage begins for each curve on conductive soils overlying densely fractured bedrock. This is then
Fig. 4. The difference in lag times between models is useful for gen- closely followed by the vegetated case. Interestingly, the next arri-
eral comparison and a quantitative analysis. The lack of spin up for val is at the deeper tunnel, exhibiting a lag time slightly shorter
the soil moisture, and the domain being mostly dry at the outset, is than a tunnel bored through lower fracture density. Seepage is
evident in that the time to lag is exaggerated. The first arrival, as next observed in the tunnel bored through a more porous and
predicted, occurs in the ‘base case’ tunnel with barren, thin, highly permeable medium. Changing from sand to sandy loam causes a
M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75 69

Percent of Bedrock Storage Within Tunnel for 2 m Sand and 15 m Sand

25 30

Percent of Bedrock Storage Within Tunnel (%)

2m Sand
15 m Sand 20

Precipitation (mm)
15 Precipitation




0 0
1-Oct 9-Jan 18-Apr 27-Jul 4-Nov 12-Feb 23-May 31-Aug

Fig. 6. Percent of total bedrock storage within tunnel with varying overburden depths.

Seepage into Tunnels Beneath Barren and Vegetated Soil

1.4 18

Precipitation 12

Precipitation (mm)
Seepage (L/hr/m)

0.8 10

0.6 8



0 0
6-Mar 26-Mar 15-Apr 5-May 25-May 14-Jun 4-Jul 24-Jul 13-Aug

Fig. 7. Seepage into tunnels beneath barren and vegetated soil.

significant increase in wetting front arrival time. The last appear- The Mediterranean simulations did not run to completion due
ance of tunnel moisture occurs where there is a much thicker to a great difference in moisture input to the domain and are dis-
overburden. cussed, but not included as figures. Seepage volumes observed dur-
Figs. 3 and 4 also provide insight into the magnitude of seepage ing the initial part of the simulations were an order of magnitude
and behavior that occurs between precipitation events. The last greater than those seen in the semi-arid runs.
two months, after the largest precipitation event, were excluded
from the plot for the base case and deeper tunnel because the no
flow boundary condition at the base of the domain caused the tun- 4. Discussion
nel to fill from beneath and distorted the results. Even without this
data, however, some clear distinctions can be seen between simu- Magnitude of precipitation events clearly exerts control on the
lations. Sustained seepage and peak seepage are two serious con- timing and magnitude of seepage to tunnels in a nonlinear fashion.
cerns here and the differences between these are discussed in There is a complex response exhibited that is controlled by climate,
more detail over the next few sections. temporally variable precipitation, and the subsequent wetting
70 M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75

Seepage into Tunnel in Response to Precipitation

1.4 18

1.2 Igneous/Metamorphic

Low Permeability Porous 14


Precipitation (mm)
Seepage (L/hr/m)

0.8 10

0.6 8



0 0
5-Feb 15-May 23-Aug 1-Dec 11-Mar 19-Jun

Fig. 8. Seepage into tunnels bored through igneous/metamorphic and low-permeability porous rock.

Seepage into Tunnels in Response to Precipitation

1.4 18

0.8 m Fracture Density 16

4 m Fracture Density

Precipitation (mm)
Seepage (L/hr/m)

0.8 10

0.6 8



0 0
16-Mar 15-May 14-Jul 12-Sep 11-Nov 10-Jan 11-Mar 10-May

Fig. 9. Seepage into tunnels bored through different fracture spacing.

front conditions. A clear seasonality is exhibited in a semiarid cli- There also appears to be a precipitation threshold, beneath
mate over this cycle, in which the massive spring and summer pre- which background seepage does not change and above which lag
cipitation events are causing peak seepage into the tunnel. These time to seepage decreases in a power-law fashion. The magnitude
large precipitation events are surrounded by other moderate of seepage is also dependent upon the precipitation threshold,
events that appear to be increasing the soil moisture content, beneath which background seepage stays relatively constant and
increasing the hydraulic conductivity of soils and fractures as they above which seepage increases with precipitation in a non-linear
approach saturated conditions, and thus reducing the lag time to fashion.
seepage. This behavior is also observed in a Mediterranean climate Soil type exerts significant control on seepage. Lag time for a
during the fall and winter months over which the simulations ran. sandy loam is significantly higher than for sand while the volume
These findings are consistent with those observed by Dobson et al. of seepage is much smaller. Later times in Fig. 3 show the first sig-
(2012), Gleeson et al. (2009), Rademacher et al. (2003), and nificant arrival of seepage through the sandy loam. This is likely
Shimojima et al. (1993) and modeled Maxwell (2010), above- due to the lack of moisture in the sandy loam significantly reducing
average precipitation contributes exponentially more to recharge the hydraulic conductivity for the first year of simulation. After this
than small amounts of precipitation. first year, the soil becomes wet enough to permit the flow of water
M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75 71

at a higher rate. Coarse-grained soils are providing more recharge which the amount of transpiration is actually greater for the barren
than finer grained soils. Not only does the fine-grained content of domain than for that vegetated with shrubs. This implies that the
soil decrease the rate of seepage, it also affects the volume. The reduction in seepage magnitude is most likely due to interception.
findings explain those observed by McCulley et al. (2004), Taking a closer look at the magnitude of precipitation and the
Olofsson (1994), Scanlon et al. (2002), and Wohling et al. (2011) corresponding seepage for the vegetated case a precipitation
and are shown on Fig. 5. They are in part due to the reduction of threshold of approximately 10 mm/48 h is observed below which
hydraulic conductivity keeping water near the surface and avail- no increase in seepage is observed. As expected, the magnitude
able for evapotranspiration, resulting in situations where antece- of peak seepage increases with increasing precipitation and peaks
dent conditions increase the time to seepage arrival for a larger at approximately 1.225 L/h/m seven days after the 47 mm event.
precipitation event than a smaller event similar to the findings of Tunneling through fractured igneous or metamorphic rock as
Atchley and Maxwell (2011). opposed to fractured sandstone or basalt significantly increases
Soil thickness also exerts control over the timing of seepage but the magnitude of seepage (Fig. 8). It appears that seepage in the
less on the magnitude as shown on Fig. 3. This can be seen by com- low permeability porous simulation is occurring in a more volume
paring the total storage in soil and the percent of that which arrives averaged fashion and this is probably due to exchange of water
in bedrock that is contained within the tunnel (Fig. 6). Given the between fractures and matrix of higher conductivity than in the
response seen after the first year of simulation, it is expected that igneous/metamorphic simulation. Both simulations show a similar
the percent of bedrock storage within the tunnel for both soil types background seepage of approximately 0.1 L/h/m, but the base case
would become similar. This is due to a reservoir developing in the exhibits much more extreme variations in seepage in response to
15 m of sand. The lag to seepage in this scenario is significantly precipitation. This confirms the observations made by Trautz and
greater, the first appearance of seepage to the tunnel beneath Wang (2002) and Wang et al. (1999) that lower permeability,
15 m of overburden being approximately 1 year after that with porosity, and capillarity of matrix all increase seepage to tunnels.
2 m of overburden. This is most likely due to the domain being It can be seen that storage in the tunnel for the base case simula-
dry when simulations start. tion amounts to 22% of net infiltration, while the low permeability
The impact of vegetation on seepage is not nearly as pronounced porous simulation has only 5%.
as expected. When changing from barren soils to shrubs, seepage is It is clear that seepage into a tunnel bored through low perme-
seen to decrease slightly as seen on Fig. 7. This is most likely due to ability porous rock takes longer to arrive for all precipitation
rapid drainage of sands and similar assigned properties such as root- events and the magnitude is much less compared to the base case.
ing depth in the land-surface model CLM. This decrease is confirms The precipitation threshold for increased seepage is also larger in
that reported by Sandvig and Phillips (2006), Scanlon et al. (2006), this simulation and no events below 20 mm/48 h are seen to have
and Seyfried et al. (2005) but is not nearly as apparent. The change any significant impact. Trends between precipitation and seepage
in storage of bedrock (net infiltration) however, is approximately are not present. A fast arrival or seepage increase does not neces-
50% of precipitation for the barren simulation and is consistent with sarily occur with a larger precipitation event.
that reported by Sandvig and Phillips (2006). This is also consistent The fracture density is seen to have almost a counter-intuitive
with that reported by Atchley and Maxwell (2011) in which soil result in which the more densely fractured rock results in less
moisture after precipitation is initially controlled by vertical seepage than the simulation with a less dense fracture network
hydraulic conductivity and until later times, during drying periods, (Fig. 9). This is an interesting finding and can be explained by the
experiences little influence from vegetation. ability of these fractures to transmit water. The more densely frac-
The impact of vegetation can also be investigated through the tured network creates a number of possible flow paths around the
amount of water transpired. Unexpected behavior is observed in tunnel through which the diversion of water can occur. However,

Percent of Subsurface Storage Within Tunnel

50 25

0.8 m Fracture Density
Subsurface Storage Within Tunnel (%)

40 4 m Fracture Density 20

35 Precipitation
Precipitation (mm)

30 15


20 10


10 5

0 0
5-Feb 15-May 23-Aug 1-Dec 11-Mar 19-Jun

Fig. 10. Percent of subsurface storage within tunnel bored through different fracture spacing.
72 M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75

Fig. 11. ParFlow domain slicing that shows saturation after a large precipitation event for 0.8 m and 4 m fracture spacing.

Seepage into Tunnels in Response to Precipitation

1.4 18


10 m Tunnel Depth
25 m Tunnel Depth 12

Precipitation (mm)
Seepage (L/hr.m)

0.8 10

0.6 8



0 0
5-Feb 26-Mar 15-May 4-Jul 23-Aug 12-Oct 1-Dec 20-Jan 11-Mar 30-Apr
Date & Time

Fig. 12. Seepage into tunnels bored at different depths.

in the less densely fractured network, when a large fracture hap- sonal cycle in seepage for both simulations with the higher density
pens to intersect the surface and the tunnel there is less chance network showing more extreme highs and lows, while the lower
that this will be redirected by other fractures. This finding is con- density is near the same order of magnitude.
sistent with Zhou et al. (2006) who observed a positive correlation Fig. 10 illustrates the effects of fracture density on the volume of
between fracture spacing and infiltration, but a lack of correlation seepage. It shows almost 45% of net infiltration to be stored in the
between normalized seepage and fracture spacing. It is also inter- tunnel for the 4 m fracture density. This is quite substantial, given
esting that the highly fractured network causes more peak seepage that the tunnel width is only 15% of the domain width, and its vol-
with slightly slower response to precipitation than the less dense ume even less. This high storage percentage is likely a result of lat-
network. This peak seepage can be attributed to a fast arrival of eral flow impacting seepage, as observed by Flint et al. (2001),
the wetting front through the well-connected network, which dis- Rademacher et al. (2003), and Wang et al. (1999). The more highly
sipates shortly after its appearance. There also appears to be a sea- fractured network has approximately half the storage, which again
M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75 73

Magnitude of Precipitation and Lag to Seepage


Lag to Seepage Arrival (days)


Base Case
Sandy Loam
Low Permeability Porous
4 m Fracture Spacing
25 m Deep Tunnel
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Precipitation (mm/48hrs)

Fig. 13. Magnitude of precipitation and lag to seepage arrival for all cases except the 15 m overburden. Note the semi-log plot.

Magnitude of Precipitation and Associated Seepage


Magnitude of Peak Seepage (L/3hrs)



0.4 Base Case

Low Permeability Porous
4 m Fracture Spacing
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Precipitation (mm/48hrs)

Fig. 14. Magnitude of precipitation and associated seepage for the four of seven simulations in which there was an observable increase.

suggests that the fractures are more connected and able to divert Again the larger precipitation events are arriving at the tunnel
water from the tunnel. These observations highlight the need for much faster, but there is little correlation between precipitation
appropriate site exploration and characterization to identify large and seepage volumes.
extensional fractures, which can have profound effects on tunnel The magnitude of seepage into tunnels for the two different
seepage. depths modeled is shown on Fig. 12 and follows a different result
Again, a precipitation threshold exists at approximately than that expected. The deeper tunnel is actually receiving less
10 mm/48 h, beneath which increased seepage is not seen. It is inter- seepage than a shallower tunnel. This effect is most likely because
esting to note that this seepage is occurring at a much more constant the higher fracture density is diverting more water than would be
rate than any of the other simulations. This is because the overbur- expected for one large extensional feature that is more likely to be
den is becoming more saturated in response to these precipitation encountered with increasing depth and is different than predicted
events because the matrix conductivity is so low and there are fewer by Cesano et al. (2000). The timing of this seepage is predictable in
high conductivity fractures to flow through. Those fractures, which that the lag time is greater for a deeper tunnel. Interestingly, this is
are connected to the reservoir forming in the overburden and net- the only simulation in which seepage to the tunnel returns to zero.
work, are also becoming saturated and are therefore permitting flow A precipitation threshold is once again present, but for this
of water at a rate more similar to the saturated hydraulic conductiv- simulation it appears to be 20 mm/48 h. This could be an explana-
ity. Fig. 11 illustrates this observation. tion for the seepage volume returning to zero during the winter
74 M.G. Sweetenham et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 65 (2017) 62–75

Table 2
Modeling results.

Results summary
Parameter varied: from – to Lag Reason Peak Reason
timing magnitude
Sand – sandy loam * Reduced K slows wetting front advancement + Reduced K keeps water available at surface for
2 m – 15 m soil * Thicker overburden for wetting front to move through + More soil storage
Barren – vegetated * Evapotranspiration reduces soil saturation during dry + Interception of vegetation
down and thus reduces K
Igneous/metamorphic – * Higher conductivity of bedrock reduces effect of fractures + Higher storage and conductivity of bedrock
0.8 m – 4 m fracture spacing + Fractures remain saturated and therefore have higher K + Reservoir forms in overburden which keeps
seepage more constant
10 m – 25 m tunnel depth in * Greater distance to travel + Increased diversion away from tunnel with
bedrock depth

months. Again, higher magnitude events are arriving faster than ber of simulations. Above this precipitation threshold, seepage
the smaller ones. The magnitude of the event appears to increase arrival times tend to scale exponentially with event size. Seepage
the amount of seepage: this behavior is clear in Fig. 11. This is pos- magnitude is found to be highly dependent on the hydrogeologic
sibly due to wetting of the soil and fractures by large early events, geologic setting. Table 2 shows that while some scenarios had a
with subsequent events associated with shorter lag time with lar- steady rate of seepage that is less influenced by temporally vari-
ger seepage magnitude due to the increased hydraulic able precipitation, others show fluctuations between storms. The
conductivity. difference between this steady rate seepage and extreme fluctua-
The total precipitation over two days and lag to seepage arrival tion is very important to consider in tunnel design.
for each simulation is plotted on Fig. 13. On this plot, it is evident This study provides insight for those tunneling through frac-
that the fastest appearance of seepage occurs in the case with 4 m tured rock as to the conditions under which seepage is most likely
fracture spacing due to the saturation of fractures staying relatively to occur and the range of volumetric extremes that can be
high and the formation of a reservoir. The base case comes next expected. It also highlights the need to characterize the regional
and is closely followed by the vegetated simulation. The 25 m deep geology in an appropriate manner if one is to obtain reliable esti-
tunnel and low permeability porous rock have larger and similar mates when conducting a preliminary investigation. The potential
lag times to seepage, but the sandy loam is significantly higher. for using tunnels for water resources in these environments,
None of the precipitation events is seen to arrive in less that although not explicitly stated, is also a possible outcome.
12 h: some take longer than ten days to be observed. Coupled, fully integrated hydrologic models are powerful tools
Fig. 14 shows the precipitation and associated peak seepage for that can be used in conjunction with available data to estimate
the four simulations in which it could be separated. The low per- hydrologic response. Future work should focus on seepage
meability porous simulation has significantly lower peak seepage responses to precipitation in other climates, with other combina-
than the 4 m fracture spacing. The two highest values for peak tions of the parameters varied for this research, in tunnels bored
seepage are observed in the base case and vegetated simulations. beneath the water table through fractured media, and using Monte
The effect of each parameter on the timing and magnitude of Carlo simulation on a real site to determine the capability of these
precipitation arrival is shown in Table 2. This table summarizes methods to produce accurate estimates and the associated
common features which are important for tunnel design; mainly uncertainty.
the arrival time of sustained or varying seepage magnitudes. The
importance of sustained versus fluctuating seepage and the timing
of its arrival is dependent on the tunnel purpose.

Funding for this study was provided by the Center for Under-
5. Conclusions ground Construction and Tunneling, Colorado School of Mines,
for which the authors are grateful. The authors are also grateful
This research uses a fully integrated model with heterogeneous, for the anonymous reviewers for their constructive and thoughtful
anisotropic permeability fields forced by real meteorological data comments.
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