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Eyes Open 2 End-of-year Progress Test: Standard

Name Artemiy Class Date

Language focus
1 Underline the correct answer.
0 Paul will / might go on the school trip – but he has to ask his parents first.
1 Karen will travel / is travelling to the US next month. She’s got her plane ticket.
2 Tom and Marta will get / are getting married next year. They want to have a big wedding!
3 Are you thirsty? I ’ll / ’m going to make you a drink.
4 Fifty years from now, people might not / won’t have to work – but nobody knows for sure.
5 When I get home, I ’ll / ’m going to go straight to bed. I’m really tired!

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0 What will your teacher say if you don’t do (not do) your homework?
1 If Ben haveing (have) enough money, he’ll go into town on Saturday.
2 How will Tom feel if he doesn't get (not get) a skateboard for his birthday?
3 I doesn't go (not go) to the cinema tonight if my parents say I can’t.
4 Maria will be (be) very excited if she wins a prize in the swimming competition!
5 If my mum gets a new car, I won't walk (not walk) to school tomorrow!

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the past simple or present perfect.
0 Have you ever seen (you / ever see) the film Watching?
1 Sarah didn't finish (not finish) her Maths homework last night.
2 I haven't played(not play) tennis before. I’m going to have my first lesson tomorrow!
3 Peter ever read (Peter / ever read) this book? It’s great!
4 Ben wen (go) out with his friends last weekend.
5 Did you buy (you / buy) your favourite magazine at the newsagent yesterday?

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

one ​
something ​
too ​
ones ​
enough anything

0 Which pencils are yours? The red ones ?

1 The weather is too warm to go running today.
2 This coat is mine, and the one on the chair is yours.
3 When I opened the box, there wasn’t anthing in it. It was empty!
4 I can’t carry this big bag because I’m not strong enough .
5 Paul had something to eat at lunchtime today, so he’s not hungry now.

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Eyes Open 2 End-of-year Progress Test: Standard

5 Underline the correct answer.
0 If you want to write on your computer, press the letters on the keyboard / memory stick.
1 Jack dropped his smartphone / microchip and broke it.
2 To see the bottom of a web page, you have to scroll down / sign into it.
3 Don’t forget to sign into / turn down your account first of all.
4 You can get paper copies of documents if you have a touchscreen / printer.
5 To open a document, log into / click on the icon.

6 Match the sentence halves.

0 Connor wants to take d a to some really brilliant music.
1 I put my old CDs in cardboard e b for a new laptop.
2 We use glass to make f c home after the summer holidays.
3 My parents are going to pay b d a year out before university.
4 Ben’s brother is going to leave c e boxes and gave them to classmates.
5 Last night I was listening a f things likes jars, and also windows.

7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two more words than you need.

head ​
injured ​
cut ​
ankle ​
slip ​
better ​
burn ​

0 Peter hurt his ankle , so now he can’t move his foot.

1 Jon’s very tall, so he keeps banging his burn on the tops of doorways.
2 It’s easy to better your hand when you pick up hot dishes.
3 Ben sometimes gets injured when he plays football.
4 Try not to slip on the ice – it’s dangerous!
5 Sarah always tries not to cut her finger when she uses a knife.

8 Complete the words. The first letter is there to help you. There is one space for
each other letter in the word.
0 In my free time, I take lessons to learn to p l a y an instrument.
1 Do you ever w a t c h films on your laptop?
2 I was really s u r p r i s e d when my big brother gave me money. He’s never done it before!
3 When I’m b at home with nothing to do, I take the dog for a walk.
4 My sister borrowed my laptop, but didn’t ask me. I was really a n g r y !
5 Ben wants to have a p a r t y for his birthday and invite all his friends.

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Eyes Open 2 End-of-year Progress Test: Standard

Useful language
9 Complete the five conversations. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 Would you like to borrow my smartphone? a How does it work?
b I see! Thanks!
c Yes, that’s it.
1 How do I make a call to Ben? a Tap his name in the list.
b Turn up the volume.
c Sign into your account.
2 What’s your opinion about students taking a year out? a I suppose you’re right.
b Do you think so?
c It’s a great idea!
3 Excuse me, could you answer some questions? a I agree with you.
b Absolutely! That’s fine.
c Thank you very much.
4 My brother’s hurt his leg and can’t play football. a What a shame!
b How amazing!
c Really? Lucky him!
5 What about going to the beach again tomorrow? a Let’s look on the Internet.
b Yes, it’ll be fun.
c Have you ever been there?

10 Listen to five people talking in different situations. Answer the questions.
Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 What did the speaker’s cousin do last week? 3 How did the girl’s friend make her feel?

1 What does the girl need to buy for her dad? 4 Which one is the boy talking about?

2 What is the boy collecting for recycling? 5 How did the girl hurt her leg?



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Eyes Open 2 End-of-year Progress Test: Standard

11 Read this forum on special events of the year.

Isabel I always feel my birthday is a special day in the year, because my parents do their best
to make it wonderful. But this year it was absolutely fantastic! They took me to the
new water park in the city. It was huge! We invited my friends and spent the whole
day there. I was so tired at the end that I slept all the way home in the car!

Richard Lots of good things have happened this year but the best day was the day I passed
my driving test. I had lots of lessons with Dad and then a few with a professional
driving instructor. So I was feeling quite confident but when it came to the actual
test, I was so nervous. I started to feel quite sick but luckily I calmed down when I got
started. I’m saving up now to get my first car. I hope it won’t take me long!

Alice My sister got married in March. She didn’t want a big wedding so it was just family
and a few friends. Her husband only has a small family so most of the people there
were our relatives. It was a really special day. The weather was fantastic, the reception
was great and everyone was dancing and having a really good time. I even got up and
danced, too, which is really unusual!

Luke Stepping off the plane at Sydney Airport and knowing that a great adventure was
about to begin … that was the best bit of my year and the start of my travels. I know
everyone wants to go to Australia during their year out but I’ve got family there so it
made sense to go there first and then decide what to do. I ended up staying there for
most of the year because I got a job on a farm.

Grace I’ve always written, ever since I can remember … poems and short stories, and Mum
has always encouraged me to enter competitions. It’s good practice, and teaches you
how to keep going even when you’re not always successful. So, imagine how great I
felt when I heard that I’d won a national writing competition. The prize was a tablet so
I take that everywhere with me now instead of my old notebooks.

Paul I’m a tennis fan so the greatest day of my year was the day I met Rafael Nadal. We got
tickets for a tennis tournament and we actually watched him play. I was waiting around
afterwards, taking a few photos, and saw him as he came off the tennis court. He was
really friendly and signed my tennis magazine. To me, he’s the greatest player in
the world!

Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? If there isn’t enough information in the text,
write Doesn’t Say (DS).
0 Isabel spent her last birthday just with her family. F
1 Richard has got enough money to buy his first car. F
2 Alice danced with someone from her family at her sister’s wedding. DS
3 Luke decided to go to Australia because everyone goes there. T
4 Grace doesn’t need her notebooks to write in any more. T
5 Paul got a photograph of Nadal at a tennis tournament. DS

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Eyes Open 2 End-of-year Progress Test: Standard

12 You bought tickets for a music concert for you and your friend, but now you can’t find them.
Write an email to apologise to your friend. Use the prompts below to help you.

How did you lose the tickets?

Where did you look for them?
What else can you do?

Write 55–65 words.



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