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The Distance Formula

d= √ ¿ ¿
d = √¿¿

The Midpoint Formula

M= (
x1 + x2 y1 + y2
2 )
M =(average of the x values , average of the y values)
The Distance Formula Ex. Find the distance between (2, 1)
and (-5, 7)
d= √ ¿ ¿
d = √¿¿

Used to find the distance between two points on the

coordinate plane
Ex. Find the distance between (4, -3)
and (2, 9)

The Midpoint Formula Ex. Find the midpoint between (2, 1)

and (-5, 7)
M= ( x +2 x , y +2 y )
1 2 1 2

M =(average of the x values , average of the y values)
The midpoint is the point in the exact middle of a line segment. It
bisects the segment. The midpoint formula is used to find the
midpoint of a segment on a coordinate plane.
Ex. The midpoint of a segment is at
(2, 1) and one of the endpoints is at
(5, -2). Where is the other endpoint?

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