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List of topics:
1. Problem of stagflation and unemployment in India
2. G20 and its impact on Indian Economy particularly on international trade
3. Free trade of India and Britain and its impact
4. BRI vs IMEC problems and challenges
5. Russia - Ukraine war and problem of food insecurity
(17-20 pages)

Aamna Raza
Roll Number: 22BA088
[Professor: Amit Girdharwal]
Intermediate Macroeconomics-I
B.A. (Hons.) Economics, Semester-3, Section-A
Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi
November 2023

ABSTRACT (150-200 words)



Table of Contents
S. No. Topic Pg. No.
1 Introduction 1
2 Methodology 2
3 Background
4 Findings
5 Result
6 Analysis
7 Conclusion
8 Bibliography

Introduction (250-300 words)

This paper focuses on the impact of stagflation and unemployment in India, particularly on
macroeconomic variables such as GDP, interest rate and output growth.

Methodology (100 words)

The research methodology used consisted of both qualitative and quantitative aspects. An
anonymous Google form was rolled out among randomised X participants from varied
backgrounds and their responses were recorded and analysed to draw conclusions for the
Drawbacks: Due to a limited timeframe, the number of participants reached was quite low.
They could mostly be reached online, due to travel constraints.

[BODY] (1500-2000 words)

The current situation in India, as of October 2023, indicates that the country is in recession,
with minimal to very slow output growth.

A summary of the survey responses is given below:


Based on the responses received,

CONCLUSION (200-250 words)

We conclude that the impact of stagflation and unemployment on the Indian economy has led

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